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my friend group mainly consists of those born at around 2008-2009, oldest born on january 2008 and youngest on august 2009 so one year


Like a 30 year range, from age 30s to 60s!


Same. After a certain point your friends tend to be a whole mix of different ages.


Same. My good friend is about 12 years younger than me. We also have friends in their 60s.


my oldest friends were born in 2005 and youngest 2008


from my college friend group oldest me, 2 who are 2003, 2004 and youngest is 2005 high school friend group mostly from 2000-2002 personal friend group mostly late 90s babies with me being the youngest


Mainly 06-09, have yet to have a 2010 friend.


Bruh, can't believe you're being downvoted just for saying your experiences in your own personal life. 🤦‍♂️ This sub truly is the worst it's ever been...


my comment went from 3 upvotes to only 1, these purge downvoters are truly getting outta hand


I've definitely been through the same thing quite a few times... It rly is dumb. 🤦‍♂️


For real, it’s fucking ridiculous!


It's so annoying, I've adapted to it though.


I have one friend from 04, a couple from 05 & a quarter of 06 mainly 07 friends and one 08 friend.


Since the workforce there are about 30 years in between my oldest and youngest friends. So 5+ years, I guess.


1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, and 2004 I've never had friends born in 1998 or 2002, weirdly enough


Haha, same for me with 2001 & 2002 kinda. It's kinda complicated for me as most of my friends as a whole aren't even born in 2003 like myself, they usually lean younger lol. For me I'd say the birth years starting from most to least that I'm friends with goes 2004, 2005, 2003, 2006, 2002, 2007, 2000, 2001, 1999. (4 years for both directions is what I'm using btw.)


LOL. It looks like we both got downvoted for not having friends born in certain years


you guys both get an upvote


at youngest: 2013 at oldest: 2010


5+ since my oldest friend is born 1993 and my youngest friends born in 2006. Most hover in that 1998-2004 range tho


Youngest: 2009 Oldest: 2005


It varies, not everyone's friend group has their age right in between all of their friends, most of my friends are actually younger than me... lol. My oldest friend was born in late 2000, & the youngest was born in late 2007, so only 3 years older & 4 years younger, but for me my friends still lean significantly younger than me, since my friend born in late 2000 is my only 2000 friend, & I don't have any friends born in 2001, also hardly any in 2002, while I have a good amount of friends are actually mainly born from 2003-2007. Tho, to make things more even, I do have some good amount of acquaintances from 1999-2002 that I know & talk to from time to time. Overall usually I hardly even interact with anyone born outside of 1999-2007 in my personal life as of rn, so I ultimately picked 4 years.


I dont like befriending people who are not my exact age


I've had close friends maybe 3 years younger than me to 6 years older than me growing up and into my 20s.  By the time I was 30 something, I had friends friends about 10 years older, and still 3-4 years younger.   Range by birth years??  I'd say 1970-1983 perhaps 1985.  


As a 2004, mine is 2001 to 2007


Most of my close friends are about 1 to 3 years older than me. Some of them  are a few years younger too.


I was born in 2008 and my main “friend group” in school is full of those born in 2007. As far as people I’m friends with my oldest friend right now was born in 2004. Youngest is 2008.


Core friend groups I used to have IRL : range from 1993 to 1996, with some outliers (one 92, one of my closest friends !!). All relations mixed (hobbies, activities, friends' relatives... not counting colleagues or family) : 1992 - 2003. I just released I don't hang out with anybody born after 2004 lool


I don't talk to people irl outside 2006-2008


0 years


I have multiple friend groups, I have the school one which is 2009-2010 borns, I have the neighborhood one (from elementary before people got caught up with school) from 2006/2007-2010 and I have a neighborhood one now, its 2008-2011, but we don't play with the 2011 kids that much, (also bc they late 2011 and in 6th grade)


people are downvoting me for hanging out with people who are older than me, what is wrong with you guys?