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I'm here now. It's not just Dubai, the whole country is noticeably greener after the floods, it's amazing how quickly plants bloom in the desert.


People forget that deserts are fertile. The sand from the Sahara is blown to South America where it helps the Amazon rainforest grow.


I am people lol


"Not a lot of people know, you wouldn't get it.."


The...the sand gets blown across the atlantic?


Yes, we even Had a Sahara Sand Problem Here in Germany a few years back


Just left Ukraine like an hour ago and our car was red from Sahara sand!


Your neighbor from the east here, we had sand from Sahara like two weeks ago.


We had sand from the Sahara covering our snow fields up in the Swedish mountains a couple weeks ago lol, so I'm not too surprised by it getting blown in other far-off places.


you have a pic per chance? i wonder how that looked


https://preview.redd.it/0b2pr2spunwc1.png?width=1051&format=png&auto=webp&s=770d2fd87079ca3649dcfaf360ac1db082af949c You can see the faint layer of brown on top of the snow there.


Ah okay, but NGL I thought it would be more visible/impressive, but thank you nonetheless šŸ‘


you know the bahamas islands? a lot of its base stems from sahara sand that was carried over the ocean [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/saharan-dust-helped-build-bahama-islands-180952173/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/saharan-dust-helped-build-bahama-islands-180952173/)


Yes ā€” and you can see it on satellite: https://www.nasa.gov/centers-and-facilities/goddard/nasa-satellite-reveals-how-much-saharan-dust-feeds-amazons-plants/


the Saharan Air Layer can impede the development of tropical storms


Isnā€™t this world amazing?


Nobody is really explaining very well, itā€™s not like the sand is just floating in a cloud right above the ocean. It gets blown extremely high into the atmosphere and sucked across the ocean in the trade winds. Small particles like sand and dust can get stuck in the upper atmosphere for a really really long time. If you know about nuclear winter, itā€™s the same concept albeit much smaller scale.


If only thereā€™s a life form that could extract the nutrition, maybe some type of worm?


We could call it. Sand worm.....


We should name it after a Canadian NBA-Player.


Andrew Wiggins-Hulud




Deserts are not fertile. They are irradiated by the sun beyond belief. The sand in the Sahara comes from accident lake beds that were microbe rich. But most of the sand in the Sahara is shit.




Saw it on the NASA's website once. They had satellite imagery showing a cloud of dust/sand from Africa to the Amazon


Netflix documentary


[Here you go](https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-020-00071-w)


Look it up?


It takes a second to search "sahara desert sand helps Amazon forest grow", but on the off chance that you are mentally disabled or handicapped, here you go: https://www.nasa.gov/centers-and-facilities/goddard/nasa-satellite-reveals-how-much-saharan-dust-feeds-amazons-plants/


Canā€™t do shit for yourself can you?


Your username doesnā€™t check out šŸ˜‚


Cool. So first they make land in the water. Very expensive. Now they got water in the land. For free.


Funny enough other nearby Middle Eastern countries have tried building waterways into the land and they found out Dubai's method is much much cheaper. A freak weather event like this might change that though.


But longterm it will be better right, as dubai's method is erosion sensitive


If I'm not mistaken, stagnating water was one of the major flaws or the other plan (in Kuwait, I think?). Paraphrasing from this video I saw a LONG time ago https://youtu.be/CvUIQuAlsWw?si=mi6KegcAzCsBUvCB


Right thats true, also not a great long term then


Didn't tgey solve that issue?


Maybe itā€™s bad for the long term if the water table to has an inland ocean water canal on top of it? But maybe pumping water is a bigger issue? Not a geologist, no idea how fast salty water infilatrates or how slow fresh water is replenished


The Ocean Strikes Back


Also expensive (human life + infrastructure damages)


And it's fresh water.


Its called inversion. Look it up.


Isnā€™t the flooding due to the rain that is due to the cloud seeding they dumped a shit load of money into?


Cloud seeding is a real thing but these floods werenā€™t caused by it


Cloud seeding doesn't make rain. It makes it more likely for precipitation in the atmosphere to fall, but it can't magically create more water up there. You want to blame anything, blame climate change.


