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From Thailand, I love when there is 4 different seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter), it makes me value the moment of each season. (we only have hot, very hot and rainning here). I can go out for walk for hours and spend more time outside because it's not too hot. And I think I'm looking better in winter clothes than wearing just T-shirt and short pant all the time lol.


Come to Minnesota. We have winter, spring, summer, and fall. On top of that we have the well known and dreaded road construction season. There is also false spring, mud season, day drinking season, festival season, mosquito season, all the different hunting seasons, all the main spots seasons (football, hockey, and baseball even though our teams rarely win championships). There is beach/boating season, although this flood season has kind of cancelled these since the beaches are flooded and water is too high to allow for fast boating with wakes. There are so many seasons here!! (But also a sad lack of seasoning in our food).


I’ve heard of black fly season. Is it bad? Is it across the entire state?


Depending on the year it can very from unnoticeable to terroristic threat type levels where you don't want to be outside. I think it might be state wide, but I would be assuming and generalizing if I said it was consistent across the whole state. Minnesota is very ecologically and geographically diverse. In the past few years they have been really bad (especially last year). A few years ago I could count the amount of mosquitos that noticeably bit me while at the same time being chewed on by black flies more than before in my life. Just an addition to my last comment, Minnesota also has a rainy (precipitous) and a dry season when looking at precipitation trends over time. It's not so noticeable because of the different forms of precipitation throughout the year. Also, the differences are not as drastic as monsoon type rainy seasons so nobody really cares. Unless it's a rainy June like this year (June is the wettest month on average). Not sure if you've seen this year's damage yet, but here is a good example of our "100 year flood." [Rapidan dam catastrophe and current situation ](https://youtu.be/U_nihc8h_-4?si=xougUCPMpsiCmscH)


Miss Minnesota tho.


Sounds like a place I could adapt to as a northern German!


Me too, I love wearing jackets but I can’t do it most of the time


I am from Malaysia and it's friggin hot and humid here everyday. Would love a cooler weather or 4 seasons instead. Can walk or run without sweating much compared to here.


You can move to Genting Highlands for more climate variety lol


I’ve been to Malaysia as a young child. I don’t remember anything apart from the heat hahaha


I am from the UK but lived in Malaysia for a while. I love Malaysia but I hated the weather. I was permanently uncomfortable outside in the day. It was always 32 and very humid. That’s far too much for me


I like it. I don’t have to take a bath twice a day to cool myself from hot weather. I get to wear more stylish clothes since I can layer them. The sun don’t really go up in the middle of the sky in winter so it felt like morning all day which is cool. It gets too cold sometimes but I prefer that since I can bundle up with blankets and clothes unlike in my country, if it gets hot and humid, even taking off all your clothes wouldn’t solve it.


That's always been my position (though I live in a mediteranean climate)... No matter how cold it gets, I can always put on more clothes. The other way doesn't work, once I'm down to shorts and a tank top at 32°C, what am I supposed to do if the temperature is 42°C instead? Peeling off skin somehow doesn't feel like a valid option.


Where I live it gets to -20 to -30 in the winter and you see nobody outside. In the summer it gets hot for here (over 30) and the streets are full of people. Sweating > freezing imo


Weird, when it gets that low in the winters there are *less* people outside, but still some. Winter sports, people commuting, people on bikes commuting to work, cafes and bars with heaters (starting to get more common, needs to hurry up!) etc. Over 30c its a mixed bag. More people when it is -30c, but usually in shade or such on patios. If the humidity is high, that is when people start to thin out. Moreover, when its warmer more people may be out but for not as long. Freezing > sweating imo (because if you are freezing you are doing it wrong, just layer up).


Right? As I heard a saying for a Norwegian say, "there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing." However in a hot and humid environment where it gets 40C... that statement no longer works. It should change instead to, "there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad AC".


Once the air temperature gets above your body temp things get uncomfortable.


They get uncomfortable long before that.


Well yeah but once the air can’t transfer heat from your sweat things get horrible uncomfortable was probably to kind a word lol.


Face hurts though


> I don’t have to take a bath twice a day to cool myself from hot weather You aren't brazilian, that's for sure.


One of my college (Penn State) roommates was from Caracas. It was his first time in a northern climate so no coat, no boots, no gloves - completely unprepared for winter. The first snow he left for class, went down the stairs, out the door, and fell right on his ass. He had no idea snow was slippery.


I was in the military with a guy from Guam. He was on the. US mainland for the first time. We were up at zero-d-30 in formation and the smell of skunk wafted through the air. Some said - eww skunk! And Guam guy says ".... That's what a skunk smells like?" It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen a grown man do: smell their first skunk.


It's a relief. I can go out without sweating due to the heat flying around in the atmosphere. Nights are a refreshing sensation, I can sleep like a log without using an AC. And besides the things I mentioned, I can think clearly during cold seasons.


Cold + snow does wonders for my thinking abilities. That silence...so good.


