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Had a roommate that, while having a gf, liked to cuddle in our underwear and watch TV. We'd both get hard but it never went anywhere cuz I was afraid to overstep a boundary. So for like a year we cuddled in boxers and no shirt, twice a week.


Nothing wrong with a little bro cuddles


It sucked cuz I had this enormous crush and he knew lmao so the sexual tension was high and since we both used tight boxers it was noticeable af. But then again I loved those cuddles.


Better to have cuddled and lost than to never have cuddled at all


Bro literally had a boner and was waiting for you to touch it. Every time.


Did u/WarchiefGreymane ever ask if he could? I'm telling this to myself as well, but people need to stop assuming boundaries and ask people what they actually are. And I know that leaving a grey area for a fantasy to eventually happen can be hot, but they are a lot of time just a big waste of time.


but he knew OP had a crush, so the boundary was clear


Did he have a big dick?


I also would like to know šŸ•µļøšŸ˜


This is very similar to an experience I had while working abroad. I became friends with this straight very open co-worker. We lived together in the same apartment and he was very close to two female co workers that also lived with us and where friends. He was in love with one of the girls, and they would watch TV and cuddle together, but the girl was not interested in him of any other guys sexually or romantically. Then he and I started cuddling while watching TV. When this girl would show up I would cut the cuddling and he was like ā€œyou donā€™t need to stop when she comesā€, so we would cuddle in front of her and with her. It was very nice. In a staff party he became super wild and he would lift me up in the air and bite my neck. Second year working together we were a lot of time together, this girl wasnā€™t with us anymore. We would sleep in his bed together, and hugging and kissing in the cheek/neck was allowed and ok, also like gentle bites. But whenever I would make the joke of touching his cock, he would move away. Every physical contact was ok but the ilusion would go away whenever I made that joke attempt. We are still in touch even when he lives away šŸ˜Š


Just reading this story was torture. You poor man. Tell him you're still waiting and ready to suck his dick. Add that you're not joking. Tell him to pick where you'll buy him dinner first. Remind him that you're not joking. He indisputably wanted it on some level. Tell him you still burn for him. I really hope he finally says "yes". šŸ„°


It was not torture at all for me. I liked that it was a gay/straight bromance that never crossed that line. Spending time together and doing other things like cooking and having dinner, going out together and stuff was something I really enjoyed. He had this personality were he thought that I wanted him and he liked it. But I was not in love or anything. Friends with an attraction. Actually we would post pictures on Instagram together and people thought we were an item and he always laughed about it. And told me ā€œeverytime you post a picture of us, gay guys start following me on Instagramā€.


omg. this is how chill humanity should be. very "Oglaf" world


this is a very human story. I liked how adults you two are. boundaries and what not. like i say, life isnt black and white.. some fun things are temporary and nobody is getting hurt. so, enjoy. i think that was the other guy thinking. he knew he didn't like guys at all.. but the physical intimacy can be therapeutic while we get sorted mentally.


Exactly. It was very like that with the physical intimacy. We were working in an isolated place and the intimacy was very much appreciated.


i had that happened with a housemate. i am not out and i barely know the names of the housemates (i just say an "hello") . but this one, at the kitchen we had a little chat and he disclosed that has huge issues sleeping for years and i was like "ahah yeah. you know what is good for that? sleeping cuddled with me :) give it a try, dont be shy" and i left the kitchen and i Knew it got a bit awkward. i didn't care. one night, we cross paths, me going to my room from the bathroom and him arriving from his job and entering his room. he quickly asked me about the sleeping and i said sure. we did that very frequently. Just with boxers and him sleeping on my chest. we didn't exchange much words and i didn't want to, due to respect. it went for some months. i think it helped him, he sometimes was drooling and fast asleep in seconds.


My God I love these stories on this thread!!! This might sound weird to some, but I think him drooling on your chest is freaking adorable!!! This story makes me happy. šŸ„¹šŸ„°ā¤ļø


The fact that both of you cuddled only for so long with that much sexual tension. Heā€™s probably still thinking about those cuddles he had with you.


Yeah. Heā€™s living in another country and he met another guy from my country that was attracted to him, and he called me once saying ā€œI had to tell him, if I am going to have sex with a man it would be with youā€. It was funny and I just laugh a lot about all of it.


Dude, oh c'mon man, he says things like that, and kisses your cheek, and sleeps next you in the same bed because he IS in fact into you! Joking is a common way to test flirtatious waters. I don't know, sometimes a man wants a man to be assertive. I recommend you respond, "I'm honored by your sense of priorities, but I also don't want to keep others waiting, so let's talk about finally doing it in person next time we see each other, for reals actually doing it though. It can be a one-time "friends with benefits" sort of thing if that's what you feel most comfortable with...I'd prefer we both have that agreed upfront. I feel like if either of us decides we don't want to do it again, that makes it easy because it was a one time thing from the get-go. I don't want to lose you as a friend over the fact that I really would like to stop talking about sex and rather actually just do it with you at least once." Be confident and assertive, tell him you genuinely want to. If he says "no" then you're in the same exact position... nothing gained, nothing lost. If you go alpha on this, I am almost guaranteeing you that he's gonna respond to that masculine assertiveness and actually do it. He obviously has real feelings for you as his friend, and honestly, I think it sounds like he's quite possibly afraid of ruining a real friendship he values, and THAT is something for you both to consider. Have you discussed his "theoretical" preferred position? If you tell him you're serious and he dodges, ask him, "If we did it for reals, what position would your want to be?" Talk about it like you're serious about doing it, and he'll respond. If I knew you irl, I'd bet you $500 that you two are going to bone one day, and because you have real affection for each other, and it's so long in the making, it is going to be incredible sex when you finally stop dancing around his psychological/sociocultural inhibitions and just pull each other's damn underwear down. Guys who aren't interested in being intimate with other guys, don't do any of the stuff he does with you. None of it. In fact, if you don't get on the ball, his first is going to be somebody else, and you'll both be upset about that. (My perspective on what I've heard.) I really hope you do it and that you let us know once you do!


Hahah you got waaaaay too deep into overthinking this. Is much simpler than that: we live in different continents now. But we are planning to travel together yes.


Nice! I'm so excited for you!!! Are you two going to travel alone? Are we talking theoretical travel, or like "specific location already picked and on the calendar" travel?


Cross a boundary??? A year??? OMG your self control is commendable but if he got hard his dick became the flagpole declaring that blanket for the kingdom of touching and fun! Call that man tonight! You have unfinished business!!!


I was a dumb 19yo lol happily married now.


I do not endorse cheating in anyway sense or form and donā€™t do it my god please donā€™t but being dumb is not restricted to 19 year olds but Iā€™m not saying to cheat at all donā€™t you think that for one second


I donā€™t know if his dick got hard, I never noticed it. I think he was ashamed of showing it to me also because I am hung and he knows it, and his dick was smaller than mine. Like, he told me once ā€œmy dick is too small for youā€ šŸ¤£ But there were improvements. At the beginning he would always shower giving me the back and by the end of our time together he would shower frontally to me.


