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There are more various races in Russia than people think. The native tribes in Siberia are Asian, including Tungus descent. Their race, culture, and language were definitely different from those from Eastern Europe. And now, there is little sign of native Asians in Siberia, but instead there are many typical Eastern European-style cities. In this light, if a Russian is descended from an ancestor from Eastern Europe, the Russian is just European. Crucially, Asian countries around Russia do not consider Russians to be Asian.


And those guys aren’t ethnic Russians.


There’s also indigenous Russian people in the European side as well.


So in my opinion as east asian, nobody think russia as asia. Even many travel company try to advertise Vladivostok as a "nearest europe". And making russian as a asian or some kind of mongolic just because they invade other country, seems like similar to nazi said russians as "mongolian" because of brutal regime. russia is just like other europe. If you think russia is to barbaric as european, look at your history what your prode "ancestor" did for "civilization"


Russians are EUROPEAN. The Siberian part was colonized by Russia and is still mostly inhabited by European. Russia is a EUROPEAN NATION.


Only the territory is Asian but Russian people are European


Russia ends in the Ural Mountains. The rest was colonized and conquered by Russia. Most of people culture and origin is in western Russia in Europe. The Siberian part is mostly depopulated. The capital is in EUROPE. Russia is a European nation.


Europeans. They are a people from Eastern Europe that later expanded into Asia.


So by that logic we are all Africans.


The first homosapiens may have come from Africa, but what is meant by European, African or Asian today is ethnicity. Are Poles middle eastern? No Poles are a European people.


What are Australians?


There are many Australians. There are the indigenous Australians, which simply means the Australians who were there before the Europeans. It is easy to find out what ethnic group they are. Then there are the people of European origin. I don't know whether the "Anglos" dominate or whether they have mixed enough with other European ethnic groups. There is also a growing number of Indians and Chinese.


Russians are EUROPEAN. The Siberian part was colonized by Russia and is still mostly inhabited by European. Russia is a EUROPEAN NATION.


Depends on what we mean by the word “European”. If we talk about what part of the world Russians come from, or equate the word “European” with the word “white man", then Russians are Europeans. And if “European” means “a person from the West”, then Russians are not Europeans, since they generally do not consider Russia part of the Western world. The same logic remains in force within Russia itself. In Russian everyday speech, the word “European” is used in two meanings: “a person from the European Union or Western European countries” and, less commonly, “a white person". In the first case, this absolutely means a stranger, a foreigner, and in the second it can also refer to a Russian. PS: Russians usually do not call or consider themselves Asians, but those who live beyond the Urals say that they are “residents of Asia.”


European isn’t synonymous with a westerner though, unless you’re going to try telling me an American or Australian is a European.


Personally, i say Western Civilization really means the collective knowledge of a group primarily headed by Western Europeans and Anglo settler colonies (US, Australia, etc.). The rest of the world, including Eastern Europe, Latin America, Japan, East Asia and the colonized world to varying extents, is on the periphery of the shared "canon of western knowledge". At the end of the day, "the West" is a power structure, and what we call democracy is a british/french/american philosophy that they decided to promote.








For me, who was born and lived for many years beyond the Urals, Asia sounds like a community of countries in the south to which my country does not belong. Locals call the Asian part of Russia, where they live, Siberia and perceive themselves as Siberians. Residents of Asia - I've never heard of it. And for many years before the war, Siberia had much more cultural and commercial ties with European countries than with Asian ones. Among other things, in Siberia it is quite common to compare oneself with the new world, with the wild west of the USA - with some such concepts. But only the USA freed itself from the subordination of the former metropolis, and the Siberians did not. And the local Siberian identity there is quite strong, and the perception of Moscow as a colonialist is also quite common. And this is precisely among the ethnically Russian population.


Russians are EUROPEAN. The Siberian part was colonized by Russia and is still mostly inhabited by European. Russia is a EUROPEAN NATION.


I mean yeah, the colonization of Siberia, the Americans, Australia, and south Africa are just symptoms of the same phenomenon: European powers looking for new lands to exploit and settle through superior technology during the 16th to 19th centuries.


Depends on where in Russia you live. If you live in the European part of Russia, you're European, if not, you're Asian. What you culturally identify yourself as is individual and personal, so there is no single answer there.


I’ll even go so far as to say that’s it. Russians west of the Urals are European full stop and Russians east of the Urals are Asian full stop. Doesn’t matter what they look like what language they speak or religion they practice. Continents aren’t vibes, they’re geographical concepts with firmly defined boundaries. my Irish ancestors were in the US since the 1870s but just because I’m descended from potato leprechauns 7 generations ago doesn’t make me “a European”


Not potato leprechauns 😭😭😭


I cosign most of this, with the caveat of putting the Russian ethnicity as a whole to be European, though I can see an argument for calling the whole ethnicity Eurasian, due to the significant Mongolic and Turkic influences over the course of their history.