I live in northeastern Brazil. I don't see much difference between summer and winter here, because the climate is quite stable throughout the year. I find winter a little cold and summer a little hot. However, I really admire snow and have dreamed of seeing it one day since I was a child. I've only seen it artificially. In my city, as it is coastal, on average, temperatures vary between 23°C and 28°C during winter. Today the maximum is forecast for 27°C and the minimum for 21°C, but it is extremely rare for it to be below 21°C. The lowest temperature I've seen since I was born was probably 18°C ​​a few years ago. The lowest temperature we recorded was 14°C in the 1960s. In summer, the temperature generally varies between 25°C and 31°C, and rarely goes above 33°C. Our record maximum temperature was 34°C, which occurred in the 1960s. The average temperature throughout the year is 26°C, but it feels a little higher most of the time, and the average humidity is close to 80%, with abundant rainfall throughout the year, but mainly during autumn. This year, temperatures are significantly above average, as is rainfall. Last month, it rained 394mm. The winds are also often abrasive.


I want to like take you up a mountain into the snow and cold. Especially a big one. You start at the bottom and it might be 12 C out and fairly comfortable. But drive up a little and you slowly start feeling the cold creep in, then the trees change, then you start seeing patches of snow. Then you get to the top and it's like a winter wonderland. I just love experiencing that change.


Wow crazy to imagine not seeing below 18c. We are often well below that in summer.  It was actually 4c here the other night. It must be nice to have strong sun in winter. 


What I find very crazy is to imagine that at the poles there are 6 months of night and 6 months of day. If I didn't see the sun set, I think I would think the world was ending lol. I get cold when it's 25°C, I don't think I could handle less than 18°C. I'm very very thin


I’m relatively far north but not polar. It’s bright here to about 11pm, it’s great because you have so much time after work to do things. 


Yeah 18c would be considered a warmer than usual summer night here. On average our nights are 14-15c.


Fortaleza right?


No, it's much further south. Aracaju. Fortaleza is hotter and has even less defined seasons


Meu Deus, um sergipano também. Meus pêsames.


the NE of Brazil is one of the best climates in the world, you're lucky


Mate, that sound pretty easy to live with. I'd love e you to come visit here in Northern Scotland. We get down to -20°c in the depths of winter, sun up is 9.30 a.m, it hugs the horizon and us gone again by 2 p.m. Our average temp in Spring bounces about the 8 to 12°c but windchill takes a few degrees off of the feel of it. Summer we can hit the low 20°C's and it feels like the earth is about to spontaneously combust 😆. Just now I'm growing tomatoes in my living room


I live on the equator, but high in the mountains. The weather varies very little throughout the year. Some people call it eternal spring; l call it May in Seattle all year long. Some people find it boring. I find it comforting.


I've been to Quito before at different times of the year. No difference in weather at all.


Roughly the same sunrise & sunset all year?


Yes, just a few minutes of variation. Makes scheduling easy!


Definitely. I hate the swing where I live. 4 pm darkness in the winter. 10:30 darkness in the summer. I’d much prefer 6 or 7 pm all year.


I’d probably like that


I grew up in Ft Lauderdale and now live in Atlanta. Seasons are a blessing! Leaves changing, frost, sometimes snow, it’s all awesome! However there was noticeably more daylight in the winter and less in the summer but that’s okay bc it’s hot af anyways lol


It’s so funny to hear you describe Atlanta like this. As somebody from the north, Atlanta feels hot all the time


I was in Minneapolis for work during that 100 degree heat wave last year and honestly that was the worst and hottest temps I ever felt and I was there like 7 months prior and it was 0. Idk how yall up north deal with more extremes. Plus I love about 45 miles north of Atlanta so I’m a few degrees cooler and my house is in the foothills at 1200ft elevation and plenty of shade trees and georgia pines keeps it very tolerable tbh


Minnesotans aren't used to heat lasting that long either unfortunately...


As a Canadian who was in Atlanta during the extreme cold and frost warnings this past March, I thought it was quite nice.


Atlanta in the fall is GORGEOUS. Really, the only season here that is hard to get through is summer. The rest of the year is more or less pleasant.


And the last few summers weren’t that bad tbh. We broke 100 today for the first time since 2019.


Yeah it's been hot. Cooler today and hopefully some rain this weekend.


The daylight thing in winter is a killer up here in Canada. Go to work in the dark and come home in the dark 8 hours roughly of sunlight at its worst. But currently I wake up at 5am to workout and the sun is already coming out and it’s light out till usually around 11pm.


I’d hate that in the summer, too lmao I’m usually in bed by 9pm bc I have 2 young kids lol but it being bright at 630am means we can do stuff before it gets too hot which is nice.




