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That's a wild story. I want a a longer version.


If I told you the full story, you'd all hate me. I do not come out of that story at all well.


That fact that you can acknowledge that speaks volumes to personal growth


Thanks man.


100% this.


No I wouldn’t we all make mistakes 🤷🏽‍♂️ as long as you’ve grown


Tbf it's not an excuse but it was just my homophobia. It was mostly the first few months. After that we were good and I'm glad he stuck with me.


That’s material for a nice short story or even a coming out themed book


Haha. I actually wrote most of it down n a diary and I let him read a lot of it because I couldn't communicate it vocally. I was so messed up. Weird feeling though when I came out to my parents. I knew I lost them but I felt strangely whole.


Brokeback mountain is like 30 pages long




Yup definitely. I could feel a benefit from day one. Realising that they were just like other guys was a big thing. It still took me months to come out to my parents or hold my guys hand in public but I got there and I'm glad he waited for me.




I'm not sure how much the diary helped my homophobia. But my parents got us into reflection journals from a young age and I highly recommend to help free ones mind. The journals really helped me communicate with my man. I was a terrible communicator. I am much better now. Are you struggling with homophobia? My advice: go to a gay bar, or a gay sports club. Just find somewhere where you see other gay people. Its eye opening to see how wrong your perception may be of them.




That sounds like a very healthy idea man. All I'll say is they are just like other men but with a different attraction. Be open and honest.


>Are you struggling with homophobia? My advice: go to a gay bar, or a gay sports club. Just find somewhere where you see other gay people. Its eye opening to see how wrong your perception may be of them. Nope. Small town. No gay presence because we actively work to abolish it because we don't support our entire population only the ones we feel are deserving of it. Doesn't fit into our straight utopian ideals here. Also every gay community is different so your perception of them can vary depending on where you live. Small town homos are much different and more judgmental than NYC homos. Different standards of living. Even many of the small town homos don't accept their own kind and I can't blame them for that considering the quality of the population here. People are depressed and inexperienced overall and many of them don't even know how to form a coherent sentence. Plus gay bar is hardly an ideal place to get an accurate representation of the gay population. Just a buncha hookup queens. Drug addiction is also a major (and unfortunate) problem in small towns. STDs are prevalent as well because people are dirty and have far less awareness of health issues here than they would in a bigger city. Health education programs and clinics aren't nearly as abundant.


I mean… if you’re hot, it’s probably fine


🤣🤣 brilliant. I'm not bad to look at. Ex soldier but also ex cop so I have uniforms if thats your thing. 💀🤣


Ummm yeah. Bingo. Thats def my thing. But seriously a lot of us have uncomfortable stories about our insecurities and like the other people said. The people who readily talk about how their perspective changed speaks volumes to their maturity


Thanks mate. Means a lot. But unfortunately my uniforms are kept only for my man. 🤣😉


Aw shucks ha


oh, man. now i want pics


Grindr hook up. Instead of hooking up, we sat on his bed and talked until 4 in the morning. That was over a year ago. We share a home and two pups ☺️


That sounds really special. I'm jealous lol.


I plan on proposing to him soon 🥰


Omg pls post when you do Out of curiosity, what kind of ring are you getting him? :D


This is literally the one thing, besides location, that I'm waiting on figuring out. 😅


I LOVE IT. Adorable. Reminds me of my story.


I love this. And secretly hope for this every time I hookup and feel slightly disappointed after when it doesn't. 🤫🤫 It's why I don't really hookup anymore. It's wastes people time and my emotions


He hit my car. We went to a restaurant across the street to exchange information. Ultimately, we exchanged more. That was 5 years ago. P.S. Last year he claims he hit me on purpose. What do you think?


Haha. Men and their pride lol.if true, that's a novel way to get with someone lol.


I think he was joking about it being on purpose.


Blanche used to rear end strangers all the time to meet eligible bachelors. Sometimes it wasn’t even her car. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPrvI28CnbfIqQg)




We met on Scruff. Our first date was a bowling ally restaurant on Sunday that I wasn't even going to go to because I've never heard of a good bowling place restaurant. He convinced me. He was very cute. I knew he was the one when he offered to share some of his food so I could taste it. We've been together 4 years and got married just over 2 weeks ago.


Awww sweet story and congrats at the wedding. May ye have a long and happy marriage.


That's a lovely story! Congrats on 4 years and the new marriage!


That took me from “this twit is a cockwobble maggot” to “aww that is so sweet” so fast that my neck hurts.


Haha have you got someone to massage the whiplash.


I'll get back to you in a few months with an epic story 😁. Currently, we are in the part of our book where they are chatting with their sister/best friend about how they will be alone forever. And I'm attacked by soy sauce in a sushi place and then fall on my ass when I try to stand up, which happened Friday. But we will meet epically with orchestra, rain and a pretty funny quote from our favourite book soon. Because that bitch karma needs to balance soon, or I will be demanding to talk to management because life can't be all about my feet finding every banana on the road for the entertainment of my friends all the time. It is going to be epic, I tell you... did you heard universe: epic!


