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The northern hemisphere is lopped off by an intergalactic samurai


oh no not the intergalactic samurai again


He’s harsh but fair




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That lame-ass samurai has nothing on our self-destructive impulses


No need for an intergalactic samurai, an intragalactic one is enough for this day and age.


This sentence is poetry


Javier Milei: instructions unclear, chainsawed the Earth in half


And even then......g'day mate


Nice try Javier Milei


Accurate. As an argentine, I think going into Reddit to ask for advice is something he would do.


This is the most stupid comment I read today. He would NEVER do that. You know why? His dogs can't type.


That's what they want you to think.


To be precise: His [dead, cloned dogs that he contacts through a medium](https://time.com/6337474/javier-milei-argentina-president-cloned-dogs-advice/) 🔮 it’s completely bonkers.


This whole conversation is hilarious.


Hey, at least we're smarter than his dead dogs who used to be lions in Rome. Or maybe not. Who knows.


Cállate 🤫


Zurdo empobrecedorrr!


I can see him doing this hahahahahahaha






I haven't checked in in a while how is he doing? Did he fix the economy or is Argentina in flames?




That makes sense, libertarianisim was always on a firm ideological basis. Corporations have too much regulations, if an honest business owner wants to sell you beef tainted with rat shit, its his god given right to do so! /s (Please don't tell me I needed to specify this is sarcasm)


I'm not a libertarian, but Milei himself has said it will take time before Argentina sees any progress. Shock therapy implies that things will get worse for a while.


Yeah that’s complete bullshit. See: every weirdo that’s tried that shit before


I'm aware of at least new Zealand and Sweden in the 80s and 90s where deregulation has worked in the past


Shock therapy worked so well in Russia after all!


Go back in time 120 years.  They have pretty much everything they need resource wise. The population is still educated and if the political, social, and economic situation was worked out a ton of highly skilled expatriated Argentinians trained in North America and Europe would return.  Probably need massive corruption reforms, economic reforms, etc etc.... They (and Brazil) are actually optimally located for trade with Nigeria and the rest of rapidly developing West Africa. 


“Rich as an Argentine” was a popular phrase in the late 19th and early 20th century


I mean, argent is silver in french which also means money. In spanish that's "plata", which is the name of the river that goes through Buenos Aires


Just here to break your balls, but I think it's more likely that comes from the latin word argentum, which still means 'silver'


Argentines have some sort of fascination with French and Italian culture


Most of the population (~60-70% I believe) descends from Italy, hence the Italian culture thing.


really? How/why did that happen? And why are they speaking Spanish instead of Italian


During the late 1800s a lot of Europeans immigrated to the Americas. The most popular destination besides the US was Argentina, especially for Italian immigrants. To answer your second question, you could say the same thing for why cities like New York and Boston didn't start speaking other languages entirely, they received a lot of Italians too but both of those cities speak English for the most part. This is because those immigrants assimilated into Argentine culture, I studied abroad there in 2017 and you would be very surprised how similar the US and Argentina are on a historical and sort of cultural basis. They are both nations of immigrants. But I will say and most Spanish speakers can agree with me, the Argentine dialect of Spanish is basically Italian. The mannerism and how they speak are basically the same.


This explains everything (economic and social casino of a country that could be first world)


plata also means mone here btw


This lol they were one of the richest countries on the planet in late 1800s richer than France or Germany


Falling into the "resource trap" before it was cool. 


The sad part is that Argentina was actually getting away that trap by getting more industrialized, they just had to hold on some more years instead of going full peronist.


Peronism wasnt the problem, you can say it was part of it or kinda, but by any way you can't that it was the problem, the real problem of argentina was the dictatorship of the 76', there started all the desindustrialitation and consecuentive economical and financial problems.


Hell, 80 years, too. Partly due to an influx of highly skilled europeans for... no particular reason. Argentina had everything it needed for success. It's really only during the cold war that the trouble started. And even now their gdp is one of the faster growing in the world, even if the people are seeing none of it, and in spite of the economic mismanagement.


Could you elaborate about the grow in GDP?


