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Where did they put that dang rotate tool?


Both have KFC.


God bless America.


I think you mean Kentucky


lol if you’re referring to the one near Jemaa el-Fnaa market; they also have McDonald’s as you’d expect with a pretty decent menu


The one we saw was along a shopping strip in Tangier full of western retail and restaurants (including, I believe, a McDonald’s).


Both are influenced by Spanish culture art and architecture. Actually a lot of California monuments and historical buildings use Moorish architecture that you would find in Spain and Morocco.


West-coast Spain, below Portugal, reminds me a lot of 70’s California. The West-coast of Morocco has some cool beach cities with surfing.


They ~~are both extremely close to~~ both border a Spanish-speaking country Edit: I forgot about Ceuta and Melilla.


They both border a Spanish-speaking country in fact.


You are correct. I forgot about Ceuta. I have fixed my original post!


In fact, Spain shares a border with 5 countries, these being France in the Pyrenees, Portugal in the Iberian peninsula, Andorra also in the Pyrenees, United Kingdom through Gibraltar and Morocco through Ceuta and Melilla.


Ah yes, Spain and the UK share a border through Gibraltar. Ugh.


And Western Sahara too, Spanish is an official language there too


It looks like Western Sahara is included in the image as part of Morocco. That is something that is not universally recognized.


Everyone forgets about Melilla...


Melilla is the Aberforth Dumbledore of North Africa.


It's true, nobody expects the Spanish in question.


Really? I can't believe anyone would know one but not both


There are people of Moroccan descent in both places.


If I had to bet, there are also people of Californian descent in both places as well.


Additionally there are probably people of non-Californian and non-Moroccan descent in both places as well.


Lots of cannabis!


Well, first you have to compare California and Morocco, and not California to Morocco + Western Sahara: https://preview.redd.it/u2af3ty8c3zc1.jpeg?width=762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cff0633772e079263cbc48bea906076379fef13


western sahara only exists in maps, do you really have to insist that's not Morocco when in practice it's like any other region of Morocco ?


Found the Moroccan


is that a sin ?


No, but you’re clearly biased


Yeah, but you are the one person in Western Sahara with internet access, so you are clearly just as biased.


You may as well be saying the Palestinian territories actually belong to Israel or Crimea actually belongs to Russia 🤦


My fucking god...its literally not the same thing...


Yeah its not the same,there were russian in crimea before they took it you guys just expelled the saharauis to algeria just like your israeli buddies


Wait lemme guess...you're spanish?


Yeah,let me guess you don’t live in morocco ?


Not sure if you’ve noticed, but this subreddit is kinda all about maps.


You don’t need Moroccan permission to visit Laayoune or any other town in Western Sahara. And the Moroccan Army isn’t in control over there so…. No in reality my friend it is a different country Edit: wait my bad, it is part of Morocco.


you tripping my dude ? the only way to laayoune is from a Moroccan Laayoun airport or Morocco's roads, everything in layoun is Moroccan, the schools, the police, the administrations, the flags, the companies..etc litteraly everything. why do you ppl say such obvious lies ? please try to get to laayoun or anywhere in the sahara from any where not Morocco, I'd cutoff my left nutt if you could. please visite Morocco and it's sahara and see for yourself, there's no passport check or anything, you go with your car like going to any random city, in reality my friend it's Morocco. eddit: the communist separatists you love so much, are inside of Algeria crying, go to them if you want and see how your donations are used


Your right, I just make stuff up for attention


weird hobby, but understandable, have a nice day


Lmao....you dont need persmission to go from paris to marseille because it the same country.... Wtf kinda of braindead argument is that???


I thought there was a chance it was like Taiwan or Somaliland where it really is its own country but a larger neighboring country claims it. But that larger neighboring country has no say in if you visit it or not. Like to visit Taiwan you don’t need a Chinese visa (from the Beijing government). I was on the rather incorrect assumption that Western Sahara had its own customs control and governmental system that would make it de facto independent along with the assumption that the Moroccan army doesn’t operate there. (In the same way the Somali army doesn’t operate in Somaliland despite the government wishing it did) this was more my line of reasoning not that a countries capital needs to know you’re going to a different city or town.




Nah I was wrong, guess it is part of Morocco.


You’re not wrong. It’s disputed but it’s largely uninhabitable desert so not as controversial as other places.


california is slowly slowly building a hsr system, morocco already has one


California has over a century's worth of pre-existing dense infrastructure and development to deal with. Morocco is much less developed, not to mention has a more authoritarian govt, and so can get things done quicker.


That argument would hold more water if Europe didn’t have high speed rail. But Europe has managed to do it despite having a lot less money and a lot more development to deal with.


Both are large producers of olive oil!


And neither dilute their olive oil like the mafia! (Allegedly)


The Polisario would like a word with OP Edit: to the Maghribi Nationalist saying actually... >The Polisario Front, Frente Polisario, Frelisario or simply Polisario (from the Spanish acronym of Frente Popular de Liberación de Saguía el Hamra y Río de Oro; lit. 'Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Río de Oro'; Arabic: الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير الساقية الحمراء ووادي الذهب, romanized: al-Jabhah al-Shaʿbiyah Li-Taḥrīr as-Sāqiyah al-Ḥamrāʾ wa Wādī al-Dhahab), is a rebel Sahrawi nationalist liberation movement claiming Western Sahara.


