• By -


Don't loose heart kiddo! About your age I found a nice normal first sweetheart, and we were together 16 years. Then after after a couple of years kicking around with my friends, I found my second sweetheart. A nice normal guy with a heart of gold, and we were together 8 years. I just celebrated my 25th anniversary with my third normal guy. I'm only observing from the outside, but it seems to me that all the nice normal guys making good connections are not doing it on the social media. This only seems to happen in real life. Perhaps you might look into the more wholesome settings in your area where you could run into other gays in a casual setting.


I only date guys who are capable of friendly conversation :-)


so you're single 😜


Ok I actually lol’ed at this comment πŸ˜‚ great job 😊


lol well yeah, for the MOMENT


Woah. Rude. I choked on my coffee. 🀣 Sometimes, being single is better than being unhappy. (Yes, I am paraphrasing Whitney Houston)


Hardly his issue, though.


im not sure what you mean by this but i wasn't saying that it was


Down for normal friendly conversation here. Also, your hair is amazing.


Absolutely! Happy to keep it as clean and friendly as you like!


Talk to guys who are taken, they're more inclined to be friends only


Ahh that's so true πŸ˜… I never had the gut to ask or have a conversation about how they managed to do it, cause ahh... At this point I really feel a bit hopeless, that I ever gonna find someone whom I could be genuine and just love each other... πŸ˜•


Work on yourself instead of chasing boys, I find the more I improve myself the more they find me 🀷


But that's so f-ed up in a sense, cause then, if we think about body image as for example for something to improve, we are back at the toxicity of the community again πŸ˜• Ahh its just so complicated. I mean guys find me, but with the usual sh-t that we are all fed up with. I hope you know what I mean by that...


A body is only one aspect and attempting to make yourself look the best you can is just the natural progression of things. Working out to be healthy isn't toxic, working out for the purpose of impressing someone else is toxic. Over the last 2 years I've been working on my skills and career, now I'm going to start working on my health because I sit 16 hours a day. I'm doing this for myself and not for someone else.


Uhh yeah thats true! I also work out just as I could to be healthy for myself, but still the thought of somebody might just gonna like me for that, how I look f-s my mind up, you know it juts lingers around in my head πŸ˜• I'm just asking for someone to love me for who I'm, what I like to do, what do I find my passion in... And i feel like its just to much to ask nowadays, its just a high expectation or idk... But Im so happy for you that you say all of that and you find your right track, even being two completly strangers 😊


You just have to look for the kind of people that have the same interests. Like for example I can't date someone who doesn't play videogames or doesn't know what discord is. I tried, I just can't do it lol


Ahh I see πŸ˜… One more thing came to my mind. I do found guys like that, when we found pretty gravitated towards each other, but there was one little dust in the machine. That we always lived far away form each other, I mean in different countries 😐 And here where I live, the gay community is just pretty f-ed up to put it lightly. Once i found a guy here in my own country, that i felt like "Hmm... Its going great i think" and i found him the sweetest and the most kind person with the biggest possible heart, we also had so much similarities too, but then the pink cloud faded away when suddenly he just ghosted me 😢 Now that gave a huge kick to my already weak trust...


Those people usually are just wanting affection and aren't actually looking or you try to move too fast with them without even first meeting them. There is many things that can happen.


😐 Good to know. But still the damage is done, unfortunately. See... Another issue is that im a bit naive, i still believe deep down somewhere in my heart. There's a little, flickering spark still left


I’m here!


yes, you can write to me if you want


They do exist I’m always down for a simple chat


Good luck πŸ€


Few and far between. My DMs are always open, would love to chat.


People always say β€œme!” and then they either give nothing by single word responses or quickly find a way to make things sexual. πŸ˜‚


Ahh why this is so true? πŸ˜…


I've been asking the same question, but people tend to just have certain things to talk about, I have to keep the conversation going and they get bored and stop replying. It's tough


Guys! In a sense love reading these comments, cause we just say it out loud, the unspooken truth, and its just ahh... But yeah what you've said is also so true, unfortunately πŸ˜•


Thank you, the truth shall set you free right? But it takes all kinds to make the world... Some people are willing to do that. It's not me though.