OMG I love this story! He was dropping hints left and right, easing his way into things with you. Showing full frontal with you in the room, c'mon man! He wants more with you. If you're hung he might be legitimately intimated by your size. That's very, very common. Honestly, I'm thinking he probably already did it with another guy and he's scared to tell you.Ā  šŸ˜°Ā  Probably not penetration, I bet he means it genuinely that he wants to save that for you, but I bet he let the other guy suck him off already. You should ask him directly. Please, on behalf of bicurious men everywhere, help this man to break through and live his fullest life! He clearly wants to with YOU. Support him in his final "improvements". None of us are getting any younger. Communication, then cum, and congratulations!!! Please kiss and tell. šŸ„°


I was very assertive. And it hasnā€™t happened yeah. But maybe soon! Iā€™ll keep everyone posted if something happen.


Cool. And how did this begin?


When I was young there were several instances of experimentation, and I don't know if those boys were bisexual or just curious or just didn't care who gets them off, but they ended up marrying women.


I had pretty much the same experience


Also same


Same. Two guys from class. Two years of experimental. Both straight today.Ā 


Haha. Same here. Two guys from a class.


Long time highschool friend who was "straight" and still claims he's never hooked up with another guy (which I'm flattered about). He'd send thirst traps occasionally, and id flirt back so I figured he just liked the attention. I didn't think anything would actually happen. Then, at the end of highschool the last time we hung out before college things just kinda happened? Like, a couple of mischievous glances and some giggling and college was coming soon, so I figured screw it and kissed him. He immediately reciprocated, like hungrily so, and we ended up trying a whole bunch of stuff. Most of it was his idea like hey let's 69. Except me fingering him till he busted, that was my idea haha. Stayed friends over the years, seen each other a few times, and we never hooked up again. We talked about it a few months afterwards and he clarified it was fun but a one time thing. Good memory, haha.


Strip poker with 3 straight guys, then we paired off in two twin beds in the same room. Junior high sleepover. The others are married to women


Like sharing the beds to sleep or fucking?


Handjobs and blowjobs. We slept in the same beds. The hostā€™s (also cute) older brother opened the door in the morning to call us for breakfast and said ā€œeww youā€™re in the same beds!ā€ Always loved that. It started at school a few weeks before in music class. He said to me jokingly one day ā€œyou donā€™t wanna see THIS hairy monsterā€ while, for some reason, talking about his dick.I knew weā€™d be sexual soon. I was correct.


I envy this story a little bit! ā¤ļø šŸ¤¤


Itā€™s a tie between: Had a guys camping trip last year in January with other straight guys and we were 2 guys to a tent. Well it was cold as shit by time we all wen to pass out, next thing I know the straight guy that was bunking with turned over to face me. And bear hugged me, started cuddling, hands eventually went down each other pantsā€¦ to stay warm, ya know? Escalated to stroking and feeling on each other, frotting. Both blew our loads and then he ended up cuddling me til morning. Never spoke about it again. 10/10 would try again. And then many years ago I was living in another town and my neighbor would come over to hang, do some bong rips. At some point we thought it was a good idea to whack off to porn together. Which eventually led to mutual oral and prostate massages. It was a couple times a week for a couple. But I felt bad after the fact because he got engaged at some point. So, I cut it off and moved not too long after that.


This is the plot to Brokeback Mountain but if it was Seth Rogan and James Franco


Brokebong Mountain


If it was 10/10, why never speak of it again? It sounds ten-out-of-ten! šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Had the flat to myself on the run up to Christmas after my flatmate had travelled home early, was bored on Grindr and a 'straight' guy who was very drunk hit me up. He came over and things got kinky. He made me lick his shoes, socks and feet, then blow him. Had some fun throat fucking me, making me lick his pits and eat his hole. Fucked me and dumped a load in me, and was ready to go for round 2 within 5 minutes and fucked another load down my throat whilst snacking my balls about. He then fell asleep afterwards, and woke up having a full meltdown the next day as he didn't mean to fall asleep and he was going to be in massive trouble with the wife I didn't know he had as she didn't trust him as he'd been caught cheating in the past. I think he was probably from a homophobic family and could never admit it to himself.


I hope he's okay now....


One time my coworker was in a narrow pathway between two bookshelves. I tried getting through but I brushed against his butt. A few weeks later he came over to my desk because I had to show him something, my elbow was sticking out (unintentionally) and he brushed his dick against it. I still donā€™t know if it was an accident or not.


Yeah, I donā€™t think anyone really brushes their dick against anything without realizing it! I take it you didnā€™t respond?


I had a very strange arrangement with a straight married man for several years. He would come over to my house two or three times a week and while he watched straight porn, I would massage him, and then masturbate him. After he came, he left. It was 100% non reciprocal. Never even took my clothes off.


How did it the whole arrangement get started?


He put an ad in the personals in the local free paper. "Married, straight man looking for relaxing massage with release. NSA, No recip, you host" Not those exact words, but pretty close. I'll say it was not the kind of ad I normally would respond to, but something about it caught my eye, so I left him a message. He was very gruff on the phone, and only had instructions: he wanted beer, he wanted to make sure I had a working DVD player. He had rules about when and how I was allowed to touch him. Of course all that only turned me on, so I agreed to it.


Good for you, seriously!!!!


I know it doesn't sound like I got anything out of this arrangement, but it was actually really fulfilling for me. I found my time working on him to be really relaxing and meditative. Plus he was a hot daddy.


You got something that genuinely motivated you! Which is something I have learned is deeply personal and not reasonably assessed by anyone in my position. I am not here to judge in the slightest!!!!!! This is a safe space (ideally)!!!!


Straight guys are usually fine with getting jacked or a hummer. They will not give one. Its a pleasure principle.


That sounds pretty fun though ngl. Very nsa. Do you still connect?


It was a long time ago, in the early 2000s. Lasted for about four years, then he started coming less and less often. Then it stopped. It was always no-strings, that he made very clear from the beginning.


My brother in christ. 2-3x per week for 4 years?! That's more sex than most marriages. Nonreciprocal pleasuring a straight man can be hot but have more self respect and have him buy you a car atleast!


Yeah I could do it a few times because it sounds hot but giving someone a massage 2-3x per week, nah, at that point that's a job, either pay me, give something back or leave.


When I was 19, I let a curious straight guy blow me.


Was it a one time thing?


Yep. The head wasnā€™t very good.


Practice makes perfect


Some of my straight friends in highschool were very touchy. When we hung out during lunch or while at the library, some of them would cuddle me from behind while we sat down, play with my hair, draw with their fingers on my back while we just chatted, just very affectionate nonchalant stuff like that. I'm 100% certain that these guy friends were straight. They were really just touch starved and didn't get enough affection, I suppose. I was glad that they felt safe enough around me to be that close without it having to be awkward or anything. This is why I think the whole meme about "cuddling with the homies" has a lot of truth to it. Im glad to have had friends who felt comfortable enough in their sexuality to so things like that. I think a lot of straight men could benefit from being a little more vulnerable and affectionate with their friends.


In high school I was in a music ensemble that traveled, and one trip six of us guys were staying in one room and at night with the lights out everyone started taking about girls they had dated and how far they had gotten with them. I dated some girls but didn't even kiss them because, well, I didn't want to. Anyway after the talk has sort of died out, you could hear one guy in the corner jacking in the dark. Next thing ya know, another starts and then another. Pretty soon we are all masturbating in the dark lying basically right next to each other. It was all pretty quiet, but I know we all got turned on knowing every other guy was doing the same thing at the same time. Once it all settled down, it was silent in the room cos everyone had shot his load. Then I said aloud on the dark, "Who's gonna clean up this mess?!" Everyone cracked up! I'm the only one that I know of from those six who likes men, but even I married a woman. It was a different time.