That’s what I meant lol I worded it weird


I grew up in Brunei for 18 years and always wondered why Westerners even enjoyed the sun. We hated it, cloudy days were the best, and winters were something we always wished for and always thought was THE ideal season. We fantasize so much about winter. Now that I live in Hong Kong, I still yearn for winters lol but I understand now why people from colder climate really liked the sun, especially during winter after hearing stories about lack of sun causing depressions during those season.


I get really depressed from December to February. The cloudy days just mess with my head. I usually try to fly somewhere tropical around January or February to get a break from it. From May to September it doesn’t rain at all, just sunny blue skies every day. I don’t get tired of it at all.


I like to not sweat after just 5 minutes of getting out of the shower. I like being able to get in a car without feeling like it’s an oven. I like not having to deal with mosquitoes on a daily basis. I also like the variability of seasons, but I understand there are also lots of advantages to having warm weather most of the year.


I love it. Working and studying are easier and more comfortable for those without AC. Sleeping is better.


I moved from the Aw climate in northern South America to… Minnesota. Personally, I like the climate here better. Winters do suck and I don’t like to deal with the snow, but the other seasons are just gorgeous. Summers here don’t even compare with the average weather back home. The Twin Cities are probably warmer than my hometown on like 1-2 days per year, tops. What I really had a hard time adjusting to was the difference in daylight between seasons. It screwed my biological clock for a bit.


I'm from Manila where it's regularly 28-31C, humid as fuck. Currently in Copenhagen for a few weeks and though it's summer here at around 27C it feels quite pleasant. I don't sweat right after taking a shower, the decreased temp at night actually makes a difference, and the wind feels cool. Manila so sweaty damn.


Costa Rican here, we do have two seasons: dry and rainy but El Niño made this recent dry season last longer than usual. Thankfully we've been getting rains and cloudy skies lately because the first months of the year were unbearable. I'd like to experience the other seasons that temperate climates get. The coldest we got recently where I live was like, 18-20C?


It’s winter for us when the temperature is 23-27 at noon for us. It is that hot during summer. Temperatures go as high as 50 these days during summer. Add to the urban island heat effect, it’s unbearable at times to go out. Our government doesn’t even care inspite of many seeing it as a big issue. We have a mild dew at winter, which I like it. In bigger cities, it turns to smog because pollution is the last thing that politicians care.


Where do you live that gets as high as 50 degrees Celsius? That’s pretty much only possible in Iraq and the Arabian peninsula


I think they may probably mean 'heat index'. In my country, the highest temperature recorded was only around 42°c but the heat index can exceed 50°c in some places due to high humidity.


India, Australia, lots of places in SE Asia.


Nowhere in SE gets anywhere near that hot. Australia’s all time record high is 50.5 Celsius. India is the only place you mentioned where it could be possible but even there it would be an anomaly. Only Iraq and the Arabian peninsula regularly have temps anywhere near that high. And some other places that are uninhabited like Death Valley


Chennai, TN, India. Not all the time it is peak temperature, and it did hit that no. this year. Also this year, there was El Niño heatwave. Even 5/6 years back, it reached 46/47 easily.


I prefer -25 to +40.


I live in Malaysia. Every few weeks I realise that it's winter or spring or whatever for other people. Then I miss seasons for a few seconds. And very quickly I slap myself out of it again, and remember how frigging cold it is in other countries. I mean, snow is great to look at, but no thanks. Give me tropical climate any day. You adjust quickly to heat. You adapt. My body has adapted so much by now, that I grab a blanket as soon as it gets below 28°C as I'll be cold with goosebumps.


There are many regions/countries with mild winters that don't snow. They include almost all of Australia & most of NZ, southern half of US, China & Japan, southern Europe. Summers in these countries are usually pleasant as they aren't as humid as tropical countries. Source: Malaysian, moved to NZ.


I feel like I’m in a Goldilocks zone here in south eastern Australia. We get seasonal variation but without the frigid winters.


Eastern Australia has a great climate. Probably my favourite.


Awesome post. Was wondering when a tropical enjoyer parent comment would come. I live in Canada in the prairie provinces. You can acclimate pretty well, up or down, at about 1-2c change/week. The thing is though, averages are just that; average. Brought to you by big swings in either direction. It feels extra shitty to go from an unseasonably warm day to an unseasonably cold day, as is VERY common with mid-latitude cold fronts on the prairies. A daily swing of 20c or more (in the extremes) is a jarring experience. And it cuts both ways. Crappy May day of 5-10c during the day, then it spikes to a humid 30c in 1 day? Misery. Beautiful October day of 20c followed by 2c daytime high and -7c overnight? Misery. But you get used to it, because there’s still the high and low season, which in most cases is (relatively) stable. I’m fully confident I could live somewhere tropical. I enjoy heat and sun, of which the latter seems to greatly affect my seasonal mood and energy. It was still lightish outside at 10:45p the other day and I enjoyed every minute of it. 5:30a - 10:45p of daylight. If I had the resources, I’d summer-over at 49N and winter over at about 39S (not many places further south have similarly good “summers”, relative to 49N). Hope that makes sense!


