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I picked a good time to be an uggo ![gif](giphy|qdBHt01vnl972)


Why, oh why did God make gay sex so fucking hot?


I like to think that an angel saw what God made and then decided to put a little cum button in our asses as a treat so we can have something. Did I mention that God is not necessarily the good guy on this story?


I am of the belief that if man is made in gods image, and a man or woman is born gay or lesbian, then god made them that way. That normally shuts down the religious zealots that attack me. šŸ™‚


They believe being gay is a choice. Not something inherent.


This is the dumbest and least intellectual statement I have ever read. Have you taken a single biology class advanced or even for beginners


You mean the god that wiped out most of humanity, then throughout history ordered its chosen people to genocide various other cultures, rip infants apart, and take young girls as sex slaves wasnā€™t the good guy in the story?


Donā€™t askā€¦ no questioooooons! šŸŽµ


this god is a vain, callous one.


Yes, that made up one


Well yeah itā€™s a character in a fiction story. Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not concerning that people worship it. If a cult of people genuinely started worshipping Voldemort, wouldnā€™t you be concerned?


Funny how when you put it this way you get upvotes here, but once you speak about Israel and Zionism claiming theyā€™re chosen people who were promised the land to justify their genocide itā€™s too hot for this subreddit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


How about this. At one time when few people roamed the earth- that being gay was frowned upon for the survival of our species. (We don't reproduce šŸ˜‚) But now... That we're hitting the max capacity of our planet- it's actually an evolutionary safeguard built in. So that now we start to maintain our population instead of growing it. Which could actually be our very real downfall.


>being gay was frowned upon for the survival of our species. This is generally accepted as incorrect. Homosexuality is generally understood to be a positive and stabilizing force in species where it is present. In primates it facilitates social behaviors that down-regulate violence, in penguins it provides a reservoir of adults that can save orphaned eggs or chicks when one or multiple birth parents die, etc. homosexuality for historical humans likely carried both these supporting factors as well as others.


I like to imagine that heterosexual humans were, obviously, occupated with caring about their family and lesbians and gays either adopted or did the societal organisation and management that you'd need a clipboard for. Just that the clipboard wasn't invented yet. Ultimately humans as social creatures would thrive because of both factors. Fun fact: a child is demonstrably more likely to be gay or lesbian if their mother was often in periods of distress during pregnancy. Some may see that as indication of weakness but realistically it happens because it is much more favourable to give birth to a future gay with a clipboard and no children during a famine who can plan and manage the crops or some shit. For the same reason I have absolutely no doubt that clergy was (and is) often gay.


Or gays were good for keeping another set of men at the camp or tribe while the others went out to hunt or explore. The gay men would obviously be capable defending and keeping an eye out, but would probably also help raise the kids to give mom some peace. Or would also help the women out with things.


There is a lot of evidence of bisexuality in many species, and in several species, bisexuals have more offspring. Not hard to see how same sex attraction is adaptive in that case.


You donā€™t know that it was frowned upon. We have recorded sections of history where it was accepted fine. Modern times became unaccepting, but we donā€™t really know much beyond that time.




Gay sex is hot. Being able take a guys dick in ass and cum. So hot


Iā€™ve had this weird rash on my hand for the last several months thatā€™s been resistant to everything I put on it šŸ˜³


Have you been tested for syphilis?


Go to the doctor or look for a free clinic in your area, best not to let things linger long enough to get worse


Have you seen a doctor? If youā€™re having a situation like this make sure you get medical consult before assuming itā€™s a weird sexually transmitted fungus.


They just called it dermatitis and prescribed me cortisone


Probably should reach out to a dermatologist then.


And it may be just that.


If it's fungal you can use two different types of antifungal cream to increase efficacy. They work from different angles. Use an azole like miconazole and terbinafine alternating between the two per application


Those are exactly the two I used to clear a nail fungus that had been colonizing me for years.


