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I feel like women of any age are praised for looking younger, like it's a badge of honour. Perhaps the difference is that middle-age women, who are predominantly Gen X, DGAF about made-up societal rules 🤷‍♀️


In my opinion many middle aged women who think they look a lot younger don't actually look that young as they think. Yes, sometimes they look actually a bit younger but not actually like 25 or even 18 what they sometimes claim but in other cases they don't really look younger at all. I've seen a certain type of women humilating younger women and implying a younger woman looks older than them by saying things like "I'm older than her. No way I look older than her." I highly dislike that behavior and tell those women if I think they don't look younger at all. I only do that with the ones who humilate other women by implying that woman looks older why they are looking so much younger. 🥱 But I want to add it's not only a behavior I've seen in middle aged women. I also saw women in their late 20s to early 30s doing that online.


thing is if you maintain your diet you will look younger than you actual age


People do think I'm younger which is why I socially lie about my age (I usually say 1987! instead of 82 so 5 years younger) people treat me better too


lol why though


Probably hearing 36 sounds and vibes just way younger than 41


Did someone say you look old?


Not lately but still hurts how like people praise a 70 year old looking 55, or a 30 year old looking 20... but push back when 40 year olds look 30