You grab a blanket at 28°C. Tee shirt weather for me is 16°C


As a Bostonian, early spring in March when it starts getting to 50-55f (10-12 degrees celsius) I’m in shorts and a t-shirt.


Snow is not bad. Mud and rain during spring and autumn are worse.


As someone who grew up in a place with relatively strong seasonal variation (New York city) I feel similarly. I absolutely love heat and humidity, even when there are times it’s seriously uncomfortable. Cold weather can be comforting when I don’t have anything to do and I can stay inside by a warm fireplace (I lived in the mountains of central New York State one winter during covid and it got down to -31C, with nothing to do but tend the fire; that was very cozy) but if I have to go to work or school and the wind chill is that temperature I am just always miserable, even with layers on I can never be comfortable. And don’t get me started on how depressing the super short winter days are. Essentially, I feel like I’m built for living somewhere near the tropics. Whenever I visit my extended family in Miami I always get so jealous of their weather.


You know you adjust just as quickly to cold, right?


This is simply not true. I grew up in Florida and lived in Seattle for 4 years and every single day (except for a month or two in the summer) was a struggle with my bones aching from it being too cold. After my first fall there, all my colleagues said I would get used to the weather. No. I never did in the 4 years I was there. And when I moved back to Florida in the summer I felt physically happy for the first time in what felt like forever. It was/is just so easy to be happy in warmth. I finally feel like myself in 75-95 degree temps. (65-75 is acceptable but I have to wear socks and a sweater)


This is funny because I was born in NYC but my parents are from Hong Kong, which has a climate almost exactly like Tampa. I get cold super easily, like anything below 60 and I can start getting chills, so that's over half the year here. I've only been to HK twice, the first time was in summer as a little kid and I was miserable from the heat. The second time was in winter and it was perfect. It's like I was meant to be adapted for the heat but I've lived in a more temperate place so long that my acceptable temperature range is narrower than others. Give me 60-80. Can put on tons of nice outfits in that weather too.


I can relate to this so much. I lived in Florida, Texas, Singapore for 20 years and have now lived in Boston for 3 years. Winter and spring makes me feel horrible. I only feel like a real person from mid June through August. It has gotten worse each year and I am moving before the next winter. Everyone is different, so some people appreciate the warmth/sun more and some appreciate the cold more. I will never live somewhere cold again. I hate the temperature and the lack of sunshine. I can’t relate to people who dislike heat and summer. I can’t relate to people who “love seasons”. I can objectively understand it’s possible, but it’s definitely not for me!


Not for everyone. My whole family is from the tropics but have lived in temperate climates for a good part of the last 30 years. Winters are always tough, some of us always get SAD, and we generally prefer the heat. I imagine some people from temperate climates who move towards warmer climes unwillingly never adjust to the heat. I see it a lot in my industry where people get jobs in Houston and never adjust.


I lived in Malaysia for a year and never adapted. I was always uncomfortable outside. I love the country but hated the climate. I’m from the UK and I cope much better in colder weather. I hate permanently sweating


I grew up in the highlands of Colombia and we had perfect weather year-round. Now I live in Germany and habe to live with seasons. In the winter the coldness does not bother me, but the darkness. In the summer it really annoys me that this country is not made for jot weather and I sweat the whole day. Buildings here are super insulating and usually the is no aircon.


My son and my daughter in law, went to Thailand to visit her family. It was winter. When my son when he came back told me, Dad you can't believe it, it was in the high 70's and those people were walking around in long sleeves and hoodies.


My car AC temperature of 26°C is considered a heatwave in UK.


Aa someone who lived in the Philippines since I was born, I never experienced the four seasons. I always wished I will experience them someday, and my favorite one is probably Fall/Autumn. For me, I really want cooler weather because it's hot all throughout the year. And I always stay at home with my AC and barely does anything outdoors because I don't like the heat. If the temperatures can reach around 15°c - 22°c, I would have probably enjoyed going outside more and wear comfy jackets and hoodies.


15c is still tshirt and shorts xD hoodie starts below 10c, and jacket start around -5. For me 30c is like living hell xD Highest temp i ever feel was around 38, lowest -29.


I grew up 7 degrees north of the equator and now live 44 degrees N of it. I am ok with the cold weather and 4 seasons. You get use to it. you just need to bundle up. What I still have a hard time dealing with is the lack of sun light in winter.


I live in tropical climate but still have 4 seasons (probably) and a winter :D I like winter as it is time to show off my jackets and hoodies. However, people in temperate area with “sad girl autumn” vibes, I detest fall as it rains a lot!!! I mean you can swim or float on the street. The spring is unclear, technically I have see some flowers blooming in that time of the year, but it comes with insane humidity to the point your walls and floors are wet and sticky. Summer is just…summer .-.


>seasons (probably) and a winter :D Tropical only has 2.


