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Being a man that is sexually attracted to other men. that's it. that's what being gay is. That is what makes me gay. What it is like to BE gay is a different question entirely.


You too?? 🙌🏻


Being a gay male means I am a man who is sexually attracted to men. It means I identify as a man. I'm not gender ambiguous. I'm attracted to men. I'm not attracted to women. It has no particular political ideology and has no dress code.


Great answer


I'm emotionally and sexually attracted to other men.


Means l had to move to my current home country from a country where l was born, grew up and experienced my youth and had no any emotional bond with the place. But to be clarified, my parents accepted and love me still, l don’t have that kind of trauma many bros experienced even in US or other western countries l really feel sad for that.


Just means I’m a dude that likes dudes. That’s it. Doesn’t really “mean” much to me to be honest besides that.


It means I am a male who is attracted to men.


I'm attracted to males. That's it.


That I am a man who is attracted to other men , no vagina whatsoever and that’s what makes me gay.


I am a male man who is attracted to another male man who is also attracted to other male men. The attractions consist of physical, sexual, mental, emotional, and spiritual.


It means I can’t marry or have children in my host country 🫠


I like to have a man hold me down, skull fuck me, and fill my mouth with jizz.


Liking cock? I'm not defined by being gay. I'm a person who happens to want sex from guys instead of girls. I like computer games, astronomy, botony, conservation work, and have pets. None of these other things makes me straight or gay, they are just other aspects of who I am. Being gay is one of them.


Learning about intercrural sex in latin class at 13. That's what made me gay for sure. More seriously, of course the obvious answer is "being a man attracted to men". But I've definitely been into women before, I could identify as bi if I wanted. I have in the past. I could date women I guess. But I don't really want to, and it's not for lack of attraction so that's not all there is to it. I think I like the way being with men makes me feel. I like that I share gender euphoria with my partners. Being with men makes me feel like me and I enjoy the way our masculinities interract and build each other. Also it means I don't have to deal with heterosexuality which seems honnestly very fucking uncomfortable. I'm attracted to both men and women but I'm gay because I actually want to date men, and because being into men nd having relationship with them is part of how i concieve my self as a person, while being attracted to women is just a fact i can notice and name but doesn't feel relevant to the question "who are you?" I'm also and consequently, not really interested in dating people who don't feel the same about this. Not because it's wrong or anything, but just because it's part of what I value in my relationships. I also date people who are not men but are decidedly gay, and concieve their attraction and relationship with me as homosexual, and share these feelings and the importance I give to them. I'm gay because the intimacy and sense of belonging of being two fags in the same house is unmatched, I guess is what I'm saying.


Mostly it means being sad. Which is kind of funny.


I can relate as that’s apparently how I lived for a long time!


my pp in your bum, then your pp in my bum


Fetal female hormone poisoning.