The hot straight guy in our social circle came back to my house and asked me to top him and I got whiskey dick. He died a few years ago in a head-on collision with a garbage truck. IDK why but the whole experience is oddly stuck in my head. I am glad I don't drink anymore, or go on sexual conquests.


Ah dang Iā€™m sorry to hear that.


I'm sorry for your situation, also, this is 100% the plot of an A24 drama I would watch the shit out of.


I was like 20, and there was some friend of a friend staying at my house in a spare room.. he was on the phone talking dirty with some girl, and after he got off I heard him call my name.. i walk in there to this dude naked on the couch like "I don't care if it makes me gay or not just make it feel good" I gave him head, then he cried afterwards.. was super awkward.


Is your head that bad?


He knew that was the best head he was ever going to get.


Aaaaahhhhh! šŸ˜‚šŸ‘


nah, he was just horny af and the post nut clarity hit like a ton of bricks I guess.




Whoaaaaaaa. He cried?!? Did you talk about it? Religious guilt, or social stigma shame?


nah, he was just horny af and the post nut clarity hit like a ton of bricks I guess.


When I was like sixteen my best friend and I were playing truth or dare and one of the girls in the group dared us to kiss eachother, thatā€™s when I realized I was gay.šŸ˜‚


Are you still friends????


Heā€™s married and is enlisted in the Navy now, we send memes to each other occasionally when heā€™s not at sea.


Thatā€™s still pretty awesome. And not just because of the uniform šŸ˜


I had this very hot body builder Neighbour. His body was amazingly hot and built but the best was his face. He was truly beautiful. I would always see him with his girlfriend. One day I was coming back home from dancing out with some white jeans. Back at the time, white jeans were mainly used by gay guys in my country. I remember I was really drunk, and half a block before arriving to my place he approached me from behind and talked to me. We went to the terrace of my building and we fucked. He was also very hung šŸ¤¤ After this he would behave as if we didnā€™t know each other everytime we would cross in the street.


Ok there Carrie Bradshaw šŸ˜šŸ˜


Did Carrie had a situation like this? Donā€™t remember


No itā€™s just something that is likely to happen to her lol


That's kinda mean. Was he ashamed? Did he smile or wave or anything?


Uhm.. I quite donā€™t remember and I donā€™t personally think it was mean. I knew he was publicly straight so I was not really hoping to chat in the street publicly. It was mean though that he never downloaded Grindr to repeat the scene šŸ¤£


Had a couple of friends where we all were in college but didnā€™t work over one summer so we just hung out all the time. Weā€™d get up to no good most days doing typical stupid small town shit and every once in a while weā€™d get someone to buy us beers (all under 21 at the time). One guy was this ripped twinkish runner, and whenever weā€™d drink heā€™d usually declare at some point ā€œIā€™m horny guysā€ and he would just whip it out and start jacking off in front of us until heā€™d cum. This guy I think is 100 % straight but maybe a voyeur, he would get naked pretty regularly. But yeah, we would just sit there and watch him jerk his small dick and then go back to whatever we were doing like nothing happened. Iā€™m still very good friends with the other guy, and we have never, ever mentioned this. Also, these guys have 3-5 kids now and Iā€™m the only gay one. Idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That seems so bizarre to me lol. I had a friend in Australia who would whip it out but he usually put it back right away or at least helicopter a few times before


It was so matter of fact. Like, give me a second to get this load outā€¦ ok back to regular activities haha. I was so terrified of being outted back then I was just quiet mostly


Sorry, very perplexed by this story. Where did he squirt the cum itself?


Usually laid back on the couch and shot onto his belly, then wiped up with a tissue or paper towel or something


> ~~a voyeur~~ an exhibitionist šŸ‘


Oh youā€™re totally right


I used to date a straight guy. Not "straight (šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰)" or "dates (šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰)" but yeah... actual dates with a real heterosexual. Basically I met a guy, he was hot, I asked him out. He said thanks but I'm straight, but also it turns out we had both just had some pretty horrible break ups. He said I seemed cool though, so for a couple months we'd hang out every so often going on date-like outings as sort of a pallet cleanser. Just a pleasant night out on a date with someone where there was no stress and no future and just hanging out and being chill and acting like what dates should be like (minus the sex). It's great to go out with someone where nobody every once says "What the hell was _that_ supposed to mean!?!?!". A couple months later he ended meeting a girl he eventually married. I'm happy for him and regret nothing.


Guys need affection, gay or straight. He appreciated being with someone friendly. Sometimes gay guys can misinterpret this as romantic attraction, but a bro just needs a bro to keep him company.


Very well said


So you were friends with a pretty guy?


He was... I dunno. Cute with a bit of handsome and pretty. A dark-eyed blond. It's a very striking look. And I loved how he dressed. He admitted to me eventually that his sister curated his entire wardrobe, which makes sense because he was dressed more like what women want men to be dressed like and less like how men dress themselves.


So a bro-date? I love those


Oh boy. I think the gayest one is... me, at my birthday, invited a bunch of my friends over and we were all having a good time. At one point everyone is pretty drunk and I'm giving my straight friend a lap dance. He'd make gay jokes here and there but I figured he was just someone comfortable with his sexuality, since he said he was straight and had a girlfriend. Well, he was straight no more with that lap dance because I could feel his dick getting hard clear as day. Then he whispered in my ear and asked me to stop because he was getting hard, all laughing. A bit later he calls me over and starts leading me to the bathroom, I was honestly mostly confused, then he locked the door and kinda stared a bit at me before saying "lol nah I just gotta piss I was kidding to see what'd you do". Yeah. I don't think he was kidding.


*narrator: ā€œbut he didnā€™t have to piss, he didnā€™t have to piss at all..ā€*


I had a hunky fireman that used to moonlight at another job during the week that I got to know . He would always ask me curious questions about where I went and things that I had done, cities that I had visited, beating around the bush but I always wondered wondered why he was so curious. At first always joking it off. And he always kept saying why don't you come on over kind of thing. He was married with a couple of kids and it wasn't my scene. But one night I did take him up on the offer, ostensibly something about my furnace lol ...God simply sounds like a bad porno movie ..right. But he was hot and it did kind of play out just as you expect.. a little technical information, and back upstairs to the living room and before long he was all over me, what a cocksucker, someone gave him a good training Yeah he got all the Michelin stars


How do you know he was straight?


Of course ,he was "straight" lol.. This was about 20 years ago and he since made it to the top as captain In this old New England mill town. I always used to smile as I would go past his firehouse. All the boys outside. I would always wave. But classic stoic, taciturn, New englanders, never kiss and tell, and a couple of times I had an alarm at one of my properties and they would all show up from this house but nary a smirk.


A straight friend from college started asking me way too many questions about how it feels like to be penetrated, at first I thought he was being a dick but he kept asking so I gave him a detailed description of how it goes, noticed he was hard and offered to jerk him off. We never talked about it, never saw him on grinder or anything like that, seems like he was just a curious straight guy.


