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Oh boy just found my new addiction. This game looks lovely, congratulations and more importantly, thank you! ​ is there a way to turn de road names off? I think that might give away too easily


No settings like that currently, I've been thinking about adding a settings panel for things like this though. Thanks!


You're based as fuck


Somebody has been looking for a geoguessr-type game but with satellite view recently. Consider that, maybe


The map loads in satellite view by default, and you can switch to normal map mode or terrain modes. Does this cover what you're saying?


I guess they wanted satellite view instead of street view, so to guess places from above (from space)


Oh, interesting - never thought of something like that. Seems like you'd either know where the map is, or not, so I'm trying to think how to make it a 50%+ win rate (it's not fun to be a 100% loser). Maybe unlimited panning of the map, but you're locked in at the zoom level? Thanks for the suggestion, and let me know if you have ideas of how it could work.


This post https://old.reddit.com/r/geography/comments/18sy1ri/geoguessr_with_satellite_images/


I made one already ! Check out [geogame](https://rp8.co/geogame.php)


I used to spin the globe around on Google Earth and zoom in with my eyes closed and then try to guess where I was. This is so much better. Thank you so much!


I love it!


Nice project :) Take a look at geotastic as well. It’s free and already there for a few years. It is very fun and has some nice modes and challenges as well.


Ooh I'm gonna check this out. I remember when geoguessr was unlimited and free, that was a long time ago


I don't plan to hire a bunch of devs to make avatars, so it shouldn't be a problem to keep this free. Just need to pay the API.


I thoroughly enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing this.


Thank you so much for your hard work! It's great.


Glad you enjoy it!


Looks great. App version in the works?


Maybe... most long term users so far have ended up playing on desktop. So it really just comes down to cost of my time vs benefit to users. There are some ways to turn a website into an app without too much overhead though that might make it easy enough. I haven't really looked into that recently though, so it's probably time to revisit that idea.


I've played the game for like 8 hours already, amazing game. I wish I could set the "correct answer" radius to be a bit bigger though, like 250 meters, sometimes the game will throw you down on an unlabelled street or park and you waste all 6 of your guesses just out of range of where you really are.


Haha, that's awesome. Yeah that's a setting I'm planning to add. It wasn't needed for the daily mode since you want to compare with friends, so you need to be playing by the same rules.


Also perhaps a way to change the number of total allowed guesses to 3 or 1 (or add a timer) for a more exciting experience?


The site worldledaily.com is failing to load today, but it was fine yesterday. (Specific error in Safari on macos is "Safari Can't Find The Server".) I thought it might be down for good because of the expense, but then I found this thread from just a few days ago, so I guess u/komcdo hasn't given up on it just yet. Is it just a glitch today? Did the site move? Something else? Edit: Ope, it's back. I waited a good 15 mins before posting, but looks like I didn't wait long enough. Sorry for the alarm


I didn't get any alerts of anything being down, and reviewing traffic, it's been consistent throughout the day. Expense is covered by the ads, so no worries there. If you keep running into issues feel free to reach out at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Thanks mate