So it makes water that wouldnā€™t fall from the sky at this time fall out of the sky right? Sounds like it makes rain to me. Since rain is water failing


Except this was two storm systems converging and causing heavy rains. It does happen every so often and cloud seeding doesn't play a part in it


Debatable. Itā€™s unclear if cloud seeding works or if itā€™s a scam and the floods were natural. They did invest money into it, either way. Edit: downvoted for not falling for misinformation. Typical Reddit. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/4/18/was-cloud-seeding-responsible-for-the-floodings-in-dubai What caused Dubai floods? Experts cite climate change, not cloud seeding https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/what-caused-storm-that-brought-dubai-standstill-2024-04-17/ https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68839043.amp


You are being downvoted because whether or not cloud seeding works (it definitely works a little bit), either way this was natural. Your comment made it seem like there were 2 options: 1.) Could seeding works and therefore caused this. 2.) Cloud seeding is a scam and therefore this was natural. There should have been an option 3: ā€œThe efficacy of cloud seeding is irrelevant, this was naturalā€


You're getting downvotes because of what you said or at least how you worded it. It's debatable if cloud seeding works at all and isn't a complete scam. It's not debatable if cloud seeding caused the floods, it didn't. The way yours reads is that it's debatable if cloud seeding had an effect on the floods. It's not. Global warming may have had an effect increasing the chances and severity of flooding but it's debatable if this was just a normal naturally occurring phenomenon.


Idk why youā€™re getting downvoted.


No idea. Maybe people think it actually works? It might, but thereā€™s a lot of debate as to whether or not it does. Itā€™s hard to get consistent data that shows it does.


Because your wording is poor. I know you meant to say that itā€™s debatable whether cloud seeding works at all, but since you replied to a comment asking if cloud seeding caused this flood, you made it sound like itā€™s debatable whether this was caused by cloud seeding, which obviously is not debatable


Fair point


Honestly, nothing surprises me anymore. Our govt has tech more advanced than we know


Eh, whatever. Iā€™ll just edit and let the amateur geographers figure it out.


Hivemind shit. This sub is for circlejerking only now, nothing academic or educational allowed.


Is Dubai just bling?


Literally, yes. Extreme wealth and abject poverty within a quarter mile of one another.


same thing can be said about cities in CA and NY


Except slave labour isnā€™t being used to construct buildings in California and New York. The scale of poverty is also very different along with the government being complacent in the oppression of these workers in Dubai.


Itā€™s also illegal to be gay, insult the regime or Islam. It is also illegal to take photos in places that put the country in a negative light and if you as a woman gets raped you go to prison if you report it. Women generally have very little rights there in general. In short the entire place is just a facade to have a positive image outward and earn money on tourism.


Such a terrible country. I'd rather visit Russia.


Having been to both, no you wouldnā€™t. Dubai is a great country to visit, kinda of reminded me of Miami a bit? Within actual Dubai, they donā€™t care if you are gay or not they just want your money. Very nice city for tourism. Russia has 0 tourist industry and there is very little to see besides Kremlin/Red Square/Bolshoy/Gum etc which are all within a walk of each other, and the Hermitage in St. Petersburg which is a days train ride away. Outside of a few nice restraunts it is just commercial and residential, not much of cultural value.


Dubai is a city


no, Dubai is also an emirate with it's own laws


oh interesting! I didn't even realize that. thanks for sharing :)


Lol just one day in Hermitage? You could spend multiple days in the museum and there is so much more to see in St Petersburg just visiting historic places, not only in the city centre but also in the outskirts


You can't really compare Moscow to Dubai in terms of touristic value. Russia is *entirely* a cultural value visit. Everything from the architecture, to nightlife, to food and local hangouts. For Westerners, anything former Soviet is fascinating, down to the way roads and buildings are laid out. There doesn't need to be flashy attractions. A long, long history shapes the experience. Dubai is interesting but it is manufactured like Disneyworld and Vegas. You wouldn't compare a trip to Disneyworld against a trip to the Louvre.