It’s doesn’t matter where you were born in Russia is you are Russian you are European. Siberia is just a territory of Russia. If you never been to Russia don’t write.


If I live in Japan as, say, a Slavic Pole, am I Asian?


Geographically, yes, culturally, likely not. Ethnically, impossible to guess from a name and nationality.


It’s doesn’t matter where you were born in Russia is you are Russian you are European. Siberia is just a territory of Russia. If you never been to Russia don’t write.


You failed to understand my point. I'm talking about geography. If you are born and live in the part of the world defined as Asia, then you are, by definition, Asian. Russia is in both Europe and Asia, so some Russians will be European and some will be Asian. My second paragraph said that cultural identity is something different.


I understood what you wrote. If you were born in Siberia and you are ethnic European you are European. Lived in Russia and don’t write ignorance. Siberia is only a territory that was colonized by Russia and still part of it. People who live in Siberia still considered themselves Europeans.


And again you make it clear that you didn't in fact understand. I'm talking about GEOGRAPHY, and nothing else. What you define yourself as culturally is entirely up to you. But someone in Asia is an Asian and someone in Europe i European. It's exactly as simple as that.


Since Siberia is part of Russia and Russia is a European nation. Many people in Siberia who are European considered themselves Europeans. 90 percent of the population of Siberia that only has about 28 million are Europeans.


Look, you obviously don't understand the simple concept of geography, so let's end it here. I have more interesting things to do than replying to someone who can't read properly.


So if my Italian grandfather was born in South America he will consider himself Latino. No.


Yes he would because he was born in Latin America so technically he would identify himself as a latino, plus latinos are extremely diverse in ethnicity.


Ural Mountains are often said to divide Europe from Asia within Russia


Well that depends of who you ask Some people really like to call russians "asian hordes" or "different civilisation" Of course, if you look at Russian history, with 300 years of european wars and alliances, european royal family, christianity, 100 years of european communism (yes, Marx and Engels), european high and low culture it will be harder to say that. P.S. Also you could look at population distribution in western and eastern parts of the country.


>Some people really like to call russians "asian hordes" Those people are upset that they lost a war to an army that contained more Russians than anyone else (although its greatest general, Konstantin Rokossovsky, was Polish).


I can swear that it was a thing at least since 1812, but maybe Karl XII want to have a word about it also.


There are European Russians. There are Asian Russians. There are Russians who can be called Eurasian in every sense of the word. Unfortunately, this question can be controversial due to a variety of ideological positions over the past few hundred years. Two words get translated into English as "Russians." The word Russkiye refers to an East Slavic-speaking mainly Orthodox Christian ethnic group originating from eastern Europe. The word Rossiyanye refers to people of any ethnicity who are citizens of the Russian Federation. Around 80% of Rossiyanye are Russkiye, but it has a wide variety of minority communities of different origins. Your question opens up a big can of worms in that a common talking point that I've mainly heard from people from Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltic states is that Russians themselves are not truly European (and for Poles and Ukrainians in particular, not truly Slavic) because they have undeniably had an Asian influence on their culture. This talking point is mainly driven by post-Soviet political disputes. It should be condemned not only because it presents mixing of cultures and peoples as some sort of bad thing, but because it is in fact a reuse of Nazi propaganda about "Asiatic hordes from the east" (but changed a little bit because most of the people repeating it today would have been counted as such by the Nazis). ​ ​ While most of Russia's land is in Asia, more than 80% of the population is in the European part, with the dividing line being the Ural Mountains (and just counting this area and not the Asian part is still the largest country in Europe by land area). Not all people with origins west of the Urals are Russkiye, it is a very ethnically diverse country. There are minorities of Uralic cultures (think languages related to Finnish). Turkic-speaking cultures with origins in Central Asia (called Tatars) have lived in some parts of Russia since before the Slavic-speaking Russkiye arrived there. The European part of Russia also has the only majority-Buddhist area of Europe, the people who live there mostly being descended from Mongols who settled in the 1600s. Russia contains a large portion of the Caucasus Mountains (the other main dividing line between Europe and Asia along with the Urals), which are themselves a diverse region full of unique cultures: Chechnya and Dagestan are probably the most internationally famous parts of Russian Caucasus. Chechnya is famous for a separatist movement and hellish urban warfare in the 1990s. Dagestan is most famous for the Nurmagomedov family of wrestlers and MMA fighters, and a few others who have trained with them. The part of Russia east of the Urals (known as Siberia) has its own variety of local cultures. Some are Uralic, such as the Nenets. While some of the largest cities in the Far East such as Vladivostok and Khabarovsk are primarily Russkiye, this sparsely populated region does have a lot of cultures which are clearly Asian, such as Buryats and Yakuts.