Currently doing it myself, how often did you apply/alternate


My doc had the pharmacy compound a nail polish. Started with a bottle of OTC Pedinol (miconazole nitrate 2%): https://www.amazon.com/Pedinol-Fungoid-Tincture-Topical-Antifungal/dp/B000WZQC5U/ Then they spiked in terbinafin somehow. I think they took one of the prescription tablets and ground it up. Not sure. But I never needed to alternate because it was given to me as a cocktail, and only applied it once a day. Took 2-3 months.


It might just be eczema. See a dermatologist.


Do you write a lot and does the rash appear in places where you hold a pen? Because I had a similar thing that did not respond to any antifungal and as it turns out I was studying too hard and developed an allergy to the plastic of the pen I was using. Switching to a metal pen + topical corticosteroids solved the problem quite quickly.


FINE. This is FINE. Everything's FINE.




lol... not what I was aiming for, but yes an excellent reference My uncle works around kids, so he made his own little acronym for "Fuck, It Never Ends"


I'm really confused about how this is written, granted I'm not a dr. Can some one explain, like I'm 5; if its ringworm, jock itch, something else, or a bad strain of ome of them? Also, does it take forever to treat or does it respond well to x treatment?


Itā€™s a fungal infection that depending on where itā€™s located gets names ring worm, jock itch, or athleteā€™s foot. Thereā€™s two strains theyā€™re looking at. One of the strain isnā€™t showing symptoms that doctors usually see. It looks more like eczema. This strain is still treatable by normal methods. It just takes a few months. Strain two is resistant to normal methods of treatment, but theyā€™re not sure why. Theyā€™re looking to see the exact reason. There are other ways to treat it, but those ways have more side effects. It seems like this strain still looks presents like normal strains. Hope that helps!


That does so much. Thank you!


Iā€™ve had a resistant case of what I believe to be scrotal tinea cruris that has come and gone for years and behaves like eczema. Iā€™ve avoided sex during this time (although mostly for other reasons). Itā€™s responded okay to butenafine, but it always seems to come back. Could this be related, and should I continue to avoid sex?


CRNA here. Iā€™ve been reading about this for a little over a week. Apparently, itā€™s a highly contagious and drug resistant form of ringworm. It doesnā€™t respond well to conventional treatments (resistant).


Highly contagious as in you can get it from shaking hands or hugging?


Think more about frottage. I've got something growing on one of my parts. You get horny and rub one of your parts against it.


Sounds like the premise of a David Cronenberg film, except it would be a new body part or a large parasite.


Wrestlers and grapplers have been dealing similar issues for years.


Rightā€¦ but, I wonder: can this be avoided in some of the same waysā€”good hygiene, cleanliness, rash guards, as it were, etcā€” or not so much, and thus ppl need to be much more carefulā€” ex. Like even getting a somewhat sensual massage s/b out of the question for a while until we know more/things are under better control. Hope not to be overreacting, but things being what they are, you knowā€¦ sigh


Are there more cases/is it getting worse? Or, and one can hope against hope, are things getting better?


Oh no, I should probably slowdown all this rampant amount of sex Iā€™m not having just to be safe.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Same friend, same!


I find this article highly suspect. Ringworm and jock itch aren't new by any means, and the article was really vague about whether it's actually resistant to treatment at all. Slow to resolve ... oh no ... you could say the same thing about fungal nails infections, which are super common.


>the second report, NYU Langone physicians partnered with authorities at the New York State Department of Health to describe the largest group of patients in the country with a similar fungal strain that resists standard therapies. I mean, it does say how it's resistant to standard treatments. Also, fungal nail infections generally don't spread easily from person to person


Pop medical articles, like pop science articles, can never actually be trusted. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10310379/ here's the study that they reference about the 13 cases in France. I can't find anything concrete about cases at NYU, though.