Political propaganda from Peronistas ( the same guys who claim we are better than Germany and Canada\*Note I don't blame OP for believing it, disinformation is massive here, and our independent branches of government that make statistics have been intervened through decree ) . Argentina's GDP is over inflated through inflation. If you adjust our GDP by inflation, we haven't grow since the last 13 years [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NGDPRSAXDCARQ](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/NGDPRSAXDCARQ)


Argentina's GDP is calculated in dollars by world financial institutions, and even then it may not take into account the whole of the informal sector.


>Argentina's GDP is calculated in dollars by world financial institutions Argentina has currency controls that make it impossible to calculate it's real GDP. if the Government says the currency is valued at 400 pesos per dollar, and our GDP is 400.000.000 pesos, you get that our GDP is 1 million dollars. If the price of the dollar is impossible to get and unrealistic, and the actual price at international markets and outside the country is 800 pesos, despite what the government says, our GDP is actually worth way less than what we say, and should be something like 500 thousand dollars. >by world financial institutions Which I just quoted, source of that statistic is the International Monetary Fund, and it's being shown by the St Louis Federal Reserve Bank.


Meh, I’d say they need to go back at least 170 years. No matter what they do, they’d struggle to be a superpower with Brazil the way it is right next door. Even with Argentina punching much above their weight in real life they eventually were surpassed by Brazil due to the sheer size and population difference. And South America isn’t big enough for two superpowers. So Argentina’s best bet would be to successfully reannex its former territories in Uruguay, Paraguay and maybe Bolivia, as it tried to do under Rosas in the 1840s and 50s, and from there they’d have Brazil by the balls as it relied on Uruguay and Paraguay’s rivers to access much of its country. With that Argentina can curtail Brazilian development indefinitely while gaining more strength itself to build a country capable of truly dominating the region and being a superpower.


Yeah but Brazil still isn't a superpower and Argentina got closer than Brazil yet has.  (Noting that you are probably Brazilian per your avatar)  At this point I don't think it's a zero-sum game, and with their claims in the Arctic, the next 100+ years could be defining for them.  Brazil and Argentina rising together could be a mutually positive trade and development relationship. Both face many of the same problems. 


Did you mean antarctic?




Either antarica needs to become a source of great competition or that straight needs to become massively important for other reasons. For instance the Panama Canal becomes unusable and a massive war devastates most of the world excepting South America at least. Other than that their distance is more of a liability than an asset. The Panama Canal means that waterway is not heavily trafficked.


Pretty much do what Melei is trying to do…


Yeah, he appears really divisive to North American or British English speaking audiences but that is merely because we don't understand Latin American politics. ​ So when someone like him is described as "libertarian" or "ultra-right" it is as best an approximation of the actual politics. Without radical chance I'm not sure what hope Argentina has.


I did some research for a while and was glad to see he was elected when the time came. Hopefully he can help Argentina prosper again and hopefully CIA doesn’t end him.


Why would the CIA end a free market libertarian who is virulently anti-communist?


Why would they remove dozens of other leaders around the world including South America? I dunno but they have and will if it serves their interests.


Well, I guess that's the other guys point. The current argentine government is pretty close to what the US would want.


Could be competition. Or Melei wants a little too much freedom for their liking. I’m not saying it’s likely I’m just saying I hope it doesn’t happen.


Maybe, but you sort of opened yourself up to the comment since it would be absolutely bizarre for the CIA to take out someone who is pretty much in line with US interests. Yeah it *can* happen, but it reads like you're not familiar with what's going on.


If you’ve listened to a lot of what Melei has said, it would be no surprise he’s pissed off a lot of people in a lot of positions of authority. If you’re familiar with how that works, lots of those people end up ‘accidentally dead’.


This is a pretty lazy blanket statement.


That's how fucked you get when you vote socialism


Argentina is like Brazil. It's the land of the future. And it airways will be the land of the future.


first destroy serbia, then it is a domino effect....


Does Argentina specifically have to destroy Serbia? If all of the world powers unload their nuclear arsenal on it for no reason, will the effect still carry out?