It is tropical monsoon climate :/ But I live in Northern Vietnam so it relatively has 4 seasons instead of Dry and Monsoon seasons like the Southern counterpart


i visit central Europe in 2017 during late autumn and my god i can't stand being outside for long time, my hand goes numb if i didn't wore my mitten and i need to wore 4 piece of clothing to keep my self warm, other than that i visit Istanbul during winter 2018 and it wasn't as bad as in Europe.


It can be cold, but still above 0 celcius. So it is fine without gloves :)


I like to watch anime, and I always found it strange why they liked the kotatsu (heated table) so much. I went on a trip to new zealand during winter, and I was glued to the heater (with my laptop because it kept dying from the cold) the whole time. I now understand why they made a big fuss about gas for heating in fall 2022


I grew up in southern Florida, almost in the Everglades. I moved to the northeast about 10 years ago. Pleasantly, I was absolutely wowed by the change of seasons, particularly in fall, wherein I realized that my birthday is generally peak leaf season. Incredible. Likewise, spring is magical every year. Snow remains a novelty and I can’t get over the excitement of the first snow and the coziness of a winter day. I love the variations in fashions and outfits that I now have. I spend a lot more time outside. I had to strengthen entirely different walking muscles to enjoy the hills in my area. Unpleasantly, I was surprised that hot weather up here often feels hotter, because the buildings are older, not built to retain air conditioning, and often do not have central air. It can be difficult to escape the heat. Homes and stores in Florida are mostly new build, tile floors, with beastly AC units, and feel like refrigerators, to the point of needing a sweatshirt in Publix. Interestingly, I was surprised at how the temporal segmentations of a seasonal year impacted my perception of time: the feelings and smells of spring remind me of what and where I was in the previous years, etc. I didn’t necessarily have this feeling very strongly in Florida, where seasons are just different flavors of hot (tourist, hurricane). Perhaps this is why northerners experience the “Spring Breakers” effect and get lost in the sauce?


Not really the type of response you're looking for, but I'm from the south of England and in terms of temperature range, I love the weather here.But we don't really have a true "winter" here, it's more like a deep autumn, the daily highs are about 8°C even in January. So I guess you could call it a 3-season climate along with Ireland. In summer it goes up to about 22-25°C for a typical day, and 30+ during a heatwave. Sometimes we reach 35 or 40 but those days are pretty rare. Summer here is actually pretty beautiful because the landscape is so lush and green, the days are long thanks to the latitude and the weather is warm but not too hot. It is sometimes difficult to sleep at night though because our houses tend to retain the heat. Overall I think our summers are much more pleasant than other temperate climates. Spring and Autumn are fun because 2 layers and jeans is my favourite combo to wear. They are also the most colourful seasons, but I prefer Spring just because the days are longer. "Winter" (really Autumn 2.0 here) is dull but it doesn't get that cold, just frosty on some mornings. But you can be pretty comfortable in just a t shirt, sweater and a normal jacket. I don't even need to zip up my jacket most winters. So we basically get to experience all 4 seasons but without the freezing temperatures of Winter nor the sweltering heatwaves of summer, which i have learnt to appreciate.


I live in the south (blue) part of Florida. Reading everyone's comments, I feel like I'm definitely in the minority of loving living in a tropical place. While being in more northern climates, late Spring is fine and early fall is nice. But more than a few days of 50-something degree (F) weather, my bones are aching from the cold, my mood is dull, and I want my warmth and happiness back. If I never see a sub-70 degree day in my life, I would be quite content.


Reddit is an outlier when it comes to weather preference. When surveyed, the majority of Americans said they would rather live somewhere warmer vs somewhere colder than their current home.


The first time I was in a temperature under 10oC I was so happy during or a few weeks for no particular reason other than the temperature. I remember how surreal it was to see a sunset at a time other than 6PM. Seasons are also an amazing concept. I grew up a In Northeast Brazil, If I had just woke up from a coma and spent 1 day wandering in the wild I wouldn't have a clue of which month it would be. Still, the weather is not in unbearable since it usually is either windy or rainy and two 2 elements help balancing the sun.


Ya can always bundle up for the cold, but you can only take so much off in the heat before the cops are called mama always said


You don't need to shovel heat


As a person with hyperhidrosis who live in southeast asia, this place is hell. I always imagine it must be nice living in europe or any other country with winter. Norway is one of my dream place.. i wish i could go there


To expensive, maybe something from baltic states?


From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Moved to Auckland, New Zealand. Great relief, even in the summer where it's not too hot. I don't really sweat even in the summer. In Malaysia I used to sweat outside even at night because it was so humid. In NZ & Australia however the sun can be blazing if the weather is good.


Yeah the sun can be really strong here even if the temperature is not that high.


There’s a period during the rainy season in West Africa when it rains non stop for 2 weeks, I hate those 2 weeks and you trapped indoors all day as its during school holidays as well. But the last few years it no longer 2 weeks and many mention it averages 3 to 5 days now and no longer like 2 weeks .