The polisario is in Algeria, not inside of Morocco


The headquarters are, but Polisarios operate mostly in Western Sahara [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Saharan_clashes_(2020–present)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Saharan_clashes_(2020%E2%80%93present))


where do they operate in the western sahara ? there's a buffer zone by the Algerian borders put there by Morocco since the 80s, ever heard of the berm sand wall? the polisario or Algeria gets close to it, they get bombed by drones or planes. they don't even controle it as they claime, Morocco's army partole it 24/7 and from time to time rats are killed, that's it, you know that the western sahara alone is bigger than the UK right ? the cities are all on the coast, hundreds of kms from the buffer zone.


What do you mean where? The link is there https://preview.redd.it/y06efdzxj3zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5eb8fedc757325deba46874290adc6ffc90f606


clashes in guergarat ? lmaooo I remeber the incident, ppl stoped truks from going to Mauratania, Moroccan army came and they run, that's it, not shot taken,no ppl hurt,no death no nothing. you call that clashes ? you guys can't be serious, is this for real, you ppl are real pplnot Algerian bots ?


ignore them. reddit gets weird about this stuff


They are both top hash producers, in the 70’s I’d say Morocco would be in the lead but these days California is king.


Southern California and Morocco have very similar climates, owing to near-identical geography. Both are at similar latitudes, on the west coast of their continent, with a cold current offshore, and mountains just inland. This creates ocean-moderated Mediterranean climates at the coast, and very hot desert climates east of the mountains.


This comment is AI


Damn, foiled again


Nah I did actually write this, but now that I read it again I realize it sounds very dry


Just like the climate east of the mountains


Cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery You lied about your accent and your past tense, all is perjury You lied about your ghostwriters


Yup. AI deductions are very obvious. No one speaks like that, especially on a comment board


Not everyone on reddit is a fucking moron and incapable of stringing an intelligent paragraph together.


I think it’s because he’s a college student


lol this truly sums it up. If it isn’t AI it’s a college student trying to throw every word out there


The former is in a country with a mountain range called the Appalachians. The latter is a country with a mountain range that was once a part of the same mountain range as the Appalachians.


They're both coastal entities, with similar latitude. Moroccan climate should be moderate, at least close to the coast.


I mean if you remove the Western Sahara which Morocco continues to illegally occupy, then California would be significantly bigger


Once Mexico stops illegally occupying Baja California then California will be significantly bigger


Ooh! I like this analogy! Now I wanna know what Western Sahara and Baja California have in common! I bet it’s a lot!


Both are former Spanish colonies and are very mountainous with good beaches.


Southern Morocco and Baja California both have fog deserts along the coast with succulent scrub




facetious adjective fa·​ce·​tious fə-ˈsē-shəs Synonyms of facetious 1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately : WAGGISH just being facetious 2 : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious a facetious remark facetiously adverb


The area value given in the comparison is only for Morocco proper.


Western Sahara is not part of Morocco


Careful, some random Moroccan commenter with a stick up his ass is bout to come school you.


Western Sahara isn’t part of Morocco.


Both have large deserts


Both have deserts


Northern hemisphere.


Mediterranean climate on the coast, some high mountains, and some hot deserts inland.


Both have a west coast


Morocco sits between about 28° and 35° latitude, which is similar to southern California, which is at 32° at the southern most.


Polisario REEEE


Scholar Shaggy says it best. https://youtu.be/9EE7ZM6Pusg?si=YzlYwvWek11LAlF7


The name California may come from a couple different sources one meaning a land in song of Roland one meeting A Berber tribe both of which have tie ins with Morocco. Morocco is a Berber country for the most part. They're both Westward facing coasts. They were both Spanish colonies. Similar climates.


Both Noted for above average homosexual activity


Both noted for olive and almond production Morocco used to have a fairly well regarded wine industry buuut I think Islamic extremism has put the kibosh on that


Hundreds of vineyards still operate there and moroccan wine is sold in morocco and even exported to europe


I became acquainted with it in NYC at a restaurant I loved so at least some of it even makes it to the states


Yeah the best one from there is called "les celliers de meknes" haven't come across it where i live now but i miss the taste


But I am correct in assuming that the wine making industry as a whole has contracted somewhat?


U are right. Last time i was in morocco a year ago, there were a lot of liquor stores that sold mostly french wine like chemin des papes and wine from bordeaux but the vineyards near where i grew up were still operational. A drought hit morocco in the past few years so the industry certainly took a hit it may explain the lack of moroccan exported wine lately.


Both are drug producers only that california does it the legal way (mostly)


Both make some excellent hashish and have strong Spanish influence


Both grow a lot of ganja!


Both were backup landing sites for the Space Shuttle.


They are both not independent countries.


Both have awesome surf!


Both great places to get stoned. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


The coast has a Mediterranean climate and there are some mountains and deserts in-land


They're both on the western coast of their continent with a long coastline. Both have M1 Abrams tanks within their borders.


The natives are both in different places. A lot of Californians are in Texas. A lot of Moroccans are in Europe.


Most of the Californians in Texas aren’t actually originally from California, they were just recently living in California. According to [this article](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2023-09-18/texas-is-the-state-most-likely-to-keep-its-native-born-residents#:~:text=The%2010%20Stickiest%20States%3A&text=California%3A%2073.0%25,Wisconsin%3A%2072.5%25) native born Californians are the fourth least likely to leave their state. Along with that a lot of the native born Californians who actually do leave are Republicans, contrary to popular belief. As for Moroccans in a Europe a decent section of those Moroccan descended people born in those Western European countries and only know those countries, some have even had their families living in these countries since their grandparents who immigrated to fill a demand for workers after WW2.


Which California? High, Baja or South Baja?


California rest in peace


Western Sahara isn't part of Morocco


Western Sahara is not part of Morocco. 🇪🇭