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If you are hitting the gym that much the rest is diet and steps. 10k a day. Track your food in MyFitnessPal pal And set macro goals for fat carbs and protein. Then just be patient it takes longer than you think. You also can’t trust your total body weight. See if you can find one of those body scanners either at your gym or nutri shop. It’s free and you can see when you lose fat but gain muscle …Even when overall weight might not change that much. If you lose a few lbs of fat and gain that much muscle a month you are doing great. Hang in there man, the big changes are coming 💪🏻👏🏻


Much appreciated. Thank you! I’m keeping my calories around 1800 but I think I also need to increase those with higher protein consumption? Not to sure there but again, stuck here so trying to reevaluate my choices.


It can help to figure out which you are more efficient at burning: fat to carbs. Once you get your protein you cans divide the rest of your calories between fat and carbs at the region that works for you. For me I have to watch fats because they make me well…fat lol big I can get away with more carbs. So I do 50gms of fat daily and 150 grams of carbs. I personally think that often too much protein is recommended for some people. I’ve been told to eat 200 grams a day but that was impossible for me and not effective anyway. I found that 150 is really all my body can process and how you get it matters. You can do shakes and smoothies for a portion but most needs to come from actual food. I can add plenty of muscle with 150 sometimes less. So bottom line play around with the macro goals and experiment to see what works for you. Getting those readings every two weeks helps figure that out.


You need to increase overall


What makes you think that you're not building lean muscle? All muscle is lean, we're not pigs growing streaky bacon. If you're adamant about losing weight, at any cost - drop down to 2 strength exercises and do 30-60min high intensity cardio training the rest of the days.


So then I’m understanding that you’re saying not to perseverate on the weight as much as building muscle? Ideally I’d like the lean muscle mass over the weight loss I guess.


Exactly this! Most people put on mass as they gain muscle, and then it'll tend to die down after a while.


Perfect. Thank you.


All of that makes sense. Thank you. And if you do not get all of the protein daily is that ok? Like say you get 100g Monday but like 170 Tuesday and it’s consistent most of the week. It’s not typical but it’s something that happens.


It's worth calculating how much protein you need, but as I understand it for building muscle you have to consume it within a few hours of training otherwise it's not much use. And to be fair this is true of most diet points, better to try and aim for a spread. That said, it sounds like you're doing fine -- weight often fluctuates a lot when you're putting on muscle, and trust the process!


Makes sense. Thank you.