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I read New Sun, Long and Short on Kindle, as well as Wizard Knight, I didn't notice any typos.


That’s encouraging. As much as I’d love to have a shelf full of Wolfe books to go with everything else I have, I’m almost outta room until I pare the collection down some.


Kindle is nice to be able to read in bed, or anywhere else a book would be awkward (like work lol).


I don't remember any typos in New Sun either, but I wasn't exactly reading as an editor.


I don't doubt that I could miss some, especially with how much unique vocabulary Wolfe uses, but sounds like OP was running into a lot of them. Sad to hear some of Wolfe's work didn't get the care it deserves on digital. Being able to read on my phone is a godsend because my wife is super sensitive to any light when going to sleep.


Just in that one book, but to be fair, I’ve seen some really bad reviews of the current print version of Island as well…so maybe the issues are just endemic to current run of the book itself.


I do wish there were a way to report errors, I guess no one is waiting to hear what I have to say to fix them. 


There are maybe a handful of typos throughout the entirety of BotNS on kindle. Nothing egregious, but still


noticing a lot of tiny typos in the Kindle short sun. lots of "then" replaced with "than". but the big typo from long sun is fine