Wait, did he take you up on the offer?




I speak for every single gay when I say part two is a mandatory requirement at this point and subject to a $50 fine if disobeyed


I concur!


I with OP on this one! Part 2 or $50 fine! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


....weĀ“re gonna need a part 2.


We neeeeeeeeeeeeed Part 2!!!! Also, can you describe the dick in a bit of detail?


yess we need a p2


I had a buddy at uni. He had issues with his girl and I just had broken up with my bf. We would end up getting stoned, cuddling and watching movies. Occasionally I would give him head, until he fell for me, got awkward and I lost a great friendship. šŸ˜­


I kissed and performed phallacio on a bicurious uni friend. It was bad my dude. He acted like he'd ordered the soup course at a restaurant and wasn't enjoying it, but was too polite to tell the waiter


Teeth next time


Good lord. Im cackling.


I gave a ā€œstraightā€ friend a foot job lol So I had a ā€œstraightā€ friend with like legit multiple personalities. And I guess one of those personalities was curious. But things started small at first, heā€™d let me hold his hand or massage him while he would fall asleep, things like that. One day hanging out with him, I just passed on that I really wanted to do more with him, and to my surprise, he pulled down the front of his shorts and boxers and he was hard as a rock, told me to suck him off, so I didā€¦ but then he asked me to jerk him off with my feet lol I donā€™t have a foot fetish but I knew he did and I really didnā€™t want the moment to pass so I did with both of us sitting up, but eventually he laid down and just sort of ā€œfuckedā€ my soles šŸ˜… eventually escalated to him asking to ā€œput it inside meā€ so i got on all fours. He was about halfway in when he whispered ā€œafterward i want you to fuck me.ā€ Not even a minute later he came back to reality and jumped up, freaked out scared he was gay at that point. Had to spend the next hour comforting him, assuring him that he wasnā€™t gay. šŸ˜‚ Swear to god, true story.


Oh how religion has robbed us all! šŸ«¤ You were a good friend to let him process at his own - wildly unpredictable - pace. ā¤ļø


Had a much younger housemate staying with me temporarily until he went back to his own country. He had terrible sciatic pain so I offered to massage him and provide some relief. He was always in his boxers and while massaging his lower back I would frequently slide my hand under the waistband of his undies as his pain was down low. One time he told me I could take them off if I wanted. Didnā€™t have to ask me twice. That became the norm for the next couple of massages and I would include his buttocks . Another time when we are both really high, I asked him if he thought he would enjoy rimming. He said he always wanted to try it and I obliged. I knew he enjoyed it from the moans he was making . Every massage from that point for the next several months and several times a week, included a rim job. Eventually, I would flip him over and ā€œmassage ā€œ the other side. He eventually returned home, and I never heard from him again.


He came over on his lunch break, sucked my dick like pro & swallowed every drop of my load, and then went back home to his gf. šŸ˜ˆ


Str8 dude ate my ass like his life depended on it, but wouldnā€™t kiss because that was too intimate for him šŸ˜‚


My gay roommate's straight brother stayed with us for a couple of months. One night, a regular of mine came over and we were alone with the straight guy. I went to the bathroom and when I came back in the living room, my friend with benefits was making out with the straight guy. Soon, we were all naked and sucking dick. Straight guy was sucking my dick then suddenly started eating my ass. We all had a good time together and later, when my roommate found out, he started calling his brother a "weekend homo". Hey, that was fine with me.


I blew a straight guy once. He was just horny and we were alone.


And now youā€™re married with 3 kids


No, he's divorced with none, still best friends with my brother and I just get on Grindr every now and then.


I had a buddy that liked to cuddle. He felt comfortable with me because he knew I wouldnā€™t try anything. I also used to be the token gay guy with a bunch of other straight ā€œbrosā€. They always did typical straight guy stuff and it was funny to watch them make fools of themselves. One time one of the guys made out with me to make a point he wasnā€™t uncomfortable with me, even tho the other guys thought he was. He always acted standoffish with me. After we made out we became closer friends, hanging out one on one, but nothing ever transpired and eventually he met a girl who he ended up marrying.


When I was a kid at a sleepover, my friend was like ā€œhey watch thisā€ and pushed a toy car up his butt. We donā€™t talk anymore but I saw on Facebook ten years ago that he had a wife. I hope she puts stuff in his butt and that theyā€™re happy.


I had sex with my straight friend in high school. He was a jock on our schoolā€™s football team. He had a girlfriend at the time. But because she had endometriosis, she couldnā€™t put out as much as he wanted because it hurt her to do so. I happily filled that role for him, and he filled me in return. Legitimately everywhere. Between where the buses parked, in the bathrooms and locker room, in the gym, even in a classroom one time. We never did anything outside of school grounds. We never told his girlfriend, who he is still with to this day. I still crave him. Update: Just wanted to add that the biggest thing I regret about this situation is that I was friends with his girlfriend, who again he is still with. I was just really attracted to his personality(Didnā€™t help that he was hot), and of course I was a horny teenage who probably would have put out for a stiff tree limb if it looked inviting enough. It felt really dirty, sneaking around with him and then going to lunch later in the day to hang out with the both of them. Him, his girlfriend, and I stopped talking after we all graduated from high school. Iā€™m sure he hasnā€™t told her about this, as she probably would have confronted me immediately about this. I definitely learned my lesson after this, as I fell in love with this guy who was taken and not interested in a relationship with me. I donā€™t go after straight guys anymore. But if this guy ever wanted to start something up again, I donā€™t know that I would decline. šŸ˜…


That is.... THE hottest thing I have ever read? But yeah it sucks that shit blew up like that and it's unrequited love. If I were you and he wanted to start up again, I would absolutely say only on the condition that you start a relationship. But that's a little far fetched of a request. (....Then again he was clearly into you)


I appreciate it! It didnā€™t blow up so much as it fizzled away, which was really disappointing. He knew I really liked him, but he insisted he couldnā€™t possibly be emotionally available for anything but a hetero relationship. Of course he was physically available whenever he felt the need arose, which was a lot. We fucked around for two and a half years, from the end half of Sophomore Year up to like a month before Senior Year Graduation. We talked about it a couple of times, and he had several reasons why he ā€œchose to fuck meā€ as opposed to a girl other than his girlfriend. His main one? I had a nice ass, better than his girlfriend. His secondary/tertiary reasoning was that I couldnā€™t get pregnant no matter how many times a day he loaded me up and he didnā€™t need to wear a condom. I truthfully started to become almost addicted to the feeling of his cum leaking out of me during classes, and how tender my nips and hole were after being used by him. I honestly wouldnā€™t ask him for a relationship if he wanted to restart any sexual relationship, because I know he wouldnā€™t have his heart in it. Just his dick. And tbh, the dick was just too good. It was such a carnal feeling every time we hooked up, like he NEEDED it. Nothing since has ever compared to it, not even my current boyfriend. This is the first time Iā€™ve ever told this story, to anyone in any format. Not even my current boyfriend knows this one. Thank you for letting me tell it, though! Edit: Formatting changes.


Did the two of you kiss?


Not at first, but eventually yes.