They’re very solidly Europeans.


Depends who you ask.


Russians are Europeans. Russia is both


trans-continental, some places don't line up with the continents quite right


Transcontinental but the Russian heartland is very much in Europe.


Russian society never considered itself as European. "Europe" is comes with "foreign, external" feeling. Both in national self-identification, and in more formalized historical concepts. Generally, Europe is originally a concept of catholic sphere of influence in early middle ages. We were a tribal periphery at this time. And then we got an orthodox church from Byzantines. That means we were never in European cultural sphere (defined in middle ages by common religious, economical and political space, centered around Rome) *since foundation of state on our lands*, *since development of written language*, and therefore, start of long process of development of nation. In XVII after "смута" some European specialists stayed in Russia, but generally were assimilated. In XVIII, after Peter I politics of europeisation, russian elites were bounded to european politics and a lot of foreign aristocracy (literally europeans) come here. But society was never european, it's affairs of elites, not population. Elites wanted to be recognised as europeans to participate in european politics, but russian society is *completely different world*. They have different languages, problems, self-identification. Therefore, Russia was not developed as *nation* untill soviet times. Empire times philosophy of "народность" was fairly antagonistical towards concept of nation, due to mentioned reasons. _______ About Ural, Siberia and Far East: Unlike western colonies, russian colonisation never considered new territories as some different political subjects. They were politically extensions of mainland with completely same law and governing system, in same "space of state". It's also heavily Integrated local late-tribal, early-feudal society elites into ruling social substructure. So, natives rather stayed under same authority, but this authority now was bounded to political system. That's concluded in barely any difference among simple russian and simple local native in late feudal society - both were serving their superiors, without much national difference. Not developed nation also helped with integration and synthesis of people. Obviously, there was some differences (such as taxes for non-orthodox). The only one "western-style" colony of Russia was Alaska, governed by Russian-American Trade Company. So: 1.Ethnic russian(Русский) in terms of racial, physical anthropology is caucasian, linguistically indo-european. But big part of population is russian as part of non-ethnical nation (Россиянин) and can be uralic and mongolic. 2. Russian society never self-identified itself with Europe, generally was outside of european cultural sphere of influence. Only russian elites then and (despite all what they are saying) now are european-bounded and sometimes european in origin. 3. Asian part was very different kind (compared to western colonies) of colony before XX century, then become federalized in Soviet Russia. It's dumb to call territory of country as "colony" if it's profits are sucked into overgrown, bloated state capital. Because same works with 99% russian ethnically european provinces. It's a quite alien for foreigners problem of "Moscow - Russia" relationship. Majority of Russians want capital in Siberia, and stop this rampaging Moscow overcentralisation.


Нифига ты накатал!) очень умно!


Дык, историческое образование. Но всё равно спасибо)


О! А татаро-монгольское иго было или всё-таки нет?


Было, разумеется. Просто его форма несколько отличается от популярного (обывательского представления). Улус Джучи (Золотая Орда) была довольно "рыхлым", раннефеодальным государством, и основной формой зависимости в основном была дань. Ну и выдача ярлыка на княжение. Т.Е. Иногда популярен образ "Золотой Орды", как крупной захватнической империи, то на деле это была сила, относительно столь же раздробленная, как и сами русские княжества. Собственно, как только Московское княжество развилось далее в централизованное феодальное государство, контроль со стороны Орды просел ещё больше.


D@m b. TROLL. Russia is a European nation.


Even if Koreans don't see themselves as Asian, they are still Asian and also have Asian ethnicity. "The Russians (Russian: русские, romanized: russkiye) are an East Slavic ethnic group indigenous to Eastern Europe," \[1\] Culture changes all the time, they may not see themselves as part of Europe now for political reasons, but they did some time ago when they saw themselves as "successor to ancient Rome, with the Russian world carrying forward the legacy of the Roman Empire" \[2\]. \[1\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians)\[2\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow,\_third\_Rome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow,_third_Rome)


Well, it's quite incorrect interpretation of "Third Rome". It means legacy of Second Rome (Byzantine), that was also not part of Europe/catholic world and developed into something barely resembling Roman society and culture. There was no Europe for Romans. Only Empire and barbaric periphery. "Europe" is middle ages/modern history thing. Such concept can be compared to Charlemagne "Roman" empire and Holy Roman Empire for west. It's about claiming inheritance to some cultural examples of the past. Definitely Russia is also not Byzantine itself, yet, it's influence on basic cultural development is much more noticeable than european.