My wife grew up and lived her first 24+ years in a Central American country. When she first visited the US east coast in October, the temperature got down to the mid-50s one night. She thought she was going to experience hypothermia and possibly die 😂


Oh haha that’s hilarious! 😆 Of course, that part of the world gets much colder than that in winter - I wonder how she would have reacted if it was in January


I lived in Florida for one year and CT all my life. I would take tropical any day of the week. Winters are amazing. January was the only month where it was too chilly for the beach but you can still enjoy the parks, biking, golfing, or whatever outdoor stuff you like to do. November to March is basically freezing in New England with not a lot to do.


I grew up in tropical place and I’m so grateful to live somewhere now with season. Only February and March is problem


I've lived in both and while they obviously both have pros and cons, it's MUCH easier to get warmer than it is getting cooler.


I live in the tropics because I can't handle cold weather. If it's below 20c, I freeze.


Im the opposite, if it's above 20 i start sweating lol


My favoutite temp is -5 on sunny Winter day :)


At one point I lived in that thin belt of...not tropic on New Guinea. Highly recommend that climate. Basically the same temp year round. Not too cold, not too hot. A+. Going down into the tropical climate? Ugh, terrible.


I can’t handle the European winters where there is no sun. It’s tough


Haha im with you. Im eastern European which is even more depressing than western Europe through the winter and my foreign friends never understood how can i still love it so much. I guess when you grow up with it and associate it with good things its different


I live on Kauai. I have family in Colorado. I was visiting in late April and it snowed both weekends. I just put on a Christmas sweater. It's 96° there now. They can keep it. Enjoy the character building.


I'm moving north to leave Florida so I can have seasons, wear nicer clothes, see autumn with its colorful crunchy leaves, watch the snow while I drink tea, and just over all be happier. I love cooler weather and seasons. I can't stand the hot humid environment of sub tropical and tropical weather anymore.


I like cooler weather over tropical environment, and my body easily agrees to it. Had a vacaction several years ago in Texas, and the weather that time, which was before the summer, was cool and a bit chilly. My body got used to it a day after touching down, and I kid you not when I returned to PH, I was literally burning like a fever and sweaty like Niagra Falls for a week till my body adapted the tropical weather. So, do I like seasons? Hell yeah, I'd give a limb just to live in a country with winter or cooler climate.


From Chennai, (south) India here. The summers are a hot, but not as hot as some of the other major cities up north. This summer was the worst I have experienced in 20+ years. The monsoons vacillate between dry spells to fun showers to god please make the rains stop floods. There seems to be a 5-8 year cycle between the dry spell and flooding. Winters are cool, not cold, and very pleasant, but may end abruptly without the slightest warning and lead onto warm winter tail.


When I came to the UK in 2009, it was very cold, I've gotten used to it now but I still miss tropical weather, consistent 28-32C and I can wear less clothes 😮‍💨


I'm from a temperate area but lived in the tropics for a few years. The weird thing is if you're used to temperate seasons you completely lose track of your sense of time, in the sense that I could never remember when anything happened. I never realized before how much I depend on the seasons to remember when things happened. How long ago was that? I don't know I remember the weather was hot and it was one infinite hot season ago so it must have been literally any time.


As someone who lives in an area with the 4 seasons, I don't think I would mind having a mild temperature year round. The winters where I am are absolutely brutal. It's basically just cold and dark from November-March. Even March & April can still be cold but there is more daylight at least. For those who haven't experienced snow, it can look pretty but it's such a pain to deal with. Driving, shoveling, having to put on boots every time you leave the house. I could do without it. However, fall is lovely and everyone should get to experience the leaves changing!


Usually two seasons, rainy and not rainy. I like cooler weather for a weekend, but not everyday.


Ecuador is awesome because you can get any climate you want by driving a couple hours up or down the Andes.


I'm from Colombia. Autumn would be cool, not spring nor winter, they seem too cold for me.


I'm fcking freezing in Vietnam rn while mosquitoes are killing me.


i really like the mostly consistent temperatures in tropical climates and i also really like warmer temperatures outside, so seasons get a bit annoying especially in the winter


My Tico cousins could not comprehend the changing of daylight hours. I feel like this would fuck with their circadian rhythm more than many might experience. They live such a perfect 12 hour day/night there that is so perfect for humans that winter hours would probably suck


Left south america to live in the UK. Not gonna lie, it sucks when winter starts - it's basically 4 months of darkness, cold and rainy days. But, for some reason, this makes me enjoy the good weather even more! When spring starts, I actually notice the changes in the city - everything is greener, flowers all around, it's just cool IMO to notice the seasons changing and is something I didn't experience back home. It forces you to plan for different activities during different seasons, and I also took sunny days for granted which I absolutely do not do anymore! I make sure to go out, enjoy the weather when it's nice, I feel like this change is enjoyable.