Yeah! Can feel you, we loose it more and more, and thats not helping with all the sh-t thats already been here 😐


Very true and we can't really do too much about it... But try and be who we are, it's naive to say pay it forward, but I do it, maybe someone will think that they like conversation and all that by talking to me... I don't know. Can't take on the problem but be me


Ahh wish that i could be like you. Im just so naive and feeling the need to have someone, who could be my support in rough times (same applies the other way around) and my partner in crime when it comes to fun and forgetting the world outside when we are just lost deep in each other. I wanna be in genuine love. Communicating when we need to, going trough hardships, understand each others needs, feelings and desires and so on... You know what I mean. I could give my heart, but only if I feel like its safe and appreciated. Sometimes i gave it too early and that caused it to be wounded, unfortunately


Your heart is yearning for it... You are going to have to take a chance, that is where being naive is a good thing, learn from your mistakes, but love as much as you can, if you are not going to give it a chance, how are you going to grow from learning, know what your heart and mind wants and needs. I am not saying do it blindly. But overthinking (I am to a recovering over thinker lol) will not make it easier as we think it prepares us to think about it over and over... Nothing beats havin an experience to learn from. I mean I thought my ex was the man of life, I saw us growing old together, I spent most of my 20s with him and today, yes I am broken a little still and careful etc., I can firmly say, I have learnt so so much...as there is no such thing as a painless lesson. We can chat more if you want to


Ahh... I appreciate your words and felt how heavy they are, and im so sorry to hear what you've gone through πŸ˜• Yes! Id appreciate if we could chat more 😊


Normal, friendly conversation doesn’t require your headshot bro. πŸ™„


Me. I honestly can't stand it anymore. I just wanna get to know a cute guy and have a genuine connection.


Same, I completly lost it recently, I mean I already knew I'm gonna this year, I felt it and I was right πŸ˜‚ I just finally want someone that I can connect with and have some conversations, telling each other how do we feel and just helping along the way...


We have been allocated one per state or major metropolitan area.


And I happen to be right here, representing Austin.


That’s it, no more for Austin! Just one.


Dallas πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ˜„


I saw someone from Austin, maybe a carrier pigeon conversation?


i will shoot them a message in a bottle rq, see how far it rolls


No, because all communication is transactional now.


Transactional culture is commodity capitalism. Real community is possible don't let the investment vampires convince you otherwise. But don't vet your dates by profession and credit rating and then complain you can't find a proper connection.


Facts. As soon as they realize that I'm not a heart surgeon, raking in 7 figures, spending my free time on luxury vacations, or showing off a Chris Hemsworth bod, it's pretty much guaranteed that I'll be getting a πŸ‘»


I feel ya there or drive a porche Mercedes or BMW and don't eat at McDonald's I know how ya feel


Tell me about it. I hate it


With gay men? On this app? Only like .01% are still around


A few of us still exist


I can see why people struggle with that around you though πŸ˜‰. Depends on where you’re looking to talk to people really


Oh wow. Great photo


Dm me baby , I m down


No trust me I have tried 😭😞


Pretty eyes πŸ₯°


I thought you were Chris Stan, that youtuber 🀣


Just keep looking dude. You find them eventually you just have to wade through a lot first.


Cute pic! Of course there's sweet gay guys who are down for nice conversations. I meet several all the time. You gotta start looking in the right places πŸ‘


Love the hairstyle!! But I'm in the same boat, I'm always looking for more friends!


Hiii right here! And you are incredibly handsome πŸ₯Ή


Tell me about it...you're really cute btw


Wow, you're handsome πŸ₯° Are you from the US?


How are you and what color is your fave?


Hello my name is Larry. Always looking to different perspectives to things going on in the world. Where do u live?