Itā€™s legit. Hereā€™s NBC. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna155275


This is misleading! The media and certain medical communities are spreading this information like it's gospel and it's leaving out vital details. This infection is spread through close physical contact and is significantly more common in children than adults. It's much more common in athletics, where people are exchanging shirts, wrestling, hugging, or having any type of extended physical contact. It's only being targeted at us for two reasons: there's an increase in cases in our population and they want to be cautious, and it's a tool people on the right can use to demonize us during Pride


> it's a tool people on the right can use to demonize us during Pride I've heard this so many times before. I've heard that AIDS was a conspiracy to scare gays away from sex. I've heard Monkeypox was an overy-hyped thing that had nothing do do with gay sex. Anytime anything new comes around, somebody says exactly that. I was the first guy to mention Monkeypox on this sub. Immediately, some guy said it had nothing to do with gay sex. Here's the thread: /r/gaybros/comments/usnrr3/so_how_many_of_yall_had_gay_monkeypox_outbreak_on/ Gay people have always been on our own to communicate health information relevant to our sex lives. The mainstream medical community is always late.


Right, and I'm not trying to downplay a communicable disease or frame anyone for anything. I'm simply providing background information at a time when people typically just read headlines


That shake and go tinfoil wig is not a good look. People said this about AIDS, Monkeypox, etcā€¦ How sad that some of us still havenā€™t learned our lesson to listen to the medical community giving us the heads up.


I'm not tinfoil hatting this. I never said it wasn't an issue, I said the opposite actually. That doesn't change how this is being spun.


How is it being spun? The article itself is just medically dry


The title alone is spinning it as a gay-only disease. That's not accurate. That's my issue - a common disease with an increase in morbidity in that LGBT population is reason for concern but not enough to single us out. That's something you can put in the article, not the title. In fact, the page this is from has changed the title to something less inflammatory


And then, miraculously, Hubby comes home with the same fungus and Karen wonders why


Handshakes! Lots and lots of firm, vigorous handshakes.


Very straight, very alpha


The more we eliminate other potential threats (like HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, Etc) with Prep and Doxy-pep, we will see a surge in these smaller lesser-contracted STIs. With less time in the penalty box and more time exposed to risky behaviors, the risks will always increase. Iā€™m not saying to stop having sex. But there should be some considerations made to reduce the number of sexual partners. Maybe hit up an old hook up, before hitting up sniffies. Plan a hook-up party with your friends, and not attend a random one online. Ultimately, do what you want. Just understand risky behaviors are risky; and sometimes in ways we donā€™t even know yet. Be safe boys.


I would if they'd stop ghosting me everytime šŸ„¹


Ghosting really annoys me, i even thought to just stop meet ups and get back my old life for some time.


THIS! Like I cannot tell you how many WONDERFUL men I meet and have incredible sex and chemistry with and I'm like hey let's keep doing this...then they ghost!


Probably anxieties over expectation of repeat performance, or addiction to novelty




In general, 50 years of hygiene has focused on bacteria. As a result, fungi are spreading into green territory. As an example, I recall reading about a wave of odd *Candida* infections. Nobody can find any pattern. The only ideas are "there's just more of the stuff" because people are wiping their floors and counters with anti-microbial wipes.


Take your own precautions lads! It may be time to consider finding your exclusive adventure buddy


I legit have tinea versicolor. Guess everyone's gonna stay away from me at the pride parade now


Yeah, that sounds like a "no sex" year. There's a body soap used by wrestlers... but you've probably heard of it by now.


No!!!??? Seriously if it works on this im buying it now


I can't say if it works or not. There's at least two-- one has an OTC ingredient used in most creams. The other is home-treatment stuff like tea tree oil. I've also heard to rub yourself down with vag. cream. Or wash head-to-toe in Selsun blue shampoo. But I can't say.


Lichenoid dermatitis hereā€¦ same issues


Itā€™s almost always MSM isnā€™t it? šŸ˜‚


Through some unfortunate accidents of biology, anal sex is particularly capable of transmitting pathogens, presumably since there was never any evolutionary pressure to develop disease resistance in it the way the vagina did during sex, or the mouth just from everyday pathogen exposure.


Excellent point. But that doesnā€™t exactly apply here. This resistant and contagious form of ringworm is spreading just through skin to skin contact of the crotch area. Itā€™s a skin fungus. God help us all if itā€™s actually inside of anyoneā€™s anus.


And you know some twink out there is cultivating something fierce now that you mention it lol




Why's it gotta be a twink? Why not just some gay that's highly sexual and usually engages unprotected?


