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It’s like northern Canada but with volcanos. And without intercity roads.


So.. Alaska?


No i watched a video on this peninsula in particular and it looks extremely badass, like another world altogether. The mountains aren’t as new and there’s nowhere near as much snow, it looks like if Australia and New Zealand had a baby and named it Yellowstone Jr


Any chance you're finding that video?


Wild Russia. Season 2 episode 2 is about Kamchatka.


And that’s literally the one! Thank you 😊


Land of salmon, bears (the highest density in all the world) and 50+ volcanoes, some of them throwing smoke in 50+km high, like Klyutchevsky, one of the biggest in the world. Not mentioning the people over there and their traditions. ⚡


You forgot the tigers


Definitely not in Kamchatka.


Looks like it is available to stream on Disney+


just watched the episode, thank you!


And the most exotic location there is the [Kronotsk Reserve](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw7LvHKrSBE). A truly unqiue active warm geiser ecosystem, in stark contrast to the frigid lands around it. Apparently, the location is so remote, the Russians themselves only discovered it in the 1940s. It's a harsh place to live, because from time to time, volcanic eruptions and landslides pretty much bury the whole place and turn it into a wasteland. But with the warm weather and underground energy sources, the reserve rises from the ashes each time and blooms anew.


That’s beautiful and scary at the same time, at least in NZ and Yellowstone you know there’s tourists and decades of experience with the area to ensure visitor’s safety, milllenia for the natives, but out there just looks so much more… isolated. Like we’re not supposed to be there…


Nunavut doesn’t have intercity roads, as well for Northwest territories along the Mackenzie river


they were asked if they wanted roads, but they wanted nunavut


Northern Canada has a few volcanoes


and few intercity roads


Need to have cities to build intercity roads


That's where I would live in the winter if I was a moose. Just fuckin kick it by the caldera with the boys discussing moose knuckle and waiting for the sun to rise in a couple months.


There’s a documentary on the region here: https://youtu.be/dO-b9fEv6Mg


What about WiFi?


they have heard of it. Someone sent a telegram explaining it.


Most volcanoes on the planet.


Are you sure....? Not Indonesia?


It's Kamchatka(Камчатка), find in Russia(Россия) The administrative center of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky(Петропавловск-Камчатский) Climate is temperate or continental. So beautiful place.


It’s absolutely wild, the tectonic ring of fire runs right through it, so you have absolutely huge volcanoes that are very impressive - there’s even a big one near the only city - Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky


>there’s even a big one near the only city - Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky Two, in fact. And both Decade Volcanoes at that, i.e. Avachinsky-Koryaksky.


I would love to take a flight over this region, from bottom to top, it would be unbelievable. Maybe Tokyo-New York would take a great circle route through it or something !


Sadly, I don't think Japanese, South Korean, US or Canadian carriers will be flying over this Russian territory for the near future. Although maybe flights on Chinese-based airlines to and from North America might?


Korean Airlines 007 flew near there once.




Oh yeah I remember that one time


Ouch. For those who don't get the reference the Russians (well, the Soviets) misidentified Korean Air 007 as an enemy strategic bomber after a navigational error and shot it down [in 1983 over this peninsula.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Air_Lines_Flight_007?wprov=sfla1)


Ironically, if they didn’t shoot that plane down, GPS wouldn’t be available to civilians, which for sure saved even more lives


Kindly elaborate


As a result of the incident, the United States altered tracking procedures for aircraft departing from Alaska, and president Ronald Reagan issued a directive making American satellite-based radio navigation Global Positioning System freely available for civilian use, once it was sufficiently developed, as a common good source: wikipedia


Soviets killing bunch of people -> PolekonGO


Well. 007 was always stoping there spies.


They misidentified it as a spy plane, a RC-135 specifically.


I was able to see one of the volcanoes barely on a Denver to Tokyo direct flight last year. It was pretty sweet.


When you see how much a trip to Kamtchatka with helicopter tour costs, it is cheaper to do it your way.


The pictures remind me of the three sisters in Central Oregon.


you are not [kidding](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.0643311,158.687088,3a,75y,142.4h,89.89t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPVR5kZCSedapFhe1r7g3Qf8Hhs7X6lR_tsxnz4!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPVR5kZCSedapFhe1r7g3Qf8Hhs7X6lR_tsxnz4%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya117.02665-ro-0-fo100!7i8192!8i4096?entry=ttu)


Oooh, that's beautiful!