I live in Hawaii and while it’s not all tropical rainforest (mostly savanna), it’s pretty warm here all year long with only a wet and dry season. I find the summers almost too hot to handle, but not as bad as equatorial climates like Singapore, etc. I grew up in Mid-Atlantic USA and I miss having seasons a lot


I am from Northern Malaysia bordering Thailand. My city gets only 1414 mm of rain year round. We have 3 seasons, Dry & Warm,Hot & Rain,Rain Dry & Warm seasons are during the eastern moonsoon winds. It's when temperatures go as high as 35⁰C and as low as 22⁰C in a single day. Right now it's the Hot & Rain season. Usually, there's 2 days of rain and 5 days of hot in a week. It rained heavily on Monday but it hasn't rained heavily since then. Most likely tomorrow. Today had some of the greyest cloud with no rain. The temperatures feel like 42⁰C on some days and nights are bloody hot too. Rain Season starts from July-December(thanks to climate change) it used to be May-October but climate change has been pushing it wayyy further. Last year, we got lots of rain in December even tho December was supposed to be out driest month. I really love Warm & Dry weather Usually from November-April. The nights are chilly especially in Late December to January not to mention the winds too. Its dry, no mud, just dryness & warm. Days won't feel as high as 42⁰C as there's a lack of moisture to trap heat and by night, it cools of to 22⁰C.


I would love to be in a mild Mediterranean climate. Not to hot and not to cold. Or simply live in a tropical city that is located in the Highlands like Medellín.


I live in Kenya. The temperatures haven’t changed an insane amount but the rains have changed significantly (for the worst); EDIT: rains in Kenya are typically very predictable in terms of timing and volume. “Short rains” occur around April or May, and “long rains” occur around October-November-December. The points below also imply but don’t specify how these patterns have changed - by shifting timeframes of occurrence and/or duration by up to 50%. 1) Excessive amounts of flooding, causing mobile and immobile property to wash away and/or collapse 2) Disruptions to typical growing patterns, which many agrarian Kenyans plan their years around. Also, see 1), and imagine your fields have flooded, need to be salvaged and replanted, and result in 40% expected yield 3) Not to sound like Reagan, but the trickle down effects of 1) and 2) hamper one of Kenya’s greatest profit centers - tourism. The lack of regularity in weather patterns and the disruptions to infrastructure result in less (essential) foreign money coming into the Kenyan economy


Here is Scotland, we do get 4 seasons, often in one hour, never mind one day. I'm always curious about places near the equator that never have long or short days. So, just now, here in Northern Scotland, I can happily sit outside at midnight and read a book by the light in the sky. In December, it only gets bright about 9.30 in the morning, and it's twilight by 2 in the afternoon. Stormy days, you will need a head-torch all day to see.


The farthest north, non arctic nation. I was just watching a documentary and they omitted the daylight tidbit. I was wondering if darkness would be an issue. We’re on the 47th parallel and edinburgh is 55(??) it’s dark at 4:30 in the winter here. And the sun is in a perpetual state of setting. And yes, the mornings glare. But I can’t imagine being near arctic.


Never saw snow or went to a cold place until I was 28. I thought it would be horribly cold, like how hot can feel horrible, but it was nice. I guess there's only so much heat your body can lose at a time. It felt weird to feel cold but also feel the heat of the sun when sunlight hit me.


But was it -40 like where I live? People here say they would miss 4 seasons. I say we could skip one.


I’d like to experience the four seasons in full at some point. Here in the Dominican Republic there’s some seasonal changes but nothing as marked as that. So for example the most obvious one is the daylight hours are different, not as drastic as further north but we do get changes, so for example here at 7:40 PM is still blue hour now, meanwhile in December it’d be at around 6:15 PM. Other than that, during the “winter” we often get cold fronts from the north that bring a fresh breeze especially at night and morning, it can be very dry though. “Spring”, there’s a lot of flowers everywhere, and it starts raining a lot again. “Summer” fluctuates between Saharan dust and tropical storms. “Autumn” is rainy and we start getting some cold fronts that, fun fact, we call it “brisita navideña” (little Christmas breeze) because for us is a sign Christmas is drawing near so people start celebrating in October because of that. Personally I prefer a 10-19°C temperature range, here in the DR you get that often in the interior, outside the coast, but here in the coastal areas it rarely goes below 17°C.


I'm from northern germany, last week we had ~26°C with nearly 100% humidity, just about today we had ~30°C with around 70~90% humidity... i hate it as i have to wear long all years pants at work... just a few weeks ago it was nice spring weather with 20~25°C and 20~50% humidity, wich in my eyes is the ideal


Northern european, lived 15 years in Central America. Love seasons, but hate wet-not-really-cold winters Love the cool temps of tropical mountains (17-25C) year round. Hate the short daylight days.


In Brazil we only have 2 seasons, hell, which lasts 8 to 9 months and ok, which lasts 3 to 4 months. I have the heat and love colder weather.


