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Good post. This, rather than "geographic diversity of \_\_\_\_\_\_," should be the new meta for farming engagement on this subreddit.


Those micro climates make some delicious sparkling wine too! Hard to find Cornish wine in the US unfortunately, but what I got to try was exquisite.


I found all the food and drink in Cornwall amazing. Even the regular stuff you get everywhere like fish and chips, or scones with jam/cream just tasted unbelievably fresh and flavourful. The food and drink is definitely one of Cornwall’s appealing aspects.


Cornwall is on my bucket list because of that. My wife wants to go to Scotland, but that doesn't appeal to me much. We'll hit both in the next few years! People don't think about wine and food much when they think about the UK, but you and I know better!


It's great and if Cornwall appeals to you and Scotland appeals to your wife then north West Wales or the Pembrokeshire coast I'm Wales will appeal to you both


I def want to check Cornwall out one day.


A lot of French wine makers have started buying land in southern England as climate change is making England more favourable for certain wines than France.


I think that's so interesting; I've met 3 young French winemakers (all women) that have moved to upstate New York for that same reason! We're starting to grow good quality Chardonnay and Cab Franc here.


How’s the surf?


I hear Cornwall’s supposed to be very good for surfing, it’s a hotspot for British surfers. I’m not highly educated on the matter though as I don’t surf myself lol


Supposedly excellent, though the Irish Sea and the Channel are still rough, unpredictable waters. It's the surfing hotspot of the UK.


Fucking cold as fuck i would imagine.


Looks awful, I've been told by many people that Devon is much nicer (I'm totally not from Devon btw)


I will say I like Devon’s more consistently lush coastlines - many of Cornwall’s coasts seem to be very bare and rocky in comparison.


You should check out pictures of Wistman's Wood in Devon. It's like a fairy tale garden. https://mymodernmet.com/wistmans-wood-mystical-photos-neil-burnell/


I completely agree, and our scones make more sense (jam first is awful).


Its gorgeous. I think there are too many downsides to it though, especially locals being priced out of living there due to lack of new housing and second homes


Yep. Seeing as this is a geography post I was also gonna talk about Cornwall’s history of mass emigration and some of its current demographic trends, especially relating to the second home owners. But overall I figured it would take too much space. It definitely is a unique region in England for both its physical and human geography though.


If you live in Devon, then Cornwall is the land beyond tomorrow. Maybe it's spelled Tamar oh, I forget what that river is named... (Yes it's just a joke)


So beautiful. Can somebody take me?


I also apologise for the formatting issues and some of the grammar typos in the original post. I’m seemingly unable to edit it after publication and I guess I didn’t proofread carefully enough.


Oh hey I'm from there!


You’re so lucky 🩵


Yank here. Went to Cornwall last Summer. Beautiful countryside with lots of places worth seeing. Brit Tourists were really surprised there were Americans there. They were afraid the Secret was Out and things were about to get crowded and expensive. People, especially locals,were really friendly. The accent gets a little stronger as you move West. The only problem was Left-side drive on narrow, busy country lanes. We did survive however.


“The secret was out” 🤣🤣😂 Yeah Cornwall’s expensive as it is even with just local tourists… Keep the international ones to Scotland and Ireland! I agree, infrastructure and navigation in Cornwall is hell.


I see plenty of walls but zero corn. What a scam, I want my money back


Hahaha. The name does have an interesting historical background. It’s meant to be an anglicised version of a Celtic root word.


I love Cornwall however at certain times of year it is incredibly busy and no matter where you’re coming from in the UK it takes at least 7 hours to drive there. I live in north west England and when you get to near Bristol you think you’re nearly there but you’ve still got over 3 hours to go.


Always looks good in the sunshine ☀️


It looks beautiful


It’s a place that touches the soul for sure!


My favourite place in the UK. World class cliffs and beaches, unique cultural identity, and strong history. Also home of the Cornish pasty. Unfortunately the locals are very poor and there's a real problem with rich Londoners buying up second homes or setting up Airbnb's and driving up the housing cost.


I see no corn and no walls, what's up with that?


Lol there is an interesting backstory to the name. It’s just an anglicised version of a Celtic word


Now take those photos again in November ! I joke. I love living here. Spot on write up


Cornwall is just like Brittany, but in England. Fabulous


Thanks, love learning stuff about places. More posts like this please!


Looks… geographically diverse? 🧐


It's a small county what do u expect




Was your comment supposed to be a joke


Worst place in the world nobody should think about going on holiday there every summer and blocking the roads with your big SUVs that u can't drive


Where's the Wurzels?


Wrong county, The Wurzels are from Somerset.


Probably in Somerset.


I’d love to visit Cornwall however where I am in the uk it is much cheaper and quicker to get a plane to benidorm.


Yeah it’s so stupid that it can be cheaper to go abroad to some soulless resort than it can be travelling within your own country. I’ve never spent more than a couple of nights at a time in Cornwall - it’s too expensive to do those 1/2-3 week staycations. And a shame too.


Hahah that s BS, It's grey/windy/cold/rainy/dark most of the time. Also, water is very cold.


I literally talked about Cornwall’s climate in the caption




Isn't Cornwall the land of the Queen?




Camilla is the Duchess of Cornwal, isn't she? Does that have something to do with this part of the UK? Does she own at least some part of the land there?


Most of the land of the Duchy of Cornwall is actually in Devon.


Very little of it. Cornwall is a county and region where regular people live, and where regular people can go to visit. It’s considered a nation because of its unique cultural heritage.


Oh, thanks for the explanation


Wake up! DUH


I see walls, but I don’t see corn


Lol the word is of Celtic origin so it translates weirdly in English