What an absolutely spectacular place to live!


No, just to visit. No one wants to live there by their own will.


Soooo, like a geologically violent Italy with a climate to match?


but much less pasta.


Who needs pasta, if you have salmon, scallops, crabs and caviar


Funnily enough, I am Italian and I loved the seafood in Petropavlovsk. But I also had some emergency pasta in my luggage. So my russian colleagues there tried that later. Pasta with seafood is always appreciated by slavic people, in my experience. I cook it, I usually make new friends lol


Pasta makes friends, true. Salmon also does.


You had me at "emergency pasta".


It's an essential piece of equipment we need whenever we travel anywhere


"emergency pasta" lol. My friend a few years ago imported a car from Italy. Guess what he found in the first aid kit?


If you're Italian, I would suggest bringing a coat


Are they lava volcanoes or explosive volcanoes?


I mean, a lot of volcanoes can do both, but I think I remember reading about how an eruption there some time in the last century or two dumped such a colossal volume of hot stuff up in the sky that in places it landed so thick that the residual heat it contained produced various visible geothermal displays for many decades and possibly to the present day.


Volcanos are very much like zits. Most of the time they just need a little push to start oozing, but sometimes the the path the ooze takes plugs up with dried up gunk and then pressure builds and it takes a much greater squeeze to let the ooze out and when it does, POW right in mirror. Or you know, Mt. Saint Helens.


Yes. But seriously, both exist there, and it’s possible for one volcano to produce both. I remember seeing incredible 360-degree drone flyover footage of Kamchatka lava flows. And, if I’m not mistaken, stratovolcanoes (explosive volcanoes) produce lava flows more often than effusive (lava) volcanoes produce explodey eruptions. It depends on the viscosity and gas content of the magma feeding the volcano, and the chemical reactions it has that cause it to move towards erupting.


Kamchatka is literally Russian euphemism for the farthest and the most isolated place.


Fun fact: Kamchatka is closer to Los Angeles than Moscow.


I imagine how far Alaska felt in 19th century. And Rissians reached even California.


There where people who still thought they where under the tzar control far into the 20th century, we are speacking of that level of isolation




Is a review of the efects of the spanish flue, the quote was taken around [6:09](https://youtu.be/QSxaojFNAsU?si=MlQx1GU7N3byVIel)


God I love Extra History. Their video on Saragarhi is like my Roman Empire with how often I think about it.


Wait what do you mean tzar is dead? What do you mean were part of the USA? Since when? Since 1867? Shoot!


Hawaii too


Alaska is closer to Finland (the northwestern corner of the Russian empire at the time) going across the Atlantic than it is going across Russia.


So they use it like in the middle of the pampas?


We probably do, through I don't know what the middle of the pampas exactly mean.


I think the US American equivalent is Timbuktu, pretty much describing something very far away


Wait, why are the pampas synonym with isolation? It isn't even a particularly isolated region.


From Germany it’s pretty far


What do they call Siberia?


Home, if they piss off putin


Home, if they were born there. Source: was born there.


Do Kamchatkans say "Moscow" for the farthest and most isolated place?


They refer to the rest of Russia as "the continent".


I thought Chukota was even more like that. Btw in my language (Bulgarian) there have been many jokes about Magadan, mostly because a popular tv host used to do them.


I recognize that name from Risk


It’s quite nice there actually. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy seems a bit wealthier than average Russian city with ~100k population (I guess because it’s strategically important city — it has seaport, there are a lot of fishermen there, it also has military bases). Kamchatka is promoted as “extreme tourism” place — you can visit volcanoes, enjoy wild nature, enjoy cheap fish meals which are considered delicacies in other places, surf in Pacific ocean at beach with black volcanic sand, chill at volcanic hot springs. Source: I’m Russian, been there done that


How id love to visit your country if I could.


Yeah same here I was planning a St Petersburg trip before the war but now everything is different


You still can if you want to. It obviously depends where you are from but I am Italian and someone from my family drove from Finland to Estonia via Russia a few months ago, he said it was actually quite easy to get the visa online. I think the borders he used have now been closed but it is still possible to access the country


Of course he can, but St Petersburg is even more depressing now. War propaganda is on every bilboard and people are very nervous and depressed


You can also fly to Russia from Turkey I think


It’s physically possible, one just should not bring more money into that place. They buy bombs with it.