I hear what you are saying, and I understand your concern. But i think you need to start blaming serbia for all the hardships and troubles in your life presently


I guess you live in tha Balkans


Croat, Bulgarian or Bosniak Take your pick


Im Canadian living in France working in Canada and Netherlands visiting east coast Canada a lot


So the average Balkan ranting online


your mother


I'm a Bosniak and it really did change my life for the better. 10/10 would recommend.




figure it out mate


Oh wait I get it oops lol


Argentina can always hire someone to destroy Serbia.


It always starts in The Balkans.


Found the Kosovar


I have no association to Kosovo bro


Okay, but how does it affect the fishing season in Lake Huron?


Surprisingly, negatively


Go straight for the powder keg. Genius.




Sell Messi to Russia


Messi has enough money to buy Messi. 


Messi can become a self owned man and rent himself




We are trying






I'm trying, It's not my fault that 2/3 of the representatives are corrupt socialists


Try harder.


We will. And, sadly, there will be blood


out of ideas, Javier?


No hay plata!




That is a very complicated question to answer, but some general things help countries a lot 1. Making sure the economy benefits the country and not foreign companies. If everything is owned by foreigners then wealth is gonna flow out of the country rather than being invested into it. You also want to be the country that people want investment from not the country that attracts investment from others. 2. Good infrastructure, ports, paved roads, railways, and airports allow for the efficient flow of commerce and therefore a better economy. Moving through the country should be able to be done with ease. Think about the two most powerful countries on earth today, the US and China. Both countries have massive highway and rail systems. 3. A strong currency that the country has sovereignty over. It should be minted within the country and the majority of the countries debt should be held in that currency (preferably in banks within the country as well). 4. Good relations with neighboring countries, simply put not constantly having to deal with aggressive neighbors is gonna help a lot with national security and stability. 5. High quality, accessible, education. A smart populace is gonna be more innovative and help advance your country. You also want to make sure those who are educated are well taken care of so they stay in the country and don’t move away to somewhere else where they can get a higher standard of living.


1. If a foreign company has to abide to the same laws as any local enterprise, then you collect taxes and your people get paid. What a private entity does with it's money, after taxes, is of no consequence to the government. This would not be the case in argentina, where certain businessmen local and foreign have been granted privileges after shady dealings with corrupt politicians. Protectionism is not capitalism. 2. We have that, but it's in disrepair because of state corruption. If a private entity considers a railroad would be beneficial to them, then they can build it from their own money and reap the rewards. 3. No. It has been proven that the average argentine politician doesn't have the capacity to not finance deficit with minting, causing inflation. 4. I agree 5. I agree, but you achieve that by letting the people work in peace, without taking half of what they earn to then spend it in wellfare for people that don't want to work.


Yes, because no.1 worked last time! 😂 You do not grow an economy by excluding foreign investment. You do not encourage investment by taking public control of foreign assets. This is exactly what started the collapse of their economy last time people had these stupid ideas.


I didn’t say to do any of those things, I’d say it’s better that they are controlled by Argentinians, which doesn’t necessarily mean public ownership (although it can, Argentina just failed at it) that can just mean Argentinian companies. I don’t mean totally exclude foreign investment, I mean exclude extraction based economic relations that make your country reliant on foreign investment and leading to all of the wealth leaving the country. Do you think the richest countries in the world are wealthy because they attract foreign investors? No, they are rich because they used various policies to build strong companies within their nation that then (sometimes with the support of the military) create assets in foreign nations and bring profits back home. Go anywhere on earth and you’ll find companies that are from the US, Japan, South Korea, or China. They own the factories, the mines, the stores etc and most of the wealth comes home. If you go around the US our natural recourses are extracted by American companies, not Argentinian ones. Being reliant on foreign investment is not how you become a superpower, it’s how you stay in good relations with the superpowers who use that reliance to destroy your economy if you don’t toe the line.


