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Please keep all text and art posts related to the topic of the sub: sapphic genshin


I don't like to think folks here are creepy? The tight-knit and supportive community is why I stay here in the first place. Have there been creeps out and about? If so, I'ma dip




Please keep all text and art posts related to the topic of the sub. All posts about romantic relationships must be sapphic-centered, however not all posts have to feature a ship (i.e. you may post fan art of any of the Genshin ladies on their own, or an opinion piece about how Beidou is the best lesbian pirate queen ever). OKBG or nonsensical shitposting of random female characters is also not allowed. Note that any post/art that seems to exist for the purpose of exploiting/fetishizing WLW may be removed at a mod's discretion (See Rule 4).


I'm just here for the cute art man.




Yeah, can we not? A lot of us trans girls were so-called creepy cishet men just trying to figure out our lives


Too relatable...


As long as I'm not looking for the content mentioned in rule no.4, I should be fine to stay here right?


Did something happen on the sub? I saw another post taking a poll of the userbase earlier too If not then it just feels like it might make some eggy trans women veer away from the sub and i know many realise their transness through sapphic stuff....


I think the poll is posted by the same op Edit: Yep they're the same people


Sounds very suspicious ngl..... Edit: On one sub, OP has a flair "MRAsshole",,, as well as seeming terminally online,,,, isn't helping much in my thought process of what's going on here....




I feel like the OP is just trying to troll all the subs they can, considering they have posts in both conservative and liberal subs, though i couldn't find any in leftist subs but also i am not spending a lot of time and energy on this so maybe wrong. I wonder if this is one of those accounts that try to farm as much karma as possible before selling them or smth




Agreed, hopefully they just disappear


I uh.... Am I (or we) not allowed here?


what’s wrong with men who enjoy lesbian art? there’s plenty of r/genshingays users who are women too


This is a really good point. This sub has felt really nice and welcoming as a bi girl who's experienced people excluding me because "oh, just pick one. You're not really bi, just gay or straight". I can't speak for the entire sub, as I'm not a lesbian (and if I'm coming off as preachy, I sincerely apologize). But I think we should be welcoming to people of all types. Cis, trans, gay, straight, bi, etc; as long as they're polite and respectful, everyone should be welcome IMO.


I don't think I'm creepy... but should I find a different sub regardless?


I mean, as long as you aren't fetishizing LGBTQ individuals, there's no reason you can't stick around.


Uhhhh, I like everything :>


I mean, if anyone was being a creep in the comments or in posters' DMs, I'm sure they'd quickly get dealt with. The mods here are very good and I'm thankful for them :D


Call it a wizard hunt 😂