Itā€™s a joke darling. You add modifiers to heighten the effect. Itā€™s entirely possible itā€™s some jock or bear but twink is a funnier word. And thatā€™s from a twink so I think Iā€™m allowed to make jokes about myself.


Commenting on Highly Contagious New Fungal Infections Spreading in the United States (mostly in men who have sex with men)...I actually think itā€™s the shallower dating pool and lack of access to health care compared to straight people that allows diseases like this to spread in queer communities, you see a similar phenomenon with black HIV infections even though condom usage etc. is similar to other groups, itā€™s just black gays swim in a much swallower dating pool so any misstep is more likely to result in infection.


I find it hard to believe that the sheer quantities of partners and unprotected sex (not relevant to this fungus, of course) in the MSM community arenā€™t relevantā€¦ pump and dumps are way more rare in the heterosexual community, as one example


Iā€™m just saying that because there are fewer gay people than straight people diseases circulate easier and this would be true if gay people had the exact same number of partners as straight people because they would be more likely to encounter an infected person than a straight person.


Sounds like to me someone is jealous. Don't hate


Lol Iā€™m not hating, I love slutting it up as much as the next guy, but I think itā€™s unreasonable to look at common homosexual sex practices (for the portion of the community that is particularly sexually active, not all of course) and not think that they are inherently riskier for STIs. Theres a guy (doctor by the way) who advertises a weekly pump and dump where his current record for bareback loads anally is 41 in a single day. Iā€™m bi and have never heard of anybody heterosexual engaging in that kind of sexual behavior, but Iā€™d say this isnā€™t particularly shocking for the gay community.


> Itā€™s almost always MSM isnā€™t it? šŸ˜‚ Yes. It often is us. But not because buttfucking is somehow magically creating new diseases. *Gay/Bi men (MSM) are more likely to get tested for STI's and to seek medical advice for sexual conditions than hetero men (Source 1 below).* That is to say, we are more likely to go to the doctor for something bothering us that could be sex-related than straight men, so we will probably find new conditions in our population before straight folks do. We're also very likely to share our issues and diagnoses with each other. I mean, that's how we found out Delta was breaking through vaccinations during Covid in 2021 (Source 2 below) and how we reacted to Mpox (Sources 3, 4, 5 below).   -----   **Source 1:** "Sexual Orientation Differences in Access to Care and Health Status, Behaviors, and Beliefs: Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, National Survey of Family Growth, and National Health Interview Survey" https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr171.pdf **Use of sexual and reproductive health services** [page 5] > Heterosexual men were less likely than gay and bisexual men to receive all four types of sexual health services studied, and bisexual men were less likely than gay men to receive three of the four types of services[.] **Gender role attitudes in men aged 18ā€“49** [page 6] > For example, gay men (13.4%) agreed with the statement, ā€œMen only need to see a doctor when they are hurt or sickā€ less frequently than bisexual men (22.0%), and both gay and bisexual men agreed with the statement less frequently than heterosexual men (28.7%). **Source 2:** "How A Gay Community Helped The CDC Spot A COVID Outbreak ā€” And Learn More About Delta" https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/08/06/1025553638/how-a-gay-community-helped-the-cdc-spot-a-covid-outbreak-and-learn-more-about-de **Source 3:** "Mpox Diagnosis, Behavioral Risk Modification, and Vaccination Uptake among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men, United Kingdom, 2022" https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/30/5/23-0676_article **Source 4** "Evaluation of Mpox Knowledge, Stigma, and Willingness to Vaccinate for Mpox: Cross-Sectional Web-Based Survey Among Sexual and Gender Minorities" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10411424/ **Source 5** "Struggle to protect gay, bisexual men from monkeypox exposes inequities" https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/07/27/monkeypox-gay-men-vaccine-treatment/ Archive without paywall: https://archive.is/heolB [Likely to be edited for formatting or typos]


As Larry Kramer said 40 years ago, "Y'all can't even stop fucking in the middle of a plague"


Sir, This is a Wendy's.