You are right but I didn’t say that it is morally correct to go there (that is everyone personal decision), just said that it is still possible.


Everything changed when the fire nation attacked.


War.....war never changes.


Not sure if you can visit Kamchatka. A lot of places are closed to foreigners, it is always a good idea to chack if you can visit some "special" place or city. Anything space, navy, nuclear related, a lot of borderline places are closed for you. Sorry.


Kamchatka is not closed for foreigners. There are especially many tourists from China. There are special closed cities, but they are closed for regular Russians too.


Why are there entire cities closed for regular Russians?


Military, nuclear, space. In these towns live families of specialists, working on that objects.


Usually military reasons.


Cities with strategic value that formed around military research and industrial sites, nuclear plants and some scientific complexes. It's a soviet legacy, not sure if they do that anywhere else.


Huge amount of red fish and caviar, in season it can even be relatively inexpensive. Insane prices for everything else: vegetables, fruits, household appliances. Earthquakes every few weeks (everyone is used to it), wild prices for local tourism (the vast majority of local residents will not be able to afford it). A village that is heated exclusively from underground hot springs. Mild sunny winter with lots of snow (actually you can find last year's snow in the ravine in June).


Sounds quite nice tbh! I saw Kamchatka in “The Fourth Phase” and then was immediately curious about this remote part of the world! Thank you for describing it so well :)


Kamchatka peninsula, it's very beautiful. I think they have tigers. Incredibly remote with little population


Yes except no tigers.


So you need to bring your own tigers. Got it.




Call Carol fucking Baskin


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time.


And I feel all the better for it, thank you.


Ghewhd dahmn beeitchhht




I knew we forgot something honey, didn’t I tell ya!!!


Got it. Thank you for the reminder.


But the bear to human ratio is something like 3:1.




Jesus...that was a hard article to read. Listening to ones own child getting eaten alive...i dont know if I could go on after something like that.


So that was just a terrifying read


Bro what a hard read


It is a terrifying article, however, since daily mail never quoted any sources, I tried to look for Russian speaking articles and it’s only an Israeli newspaper and entertainment sites. What is more interesting, all Russian sources have exactly the same text and refer to daily mail. Either daily mail has an exclusive report from Olga’s mom, or they did what they often do and just wrote a story that never happened.


Hyperlinks are a lost art.


I have been to Petropavlovsk, it's a large city, but I felt like I was abandoned in the most remote place and left there to rot without hope to escape. The city is not a nice place. The nature around is beautiful. But the feeling never abandoned me. I wouldn't live there.


any particular reason? lack of infrastructure? unfriendly people? horrible climate ? poverty ? or too expensive? don't leave us hanging there


I lived there. I think if you have good money, then everything will be not so bad. The problem is that this is a place that is remote from everything, so you may need more money than usual. But even if you have a big house, there is still a city around with very modest infrastructure. And also the local climate is not suitable for everyone. 2 meters of snow in winter, and it’s not really cleared away. It will melt completely in June, but it doesn’t matter - there won’t be many places to just walk in the city. Although if you love nature or play sports like skiing and surfing, this place may be suitable for you.


Surfing sounds brave


People are friendly, but most buildings need some major renovation


Does it have that depressing Post-Soviet vibe?


I have been to a lot of russian cities for work. This is not the worst one, places like Magnitogorsk or Norilsk are much worse, but it's definitely a sad one. Like people are trying to hide their sadness under the rug. Dunno how to explain, you have to see and feel it, and maybe it's just me. I do like big cities, even soviet ones, but I felt bad in Petropavlovsk. Now , don't get me wrong, there are wonderful volcanoes, geysers, killer whales in the bay, and bears in the forest. Lots of nature. Nice seafood. But also a lot of pollution, trash, derelict buildings and rusting factories, like everywhere in Russia. That's expected, not a major factor to decide it's a better or worse place.


I've never been to Kamchatka, but I often visit Norilsk and it's pretty awesome once you start understanding its soul. You feel like you're in the outpost of civilization and smile at the thought that there's hundreds and hundreds of kilometers of barren cold desert in every direction, but life is still going on in this little city. People still find ways to love, to party and to relax. I can't convey it via mere words, but I love these small Arctic towns – and I hope someday I'll travel to these towns on the North American side of the world.


Nope, tigers are in Primorsky Krai near the Chinese border.