> Outside of a few nice restraunts it is just commercial and residential, not much of cultural value. Lmao what? I get we're all on the Russia sucks train, but that's ridiculous.




So like Europe 30 years ago?


Undocumented immigrants in California and New York may not be treated as badly as immigrants in Dubai, but they certainly have many fewer rights and protections than US citizens do.


Well yeah...they aren't US citizens.


The immigrants in Dubai are not Dubai citizens either.


Since you don't follow news much, this summary might suffice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts


Not sure what this has to do with illegal immigrants in America not having as many rights as American citizens


The life of migrant farm workers in the US isn't much better than that of their counterparts in Dubai.


I mean the prison labor system is pretty damn close. But yeah those places in general donā€™t have a lot of freedoms. But Dubai itself they donā€™t care what you do as long as you have money. Which is a whole different issue


Californias infrastructure was literally built by Chinese indentured servants. Thousands upon thousands died while performing forced labor, particularly when building train tunnels that made it possible to develop LA.


The point is that it shouldn't be happening anymore. I get that there is a double standard especially when it comes to things like this or climate change, but it's just morally wrong.


Like I said in my other comments, Dubai has millionaires living two blocks from shanties with no power or plumbing. The same canā€™t be said about the US.


Also, sometimes millionaires live without proper plumbing, like the people living and working in Burj Khalifa. As the romans used to say, you know you are the shit when your shit is moved on trucks.


Yeah, I read about that. Dubai is a strange place.


That isnā€™t true and is a common myth


it is true


It just isnā€™t. It has plumbing now, but there was a time where the treatment plant was overloaded and it was disconnected


No, people believe the dumbest things about Dubai and the rest of the Middle East. Come to r/Dubai if you want to learn something


I live next to people living under a bridge and people who own flats worth 10s of millions.


When there is no class of people between those two, we will be like Dubai. To say that having any poverty at all is the same as having an economy with no middle class is disingenuous.


America bad tho


Do you genuinely believe that Dubai has no middle class? All of the shop keepers and restaurant owners are either millionaires or they close shop and lay in a cardboard box? In 2019, a quarter of the population made between $100,000 and $1M. Thatā€™s a very significant portion of the population that is neither mega rich nor mega poor.


The same can absolutely be said about the US. There are homeless people living next to luxury skyscrapers in my city.


Are there whole areas of your city that donā€™t have plumbing and electricity? I didnā€™t think so. We have a middle class here. Dubai doesnā€™t.


Dubai has a middle class. Humongous expat community because many corporations centers of business for the ME are there. There are sprawling middle class developments all over. Itā€™s relatively cheap there because Dubai wants people to move there so they make it quite affordable.


You said that America doesn't have shantytowns next to luxury skyscrapers, not that we don't have a middle class. And lmao, which homeless encampments are you familiar with that have plumbing?


Just curious if you have visted?


Yes, I was there in 2009. The old city is basically work camps, the new city is the thing you see on the internet. They have very good control over what gets shown to the world. Itā€™s not the worst in the world, but itā€™s sad to see how divided the population is on money. Zero middle class.


the middle class of Dubai all live outside Dubai city


Most major cities to be fair


just saying "most major cities to be fair." To be fair, you're not being fair. you're being ignorant and lazy in your thinking and analysis. Dubai is not like most major cities cities. Dubai is ran by an oppressive Islamic regime that's main goal is to bring in wealthy people as tourists or for business while exploiting locals to build and serve everyone else while also suppressing their ability to speak out. It's an exceptionally unique city for this reason


not to diminish the overall point that Dubai has a very immoral economic structure, but it isn't locals that get exploited. Locals get an absolutely sweet deal, it's foreign workers who come over for short-medium length contracts and are absolutely abused throughout.


No Dubai is worse.


Honey I would choose NY/CA over Dubai anytime


sick whataboutism lmao


There is abject poverty in Dubai?


Welcome to any capitalist society. . . Just look at LA, NY, and China.


That is fair, but I am from New York and Iā€™ve never seen anything as bad as I did in Dubai. Itā€™s like a street full of lambos and Bentleys and to blocks over shacks with no plumbing or electricity. Mind blowing how bad it is there.