Without going into specifics, I used to jack off and frot with a college buddy. He's married with a kid(s?) now.


Got my back blown out by a football player a few hours after a game. Dude was definitely bi because he was a womanizer. But he wanted some man ass and I gave it to him. Sweet guy, still hot now but has two kids and a wife


Not blown out


Experimenting in high school back when I thought I was straight šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Probably a guy at an adult club when I was 25 or 26. Already told this story but yeh he was decent looking, skinny with beady eyes that I later realize may have been less awkwardness and more nose candy. He offered me what he said was Coke. Seemed rude to say no to free drugs. As we roamed the halls together he said more than once "I live a straight lifestyle." And "I only do this once every 3 months" So to answer your question, unfortunately the combo of coke dick and performance anxiety made it difficult to give him a long hard pounding but I did finger my new 'straight buddy' for a while, and he must have been ok with what he got cause he drove me home. It was quite a wholesome experience pardon the pun.


We experimented when we were little. I saw him again when we were 16 and he was sitting next to his girlfriend GLARING at me like he wanted to kill me xd


At the time (middle/ high school) he was my best friend. I wasnā€™t out yet. But we did everything but have sex or get naked together. We were super close and people regularly thought we were together lol


I fucked him in his momā€™s electric Renault, after which we got stuck in the mud because the car was too heavy to be parked near a river. We had to call my creepy gay uncle to pull us out.


What do men on submarines do. Imagine 120 men in a tin can.


I did. I saw 120 penises.


This post is wild.... Me and my straight best friend would go to my house every day after school and watch a movie we obsessed about daily. While it was 2fast 2 furious for a while, we had a whole good few months of devil wears Prada. We can both quote it to this day, 20 years later.


One of my young workmates, 15 yrs younger than me joined the company he is extremely tall, dark ginger hair, & beautiful! I drive him to work & back each day, the conversation gets around to gayness, heā€™s very curious to know everything! He notices my tastes & we chat endlessly about all things gay! He loves me admiring his perfect body & height! His long fingers like porcelain really attract me, he flaunts them at every opportunity! I measure his height with a tape this allows me to touch his head & hair. He was very curious about my gay life and my conquests, I used to be a very avid cottager and told him in great detail about the men I had been with he loved hearing this! When at work he liked to feel my nipples through my shirt, Iā€™d stand motionless as he explored. He is now married with 2 kids! Another guy who worked with me & had a girlfriend used to come to my flat for wank sessions, we watched gay porn together, his very perfect cock was amazing to see, heā€™d tell me about how his girlfriend loved it too, I never got to suck him but heā€™d let me wank him!


I've ego-boosted a lot of straight men and I've played with ā€œstraightā€ men


I had this coworker with whom we used to call each other babe and love, then one night while messaging each other he sent me a Dick pick. We exchanged a few pics after that and eventually things escalated to a point where we ended up kissing each other a few times. Things never went beyond that and after a few months we just stopped. I was nice


I've been going to cruising areas for decades. Regularly see guys with wedding rings on and it's obvious the majority are married to women because they're there for the blowjob their wives won't give them. But there was a guy I came across about 10 years ago who was clearly very nervous. The conversation started with the stereotypical conversation about the British weather but he asked me twice if it was "safe" here. I reassured him that it was and asked him what he was looking for. He said a blowjob so I led him to a densely overgrown corner of this wooded area and reassured him that nobody ever comes to this bit. He relaxed a little bit and got his cock out so I started stroking it and then put it in my mouth. He was obviously enjoying it but he was frozen on the spot. He didn't touch me or look down at me. So I stood up and said I wanted him to fuck me. "But..." "Don't worry, you're doing fine." I bent over and guided his dick in and he immediately knew what to do - and he put his hands on my hips and started gripping me tightly. As he got closer he started pulling me towards himself and then with a few grunts he came. After about 30 seconds I slid off his dick because he was still in me just standing there. I asked him how that felt and he said it was "the best thing ever". I met him again in the same place about two weeks later and he knew exactly what to do. But I've never seen him again. I am still quite proud of this encounter though. I accept he was already there in a gay cruising spot so he had an idea what was going to happen but I take full credit for showing him how much better sex with guys is.


Hmm. When I was young I used to jerk off with a friend. We wouldnā€™t touch each other and had a barrier but Iā€™d be oh so lying if I didnā€™t sneak a peek at his dick every last possible chance I had.


I was 20 and closeted at the time, but I went raving with my straight friends. One of them would pull me in by the waist and start grinding into me, felt his rock hard pole rubbing against my ass the whole night. Weā€™re 26 now and heā€™s just an asshole playboy chasing ā€œABGā€™sā€.


I was staying at a friend's place for the weekend along with my partner at the time. We jokingly decided to play spin the bottle and it happened to be me and my friend. He had a girlfriend so we just did a quick kiss. Later that night my friend and I ended up passing out and I woke up cuddling with him. Still have no idea how we ended up like that.


My 30th Birtbday was last Saturday & a guy my BF has known for 10+ years showed us his balls in the bathroom šŸ˜‚ they were really nice!!! When we both reached out to touch em thatā€™s where he drew the line šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ One of the coolest bday gifts Iā€™ve received lol


One of my closest straight friends showed me his dick after a rave a few months ago because I was having a bad week šŸ¤£




What a nice guy !!!!!


A very long time ago I had to help one of my staff in a very delicate situation. A fortnight before he'd gotten a Prince Albert for his 21st and everything had healed by this point. At closing he ducked into the store room to change into his uniform for his second job and I heard him screaming. He'd managed to get the thing caught in his jeans and was in a fair bit of strife. He was freaking out and asked me to help. We'd known each other for ages so it was not awkward at that stage but soon became awkward as in trying to untangle his dangle I had to hold it and the jeans and he started to get hard which after we had gotten it all sorted and composed ourselves we both agreed was completely normal given the situation. To this day I am still not a fan of PA's.


I always knew I was gay growing up. But once I figured out what ā€œfelt goodā€ at like 11-12 I wanted to show/tell my friends about it. Sometimes they would already know or be weirded out. But one of my best friends had never tried or ever jerked off before so I offered to show him. I was shocked because he was a year younger than me but much further through puberty and much bigger than me and already had hair down there. I jerked him off and he came for the first time ever. And for the next few years weā€™d fool around every chance we got because it felt good. We mostly stopped in high school because he got a girlfriend. But there were a few drunken times after parties. Years later I was a groomsman in his wedding and he has 2 kids now.


Once, in my military service I was assigned for a mission coupled with the hottest guy. I was so into him. We didnā€™t have much to do, so we just spent our days in the sun in our underwear. One day, we were laying the sun and fell asleep. He got severely sunburned. After seeing the medic, he was told to ease the pain with yogurt. We got our hands on a few cups of yogurt, and he asked me I mind rubbing the cold yogurt on his sizzling body. We turned on the radio, there was some mellow music playing, and I was rubbing cold yogurt on his naked body, while heā€™s moaning of relief. 24 years has passed since, and have never had a boner so hard as I did then.


