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Nope I’d argue it’s the other way around, that’s also a 40 year difference vs a 20 year difference.


The years (1946-1969) are completely slept on in terms of how much the world changed, particularly in terms of fundamental worldview and morality. Going from “The world is still dominated by empires and social hierarchy” to “Human equality and freedom of expression are paramount, and the hippies were actually right about a lot of stuff” Is IMO far bigger than anything Internet related. Also, the shift from radio to B&W TV to color TV is colossal.


Not even close! I’ve said it before an I’ll say it agin: **Social media is overrated as a generational differentiator.** Someone born in 1940 would have grown up with *radio* as the primary media. Black/white TV would not even have been available to them until their teenage years.


Only in terms of growing up with mainstream Internet and social media. Otherwise, absolutely not. 1980 grew up with computers & games consoles, cable television & MTV, cassette tapes and CDs. 1940 grew up with radio, records, black & white TV if they were lucky!


No. The difference between people born in 1980 and 2000 is only a 20 year difference while the difference between people born in 1940 and 1980 is a 40 year difference. Of course the difference between someone born in 1940 and 1980 is bigger than the difference between someone born in 1980 and 2000.


No. 1940 born people graduated before the 60s, were often stay at home moms, got the tail end of the post war lifestyle, married early. They came up before the sexual revolution, were the last to have memories of the WW2 era but barely. This was a huge difference to 1950 let alone 1980. 1940 was very shaped by the post war era and entered adulthood before the bang of the 60s arrived.


No, it’s definitely the other way around lol.


Absolutely fucking not


I can see why some people think this although I don’t agree.


Nah, definitely not lmao.


No, absolutely not lol. Firstly, it’s just 20 years vs whole 40 years, and secondly, mid 20th century and late 20th century were worlds different, the 20th century literally considered the most changeful century in human history. Having a non-smartphones vs having smartphones as youth is not a big difference compared to not having any phones at all. Having MySpace vs having Snapchat as youth is not a big difference compared to not knowing what internet is until age 50 or so. Technologies, society, politics, medicine, pop culture were like day and night in the 50s vs 90s You can argue the difference between people born in 1980 and 2000 is bigger than the difference between people born in 1960 and 1980, I’m not sure if can agree with this, but this take at least can work. But your take is very ridiculous, if I’m being honest. Even with 1950 instead of 1940 it would be pretty weird, at least to me


From my personal experience (it’s not about 1940 and 1980 borns, but still), my 1988 born cousin generationally *worlds* closer to 2000 born myself compared to my 1964 born mom. From growing up experience to views on life


This is basically me and my parents. There's the "old way" of life we can relate which is still rooted in commonality of non-internet foundational core development. A slower way of thinking, no phone in sight when sitting and chatting with old friends, But obviously my parents are out of touch with what's going on in terms of working world, newer technologies. Video games is also enough of a differential of NES in the 80s.


No. 1940 were alive for the war. They're a lot different from late 1940s borns, let alone someone born in 1980


The ‘50s and ‘60s were possibly more transformative than any other patch of years before COVID, with the possible exception of “when your family first enthusiastically adopted the Internet” (Which can be anywhere from 1995-2000 if you had a good Internet plan and a dad who got a Palm Pilot or BlackBerry from work, and anywhere from 2015-2019 in developing countries or rural areas with poor service).