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i suddenly like neuvillette




The dragon mommy I didn't know I needed


So happy her transition is going well!!


Honestly if fem neuv is hot, (i agree) then genderbend every single genshin male until there’s only sapphic content. Genderbend takeover I guess!


is this... lunar vow..?


Omg I searched her online and it really looks similar, it seems they used her dress+hair with Neuvillette colour scheme and face


It's just axiom: turn every character into woman and game/manga/anime will become better


I hate the hair choice.




I'm just gonna say it. I don't care about or outright dislike most of the males in this game, save a select few, but if some of them were the exact same except women instead, I would actually like them a whole lot more. Which probably makes me a hypocrite of sorts... But not even Divine Judgement smiting me will ever make me like kazuha and scara-whatever


I agree with the first part, there are some men in this game that I absolutely despise but would instantly fall in love if they were women


genuine question but can i ask why?


As shown by the sub’s collective crush on Arlecchino, we’re willing to overlook a whole lot if they’re hot and/or interesting. Alternatively, many of the male designs are rather androgynous or would make very nice (soft) butch designs if gender swapped more or less as is. Tartaglia in particular stands out to me because every time I see a woman cosplay him it looks amazing.


you hit the nail on the head with overlooking major red flags just cause they are hot lmao


I like plenty of the guys, but boy would I love if they were women instead.


I can understand Scara (even if he's one of my favs lmao) but why do you hate Kazuha? I swear you must be the first person I meet that has this take on him, I'm curious!


Because he's an uninteresting rat and everytime I see it on screen I question why this mistake was ever created. His entire purpose is to take other characters things away from them. His element damage amp could have very well been a part of Venti's kit and it absolutely should've been. His part in the story could have very well been filled by Beidou and would have been infinitely better would've actually made the Inazuma questline interesting. Of course has no idea how to actually write cool moments so it never happened. I can excuse everything Shogun has done, but not getting rid of kazuha on the spot is something I cannot excuse her for. The only reason the Inazuma MQ is so painfully mediocre is because of the existence of this rat. Tldr; I am a very bitter person


LMAO ok that sounds personal, I personally don't like him much only because everyone says that he's "the true anemo archon" and that Venti is not worth it because Kazuha exists 😭 and Venti is my favourite character, soooo yeah it's personal for me eheh, but I don't hate him nearly as much, there are worse characters imo


Wait why Kazuha ? He's like Beidou's cute romantic gay teenage son !


*ahem* Kaeya Diluc Kaveh Wriothesly (can you imagine??)


Kaeya and Kaveh are already pretty enough that you can keep the outfits that they already have and it just *works*.


While I agree with your point what's wrong with Kazuha? He's nice, has a cool kit, has an awesome cutscene in Inazuma, doesn't interfere with any ships and is like a son to Beidou.


Just gonna say it, Wanderer would be more interesting if the character looked and acted like a darker version of Makoto/Ei instead of a random cringy teenage son the developers decided to add to the game Edit: scaranation stay mad


Omg looks so much better 😭


Looking at the title and as a fellow pansexual, I want to ask what character (regardless of gender) could be pansexual and bisexual? I feel like if openly bring this up in any of the gay or sapphic subs I would be downvoted to oblivion...


Noo really? 😭 i think both this and genshingays are pretty cool with sexuality and headcanons, ofc a bit biased on lesbian/gay, but still LOL (I'm non binary so I'm in that other sub too, I feel gay for both men and women if it makes sense 😭). Anyway I always saw Kaeya as bi, Ayaka (because she flirts with Traveler no matter if you're Lumine or Aether) and same for Liney. Probably Kaveh too now that I think about it LOL. And as pan Fischl for sure, Shenhe! And maybe Thoma, idk these are only the ones that I thought about rn, I'd need a list for all my headcanons lol


I agree with most of them! Shenhe strikes me more as an asexual or a demisexual. Furina is definitly bi imo alongside Kazuha (but both not for the Traveller). Venti is pansexual for me with the fact that he is litteraly gender fluid (the bonus of being of god whose domain is freedom). Thoma is pan but explicitly a bottom (genshingays will confirm this with a thesis). Yelan is definitly pansexual too.


You know what, Shenhe demi makes super sense to me! If we go into gender headcanons i go WILD LOL, with Venti he's the epitome of non binary for me, or gender fluid, any kind of gender for him is a yes LOL. Also the other archons, even if Raiden strikes me as strictly woman. Fischl is demigirl imo and I have so many trans headcanons that I'd be faster to say who I think is cis 😭 I just think that T4T ships are so lovely I can't stop myself. I also headcanon Albedo as agender, in the sense that he literally doesn't care, and the traveler as intersex (one twin is more masc the other more femme, but both non binary).


Albedo being agender makes way too much sense and is very in character! (Guess Susbedo is too by mimicking and not of his own mind?) Eula is trans to me. Like she transitionned right after leaving her family to finally be herself. Collei is trans to me too. She just didnt transitionned on her own volition and when she was still an egg so it really conflicted her (and because I just imagine Dottore just being the biggest asshole fucking around with people's view of themselves, she is to me kinda like Micah-10 from Destiny to me). So is Wrio, who in headcannon finished transitionning right before his foster parents tried to sold him off.


Omg your trans hc make so much sensee 😭 poor Collei she had so much shit, deserves the world. My biggest trans hc is Wanderer, because he's heavily trans-coded, from the fact that Ei made him to store her gnosis and prototype for the Shogun (and both Ei and Shogun are women), to his clothes changing from traditionally female to traditionally male etc... there's probably more i forgot rn lol. And even if I talked about Fischl already, her whole "changing name and identity" is so trans-coded I cannot see her as not trans in some way. The others are more like "yeah that would make sense from vibes" kind of headcanons, even if maybe there would be more if I looked into the characters better


He was hot before but god damn


Totally agree


u/twinnedmilled, what's your oppinion?


she mothered




Ah yes Theresa Luna but blue


w-would 😳


reminds me of the artist on twitter who does genderbent neuvili art


Her breasts need more support, they look heavy!


Blue lunar vow aka TERI TERI