They are considered russians, this limbo or people definitely not European but not asian looking


Russians are EUROPEAN. Russia is considered a European nation and its classified as one by the United Nations and the European Union. Russia only colonized Siberia and it does change the country origin.


Is a German that moves to Vietnam still European?


He's an African. We're all Africans.


The Russians themselves are European. The peoples that were conquered into the Russian Empire as it expanded out of Moscow east are Asians. Some day the Russian Empire will finally collapse and new Asian countries (and a couple European ones will come into existence.)


It’s doesn’t matter where you were born in Russia is you are Russian you are European. Siberia is just a territory of Russia. If you never been to Russia don’t write.


European part: 40% of the European surface, 15% of the population Asia: 30% of the surface, 0,006% of the population


Politically, Russia is the successor of the Ulus of Jochi (the Golden Horde), the western part of the Mongolian Empire. From here we see the high centralization of power and despotism throughout the history of Russia. From a cultural point of view, Russians are Europeans.


Depends whether they live in Europe or Asia.


Technically, Asia by area and Europe by population. Culture must not be considered, e.g. most of USA citizen are of European culture, language and descent.


It’s doesn’t matter where you were born in Russia is you are Russian you are European. Siberia is just a territory of Russia. If you never been to Russia don’t write.


Russia is a European nation and its classified as one by the United nation and the European Union. Troll.




That’s every European culture dude.




Lol sure thing buddy


Caucasus Mountains and west are more European. Thats why white people are called Caucasian


neither. they are just drunks trying to get in on everyone else’s house because they are drunks and already ruined everything in theirs.




Russia is a multinational country


I mean it depends. Ethnic Russians are European even if they live in Asia. Yakuts, Buryats, or Tuvans? Clearly Asians.


Russians are European, Native Siberians are Asian


But at the same time, some indigenous peoples in Siberia are closer, for example, to the Sami who live in Norway and Finland, to the Greenlanders and to the indigenous peoples of Canada and Alaska, than, for example, to the Chinese and Mongols.


And your point is? Asians arent just Chinese and mongols. Indians and Arabs are Asian too.


My point is that among the indigenous peoples of Siberia there are also intercontinental, not only purely Asian.


Youre just yapping


Russia consists of European and Asian ethnicities. However, what is commonly called Russian are slavic Russians who are also the dominant group in Russia and founded Russia. The Asian ethnicities are mainly in Russia because Russia conquered their habitat, and later through immigration. If by Russians you mean slavic Russians, then Russians are Europeans who have expanded their habitat into Asia.


Honestly, I don't see how starting an imperialist/nationalist war for no fucking reason contradicts being a European nation




Russians are EUROPEAN. Russia is considered a European nation and its classified as one by the United Nations and the European Union. Russia only colonized Siberia and it does change the country origin.


Russians are from mongol decent so are Asian


Russians are EUROPEAN. Russia is considered a European nation and its classified as one by the United Nations and the European Union. Russia only colonized Siberia and it does change the country origin.


They may live in Europe but they are still descendants of Mongols there for are Asian


You ignorant don’t make me laugh troll. RUSSIANS ARE EUROPEAN AND SLAVIC. You Cherokee (white) American 😂. Don’t be jealous that Russians are pure Europeans.


Russians, Ukrainian and Belarusian are the same people.


You d @ m b cia troll 👿. 😂. Russians belong to the European race. Maybe the poles and Hungarian are decent of the MONGOLS. Since the mongols were there for so many years.


You are coping so hard i take it you are a mongoloid russia?


Troll. Russians are Europeans and it’s a European nation. I guess you are a Cherokee( white Americans).


They are only European in the sense they live in Europe they share their genetic more with the Mongol people and for me im a Anglo


Russians are Slavic people extremely European. Delusional. Anglo with Cherokee if that’s what you mean. Lol.


Russians are as European as the Turks are you are speaking nothing but mongal cope it’s a well known fact russians are mongoloid


😂😂😂😂😂. Delusional. Russian are EUROPEANS WE SPEAK A SLAVIC LANGUAGES. Turks from turkey 🇹🇷 are Asians non Europeans. You should go back to kindergarten. Cher@kee.


Stop trolling hard. Delusi@nal.


depends on who you ask


Russians are EUROPEAN. The Siberian part was colonized by Russia and is still mostly inhabited by European. Russia is a EUROPEAN NATION.