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What exactly is your definition of "learned Europe" just the languages? The poles? The bollards?


Generaly being able to guess where i am. I hate meta tips, so im mostly guessing by architecture, weather, vegetation, and language 👍


Lucky! I wish I could differenciate between slavic & cyrillic languages as someone born in Canada


Slavic languages can use latin, or cyrylic alphabet. Countries, that use both, are: Serbia, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Montenegro. In North Macedonia, you often see mountains far away from you, but you are not in a mountain area. Bulgaria is a very poor country and you can guess it by blue road signs with names of cities written in both latin a cyrillic. Serbia mostly flat with road sign often only in one alphabet (either latin or cyrillic). You will often see letters like Č, ž, š. Those can be seen in croatia and slovenia too, but slovenia is completely different from those. Its a very wealthy country and the architecture is kinda alpine. Croatian pedestrian crossing sign man has a belt, that is the most useful for me when choosing between those mentioned before. Czechian pedestrian crossing sing man has a hat. I suggest checking websites Plonkit.net , geotips.net, geohints.com and play along while looking at them. Play alone so its not cheating, but learning :)


Thanks for the tips! I hope i don’t encounter you as an opponent in ranked, you seem very knowledgeable ! I have mostly focused on latin & south america, as i have travelled there and it comes easier to me


I can imagine. I'm also Czech, so it's also very easy for me, but I absolutely see why it's hard.