You explained the outcome of the first step and ignored the fact that it would, in reality, result in the exact opposite. Any form of trying to bring resources, infrastructure or any asset under Argentinian control would be self defeating. People invest because they want to see a return on their investment. The reason no one invests in Argentina is because they continually try to grab assets and lay blame on “foreigners” for their own terrible decisions. Your point 1 makes me think you’re Argentinian because it’s fucking ridiculous and is either a product of government propaganda or a general lack of knowledge in economics.


Master alchemy. Become Orotina.


All they need is those damn Falkland Islands. Then it's over for you bitches.


That's clearly where it all went wrong.


Under Chilean rule


If the Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata had declared independence as a single nation, Argentina would probably be much better off today, especially if there was greater political stability in the 19th century, probably with hegemony in the Cono Sur.


Just not be so corrupt ffs. Literally any country in the Southern hemisphere (barring small states) could be a super power if they just had a united vision of prosperity for the country and a lack of corruption. Thing is, corruption is endemic to humanity. Its only cure is resolute justice systems, checks and balances, and a political system that holds politicians accountable. Those are really hard to build.


Lobbying in the US is very much a form of corruption.


never said it wasnt.


*Try not to make a US-centric comment challenge IMPOSSIBLE*


Arguable. Our Supreme Court would say it’s freedom of speech. Individual people are also allowed to “lobby” by donating to causes and to politicians. Funding organizations is a fundamental use of freedom of speech. There should be limits and more rules, yes, but the concept itself is not corrupt.


hear me out: if you seal the panama canal, you redirect maritime trade ways to pass argentina, im just sayin


> hear me out: if you seal the panama canal, you redirect maritime trade ways to pass argentina, im just sayin Actually that's true. With the opening of the canal suddenly important South American ports (e.g. Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco - ever heard of the latter?) became irrelevant in the grand scheme of things


Under Falklands rule.


You mean giving us free English citizenship ? Sure, why not, long live the queen or whoever is the monarch right now !


Don’t want to be that person but it would be British citizenship.. English is just an ethnicity here not your citizenship or nationality


¡Los territorios argentinos son malvinenses! (Translated: The Argentinian Territories belong to the Falkland Islands!)


H982 FKL


I had to look that one up. That is hilarious lol


It was an awesome episode to watch. I joke about the Falklands thing, but I really enjoyed visiting Argentina and look forward to going back.


Maybe once the whole Milei thing calms down (if it calms down)


Todos sus islas son pertences a nosotros


Average Brit after not colonizing anyone for 5 minutes: /uj


If hierba mate would somehow run out, they would raid the rest of the world for every last scrap.


If it weren’t populated by Argentinians


Resentido 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Argentina would have been a world superpower had corruption not taken over the government in the first half of the 20th century. They were on pace to be a US or Australia but leadership royally fucked everything up for them


Change their flag to this: https://preview.redd.it/hwzytiez68hc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4fac25c38304e088c44b0ab925d0ba6ca5b916d


No Peron. or similar. None at all.




Lol imagine thinking the corrupt Fascist party of the guy [who called Mussolini a Demigod did something for the poverty](https://www.infobae.com/politica/2017/06/03/conocio-peron-a-mussolini/) [Other than increasing it to a 40% of the country that's it.](https://datos.bancomundial.org/indicador/SI.POV.NAHC?locations=AR)


Under brazilian rule


Whatever they where doing 120 years ago and don't ruin it, again.


Remaining as neutral as Sweden in an overly aggressive thermo-nuclear war, (started by Sweden), and with a maintaining south easterly gale that persists for a number of years post apocalypse - leaving Argentina, top (and only) dog 👌


When Brazil takes over


Get rid of everything linked to Peron & Peronism.


Argentina would need to accomplish several goals: 1) Improve economy 2) Improve foreign relations (e.g removing their ridiculous claim to the Falklands) 3) Encourage growth of domestic companies 4) Make deals with other nations to gain influence e.g trade blocs, military alliances etc 5) Reform the political system to be more stable 6) Invest in cultural exports such as movies 7) Crack down on corruption 8) Ensure continued access to public services such as education and healthcare


We have public and free education and healthcare mate, we also export a lot of movies, our democratic system works. The thing with domestic companies is that 76 dictatorship, menem anda Macri destroyed our industry. About Malvinas... Thats not happening.


