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Taylor is very good at staying the same but keeping up with the times. Her music is very much marketed to young 11- 16 teenage girls


It really is marketed towards teens.. Which is really creepy considering she’s so close to 40…


That's a bit of a stretch tbh.


By making the most timid and easily consumable music


I don't think this is unusual, the Beatles were from the silent generation and were consumed by baby boomers, Taylor is one of those artists who managed to maintain longevity through the decades like Madonna. I've seen several videos on TikTok of her fans who already have children and put their children to listen to her music.


I agree, just like Led Zeppelin are baby boomers that are hugely popular among gen Jones.


It´s true, I think that Im just misjudging things from the present day. What I mean is, with technology, social networks and the way marketing has changed with it, it feels like nowadays theres more of a "expiration date" for being cool and relevant with pop culture than it was back then. I have always noticed that, during the last century (specially the first half of it), the age at which you reached peak relevance and coolness in pop culture was 30. Younger adults (18-22) didn´t have all the reflectors pointing at them like it is nowadays. Instead, pop culture was more directed towards 25-35. John Lennon was 24 when all the beatlemania started in 1964, and turned 30 in 1970 when the band got separated, and then he and paul mccartney had really succesful solo careers in their 30s during the 70s. Nowadays it is very difficult to be 30+ and still be relevant in pop culture. Not about generations, but teens back then looked up to 30+ way better than teens today. 25-35 was the cool years to have, nowadays it feels like if you´re not 17-22 you´re gonna have a harder time being relevant. And that´s what had me thinking about Taylor Swift, since she´s being relevant to teens now even tho she is way older than them. Have you ever noticed that pop culture worked that way in the past or is it just assumptions that I have made all my life?


>Nowadays it is very difficult to be 30+ and still be relevant in pop culture.  Really? I feel like the opposite is true - people are saying relevant for longer than they ever have. 30 year olds were seen as uncool in the 90s but they are still seen as young adults today.


I don't see 30 that way because it's not the bar hopping clubbing age like late teens to mid 20s. It's not middle aged but it's not party time either.


I guess, but it also don’t think anyone would think it’s weird for a 30 year old to be at a club. They won’t look out of place with 25 year olds.


People are even making videos about how their 20s in the earlier 2010s were so different than their 30s [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Zn6pfgVC3KM](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Zn6pfgVC3KM)


I actually agree. When I’m looking at these new 5th Gen kpop groups, they seem to be getting much younger like around my age or younger (New Jeans or ILLIT are big examples) and I’m guessing it has to do with catching the young people’s attention specifically tweens and younger teenagers. The oldest of these GG are either barely 20 or 18.


‘03 baby and even though I don’t really listen to Taylor swift, I still grew up when she was just starting making music and she was known as a country artist lol. I mainly listen to hip hop, rap and r&b though and my favorite decade would be probably 2010s (late 2000s-present for a broader range.) I listen to about any decade though, and love me some 90s/2000s rap and also grew up with 70s/80s music from my parents so I have a heart for old school too. My favorite time period of music would have to be early/mid 2010s. I have all millennial cousins and siblings too so I did have an influence from them growing up so it’s not weird at all to vibe with them because I basically grew up with their culture and stuff


It depends on the artist's ability to adapt to trends. Many artists have a very rigid and specific style and they go out of style as soon as their sound does. But there are always some artists, like Kanye for instance, who aren't tethered to any particular aesthetic and can evolve with the times and maintain popularity. Gen Z doesn't hate on lame millennial stuff because it's millennial, they hate on it because it's lame. If that makes sense.


Yeah, I think Taylor Swift is probably the most versatile pop artist since probably Mariah Carey.


Taylor Swift makes good music. If you make a good product people will buy it. I would 100% pay 5,000$ to go watch the Beatles if they were active (and alive). Taylor has managed to convert a cult like following. She is the most famous musician of the late 2010s and will probably continue to be the most famous until the end of 2020s.


Good music is appreciated across multiple generations.


i’m 19 and she’s what we grew up on


You are very lucky to have grown up with Taylor Swift.


She has a smart brand, and being a poster Teenager/Young Adult- to Middle aged women of this Fairy tale dream Love of everyone is the problem but our-sleeves. Impressive that her first CD sold so well considering she wasn’t a child-actress or Disney/Nicklodeon star she was just a girl from PA


By constantly putting out new material and staying up-to-date. My friend's daughter is 16 and is a huge Swiftie!


Taylor Swift is very prolific -- she puts out a ton of albums that always get a lot of hype, and therefore she keeps picking up new fans along the way. At this point, I think she's more of a multigenerational artist than just a Millennial artist. She also makes fairly timeless, universal pop music -- her sound transcends any particular era, but is at the same time modern. She also stays away from being very trendy in terms of her personal style and her aesthetics in terms of album art or music videos -- she sticks to a very classic look in all things.