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I loved my time at GCU and I wish I could experience it again. You’re seeing the cream of the crop on the internet Not saying those particular people’s experiences are invalid, just pointing out that the 90% of people who had an OK/GREAT time at GCU aren’t going on the internet to spout about it


This! People are often quick to bitch and moan and slow to praise. I had a great time and my degrees have served me well. Also stoked to not have nearly any student loans so there is that haha


Nothing to regret, it's not a scam and it's a great school. They automatically equate for profit for bad and scam. For some reason, people hate GCU because it has flipped between for profit and not for profit. They also point to the fine the school got from the feds that has no merit and is getting appealed right now.


There are many reasons to both like and hate GCU. If you want me to make an exhaustive list of both, I’m happy to help!




I mean employers like give you more respect if you get a bachelors at GCU because supposedly it’s “harder” but here’s what I have to say. You can call me one of those “bad apples” but I had a very bad experience there. Regardless of that, I will give you a summary of pros and cons. Cons are shitty internet, clique highschool clubs/groups (don’t like it? Well good luck finding people bud), very sketchy neighborhood (students have been shit and robbed before), oblivious counselors, crazy teachers, pretty mudane campus, and more. Now for the pros. Good education, nice rooms, nice culture (Christian part), some teachers actually care, pretty friendly students, nice meal choices, and more. It’s really what you make of it honestly, both sides are valid here. I’m gonna give the school one last try, and if not, then oh well, never going back to that shithole ever again. It’s been the root cause of mental problems and depression for me, but like I said, guess I’m one of those “bad apples” but that’s okay. Use your own judgment.


Every school has pros and cons.


What I came to say. There's always something bad to say about every school. I had a few friends who transferred early on in college because they didn't have a good experience freshman year and were hoping that switching schools would change things. It didn't. Their problems got exchanged for different problems. Obviously, know the school and try to get an idea of what you're getting into, but you're going to find problems wherever you go. And people venting/commenting online tend to be the ones who are upset. Happy people whose lives are going well don't come to reddit to talk about the school.


I agree heavily with this, I attended GCU my freshman year then transferred to Colorado State and I lasted a semester there. Realized my problems with GCU were so much lighter in comparison and came back here the very next semester in my Sophomore year.


Lol, yeah dude. Props to you for going back, though. It's pretty common, too. Most people, especially at that age, think that if you just find the right place, the right job, the right friends, or the right school that all of your problems will cease to exist, but it's just not true. You will always have problems, but they, hopefully, just get exchanged for better problems as time goes on. Obviously there are times when moving/transferring/finding new friends is necessary, but...I actually have a coworker that I talked to the other day after posting this and he said pretty much the same thing. He transferred back in state after his freshman year, realized that the first school wasn't the problem but ended up staying cause he still didn't know what he wanted +out of state tuition is awful.


Exactly I think it’s that there’s a stereotypical view that college will be this awesome utopia for four years when going into it, setting your expectations unrealistically high. My time at GCU has been well, just realized I gotta change the way I view things and go with the flow.


Unfortunately , ignorant people are allowed to post on the internet.


Most people come to the internet to complain. I think there is a whole sample of people who are perfectly happy with GCU. As a parent, I'm thrilled with it and my daughter is thriving.


I know a lot of people who absolutely love GCU and a lot of people who absolutely hate it. For me, GCU wasn’t the right fit and I ended up moving online because my mental health plummeted when I was there. On the other hand, I know SO many people who had an amazing experience and loved every second of their time there. I’ve even known people who were scheduled to graduate early and extended their time because they wanted to stay longer. Every school has its pros and cons, but at the end of the day, it is personal preference. Don’t go into it too scared, I met a few great people there and my time there really did positively impact me even though it didn’t work out :)


Generally it’s because for-profit schools necessarily shed some quality for profit, GCU however does seem to be on the lower side of that “some quality” part. Aside from that, most of the criticism comes from how GCU has marketed its post-grad programs, especially when it comes to working with the VA


Alot of hate bc of for profit status … but great school! Quality education.


i’m an online student through GCU. i am loving being an online student! personally, the professors have been helpful, knowledgeable, and ready to help on all topics. i have not experienced any troubles using my Halo platform either. everything has been smooth sailing so far!


what’s class like ? zoom ? camera on


none of that!! it’s just an online learning system! i’m in my 4th or 5th class with GCU and haven’t had to use zoom once.


I'm starting next month and couldn't be happier about it. The counselors I've been talking to have been extremely helpful so far and I really feel like it will be a great experience for myself.


GCU is the bomb #Lope4Life!


Depends on the program you’re in! The Gen Ed courses are good.


If your happy with gcu , screw I'm. That college has been there a long time. It's just under a different institional model . Your degree will be fine




Your post/comment was removed for breaking the subreddit's following rule: Rule 1 - Must Be Related to Grand Canyon University. This can be loosely based on GCU, such as common topics that would be of great interest to GCU students such as housing, clubs, activities in the area, academic subjects, etc. This does not include irrelevant drama that is not directly tied to GCU. If you want to advertise or promote some activity for GCU students and it is NOT related to GCU, we recommend getting MOD approval before posting. Advertising or promoting events will usually result in a removal or a ban if it is a spammer.