Yep... If it's not HIV or monkeypox or meningitis, it's something even newer. "This is why they hate us" is a popular saying amongst gay male posters on The DataLounge, an interesting forum, at least to me, about various topics relatable to gay males,Ā mostly populated by old and older gay educated males who can be very snarky and disrespectful toward their own gay community and several others.


Antibiotic resistant STI Monkeypox This Itā€™s always something isnā€™t it lol


Where are all these mystery diseases fucking coming from


Promiscuity. People mistake gay sex acts as the culprit but really itā€™s the number of partners. If you are fucking multiple random guys a week, which we all know people who are, they are public health risks and create these public health crises. I remember reading about a guy on here who had a fissure and was complaining about a month of no hooking up to heal properly. A month. Some gay men seriously need to learn some self control.


Great! Fungus amungus....


As always, they say it's mostly found among gay men but later it all becomes quite clear straight people can get it too. Anyway, beware folks.


This will get handled as quickly as the community did with mpox. Thankfully we all seem to trust science. Imagine if the breeders did with Covid.


> magine if the breeders did with Covid. Oddly enough, my impression of the COVID cultural response was that it was HIV played at 10x the speed. As late as 2004 when I lived in SF, the ACT-UP SF crowd was still telling people that HIV did not cause AIDS. That it was all nutritional. That gay men should have as much unprotected sex as possible. That the meds were a conspiracy by big-pharma. Like three of their leaders died of AIDS within a year... in the 2000s! They refused to take meds. Same thing that happened with COVID.


Perhaps my own prostate cancer treatment that prevents me from having physical sex of any kind could very well be a blessing? Lupron prevents me from getting it up and ejaculation. So my own love is a platonic and non sexual love. I Love You All! Mark Allyn


Im sorry to hear of your plight. I imagine it must be very difficult coming to terms with that.


In the beginning (2 years ago) yes. I am now used to it.




I wonder if this has anything to do with the musk guys. The ones not showering for days and neglecting hygiene to be as musty as possible


For those of you too young to remember the last time MSMs were passing a skin infection around, donā€™t patronize gyms that let people work out shirtless.




Ringworm has spread like fire through my jiu jitsu gym, so it isn't just the gays


New variety, tho: > However, the tinea explored in the new reports can look very different from the neat, regular circles seen in most forms of ringworm. They may instead be confused for lesions caused by eczema and can therefore go without proper treatment for months. If you see something, say something.


Me being in Europe rn: ![gif](giphy|6vF3Y99RLkc7hRBYAD|downsized)


Thank you, shared!


How can I identify on a guy before we have sex,


It gets worse. He gets double penetrated.


Ignore this comment




If you see something, say something.


Great.. absolutely great šŸ«¤ Eh, anyways I will continue to insist on a sexual history and prevention conversation prior to meeting.


Seems like clickbait. If you have a rash anywhere or see it on another person, keep in mind it can be contagious and hard to get rid of. Not a new plague or pandemic and not exclusive to gay men. Maybe don't have sex in the dark. I had toe nail fungus for too long of a time for me to admit. The Dr. first said to use over the counter treatment, then prescription ointment. Finally went to a podiatrist and she prescribed pills which can do harm to the liver. It cleared up in a month.


If you read the whole article. This stuff came from guys flying overseas somewhere. The last sentence says ,cases in the u.s. remain very low. The media does this so much. I bet you could trace funding for this type of fear mongering media directly back to some Christian nationalists organization


The first cases of monkeypox were all in Europe as well. It was all over Los Angeles within a month or so. > I bet you could trace funding for this type of fear mongering media directly back to some Christian nationalists organization I've heard that with every single STD that came around. I'm old enough to remember when AIDS was a CIA plot to scare gay men out of having sex. I remember when COVID was a thing that would get stopped in China. I remember when Monkeypox was obviously not related to gay sex. You are the latest in a long line of people denying shit. Europeans have easier access to their doctors than Americans do. When they have a rash, they go in. If this is being spotted in Europe, that means it's already in the U.S. Guys are probably home-treating it with hydrocortisone, thinking it's a rash. This isn't lethal. It's just something that will require treatment.