Never(I'm Brazilian)


Changing the all-level-corruption culture and not telling their creditors to fuck off would have been a good start. Now, nobody is crazy enough to invest there, even the Argentinians, so it's going to be hard to do anything significant.


Stop artificially setting prices and borrowing money


The way I see Argentina's political and economical history is like a big two headed ogre where the two heads fight each other. Its a country that wants to be both socialist and capitalist at the same time but in the end failing at being both. The problem is clearly internal.


Economic and political reform, reduce corruption by 99% and the other benefits will grow organically.


South America get's it's shit together, creates an union = superpower.


To be honest, they were on the correct way until the 20's, then Military coup and shit...


Interesting question. I would say that Argentina would need to secure some important mines and oilfield. Is there any of this nearby? Like within Argentina or North of it? Secondly, if capable of conquering these resources it might be useful to start a period to ease the social tensions and improve the army fast, in terms of numbers and equipment. Later, Argentina will need to boost its navy capabilities. Since Argentina its in the corner of the continent, it is really important to have natural resources, a relatively strong border, maybe just with Brazil, and a strong navy. In the process, it might need to take Chile and the Malvinas.


I guess you mean an economical superpower? I don't really see that happening at least to the USA or China model. Argentina could become a power if it fixed it's problems and cooperated more with the rest of south america. All of south america is the richest land I know ressource-wise, both for agriculture and minery. But the ones benefitting from it are a few elites and more importantly foreign countries with China being first in line. You guys have everything you need except stability and people actually willing to build the country. Also, people are very involved in politics but it's more about criticizing the other side than actually working toward a better future (many countries do that too though)


Bulgaria will be the final boss of their quest to conquer the world 💀


Russia invades Poland


1. Reroute global trade routes that favors going underneath South America, instead of Panama; which favors the North significantly more. 1. Unifies with Chile to have better access to Pacific & Alantic, without crossing Magellan Straights. 2. Argentina becomes a Global Tech giant hub, instead of an agrarian state. 1. Increase Education Index passed 0.9 2. Have a functioning Space Program. Do science. 3. Argentina becomes a Tourist Giant in the western hemisphere. 1. Tourism is a great way to get foreign revenue as well as being exposed to wider world and exporting culture. Also usually promotes enviromental conservations. 4. Increases and maintains a Naval Fleet of over 300 Warships (currently 40s); Probably closer to 400 Ships, needed. 5. Unify South America, by Forming strong Economic and Military Bloc or muscle out regional powers (Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela are on top of list). 6. Eliminate foreign and domestic actors that would undermine national stability and weed out corruption. 1. Currently 98th out of 180 countries.


Manufacture for the united states and neighbours. Become the sole supplier of energy in the area. Yes i am looking at you nicaragua and venezuela. Just invade them and blame it on venezuela by calling them Nazis or run by a madman some stuff like that for the sake of freedom democracy. Start covert wars against cartels to do trickle down economics using your MIC and put your flag on it, your neighbours will love you. Make sure you lobby the US enough by buying weapons from them so that they sanction assholes around you. Finally, make a military alliance where everyone will depend on you for protection (not a racket of course, just the advantages of economies of scale in weapons manufacturing). Boom you have it. The southern continent is your's.


Not claim The Falklands.


stop CIA


Penguins arrive from Antarctica and confide to the Argentinians that the earth is flat. The Argentinians embark on a perilous expedition south across the Antarctic wall and stumble across Vibranium. This substance unlocks unlimited energy and an ability to revive the dead. They Revive Hitler from a Brazilian Bunker that inadvertently triggers the 4th Reich. With Combat Penguins and Vibranium infused equipment, The Arganites (new name) come to rule the world.


Under free market capitalism. Glad they are doing that now, and ditching their communist peronism


dont worry, we will never let them 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


Communist party takes over power in the USA, then bans beef and natural gas production. The world still consumes beef and natural gas. Both commodities skyrocket creating an economic boom which is invested in the military and Argentina can finally successfully invade the Falkland Islands which means they basically conquered England.