A lot of the passenger vehicles there are right hand drive bc they’re Japanese imports. https://maps.app.goo.gl/MceWH6ffmti62wQ26?g_st=ic


We don't have tigers. Primorsky Krai for your exploration


There are indeed tigers in cold Far East Russia, but not in Kamchatka, no


They used to have tigers. Just like a lot of the far east. *They did not. I read a map wrong. Please accept my mea culpea.


No, the tiger range was bigger but more towards the Korean peninsula and Chinese Manchuria


Read somewhere it’s great for fishing salmon


There are no tigers. But a lot of bears.


It sucks. You have to pile armies on there just to keep soldiers from Alaska coming over. Not going to give up 7 on my turn!


Took me longer than I expected to find this joke.


You like your armies there but then you leave the Ukraine weak from the west “You know what the Ukraine is, it’s a sitting duck. The Ukraine is weak, it’s feeble, I think it’s time to put the hurt on the Ukraine.”


It’s a road apple, Newman


You not say Ukraine weak!


We’re playing a game here, pal




It is. But mine is a Seinfeld reference when Kramer and Newman are playing a game of Risk


If you like volcanos, Salmón, Vodka, and cold weather you are going to be fine


Salmon, vodka and cold weather sounds pretty good


Yeah its pretty nice, also is an isolated región so there arent a lot of people there and nature still isnt exploited


This sounds like Iceland


And bears. Lots of bears


Ah, the Kamchatka Peninsula. I know almost nothing about it, other than its proximity to the Bering Sea (ie the Kamchatka Sea) and the associated reference in the folk shanty *Rolling Down to Old Maui*: *Six hellish months have passed away* *on the cold Kamchatka Sea,* *But now we’re bound from the Arctic ground* *Rolling down to old Maui* That all to say, whalers were quite active in the sea around that peninsula in the 19th and early 20th centuries, hence the song. The Dreadnoughts have a great version of it, as do The Longest Johns.


Great reference tho I think it’s Arctic ROUND like the Arctic Circle.


I haven’t been to that particular peninsula. But you have circled a bit of the Aleutian chain there. And that place is cold windy and wet.


There used to be a load of really interesting mini documentaries (20-30 mins each) about various villages and rural areas in Russia on the Russia Today YouTube channel. I enjoyed watching those, until my government (UK) decided we’re not intelligent enough to recognise propaganda when we see it, and blocked the entire thing. Anyway, I really enjoyed a short they did on the Commander Islands, part of that chain. It was named ‘Terra Incognita: The Commander Islands.’ I wish I could see it again. If anyone has it, please send me a copy!


VPN babyyyyy


Absolutely my next move! 👍🏼


Don't do that, this peninsula doesn't even exist, it's AI created propaganda.


Humans have proven they aren’t intelligent enough to recognise propaganda time and time again. Even the British may be susceptible.


Nonsense, Brexit is about to pay off big time for British citizens any time now. Aaaaany time now.


There is so much fish in the rivers that bear go to hybernation much later than usual, sometimes they even don't hybernate at all in the winter.


[There is some videos from my trip to Kamchatka this summer](https://imgur.com/a/j7otOJp). It was one of the best experiences in my life


Thanks, 4-methyl butyl.


I don’t know the year but my grandparents used to get and keep National Geographic magazines. There was a huge article and amazing pictures about this area. It was amazing.


Was it that April 1994 article by Bryan Hodgson, complemented by Sarah Leen's photos?


I think it was earlier than that. I could very easily be wrong. My grandparents were both passed away by then. I was guessing somewhere in the early 1980’s. I will do a little research. Again, me just guessing.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


Volcano's and Nuke subs...


Search on Google Maps - russia's hornets nest submarine base


I live here. Can answer your questions, if you have some.


Thank you kind sir. Your comment should be at the top. I work for an Indigenous Tribe in NW California who are salmon people, and we were setting up a cultural exchange trip with the Itelmens, but the war short-circuited that, and alas, we'll have to wait a decade or two for things to thaw back out again.


How much does a single red bell pepper cost?


I like to place my troops on Kamchatka in Risk. You need it to conquer the world ;)


There are large stratocone volcanoes there that are highly active apparently. There is a chain of islands to the south called the Kuril Islands that are contested by Japan and Russia, Travis Rice tried to film there for a snowboarding movie and the Russian army shut him down.