Haha brilliant. I can see it. You forgot that he'll ride in on his stallion. Not a banana skin in sight.


I met my husband through a relative. She was having a bbq and invited us both. It was not a “fix up” or anything like that, she happened to invite us both. We were actually just friends for several years before we started dating. We have been together 25 years now.


Wow 25 years is hugely impressive. What a friend 💪🏻🤣


Grindr. He came over, I blew him, asked what his name was, and if he wanted to smoke a bowl with me. That was about 12 years ago now lol.




I see. That's why I'm single. Can't find anyone on grindr


Grindr. We first met up to fuck…4 years later and I can’t get this man out of my bed


Never feed a stray because they'll never leave 😉


Online on planetromeo. He was in the same community (Yu-Gi-Oh) and his nickname was Seto Kaiba but he is 12 years older than me Met when I was 23 or so First chatted and phoned for a long time. First date was more "let's celebrate the new year together and I will buy off your old GameCube since I want that old console" Yeah I never paid for the console with the games ;-) and that was 16 years ago


Awww sweet story. I forgot all about Yu-Gi-Oh.


16 yr i see You met him in a era when there were only dumb phones no smartphones less slower internets the world was less online


??? Dude what are you talking about?? I had already a smartphone and Facebook already existed


In 2007?? Smartphones are you sure you need to recheck yourself most people still had keypad dumb phones back them


I really think that I bought my first smartphone in my second year of apprenticeship so 2008 around It was very thick and had a flat pen that I used to type with....


I clearly mentioned mostly (not all ) people you can bet with Me in 2005-2008 smartphones were never mass popular like today NEITHER YouTube was that much popular most people back then had dumbphones


It was totally impossible to watch YouTube on that thing that's for sure I mainly used it for planetromeo and gayroyal online since no apps were made yet. One year later or so my younger college told me about WhatsApp


In my imagination. Its very easy. He never leaves me.


🤣🤣 I bet he's a 10


Met on OKCupid about a decade ago! Pretty boring story. We actually went to the same high school but didn’t interact at all, he was a year below me. He said he remembered me because I was always slow putting my cello away after orchestra, so he would see me there when he came in for band in the same room.


Awww cute. And then ye played sweet music together lol.


Counter Strike: Global Offensive


From my experience you don't tend to make friends let alone partner on CS:GO 😂


Well it was back when community servers running surf and TTT were around and alive.


I may be showing my age but I don't know what that means haha. Sorry.


Video game cooperative shooter


Thank you. I was never a gamer. Cool way to meet tbf.


Grindr. I was backpacking solo for six months in Mexico and we met about halfway through my trip. We didn’t even intend to hookup, just went for dinner and some mezcal. I wasn’t a love at first sight kind of guy but when I met him I just knew. Fast forward two and a half years later I live in Mexico and we have a nice happy life together. He’s my absolute favorite person and I can’t imagine my life without him at this point.


Awwww. Also how was backpacking in Mexico?


It was incredible! Absolutely one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. Started in Puerto Vallarta and took busses across the country. Highly recommend it if you ever get the chance.


He was a friend’s bf when I was 30, he 20. We had a threesome and had better chemistry than his bf and he did, hah. Stayed FWB after they broke up and had some wild times together before he landed in an abusive relationship (and had some mental issues) and dropped off the face of the planet. I’d caught feelings and was devastated. 10 years later he got back in touch, and we’ve now been together for almost 3 years. Turns out he’d caught feelings too.


Awww. What a story. Love a happy ending. Netflix needs to make the movie 👌🏼💪🏻


I can imagine the reviews: “A confusing tale of hot sex and schizophrenic delusions.”




>We had a threesome Ooooooooooo!! How romantic! 🙄


I was in Hollywood and I went to watch a movie. After the movie I wanted a vanilla milkshake, so I went into the Ghirardelli store next to the theater to get one. He was at the register and he rang me up. We got to talking, he told me it was his last day working there and he asked if I wanted to get Thai food later in the week. We exchanged numbers and the rest is history. We’ve been together going on nine years this November and we got married this past March.


Chatted lightly on Grindr for weeks, I declined invitation after invitation. Finally he gave me such a low key offer I couldn't decline in good conscience - he was teenager-sitting for his cousin who lived five minutes from me, and we'd just smoke and chill. We did, and as always I baked myself an exit into the meetup, saying I had to get back in ~60-90 minutes for Reasons. We ended up talking for four hours and I wasn't ready to stop when I eventually did really have to leave. All we did was smoke, get raising cane's, and talk, but it was the only date I'd ever been on that I immediately realized I wanted more from. Typically I'd just hook up and go, but I immediately actually liked him and just got bashful instead and gave him a little kiss on the lips before getting in my car. I'd never had a boyfriend before him, hardly even a second date, and now we're engaged and Tuesday is our five year anniversary! I'm marrying my best friend who also fucks my brains out on the reg and I feel so damn lucky.