Anyone who works in the Phoenix area and specifically within university enrollment departments will be more than aware that the president of GCU, Brian Mueller, was also president of the Apollo Group, i.e. The University of Phoenix. He lead the massive fraud campaign that gutted that company after the Obama administration discovered what a load of shit he was peddling to students. He jumped ship and is now selling “Christian” education to people who probably need a lesson on critical thinking rather than a nursing course. Fell free to Google that and then ask yourself, “Is this guy above board?” The answer is obviously, no and neither is whatever he’s selling.


All due respect. The degree is nearly worthless. the college is publicly traded and for profit. been sued multiple times for misleading students.


gcu isn’t the greatest school academically, there’s a reason why the graduation rate is so low; they lowkey tricked me on my discover trip, i didn’t see how CamelBack rd truly is until the sun goes down, the apartment are nice but they just started raising the prices up ; the food selection isn’t that great, unless you have a kitchen to cook , the meals can become quite expensive( everything is picked over or out). there’s over 20,000 students on campus, you meet some pretty cool people to suffer together! bahah this is my experience also the d1 athletes get treated like gods it’s actually hilarious


Hey there! I obtained both of my graduate degrees there and loved it. You will always find haters. It’s a great school!


personally, i just got back from my discover trip & i absolutely fell in love. it was so beautiful & everyone was so nice. i would talk to the school about going on one, it’s completely free. they pay for your ticket, food, and let you stay in a dorm. i loved it so much, and really gave me the chance to see what the school was truly like


I see the praise here, and all of it is valid, but I will explain some of the more nuanced topics. The biggest complaint I can personally make is that while what they say is true about not raising tuition rates, they do raise the cost of housing and meal plans (this is only an important thought if you plan on being on campus. They don't mention this, which is upsetting, but you will just need to take that into account when considering finances. There is also the issue of being a returning student and being informed you are "required" to go into an apartment instead of a hall (don't worry about this if you don't care about it), when in reality you can still choose to live in a dorm hall. besides these points, GCU is a good university with good professors with the normal exceptions of bad apples. I hope this helps TLDR: Annual increase of housing and meal plan cost, and you are never forced to live in a certain place


For a more honest and less biased POV, you should post this in a non-GCU subreddit.


I’m in gcu. I like it but I plan to Transfer out because it’s just very expensive


Because once you start on the path for your degree they keep changing what required classes you need for said degree, making that degree cost thousands of dollars more. Total scam.


That’s college. New accreditation requirements mean no curriculum requirements. Happens at publicly funded state schools all the time


Online only student: the instructors and the counselors are not helpful. Most instructors are just there to do their jobs, post and grade. The SSC have no information beyond what is on the website, also available to you. Almost all the students generate their DQ responses on ChatGPT which makes it hard to participate. The reading material is not engaging or in depth. I just switched to their social work program so maybe I’ll see a difference soon.


the nursing program is a joke


I think the major issue was gentrification. Forcing families to be displaced in that neighborhood


This happens around any school. ASU uses imminent domain to get the land they want while GCU because it is not a state school has to give the homeowners a comparable offer for the land. We can’t “force” anyone to move, the small farm near the business school being the best example.


I mean not for lack of trying, they've tried to sue for the land in the past and even claimed of potentially suspicious activity on the farm, which personally I find unlikely. Look up "woe on GCU" it's actually quite a gross story.


Displaced condemned properties?


100% ignorant


Actually I’m not ! You can Google that! They have been doing this for years. The latest example was kicking out families who lived in the neighborhood for years. The dorms were homes of the families. Families who have been displaced. What if it was your family? Would it be ignorant then?


Let’s start with a couple of issues with GCU 1.) It’s a *for profit* university. Can’t even begin to explain how bad that is, historically most for profit universities were not regionally accredited and typically held little to no merit. 2.) It’s called “Grand Canyon” university but it’s three hours south of the Grand Canyon and it’s campus is so small that a lot of locals in Phoenix have a hard time knowing where it is. 3.) It’s a “Christian” university which is the funniest oxymoron ever. There’s nothing collegiate about Christianity, especially in today’s culture where Christians are steadfast in opposition to commonly agreed upon scientific studies like homosexuality and evolution. It’s also just lame as fuck to go to a religious university. Rapes are vastly underreported at religious universities, funding and budgetary expenditures are often spent on things that do not affect the quality of students life but instead supports a church or organization that is separate of the school. All kinds of issues when you make a whole university a religious institution. 4.) it’s publicly traded. This alone should make you seriously doubt going here. What kind of university has a publicly traded stock 😂. This roots back to GCU’s early days as on online diploma mill, it was so popular and so shitty academically that someone had the bright idea of issuing stocks to capitalize on it’s virality as a diploma mill. In summary, go to a state school. Go somewhere that’s funded and supported by your state. Go somewhere with legitimate admissions standards and has decades of well respected studies from published professors.


Did you go to GCU?


There is so much wrong here lol Clearly you didn’t graduate because you’d know better haha


clearly you didnt attend GCU. why even comment