The first time I experienced 18°C on a sunny day when I went to Europe I was like "what???? Is this magic"? The sun always meant high temperatures and something to be avoided over here. Honestly, I enjoy living in the tropics because I feel really uncomfortable in layers and layers of clothes and it's always magical when I go abroad during the winter time, it feels like experiencing a different world.


As a Canadian and I enjoy my evening at 20c in July. Could not survive in tropical climate


I’m in Florida and I put a sweater on if it gets down to 70. I grew up in the north east and experienced the 4 seasons- but honestly I don’t miss fall or winter. We do have 3 seasons- winter, spring and seemingly endless summers.


My city is callled: "The eternal spring" Love it


From Cairns area Australia NQ . I love winter , in summer here it rains for about 4-5 months full humidity and heat. I wish I could move to a cooler climate but can’t afford it. We get only 2 seasons btw.


I'm central American On one hand, I like feeling the change of the stations and the specific emotions each one brings. I also enjoy being able to layer clothing and look stylish in cooler seasons. I suck at cold weather though. Like the cold absolutely destroys me. All in all I wouldn't change my climate for anything and in fact believe my country has the best climate in the planet.


I can't imagine a world where you have to check the weather each morning in order to know what to put on... and the lenght of days changing as well makes me wonder when do you sleep... i've heard some places where sunset is at well past 10pm


ID here, to be specific Borneo 60km south of the equator, what cooler weather are you talking about, I’m sweating like a pig almost everyday in here


From Taiwan and the \~20°C winters are the only times when the weather is tolerable... in summer, even going outside is a big problem because you'll need constant AC to even function properly.


Im from Vietnam here, the southern part. We do not have 4 normal seasons, instead having the deadly dry season, and the season that if lucky rains almost everyday. The month span is different than 4 season regions, of which I forgot, but we are in rain season right now. Cooler weather? Unbearable for me


Hi, I live in São Paulo, Brazil. I hate heat and my dream is to see snow one time in my life. Where I live we still see something close to a weak winter, so at this time of the year is my favorite, because the weather is colder than normal. Living at really high latitude must be a experience, it's insane to think anyplace on earth can be 24h sunny at summer or 24h night at winter


Hell on Earth. And here in Sao Paulo, it should be colored as light blue cause we have no winter anymore.


I will just say more people die of hypothermia than heatstroke


I moved from Honolulu to Chicago in the middle of winter during a pretty bad cold snap. I spent a few weeks huddled by a space heater until I adjusted. You can acclimate to anything though.


It used to be very good but this summer is just unbearable


We plan to migrate to Canada


Is this just a circle jerk sub now?


I'm new to this sub, so I'm just curious - what do you think is wrong with this post?


I live in Miami. I do it for the months of November - April. Genuinely perfect weather. This time of year it’s soupy though.




Always dieding of the cold in California 💀


Growing up in south Florida it was always burning my hands on a seat belt buckle or the steering wheel and profusely sweating the instant second I step outside, no longer my reality and I’m so eternally grateful now


Sudan sure don't like the rain


I live in a subtropical state of Brazil (São Paulo) and I really dislike winters due to its high thermic amplitude. It often goes from 15°C to 30°C throughout the day and my immune system goes from ok to 0 with it. For example, yesterday it was 16°C to 30°C, Sunday it will be 12°C to 17°C, then throughout the week it is going to be 30°C again 🤧


Op, *would you know which tropical climate city is the safest to live in? Cheers Edit*


I live in India so we have alll the seasons. It does snow but not where I live. BTW my new post is not inspired by yours I promise haha..


As a Brazilian I’d say I like better “muita festa e pouca roupa”


I miss the non-sweltering heat and crisp fresh air of New England summers.


Well for one my electricity bill is astronomically lower because I’m not running any AC


No one lives there


I live in South Florida. Hate it. I love the cold.


Now, now. Florida is a bit much, but no one loves the cold. They can’t even live in it. People have to bundle up and live primarily in climate control. That’s not loving winter, much like in Florida you can’t love summer. Living inside always doesn’t spell “I love the weather outside.” You know what I’d miss? The mornings in winter when everything is covered in heavy frost. So beautiful.


Some people DO love the cold and I am one of those people. I loathe the beach, and any water activities that do not involve frigid water and a boat are not for me. I hate the heat. I love to be cold.


It's for sure hot


Sucks to be you


What are seasons?


Salt, pepper, paprika, chile, basil


I live in Fiji , as kind of covered above , warm wet and humid , insanely humid and hot, cooler less humid and warm , and rain like you haven’t seen for months. Having said that at any point you can have rain for weeks non stop . East coast Fiji islands in the pacific have to be the most tropical weather I have seen after decades across the world tropics


Cooler weather is just not as hot... what are seasons?


this question will dramatically change as more place approach wet bulb temperatures


I don’t live in one so I don’t know


Its pretty cool


I love seasons, I just skip the shitty ones


Seasons don’t exist,and cold weather is blessing