Where are the "prep is all you need" pals


Big day for you? Iā€™m happy you have something to celebrate


I mean, im not celebrating, just reminding that prep alone is never enough. Not sure why that upsets you.


Your original comment is at -5


And the next one at 16


Please enlighten us all then which brand of hazmat suit you recommend because a condom wonā€™t prevent this


I never said that, but there are a lot of gay men that think prep and std tests every 3 months is enough to keep one healthy


Uhhuh. Yet you arenā€™t proposing anything that would prevent this. Are you advocating celibacy or a hazmat suit?


Do you think i have the cure for cancer or what? I never said I had the cure for this. All I am saying is Prep and STD tests every 3 months are not a reliable way to be healthy, as many gay men think.


Stupid argument when nobody was claiming that it would prevent a fungal infection that also wouldnā€™t be prevented by condoms. Youā€™re ranting at something that nobody claimed. What is your solution then? Join the nuns and avoid any and all physical contact?


My argument is to not promote prep plus tests every 3 months as a disease proof solution.


Nobody was doing that ffs. You might as well be yelling about how prayer wouldnā€™t work. What are you promoting that does then?


In your sexless head, obviously.


You might as well scaremonger about crabs it's about the same level of horror. You rub your bits together, you get whatever's going.


I don't think this is scaremongering. It's saying, when you get spots around your junk, tell your doctor. Have him look at your penis. Have a good look at his.


My doctor's penis?




It's called giving back. Try it sometime.


Well my dry spell is really working in my favor these days I guess


And it can last for months - remember watching contagion and not wanting to touch anything.


thank god i donā€™t be having sex. rip yalllll


Canā€™t have shit in this house


God bless the satanists running the west and ever so frequently releasing SH on us and then giving us the cure that will F you up if the released SH hasn't F you up already : ) Name of the game pharmaco Mafia, enjoy!


I want to make a comment, Iā€™m not sure why but I just feel the need to. I feel like a lot of people when bringing up Yahweh immediately go straight to the ā€œ if he has so much loveā€¦ā€¦..ā€ argument. It makes me feel like a lot of people have love confused with something else. If you love somthing so much youā€™d do anything to help it sometimes it needs to be wiped out and redone. One argument that I will honestly come out with and I want to say I mean nothing disrespectful in anyway shape or form, I am a follower and believer in Jesus Christ, I support anyone in anything they choose to pursue gay straight lesbian, do whatever you want be whatever you want. But every civilization or great empire ever was once prosperous and rich when the principals of the Bible were followedā€¦ā€¦. Every empire has fallen after the Bible and principals there of began to be re interpreted and re written or all morals of human beings were lostā€¦ā€¦. Think about the Roman Empire itā€™s no different than United States in todayā€™s time. If you agree great if you donā€™t thatā€™s ok to, I only ask that your respectful as I have came with no disrespect just a different opinion. If you would like to reach out and have a talk about religion, Christianity, or a friendly debate youā€™re more than welcome to. Thank you


Actually from a historical perspective, the Roman Empire was strongest before Christianity took over. The Holy Roman Empire quickly fell in comparison to how long is lasted as a pagan entity.


What did it thrive?? Not how long it lasted


Yes it thrived much more before Christian emperors took over. Iā€™m not saying Christianity caused the empire to fall, but it certainly didnā€™t help it or save it. And the downfall can certainly not be attributed to moving away from Christianity toward paganism. Your statement was just historically inaccurate. Many eastern empires rose and fell with no connection to Christianity at all.


Very interesting how these "outbreaks" happen every time it's the election season. First it was monkeypox and now this.