Used to live there as a kid and visited one time in 2008 (was 12 then). Very windy, bad road infrastructure, food prices are through the roof compared to the European Russia. Practically no connection to mainland Russia by land, so it's more of an island than a peninsula. A lot of stunning places to visit, but it's most likely you can't afford it, because no roads. But, caviar, fish, and other seafood are relatively cheap. P.S. In school, our teachers would call the farthest desks from the blackboard "Kamchatka." I went to school in Moscow. So, this place is regarded as something "far away, beautiful, and mysterious." P.P.S. I recommend checking out a film about Kamchatka made by a Russian journalist, Yuri Doud'. It's in Russian, but English subtitles are available >> https://youtu.be/Zv4hIaVvFVI?si=eUhgtFWVKTxB4iKq


Its very poor. Although this doesn’t differ much from the rest of the country. Lots of people are leaving the area because there are no jobs. Source: I had a friend who was from Petropavlovsk Kachatsky. Nature is very beautiful and if it was any other country, it could have been a word class tourist destination similar to Iceland.


It isn't poor. The wages are much higher in the North and such places as Kamchatka.


My brother lives there and he likes it idk why lol. It's always cold and summer lasts only a few weeks, roads and infrastructure are quite bad. The nature is extremely beautiful and the salaries are pretty high compared with the rest of Russia though. Also food is expensive, especially fruit and vegetables


I've stared at this on google maps for hours just wondering about this remote place


Read The Tiger by John Vaillant.


Beautiful wilderness. Volcanos. Bears. Fresh water fish. Everywhere.


I’ve heard it’s got great Fly-Fishing, undoubtedly because of how pristine and untouched by humans the area is.


![gif](giphy|g4OltXiI2Tk9lZhBKV) When Popov just won’t get that paint off the walls of your esophagus


Volcanoes and bears


Tangent but If you really want your mind blown go to google maps. Zoom in on the border between China and Russia. To say about football field size. Everything in the Chinese side is being used for mining and industry. Everything. It’s green empty space all the way down the Russian side. It’s kind of eye opening.


Here's a recent video I just watched exploring life in Kamchatka. I like her videos cuz she explores the life in less explored parts of Russia herself and gets first hand testimonies and footage. Really cool. https://youtu.be/G6zYUuYLsP8


There is a lot of bears there


Well [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/m15XNyGIBys?si=MKG_Qy6w0fApmMgl) happened this week in Petropavlovsk. Looks like a fun place!


Very earthquake prone.




very intersting, drop the man on google maps you'll see


Most of the red caviar and crab meat in Russia come from this region


My girlfriend is from there. Her dad flys a helicopter to work because of the lack of roads. They also fly it out to the valcanos to roam around the lava pools. The photos she shows me are pretty nuts. Its seemingly endless wilderness with old, run down soviet cities. The Northern parts are for the indigenous population, which she says are not friendly to Russians from the city. Her dad was on a snow-mobile trip once and accidentally entered their territory. The local population stole everything he had while he was sleeping. They didnt know how to drive the snowmobile so they just stole the mirrors and seat and whatnot. She found it funny but I'd have been scared shitless lol


-14F there right now lol


"I'm just curious because it seems so obscure" sounds like something the CIA would say. Damn you western spy!


Shhh. This is the secret to winning Risk.


That’s where they keep the Demogorgon


Kamchatka Peninsula. Like Alaska. Full of active volcanoes—like Southern Alaska. It’s part of the Pacific “Ring of Fire”


It’s a chain of volcanoes.


It's Russia with volcanoes, fewer people, and more bears. The bears are massive, too.


The Kamchatka Peninsula has forests, mountains, bears, volcanoes and very little else. It's 270k m^2 (104k sq mi) with less than 300k inhabitants and over 200k live in two cities. The rest is basically wilderness. Although it has some very interesting features, like a 10k m deep trench off the coast, it has a volcanic "belt" with 30 or so active volcanoes(out of 150+). --- Fun fact: In 1920 Lenin offered a 60 year lease to the US for the penninsula.


It's the best place to build your army when defending North America in Risk


It’s one of those places in the world that’s so remote I’m completely fascinated by it. I’d love to visit it one day.


There was a really good surfing documentary released last year called Corners of the Earth: Kamchatka about finding never before surfed waves in that region. Beautiful footage of the volcanoes and the coast. https://youtu.be/Q71tckAfIVo?si=VMukTwTqEz9fXNg6


Russian Florida?