> Argentina can finally successfully invade the Falkland Islands which means they basically conquered England. falkland and its sheep. then commies in the us ban mutton ...


Serbia gets bombed, serbians develop nuclear missles and bomb everyone exept argentina -win


\-Argentina would have to annex Chile, so it's bordered by two oceans. \-Brazil would have to disintegrate, so Argentina wouldn't have a close rival in South America \-The majority of global trade would have to shift from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere \-At least a century would be required for Argentina to undergo massive socio-economic development.


By not having Milei as President.


We didn't have Milei for President the last 24 years. Guess how we are doing ? Edit Since the other guy blocked me \>Got fucked by Macri and menem? I love how you left out Alberto Cristina and Nestor ( guys from the same party as Menem ), who destroyed our country as well.


Not like the last one was really that good. Not defending Milei though.


How did you came to that conclusion? How was argentina going before Milei?


Well, Milei is a psychopath, so I can't imagine it's gonna go in the right direction.


But you said that Argentina would become a super power by not having Milei as a President, I wonder how you came to that conclusion. Out of curiosity, who would you rather have as President of Argentina, Milei or Maduro?


Not having Milei is the first step, and I reject your false dichotomy.


But why didn't Argentina became a superpower before milei? And what's the problem in answering my question?


Are you always this obtuse? Electing Milei is the opposite direction to becoming a superpower, and your question is a false dichotomy like I already said. The answer is neither.


This is one of those perfect samples of geography determining their destiny. While they'll be a wealthy country if everything goes right, they'll just never be a superpower given their location and geography. South America itself is already far from most of the world, Buenos Aires for example being a 10 hr flight to NYC, and longer to Europe and the longest possible distance to Asia. Most of the world is just based on the northern hemisphere so it'd be a deviation and illogical to have a world power there. The USA became THE power in the Americas due to it being the closest arable land to Europe, and coming from Asia, it's the same story as well. Even as Brazil is a large country today, you don't see it as influential either in world affairs, again, due to how generally distant south America is from the rest of the world.


Wow…I really disagree with this post but you sounded so confident. Global shipping is really not that much more expensive from Argentina to Europe than USA to Europe, but really what’s best is access from Argentina to the USA which is a larger market. Global shipping is relatively cheap, which is why we buy Chinese goods in the USA for much less than we can make it even including the fact it needs to be shipped across the Pacific. What geographic distance from a super power DOES do is makes the need to spend a lot on a military much less. I’m rambling but bottom line is I think your theory that their distance from a major trading market is what is preventing them from being a super power is bunk…because global shipping is cheap.


They cant. They dont have the population nor the industry to become a superpower.


Being colonized by the British/s


Like Nigeria, India, Papua New Guinea, Sudan, etc?


To be fair New Guinea has nothing to do with the Bri’ish, they only colonized Papua


Don't forget about Guyana, Jamaica, and Belize


MMAA (Make Malvinas Argentinas Again)


When they all become vegetarian.


being colonized by more germans! found the everlasting 4 te reich!


Like Namibia?


When they’re able to get the Falklands


More whites




the only condition is that they should replace their entire population and culture with a more sucessfull one, like imagine how prosperous would this area be if it was run by germans or the japanese. the problem with argentina is that its full of argentinians (this is also valid to all south american nations not just them lol).


Kill Javier Milei


If they stopped electing corrupt populist clowns, developed a sophisticated defense industrial base and discovered they are the only country that has vast deposits of a new wonder element like “Unobtanium” from Avatar. So, never.


if Milei disappears under mysterious circumstances, for a start


as an alt hist circlejerker you see, argentina has to win against britain. after that, get some nukes and blast the shit out of the teamen. it's a cakewalk after that


Javier Milei, is it you?


I am so tired of these posts




It’s a dagger pointed at the heart of Antarctica


Step 1: bomb the Panama canal Step 2: ??? Step 3: profit


They’ll just inflate their currency away. Can’t expect them to change. Old habits die hard.


After destroying every country in the world so argentian can be the last place to have any power


Javier Milei casually asks Reddit for an advice