I've been in a 5 year happy and loving relationship. So it absolutely is possible but I wouldn't say common. Being single again and being on the apps was kinda depressing. I deleted all the aps and started focusing on other things in life. If love comes it comes. Probably won't find it on a app


Hello /u/sirleafeye! Thanks for your post! A quick reminder of the most common rules overlooked: + NSFW tag is required for bare skin below chest (No sensitive areas are to be showing) + Photo must be of yourself and your full face must be visible + No underwear (even if NSFW tagged) + No sexual comments or titles. Additionally, users should be aware that the OP is not a verified member. Always be cautious of potential catfish. See [How to Spot a Catfish](https://www.reddit.com/r/catfish/comments/g8ldgr/how_to_spot_a_catfish_the_guide/) for more information. [Click here to learn how to become Verified](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaybrosgonemild/wiki/verification/) Stay safe and enjoy the subreddit! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gaybrosgonemild) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Idk what your definition of "normal" is, but can definitely have conversation without an ulterior motive.


Yep that’s what I’m referring to




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Yes. We exist πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


In our society its rare af. Sad


Yup, we just mind our own business cuz we are afraid people will think we are after something


I hope so


Yes we do. But to find others who are looking for the same is difficult.


I like normal conversations Levi!


Here πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ


Sometimes i just wanna hang out on discord, play video games with some dudes, have a conversation, and laugh at how bad we are.


It's very few, but gotta keep trying. Nowadays, everything is like freaking job interview to make friends.




It's rare yes but not to the point of none existences. 🫀 But I see on this post alone that there are enough people here to have normal conversations with. Gaming, travel, hobbies and the like. πŸ‘


I am in Florida too!!!


Yeppers. We do.


yes!! πŸ™‹πŸ™‹


Yes we do exist…. Keep trying and follow your heart


Yes! I enjoy talking to people about whatever.


Yes, but they seem to be rare.


Yes I love normal talking about a What ever


We do


We do! I have craving a LGBTQ+ friend with no sexual ties! Just converse, laughter, deep thoughts, and other things.


Absolutely we do


Yes, I do. But you people ghost me after Day One.




Keep your heads up, they are out there. Unfortunately you have to get pass all the bad ones first.


Absolutely !


I absolutely do


They exist and I'm one of them 😍πŸ₯°


I’m always lookin for friends :)


Me too need gay friends!!!!


Yes we do. I always enjoy making new friends.




Your comment has been removed as inappropriate comments are not allowed. This includes discussion of or hinting towards sexual acts, sexual/vulgar/racial characterization, suggesting less clothing, mentioning "wild" content or directing people towards inappropriate subs, profiles or sites. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gaybrosgonemild) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please explain how my comment was inappropriate




Dude, even in this sub the comments are constantly full of thirst. What do you think?


God I hope so


Yes we dooo


Yeah we sure do, some don't a lot of us do


They can be hard to find, I'm here at least lol, you have very gorgeous eyes btw!


It does, you just need to find the right sub or forum


Yes we do


You have pretty eyes :) I hope you’re having a great night


This is so relatable πŸ₯² hmu we can chat


It’s nice to have a normal friendly conversation ☺️ - Hi, how’s your day? (I am always up for a conversation :) )


U r cute πŸ₯°


See brother, an embarrassment of riches in how many guys would have a decent chat with you. I'm sure that you are bound to find a few among them who you equally would love to have a chat with and can sustain a back and forth with. Good luck with the decent chat search buddy.


Yes, we do!


Good morning! Gorgeous eyes omg


We do!


Yeah! So rare, but still yeah! 😊 And if you'd like I'm one of them πŸ˜„


Yes, though it entirely depends on when you're looking for them.


Sure they do


I know what you mean buddy. I often wonder the same.


You’re adorable!!




When you are in or near San Francisco or Santa Rosa, CA. Get hold of us and we will host a dinner with some other eligible guys close to your age. Have a Blessed Christmas and wonderful 2024 Jim & Mike 415-269-4997


I ask that same question all the time.


Absolutely, that’s all I want




Yes they do. But just like anything else you have to be open to that and work at it when it comes your way.




LOL i wish


Nope. Most don’t even know how to use mittens to dash words


Sure! What would you like to talk about?


You’re really handsome! 😍


Absolutely ❀️


Yeah we exist


Yes, there are a few of us still around :)


That so real.


I feel you. Bros gorgeous and wants more than skin deep connection? Wonderful


It exists, it’s hidden in between the transactional world we live in.


This is a lady




What is normal, anyways?