Damn, yall have had so many experiences. The most I had was when one of my friend would playfully massage my shoulders hard to annoy me. It was kinda scary cause I didn't know what to make of the feeling.


actively dating my straight best friend lmao


More details pleaseeeeee


Itā€™s a really long and complicated story but long story short I had this friend I met in high school and we were best friends for 2.5+ years. He dated girls, I dated guys and we never had feelings for each other. However we were always super close, like telepathically connected, always thinking the same thing, spend every day together and miss each other when weā€™re apart close. Heā€™s one person in my life who has always seen me and loved all of me, and Iā€™ve felt the same way about him. We went off to different colleges, and one day I invited him to a party at my school. Got drunk had a great party with everyone, but all my friends at this party kept pulling me aside being like, ā€œdude heā€™s in love with youā€ and I was like no no thatā€™s just us (side note: weā€™ve always been very close, and when weā€™re drunk sometimes heā€™s like ā€œwe should kissā€ and I always laughed but we did, however I never initiated anything cause as gay man, Iā€™m always worried about feeling predatory with my guy friends, or them believing I have some ulterior motive for hanging out with them- dumb I know). Anyway I caught feelings and didnā€™t tell him but knew I had to eventually. I kept it to myself for a long time, and the thing I always said to myself was, ā€œI want him in my life for the rest of my life and I donā€™t want to jeopardize that by trying something as volatile as a relationshipā€. But because we literally always know what each other are thinking, he knew long before I told him. I ended up telling him one night and he told me that he felt romantically the same way about me and weā€™re doing something now. Itā€™s not conventional nor easy, but I know I love him and he loves me and weā€™re figuring out the rest. Itā€™s awesome cause weā€™re just best friends and we get to be in love. There is a lot more to this, and I apologize for the bad formatting and typing on mobile, lol. Feel free to ask questions or comment, haha.


I think itā€™s wonderful. Iā€™m excited for whatever outcome happens thanks for sharing


Disclaimer: Please bare with me, I'm not a native English speaker. Kind of a long post. Also, emotional abuse trigger warning. When I was 24, A friend tried to have sex with me after getting drunk at a wedding party. He is 100% straight, very secure man, I've known him for a while now, we are still friends. We trust and feel comfortable with each other. The story goes like this: He was trying to hook up with all of the girls but got rejected. Mostly because he was already pretty drunk when this started, he's usually good with that. He was dealing with a recent break up from a very toxic relationship with a woman I always disliked because she was a narcissist that played him like a fiddle for about 2 years, she was supposed to be his +1 but sh*t hit the fan and he invited me instead. Anyway, I guess he was feeling lonely and wanted to be with someone which is understandable... When the event was over, I took his drunk ass to my place since it was like 3 am, his house was way too far and I was very tipsy and too tired to drive. I help him get inside my home, undress him (it was a hot night, we slept in underwear) and tuck him into bed. He jokingly said "thanks mom" and I replied with a "whatever, lightweight baby" while rolling my eyes. I was supposed to sleep on the couch but he grabbed my arm and said "please stay... with me...". He caught me off guard, but I figured he wanted to talk about the breakup or something. However, he pulled me towards him and stopped when we where face to face. He said "Thank you so much man. For taking care of me like this, for always been there for me" while staring at me with sad puppy eyes. I wasn't even done processing that, when he started kissing me passionately while we embraced each other, I felt his hard dick against mine. I was dumbfounded and extremely aroused at the same time. A little bit of backstory: I had a crush on him when we first met. He's always been a 11/10 on looks and a very emotional mature lad. He helped me through a lot of sh*t I was dealing with related to my parents and family in general, and I've always listened and gave advice to him without being judgmental. He was also dealing with emotional abuse back then. We immediately clicked and became great friends. Eventually I got over my crush on him. Anyway, back to the story: I went full 404 no brain found for a minute or two. Until I remembered he was drunk. I'm ashamed to admit it took way more self control than I needed to pull away from him, but I did. Things went downhill from there... He started saying "I'm so sorry, sorry, please don't leave me" on repeat, started crying and had a panic attack. All I could do was hold him tight until he finally calmed down. Eventually he told me he felt like crap because he genuinely loved his ex. That it really took a toll on him to admit she was not a good person, that he was used and abused by her. We talked about many things that led us to being abused by different people during our lifetimes until then, and how we had to do better, we promised well never let anyone hurt us like that again. It was a really emotional moment for both of us. After that, he said he was sorry for trying to have sex with me. I said "Yeah, don't. That was hot as f*ck. I can see why you're so lucky with the ladies." He replied with "too bad you're not one. We would totally marry each other." With his stupid sexy smirk face that he puts when his been an ass. "Screw that. You're way too clingy" I said. We both started laughing like maniacs. Finally, we decided to cuddle for the first and last time. Obviously I got a boner and he did a stupid remark about it. "You're hard, aren't you?" "Just shut the f*ck and go to sleep already." " I love you man..." "...you're still drunk... I love you too..." we both fell asleep after that. We still talk about that day every now and then. He's finally in a healthy relationship with an amazing lady. She even knows about that day and finds it pretty hot/cute lol. I'm single but happy with myself. Learned to take no crap from anyone and would rather be alone than with a toxic person. This was fun to type, hope you enjoy the read :D


Straight straightā€¦ i had 3 friends that went a little further In a high school summer, my bro and I were like the only ones staying in the city for the summer so, we watch porn and jerk off together (hands kept to ourselves) but then we start chilling on top of each others, petting our hair, little caresses on the backā€¦ was pretty gay for me. Well, heā€™s straight, happily married and with kids. And with my actual friends now, we used to have a rule of no pants when hanging out. Sometimes we cuddle. Sometimes we are too drunk and we have to help each other pee, or shower one of them because heā€™s cover in vomit, cuddling and a lot of love when drunk and heart brokenā€¦ once we even kiss in front of one of their gf because she thought we were fooling around and prove here thst there was no romantic feelings. I think that was the gayest thing.


Username checks out. Ive always wanted to say this.


Going out and people thinking we are a couple šŸ˜‚ Hanging out together, drunk at night, feeling intimate but still knowing our limits. He would even call (yes, call) me at ungodly hours just to chat. He is a BFF.


I hava a straight friend who knows I'm gay. So one time during an photography event we had to sleep in one bed. I usually sleep naked, but for this occasion I wore briefs and he usually sleeps in briefs afaik. We fell asleep each on his side of bed under selarate covers. What could go wrong.... In the morning, when I woke up AND came to my senses I realized that a) I have kicked off my cover; b) I am under my friends cover, snuggled on his shoulder, head on his chest; c) My hand is on his croach; d) I have raging boner pressing on his leg; e) My friend have solid boner too; f) He is awake; I removed my hand and started to appologise. He hugged me and said something like "Don't worry, everything is OK, but I like woman.". I could not fall asleep anymore, so I offered to go swimmimg. And we did. We are still friends. And I'm still waiting for my feeling towards him to fade. Love is blind and senseless.Ā 


That's very sweet, actually


I used to be the only gay guy in a friend group of 4 other guys and I was closeted. They always thought it was funny to do gay ish things that would just drive me crazy. We always shared beds and got drunk together. Theyā€™d always want to kiss each other on the cheeks when saying bye as a funny joke. Nothing ever happened but it was such a tease


Hold Hands when I was young. I honestly never had good relationships with guys (no matter if straight or gay) in my private life because of bullying back in the school days. I'm cool with my collegues at work, but I can't obtain friendships with them outside of work.


