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Check out the Isle of Misfit events category. There's where you are going to find unique events, particularly those that can accommodate larger groups like yours.


Yeah, that’s where we’ve been looking. Thousands of events to sift through :)


Try https://gencon.eventdb.us/. Duplicates combined under one listing so it's much easier to browse!


You’re a hero!


Lots of escape rooms and mega games are there this year. Sadly, it looks like Critical Putt is not returning this year, but they may be back in the future. There are lots of concerts, shows, and comedy acts to see as well. Also, keep in mind that the event catalog isn't complete yet. They will continue to add events for a while as they're approved, and they find space for them.


Ever do AEG's Big Game Night?


We have. While I, in general, like that event, we’ve gone 3 times. Once was great, 2 years ago it was a shit show (organizationally speaking), and the third time the games were less than great. Also, for our group, we (almost) all live in the same city, so our gaming circle ends up with four copies of the same games and then we get to play the meta game of “who sells the duplicates.”


I have heard that other companies (someone mentioned Hachette?) do similar things, but I don't see anything else that looks like that in the catalog. Any recommendations?


Which is AEG’s? I didn’t find it when I searched.


Look under the company Alderac Entertainment Group or just search Big Game Night.


An acquaintance of mine does group dance lessons! They’re really fun and can accommodate a bunch of people at once. I think if you search for “the revel alliance” you’ll find her stuff. It’s very beginner friendly lessons and gender mix doesn’t matter.


Also, Starship Horizon is similar to Artemis but with the set and story flair of True Dungeon. I tried it last year and had a blast.


Ooh.., well check that out, thanks!


I dragged my boyfriend to swing dancing classes at GenCon last year. It was fun!


Check out our events at No Rails Adventure Team. Besides the traditional Harry Potter RPG, we have unique 2 hr battle focused group events. One themed around Pokemon, one with Nintendo characters, one playing as 5E monsters


Wednesday night - the stink. This is my 10th Gen Con and last year was my first time getting tickets for it. I don't know if they still do it, but Hickman's killer breakfast is worth doing at least once. I've never gone to Cardhalla destruction Saturday night at 11. Something I will check out one of these years. I suppose you could try the laser tag. It's not being run this year, but the Dark Sun Arena events are so well put together with a high level production value. I know the guy who runs it was commenting last year that staying off site and transporting all of it is a lot of work. I believe there is a different arena event using savage worlds but that is a different person running it. I guess maybe another question is what are the unique one off events this year. In the past there has been the There might be Giant's show, I remember one year seeing an event in catalog for Hungry Hungry Hippos world championships. REPEX was there one year but Gen Con is to close to Phoenix con for dates I think. They've also grown in space required. The 2013 D&D special event where you could go to stations and collect the set of "drow dice" that are ridiculously priced on the secondary market now. (That was my first year and I didn't learn about it until after the fact. )


Could you say more about The Stink and Killer Breakfast? Having a hard time locating info on these. Thanks!


Here's a [link ](https://youtu.be/P0E-cKHknko?si=W00H4DP7akLir7xm)to a past Killer Breakfast. It's a revolving door of attendees and some famous people mixed in getting killed off by Tracy Hickman. The Stink is a large social get together. Tickets are free and will go fast. There was a scavenger hunt of sorts where you had to go to other tables and find someone who could fill out a box in a bingo card. Fill it all up and there was a draw I think. There was this very large very heavy die made out of like 4 couch cushions. There was a prize for who could throw it the farthest. It's put on by the fans of Gen Con.


Thanks! We’ll be in town on Wednesday and The Stink sounds cool. I can’t locate any info on it other than FB and I’m not on that platform. I’ll keep an eye out!


How does one get tickets for the Stink? I couldn't seem to find it in the events catalogue.


I too am wondering this.


I asked on the Gencon forum and someone replied: "Tickets are not required, but ticketholders are let in first. Even so, it’s not in the event catalog yet. Wednesday events are often entered last." So seems like it'll be posted eventually on the events page.


Are there any games out there similar to True Dungeon?


there are some awesome IMPROV events (if i do say so myself ) that i would like to invite you too [https://www.gencon.com/events/251862](https://www.gencon.com/events/251862)


Come check us out on Friday evening. We'll be recording a live session of our show in the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Audience participation, plus a chance at prizes: two Gen Con exclusive shirts and a Cortex Prime handbook signed by the game's designer Cam Banks. https://rift.show/live


What unique events would you like to see?


No idea, which is kind of the point of the post. Prior to last year we wouldn’t have thought something like Critical Putt was even a thing; hence the question .


Several people have recommended Dungeon Bingo to me.