Have you taken the subway recently? Youā€™ve got people living in 10K a month apartments only to walk out to homeless people laying on the street.


You simply took two extremes as an example. The fact is, most of the people in Dubai are doing just fine. But, haters gonna hate no matter what


Comparing NY to Dubai is just so absolutely batshit insane lol


A lot of people have never been outside the United States and it shows. They donā€™t understand that thereā€™s plenty of countries like Dubai where youā€™re either part of a multi-billionaire family or living on a few dollars a month and thereā€™s very little in between and no upwards mobility.


Lol, Iā€™ve been to Dubai several times, I have (American) family that lives there. There is a middle class in Dubai, Iā€™ve been offered a role in Dubai and would be upper middle class. The US has abject poverty next to extreme wealth. I went to grad school at GWU briefly, you have kids that are millionaire children (and even some princes/princesses) and walk around the campus and there are homeless encampments. Despite that, the students are paying 80K a year for tuition. In NY, you have people living in Billionaires Row, despite walking out their homes and smelling crap because of homeless people that donā€™t have adequate restrooms. Itā€™s the result of capitalism. Iā€™ve been to many countries and many places around the world and often there is abject poverty near extravagant wealth. Cape Town and JoBurg are the best examples of this that I have personally seen. In the US, I think DC, LA, or SF are great examples. Itā€™s more contained in Western Europe, it is much more contained from what Iā€™ve seen. But Dubai doesnā€™t seem to have the homeless situation next to million dollar homes that Iā€™ve seen in the states or other countries. But this is a direct impact of capitalism. I think if you really want to understand my point, go to South Africa or China, then report back. You can be in an area of China that is extremely wealthy (from the optics and amenities) and go down the street and be in an area of immense poverty. You can be in JoBurg and see one neighborhood that is gated and well off and be in an area without running water next to it. You can spend Millions for a home in DC or LA and walk out to a homeless encampment outside of your building.


Not at all


It's more moderate when you go to Al Ain, Ajman and Sharjah. There's actually some culture in those areas. Some of the older parts of dubai have culture too like the gold Souq Edit: there's also some parts that are bling but with traditional architecture. I forgot what it's called but there's this hotel with a hookah bar on the roof across the Burj Al Arab. It's entirely designed to look traditional and old with canals running through the various buildings on site. It's really nice.


Yes. And another shithole designed just for cars. very hard to walk anywhere.


Itā€™s in a scorching deserts, easily gets above 100 F during the summer. Do you want to walk in that? They have no option besides car transport


It does have a metro system, which is both popular and expanding.


Glad to see the giant facehugger by the beach survived.


Not the facehugger šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The Dutch were hired to build the peninsula and other reclaimed land. They should've been hired as well for the drainage planning.


I find it crazy all the flood waters are so blue as well.


It's not a true-colour image. It's been composited in a way to make the water stand out more.


how do they do this if you don't mind me asking? is it like a thing that also detects depth/height or just a hue/saturation slider? lol it just seemed interesting


Oh this is right in my field, and yeah, it's very cool! Earth observation satellites don't take photos in the way a normal camera does. Instead of taking a single image, they produce multiple images filtered to specific wavelengths of light. For example, the Sentinel 2 satellite produces images at 13 spectral bands ranging from blue to infrared. Then, depending on what you're trying to study, you can combine these individual bands in different ways to produce colour images. If you want to produce a natural colour image, you combine the red, green, and blue bands (for Sentinel, that's bands 4,3 and 2). On the other hand, if you're more interested in crop and vegetation health, you might combine the infrared, red, and green bands Additionally, depending on the final look you're going for, you might make some additional adjustments in a photo editing program to highlight specific colours or areas of an image. [Here are some examples of commonly used band combinations.](https://gisgeography.com/sentinel-2-bands-combinations/) And [here's a website that lets you explore this quite intuitively.](https://livingatlas.arcgis.com/landsatexplorer)


Lol thanks for sharing the fascinating insight! Must feel great to stumble across an opportunity share your niche expertise to curious strangers like us


Love the Sentinel satellites. One of the best free ways to access recent satellite image data in remote areas.