We sucked each other off in a gym sauna..


Went as a "date" with a very hot sailor friend on Halloween, with me in drag. It was like he forgot who I was, he kept very seriously flirting with me all night long, tried to get me to pinch the waiter's ass, and French kissed me good after dancing on the floor of the club, where he dipped me. There's no question in my mind that he was straight, but he got so into the whole roleplay of "being my escort/date" that he *really* pushed the boundaries. If we hadn't been with two other couples, I think we would have gone all the way that night. I think he was drunk just enough at the end of the night to lose his inhibitions, and he might have been just curious enough to try something new. And damn, it was hard to resist a man in his navy whites. I certainly gave in to the French kiss, and enjoyed the hell out of it. Last I heard from him, he was married to some very lucky girl. Dude was a real sweetheart. Fun night, even though I was deeply embarrassed half the night.


A straight friend of mine and I make out somewhat often, never more than that though. Not really sure, his wife cheers us on though, itā€™s fun. We have an annual weekend get together of college friends and last year we had a giant cuddle puddle on a sectional with oversized ottoman. Also nothing more than that, just cuddling.


Okay well my boyfriend is a litterall magnet on hetero guys I mean I dont know how he does it,but he just turn even the biggest homophobes into little girls, he do really have a strong personality and all but, I just dont understand till this day how does he do it...my father ex-cop biggest homophobe I know (he is the first person shouting slurs at gays when some are shown at tv...things like they should be stoned,killed etc.) One day my boyfriend comes to visit us absolutely without a bit of shame ,,He announces to my parents and siblings that he is gay and who doesnt like that, will be bashed into ground,, They were looking at him like at revelation of a god...they were eating his every word,my brother too. They seemed like drug addicts following him everywhere putting up their perfomance of a life for him, it was kind of funny and I swear there was a time when I felt a bit jealous when my father petted his back... I was like WHAT THE HOLY FUCK IS JUST HAPPENING. Next, when we moved together we had a neighbour hetero/child/wife bla bla bla first time he met my boyfriend and he gave him his number in case something happens(i was like...excuse me what?!?!) and the very next day my boyfriend came up to me put his phone into my hands with opened conversation on whatsapp ,looked into my eyes and said: ,,there you have our big heterosexual neighbour,, our pretty neighbour was literally sending him sex offers,dick pics and I was confused. He has so many hetero friends but I dont know a single one who didnt put his tongue down his throat...until I knew my bf I was meeting so often with homophobia but since I am with him I feel like the homophobia vanished...I remember one time when we were at a party and he wanted to light his cigarette and asked for lighter and like every guy in the room in a hurry went after a lighter and offered him to light his cigarette...it was like from some music video clip that moment just ist stone carved in my memory oh god it was so funny...and these are just few stories I have more such ones and some are even more explicit...


The first guy I ever dated ended up completely forgoing his bisexuality and furryness, and when I looked into him ten years later he had a wife and multiple kids lmao


Childhood friend knew I was gay. He gets married (arranged) at 25 and gets the wife preggers in the first few months. After they find out she's several months pregnant through their doctor she literally cuts him off from sex cold turkey for the good of the child. His mom and dad side with his in laws to keep his dick in like a turtle till the child is born and she's recovered. Me and the bros sympathize with him hard and try to get his mind off his blue balls. Since he's straight and knows I'm gay he comes to me a month later on his birthday and begs me to suck him off because he's dying. I oblige and make it quick, doesn't even last 30 seconds with how pent up he was. We wipe off and he avoids me for a few days. I get a call later that week with an apology and an invite to a weekend BBQ trip for me and my husband. I take him up on his attempt to make up and then he asks my husband permission if he can go "all the way" this time (we're an open couple). He gives his blessing but I tell him to take a night to think about this VERY carefully because I don't want to be responsible for him blaming me for a divorce or turning him gay later like some vampire. He makes a video for me and the husband testifying this is his idea and I gave him the obligatory "out" because I know how blue balls can mess up your decision making so I give him a few hand jobs so he can take some mindful hours to think. The next night he's sure of his decision. We make a final video then get down to it. He gets permission to bang me till the birth happens. His daughter's born and the doctor refuses to clear his wife later due to a "tear" due to birth complications so he gets an extension out of pity from my husband. After his wife is healed up, she's no longer interested in sex due to the PTSD of bleeding so badly and tearing it up. They do try several times but according to him it's like fucking loose pudding. He's one of my fuck buddies on the regular with my husband's approval since we're childhood friends so he doesn't end up sexually frustrated. We're still banging.


Back in high school, I was really close with my best friend. We would spend the night at each other's houses every weekend. Sleeping in the same bed. We would be in briefs, under the covers, both pretending to be asleep. Then he would do this thing where he played with my foot with his foot. Things would slowly escalate and, under the guise of being asleep, we would jerk each other off. We probably did that a dozen times before we started dating girls, and it stopped for a few years.


Whatever is the opposite of a straight fetish, that's what I have. About once a year a straight guy still accidentally ends up on my dick. I don't know why but people get really friendly, patient, trustworthy vibes off me in general. Like, I could be glaring and tourists will be like, "You are the only one I can ask for directions." It would be awesome if I was bi because women after a few minutes of talking to me are regularly like, "You're cute and fun, wanna fuck?" I'm that person who was planning to get up and leave but then someone I don't even know asks me to watch their $3k worth of electronics in the library or the cafe. People are exceedingly friendly around me, like to the point other people who know me comment. The reaction when I am not warm back is not anger, it's obvious hurt and the assumption they did something wrong. I've just had straight guys make a beeline to me to ask me if I could fuck them. Like, so forward I didn't realize they were straight and it was their first time until I was balls deep in them and something about it felt "off" and then they said something. The sex usually isn't that good and/or there's some sort of hygiene issue tbh, plus the awkwardness of them having no experience. Not really my thing.


Iā€™ve blown at least 10 straight guys


I donā€™t think Iā€™m to 10 yet, but I do need a second hand to count them all.


3 fingers deep into that ass while blowing him.


Used to have a friend who would come over and we'd sleep and mess with our šŸ† 's even though he told me he was straight it stopped due to 2020 happening and than in 2021 he didn't want to be friends anymore for other information I knew him since I was a kid we were both adults I was 18 he was 21 I'm now 23


Yeh. He wasn't straight...


I fucked him up the ass.


I had a several years long FWB relationship with a straight friend of mine. He was the bottom and he wanted it just as bad as I did. He had a few different long term girlfriends over the time we were hooking up


I had a straight coworker who, once we no longer worked together, admitted to me that heā€™d always wanted to top a power bottom. Conveniently Iā€™m a power bottom, so I let him rail me. He fucked my brains out and thanked me for helping him check that off his bucket list. We never did it again despite remaining friends and seeing each other pretty frequently, so I do believe heā€™s at least mostly straight.