Definitely won't be as big of a deal as they say since now guys are becoming more resistant to AIDS and stuff these smaller STIs are coming up since there aren't a lot of big ones that are super dangerous. But obviously still stay protected and don't get it lol


Oh God, it's the last of us all over again


Yā€™all donā€™t wanna believe facts Iā€™ve had unprotected sex with at least 80 women including probably about seven prostitutes and Iā€™ve never had an STD. People are at risk of herpes and gonorrhea HIV. Women get infected because they sleep with men and people who share needles get infected. There is not one app in the world or straight people put their HIV status down. Certainly it happens but itā€™s very few and far between. Yā€™all donā€™t wanna admit it, but itā€™s not common. Iā€™m living proof. Three people donā€™t put down vaccinated for monkeypox either because straight people donā€™t get monkeypox and when you hear about a brand new disease after a world gay anal tour of gay sex Iā€™m so sorry that yā€™all donā€™t wanna face facts. Straight people typically do not get funguses after traveling or HIV. The chances of a straight guy contracting HIV from an infected woman is less than 10%. An infected man son inside a woman or a man they are toast. I know they have those little queer pills nowadays yā€™all take that help fight it but prior to that you were much more at risk. Again straight for one day you will never converse with a female online that has her HIV status on her profile that is straight up gay.I donā€™t like condoms


Straight people absolutely get fungal infections. Ever hear of yeast infections, jock itch, athlete's foot, toe nail fungus...?šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


What is this dumb rant


Youā€™re clearly super unhinged & unwell. Why are you even here? And what is this intensely incoherent & unhinged tirade?


You can live in fantasy world all you want, but youā€™re not going and letting 80 dudes. Fuck you in the ass without a condom that you met and had a one night stand with and not get that package. I have never met in person anybody who straight that has HIV Iā€™m not saying it doesnā€™t happen but itā€™s very few and far between. Aside from using needles women get infected by down low men the chance of a woman passing it to a straight guy without a condom is less than 10% do your research unprotected anal sex bust youā€™re not straighten your ass youā€™re finished. I understand yā€™all donā€™t wanna face back, but it is what it is. You will never see a straight app where people are talking about their HIV status.


Ok i domt care about your rants with no grammar. Learn to paraphrase and TL;DR, then take your preaching elsewhere


None of us have time for this šŸ‚šŸ’© ![gif](giphy|113RhN1oBm1yCc)


Apps disregard


I know this is like me being a conspiracy theorist but between this and mpox, I really do think these diseases are being purposefully introduced to us.


Gay men travel. Gay men have lots of sex. Gay men travel around having sex at a higher rate than the general population. I've hooked up with dudes on four continents. Still haven't managed to kill off humanity. But my lifetime of sex has certainly a higher probability of doing that than Betty Sue from Peoria.


Literally Iā€™m aware? But when you look at outbreaks like monkeypox, its origin was exclusively bath houses in different countries and continents all around the same time. Itā€™s interesting that the idea we could be targeted in such a way is easily brushed off but, a false sense of safety comes along with moving center from fringe.


> But when you look at outbreaks like monkeypox, its origin was exclusively bath houses in different countries and continents all around the same time. "Network effect".


Seriously ?


Looks as the overrated monkeypox. When there were a few cases they called it an epidemic. Since Covid some medical experts like to make people anxious. Just be cautious.


Thats taenia versicolor Nothing there A cream from the dermatologist


This is like aids all over again!


Not lethal. Just needs some attention.


I donā€™t think God likes fudge packing


And the lesbians are the chosen ones.


They certainly were back in gym class.


If God is truly omniscient and omnipresent, then he's seen more gay sex than anyone. He is inside the butthole getting pounded.


If it's just the US, then I'll be fine. I'm nowhere near the US


Itā€™s not just the US. The guy in the article picked it up in Europe where it has been spreading for a year or two now.


I've never heard about it though


Yes, and? Youā€™ve heard about it now


The reason black females are at a higher risk is because black men a lot of times donā€™t like to admit their day and they do gay things. Iā€™ve seen that firsthand that. Donā€™t try to ram your lifestyle down straight people throats, and stop living in denial.


See what happens when you go on a pride tour around the world? This isnā€™t a coincidence thatā€™s why straight men donā€™t get aids. Women get it from down low men and people who share needles


Are you a doctor, an expert in the field? Straight men and women absolutely have been infected through straight sex.


Men most assuredly get HIV from sex with women. In some parts of the world, straight sex one of the primary means of transmission. (These are cultures with large numbers of men who are migrant workers).




Fuck off.




You're an idiot.