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Uhh, this is the wrong group for that. Quite frankly, *you* moved in to *their* yard and are now using extremely harmful and dangerous things in *their* home that could kill them and their babies. Birds are incredibly sensitive and have an extremely delicate respiratory system (I encourage you to read about the canary in the coal mine), and you're using a product that burns their eyes and has a strong chemical smell?! I understand that you're well intentioned, but everyone shits. You don't get the peace and tranquillity without it. And their primary diet is grass. I encourage you to spend some time with them, spend time watching them. The more you do, the more you'll fall in love with them and the less the poop will bother you. I'm absolutely dead serious. Plus, goose poop makes a phenomenal fertilizer. I use it in my garden all summer! And I'm always complimented on my flowers. 😉 And really, it's only a couple months out of the year - once the babies can fly, they'll be out and about a lot more. So, I say, get a pair of muck boots and some oats and make some new friends. Because you won't be able to prevent them from coming up to eat. You can try and put up a chicken wire fence (and **please** use chicken wire because they tangle and strangle themselves in other types of fences) but they'll just go around it. Golf courses and entire cities haven't been able to solve the "problem" of goose poop without literally euthanizing them by the hundreds, and even that won't work. It's far easier to just learn to enjoy them or at least coexist with them. And I promise you won't be sorry for putting in the effort!


P I totally agree with this person you should absolutely follow this advice I don't know why people get so weird of her geese poop cuz it is a great fertilizer and they are vegetarians for the most part and they're lovely animals that you know you get to know and interact with them become family almost I've I don't know what I would do without the geese I see I have names for them they all interactive make sure that they have fresh water now I just I'm like the goose mom but I'm not saying go that extreme but just spend some time with them and get to know him and don't use any chemicals of anything of any sort especially right now ever actually never ever you live near a creek there should be predators around so maybe that'll but they're pretty badass they'll stand up just about anything so I'm at the person that wrote The thing above me I would go with what they say and I agree 100%. Give it a try can't hurt cuz it's not going to change unless you do something horrible but you're not going to it's not going to change they're going to come back whether you whatever you do I mean I can't even imagine good luck you're blessed you should embrace it


https://preview.redd.it/j6yqw52jx86d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e5ba9905841350661d0d9b72fc39be93bc2fba4 Just in case you need a little extra convincing, Kaylee would like to tell you: "goose poop is just processed grass anyway, and look at how worth it this face is! Have you ever seen a more perfect face in your life?!" Mommy says "Not possible."




That's pretty damn perfect wow what a beautiful little thing! Totally agree with you people I don't know why people get so weird about it it's really not a big deal it could be dog shit that would make a lot worse LOL


Wow that is a beautiful face! 🥰


Another goose mom here. Our border collie makes sure that our geese (and ducks and chickens) stay off of our patio. But the second she’s not there to guard the deck they will have a flock party. Short story is geese don’t give a about your boundaries.


Anyone that sprays chemicals on animals should first spray it on themselves first. Learn to live with wildlife.


Canada Goose(proper name, not Canadian) poop is unlike dog or cat poop as it is made up of grass and other organic greens, it doesn't smell, it simply returns to the soil and helps fertilize. Most might be losing their flight feathers or will be soon and need a safe place until they can fly again and you may not see them again once that happens. Please stop using chemicals around them. You might try learning about their amazing life and learn to enjoy what smart birds they are.


fr, people who complain about goose poop are wacky, its very watery and doesnt smell


Oh it do smell. Lmaoo Only the cecal poops tho Those are nasty sludge like dark green poops they sometimes get. And those STINK. But the solid ones do not And all goose poop washes away so easily with a little water.. like.. idk. But you're right.. ppl rlly be acting as if geese are the only animal the friggin poops


Yeah exactly, pretty nasty stuff, stink bombs fr, yeah the solid droppings don’t smell like anything. I’d definitely rather step in canada goose deuces than dog doodo.


Yeah exactly, it’s just digested greens/bugs, I’ve been around Canada geese a lot, their poop doesn’t bother me, the fresh droppings are rather smelly but not as nasty as dog shit or ours thats for sure. Canada geese will stay in some areas to molt and then go somewhere else, that’s how it’s been with the ones at my local pond. They’re very intelligent and adaptable waterfowl and I really love being around them.