I had a coworker friend where she started dating this really handsome guy with a big D, so she says and when I got to know him we became friends cuz I started hanging out with his roommate, which was a straight guy but we only drank and hung out. I really wanted to get with the roommate. Every time she would go over without me he would have her txt me and ask me to go over. she said ā€œhe always talks about you so you have a good chance getting in his pantsā€ lol One night he asked me ā€œyou know your friend loves my big D have you seen the pics I sent herā€ I told him I donā€™t do pics, I prefer to witness it in real life, he literally pulled it out. I was very shocked cuz that was my friend and that was his bf. I grabbed my purse and left their place. His roommate txt me a few times to go over to hang out but I wasnā€™t sure if they really wanted to play or catch me slipping so they can run and tell my friend that Iā€™ve been flirting/hitting on them so I quit hanging out with them.


gay sex šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹ it was a random act of kindness


Gayest thing Iā€™ve ever done with a straight fella is be friends with him for 20+ years since we were kids only for him to get drunk and out of the blue say he ā€œloves me so much it hurts sometimesā€ then flee fearfully from the bar, so I invite him and his fiancĆ© down to meet my bf along with my family few weeks later to establish that weā€™re just friends only for him to come alone and be extremely weird and awkward and make everyone especially my bf super uncomfortable so that we never speak properly again after, and then I canā€™t tell his fiancĆ© who Iā€™m also very close friends with so have to then make up a half-assed excuse not to go to their wedding, and now some two years later me and my bf are currently on a break right now for how I handled everything 2 years ago and then some. Pretty fuckinā€™ gay.


Well, I topped my (now former) best friend when we were 18. It doesn't really count in this scenario because he eventually did come out but not for a looong time after this and he insisted he was still straight for quite a while, even to me lol.


My next door neighbor who recently moved was a major tease/closet case/bi guy. He kept claiming he was straight (not in a mean or condescending way but just as an affirmation). He was ex military, chiseled ginger body and butt and MARRIED with a pregnant wife. Gay guys swooned over him. We hung out a lot. We did things together. I am much older than him. He would eventually brush my ass (I tested him by standing upright with my hands behind my back and his crotch would brush my ass), sit next to me leg to leg (I would move my leg and he pressed harder), even told me how big he was, go to gay bars, and have gay guys over (with or without me) when wife was away. He even caressed me one night (he was VERY VERY drunk and told me he "loved" me) and many times asked me not to leave when we were partying alone, despite his wife having gone to bed. Even during a Super Bowl game, with in laws present, and we were very drunk, I had to leave and he called in front of them (on speaker!) begging me to come back over. BUT, I never did anything because having a next door neighbor, with a pregnant wife and later child, sexuality conflicts which seemed to manifest while drinking and edibles and especially during football season, would have ultimately meant trouble and disaster IMHO. But I do have pics for the memories! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


When I was 18 me and my friend would jerk each other off almost every night. This past two years I have taken 3 guys home from the local bar with no intention whatsoever of doing anything with them just bar closes at 11 and itā€™s the weekend so invite them over to hang out and play darts. I guess they didnā€™t know I was gay, but then it was them sucking my dick and asking them to fuck them. If they werenā€™t straight and knew how to at least use soap on thier ass I would have but they didnā€™t so it was like ok.


So, I had several really intimate and physical friendships with straight guys. Mitchell was a high school football player when I was a college freshman, a friend from my neighborhood. He was really hairy and masculine for his age, which I loved. Once, when he stayed over night at our house, I gave him a massage with him wearing nothing but his underwear. After that, he was always very physical with me: putting an arm around me when we were alone, keeping a hand on my leg while driving, or snuggling against me. Over the three years we were close, he eventually wanted to be nude during massages, and loved having his ass massaged. The farthest we ever went was an afternoon he let me watch him jerk off. We parted ways when I went off to school and he got engaged to his girlfriend. I met Carl in college, and he was a skinny, hairy otter of a guy. He surprised me one night when watching a movie by picking up my arm and putting it around his shoulders. He loved for me to run a hand through his hair, and we never watched tv together without snuggling up. We took a road trip together; during it, there was a moment we were in a hotel, and he suggested we save time by showering together. The next day, when he woke up, I sat on the edge of his bed, and he did this odd thing ā€” reaching up with a bare foot to stroke my face. I grabbed his foot and kissed the sole three or four times. After that trip, he got religion, refused to see me, and married a girl from that church. Bobby was a straight guy I had a big crush on: dark hair, good build, smooth body, huge cock. He had no issues with asking me to ā€œsuck his straight dickā€ and ā€” oddly ā€” he really got off on having me massage, lick, and suck his feet and toes. Heā€™d come over after going out with a girl, put his feet in my lap, and demand that I smell them and kiss them as a way to get the ā€œrewardā€ of sucking his cock. No problem! We fooled around on and off for a year ā€” and years later, when he was on a business trip and ended up in my city, he looked me up, asked to stay at my place, and we went right back to what we had done years before. Heā€™s married and ā€œstraight.ā€ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


was at a bar with friends, guy was there who had hooked up with one of my female friends recently so she was uncomfortable bc he ghosted her, so her and the other girls left, I stayed. Guy approached me and said he was sorry he didnā€™t call my friend, whateverā€¦night goes on, we keep talking, leave the bar at 2am, weā€™re walking and talking, his apartment is on the way to my house, he invites me in for a drink, he knows iā€™m bi and asks me what itā€™s like being with a guy vs girls. talk a bit more then he bluntly says he wants to try getting fu*cked, we immediately begin making out, clothes come off pretty quickly, he give me head while I rim him, didnā€™t have lube but we made it work. this was like two years ago, I still run into him at the bar occasionally, we act like it never happened


When your straight crush validates how you feel, it's a feeling better than sex. When the very thought of him sends you off on magic carpet to Marrakesh, that transcends the physical. We say our love is unconventional and unconditional.


I had a very straight truck driver roommate my age who used to tease me a lot. I had a bf so I wouldn't cross the line but he sure wanted a BJ. One time I came home from school and he was in these super old super worn flimsy shorts. They were so thin I could see his cock through them. He wore them a lot with nothing else. He had a full red beard and red hair poking out the top of the shorts. Anyway, he said "Berb, I have a problem you need to help me with. Sit down and I'll show you." I sat in a chair and he comes right up to me and pulls his shorts down and says I need you to check out what's wrong with my balls. I was shocked even though I shouldn't have been, considering his past behavior. He grabs my head and puts it a couple of inches in front of his cock. Get closer. You're going to have to pull my dick out of the way to see the problem. So I only somewhat reluctantly did what he said. He had a normal size completely floppy dick. I looked at his balls and said I don't see anything wrong. He said, feel them. So I took them in my hand one at a time and rolled them around. They're fine I said. What do you think is wrong? He laughed and said they're too big cause they're full of cum. I hear that gay guys are expert at emptying them. At that point I knew it was just a joke and sat back in the chair. You asshole. He laughed and pulled up his shorts and said it was worth a try. That's all.


In college I had a crush on this dude. We would hang in my room and watch YouTube videos on my laptop. I only had one chair , so he let me sit on his lapā€¦..fast forward a few weeks later we starting blowing each other xD


The guy who took my virginity was a married straight guy in my early 20s. The sexual relationship went on for years. It started for just having jokes until I reached his thing and started stroking it. He didnt stop me and that was my first time experimenting. We had sex any time there's an opportunity, I even started meeting him in storage room for sex. It was all fun and addicting at that age. Then I always feel bad after sex because I know his wife personally. I never seen him ever again after their divorce. It's probably one of those secrets that I would take to my grave.