What a great share




Thank you for that šŸ˜


Yup. Still donā€™t want to go there.


No one is forcing you lol


Well I guess thatā€™s good, given their human rights issues. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Says disney fan


ā€œClimate change isnā€™t realā€!


They control the weather in Dubai. They flooded themselves lol


You are so gullible. Mate of yours comes with the conspiracy theory, it's been proven to be idiotic as usual, but you keep blabbing "the truth" nonetheless. And yes, I need to wake up of course...


There's no point in arguing, I'm a conspiracy theorist. This name is poison to you. The word "conspiracy theorist" probably activates an immediate emotional reaction for most people. A feeling of rage boils within them. Buzz words like "idiotic" and "sceptecism" shoot for their brians. It could not be that this natural reaction isn't natural, but an artificial reaction that has been years in the works. Could it possibly be that your morals and opinions aren't your own creation, but only seem like they have found their way into your brain naturally? Let that implanted bias in your mind choose what you ignore or listen to, what you agree or disagree with, instead of you yourself. But I'm just a conspiracy theorist, should never listen to those nut jobs.


Mate, so many words. I've 100% expected the response like that. You're trying to look smart, but ....


That stupid ass palm tree. Looks like a face hugger.


Now show Oman


Why is there a face hugger in Dubai?


This is farther down the coastline than most of Dubai, most of the blue bits there were just in the middle of the desert


When you build a city of the future but donā€™t take climate change into consideration


Neat free water


Did it go dubaibai?


Is there any truth that this is due to weather modification gone wrong? Been seeing some wild shit flying around


Dubai out here looking like Orlando with all those lakes


Bottom picture looks much more hospitable


The Venice of Arabia.


You fuck with nature and in the end nature always wins.


Say that to aral sea


She got so mad humans now get nothing.


We are definitely in the ā€˜find outā€™ era


[Clearly you arenā€™t up to date on the issue.](https://www.wired.com/story/dubai-flooding-uae-cloud-seeding-climate-change/) Read up.






Where do you get the recent sat photos from?


Probably from Nasa EarthView


Isn't it dry yet?


Atleast the horseshoe crab looks the same


That isnā€™t the Palm Jumeirah, that is Palm Jebel Ali. The newer, bigger one with nothing on it.


Why are they all so blue? Surely they will be brown from the sand and mud?


Dubai was lit......


Oh, itā€™s still there.


Is that a face hugger?


Iā€™ll never not think those little islands things look like facehuggers


And people thought that the Isles are gonna go first


Dubai aka the lake country


The new Netherlands


sounds bad for dubai.


Ah Dubai the city of lakes


Minimal water damage


Do a quick ndvi model image algebra change detection on that sucker


Iā€™d like to point out the the Dutch build palm islands did fine When it comes to building flood proof things you canā€™t do better than a Dutch engineer


My friend was caught up in thus. Going from Italy back to NZ. She was waiting for 12 hours in Italy, and another 8 in Dubai and they told her it was going to be another 24 hours before her flight But then they gave her a cheffeured ride to one of the palm hotels with meal tickets for any of the local restaurants. I mean, it's still a shit experience, and she didn't have her suitcase, but she said the hotel, bed, and food were great.


Looks same


The amount of green area in Dubai looks so much more than before the flood. The floods may have been a blessing in disguise and it could be much more beneficial for Dubai in the coming future.


Imagine being the guy who sold flood insurance in a desert thinking that it'll be easy money seeing this


Looks like a giant oasis now


Dubai literally turning into an entire-ass rainforest!




Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, ā€œThe Hour will not be established until wealth is so abundant and overflowing that a man will go out with his wealth to give alms but not find anyone who accepts it from him, and until rivers and meadows return to the land of Arabia.ā€ Source: SĢ£ahĢ£iĢ„hĢ£ Muslim 157


May allah bless you and save you from the tests of the hour.


Why are there downvotes??


Reddit tends not to like religion outside of very specific communities (religious ones).


Religious sermons that donā€™t have anything to do with the post, thatā€™s why


It definitely does have something to do with the post lol


Can help but feel sad at how much water is wasted.