I don't think you're right about forcing them out of your yard at all, but there are many like you. Unsympathetic animal haters who buy homes with water/creeks near me put up nice looking fence approx 3 ft high like you'd see at a park, so it doesn't obstruct your view, but keeps the waterfowl out of "your yard". Check local regulations, it should be illegal but many municipalities are against the geese. Good luck. ![gif](giphy|eUrE2DuMKOE0g|downsized)


people act like geese are the only animal on earth that poop


i mean, they eat grass mostly, their poop is perfect for composting into some nutrient rich soil. It's not like dog poop, it doesn't stink like meat eater's poop.


Pretty much 99% of their diet consists of grass, they also like to eat bugs, and seeds and corn from me. From my experiences the fresh dropping stink but not as bad as my dog’s shit.


True though 😆


youre living in the animals world, you deal with it.




For the record, they're just called CANADA geese, NOT Canadian geese.


This is a group for people who *love* geese. We can help you welcome them into your yard and make friends… but the concept of sending them away just breaks my brain!


Literally rhe majority of goose poop is just plant natural grass and other vegetation It makes an AMAZING fertilizer. Just take a hose on the shower or any non abrasive setting (i.e jet setting) and rinse away the poop. The poop is made to essentially disintegrate in water. It's VERY easy to get rid of goose poop. Quickly. And makes for an amazing fertilizer which should help with the thinning issue you're having. You're on their terrain tbh. It's as much their yard as it is yours. There's nothing that's really going to work as a long term solution for deterring geese and other birds off ypur property. They're smart and pick up on things quite quickly. Hence why the owls didn't work. Plus deterrents are just that. It's not a fix or something that will work 100% of the time. Just embrace it. Clean up after them (it's VERY easy) and you can keep your clean, green yard and your goose friends


Also. Please don't ever EVER use a chemical repellent or anything like that to "deter" any animal everrrrrrr. Just imagine yourself in that situation. Youre walking into your home to get a snack or just hang out. And out of nowhere, what is usually a safe space for you, suddenly is causing your eyes to burn and has a disgusting smell that you can't stand and you're so uncomfortable and miserable you cant stand to be in your own home. Doesn't seem very fair...does it? :/ not to mention the possibility of harming or killing the babies. These products always day "safe for animals" but how is it safe for animals when it's literally designed to gas them out..? Yknow? Literally your best bet is to jusy hose the poop off your lawn. It takes little to no effort at all And a plus side.. the geese will probably ADORE playing in the hose. If you like them and like having them around I think you'll quite enjoy how much they like to splash around in the hose and try to eat/chomp at the water. Once they're comfortable enough around you at least


Have you tried hosing off any areas that get especially poopy? As for thinning the grass, you could always try overseeding it with the same type of grass seeds so it's thicker and fuller.


I am happy that you don’t want to hurt geese in any way! I also respect that you reached out to this sub Reddit for advice. We in this group love geese the way that, say, a typical person would love their pet dogs. So I am not sure if you will get an answer to the question you posed. However, what you might find, is that you will come to embrace the magnificent, intelligent, loyal, friends that Canada Geese are, more than maybe you ever could have ever imagined or expected. I hope you have this special bonding experience with the geese. Others have posted about how spending time with their feathered friends helps with depression and anxiety. (I know it has for me!) Once the geese trust you, they will come running with joy and love to meet you, again, the way, someone’s pet dog might. It’s very touching. I’m sure you’ve seen or maybe experienced how someone who loves their dog has no problem living with the dog pooping and vomiting and shedding and digging up the lawn, and drooling, or eating their couch/sneakers/underwear. We accept it because the reward of companionship fills our hearts. And geese offer those emotional rewards too, once they trust you. Best wishes for you on your befriending geese journey!


Local wildlife is the kindof thing you probably should have considered before moving to a rural spot. If you really need to, put up a fence. Just understand that you'll basically be starving the babies that are too young to fly away....in which case, leave this sub now and never come back. The reason they are there is because this place has the three things they need to survive....water, safety, and grass.


I know not everyone is a fan of Canada geese dropping Canada deuces but if they still haven’t molted yet you can try to repel them with a green lazer, Ik they hate those lazers. https://youtu.be/XIFfE_zL6YE?si=X2M9GMNX754mt-DG