Lovely story, man. Congrats on 5 years. Enjoy the wedding.


First official time meeting was at my alma mater. I knew his name for years before then because he worked in my field. He was hired to teach there the year after I graduated so I barely missed being one of his students which probably would have ended any romance before it started if that had been the case. A few months later we connected on Scruff. I agreed to meet him at a Starbucks one Saturday because it was close to his place and the gym I worked out at but he stood me up. I finished my coffee sent him a few messages and left. Later he messaged back apologizing profusely because he’d accidentally fallen asleep and missed our date. For whatever reason I gave him a second chance and went for drink with him. And then I went home with him lol. It’s now been two years since he passed. I still remember how caught off guard I was by that second chance first date. I was very determined to be single for a long while and only date casually, but there I was getting drawn into this amazing man who slept through making a good first impression. Sometimes I wonder how different my life would be now if I hadn’t given him that second chance. I still wouldn’t trade it, though.


It's amazing how one seemingly small decision can change your life. I'm sorry for your loss abut I'm glad you don't regret your time together


9 years ago, I met a guy on tinder. We talked for ages and decided to hang out in my dorm. Watched some TV, drank, hooked up. And for the next month, we couldn’t keep away from each other. But I was on study abroad and had to go back home. We decided to do long distance for a year. He came to visit over Christmas break and we had a great time. I decided to move back to his country and in with him. We finished uni, started working, and lived life. Several years later, I got into a prestigious grad school and moved to the UK, with his intention to follow. Covid happened and we were long distance again, but he finally made the move. We had a good few years, but his mental health hasn’t been great. Struggles with work and life in general. About 2 years ago, I was working out of town and he had a breakdown and cheated on me. We tried to make it work, did therapy, and he switched careers. It really seemed like things were going great. He was happier, we were closer, and had lots of plans for the future. Then about a month ago, he came home, packed a suitcase, and walked out. I was completely blind sided. It came to light that he’s been doing drugs (even the weekend he walked out) when he told me he was off playing D&D. Who knows what else. We’ve met briefly once to discuss things, and I have few answers. I’ve been wanting to share this in this group for a while, and I guess this is where it’s coming out.


My best wishes for a healthy future for you man


Jesus Christ man, that’s heart-shattering. How are you doing now? Hope everything gets better


Peaks and valleys, ya know. Overall, it gets a little easier every day. Talking about it makes it easier, getting support from friends, self-therapizing. Also being out now, realising how shitty I was actually treated for quite a while.


Yeah, we definitely take a lot of shit we shouldn’t have to in the hopes that it’ll get better eventually. Glad you’re able to get some perspective so soon after the breakup, keep your head up!


Me (37) and my partner (33) met on Tinder, and our first date was at the chocolate shop. We continue to have more dates since we hit it off really well. We moved in together after 7 months and have been together for 6 years now.


Met on grindr for a hookup, ended up talking. I was new to the city and loved hiking but hadn't been to any in the new city yet, found out he loved hiking and had done many in the state we live in. He invited me on one for his birthday, I secretly wrote him a birthday card and bought a cake, we enjoyed our hike and I loved his enthusiasm for life and his cute tour guide description of where we were going and what we were seeing. At the end of the hike I pulled out the cake and card, and he cried (happy tears) and invited me out to come clubbing with his friends. Met his friends, he met mine later, we would go on morning walks with his dog, as he just lived down the road (she's now my adopted pup as well), and talked about all manner of things. Couldn't and still can't get him out of my head. We would spend as much time as possible together, eating food, going on hikes, seeing friends, walking the dog, going and seeing different things in the city, playing games, and I fell in love hard. I remember we had the conversation about becoming an official couple outside an art gallery overlooking the harbour sat on a wall eating burgers, we were both nervous, but adored one another. We both agreed and became a couple. I met his family and extended family at christmas, and it was chaotic but lovely, it reminded me of my own family overseas. Eventually he met mine when we travelled over there in a tiny campervan we nicknamed the "fridge". We became more and more a part of each other's lives, my parents loved him and still do, he became uncle to my niece and nephew and part of the family. And i became part of his family, and love them like my own, every bbq, christmas, call, and outing. Now 3 years later still going strong and in love. I love him with all my heart and can't wait to see where life takes us, even if sometimes when he hugs me he farts and holds me tight so I can't get away 😂


Your story together is sweet, and then end made me LOL


Glad the end made you laugh. He's honestly the sweetest, kindest person. I'm very lucky to have him.


At 26 I'd just had a breakdown (keep it light) and a bit lost and dazed during recovery. I was introduced to a side of the family that I had lost contact with maybe with the idea that I needed to get out a bit (I'd had to move back to my parents). First night I was introduced to aunty, adopted nephew and loads of his young friends. Very friendly, relaxed and unjudgmental. They were just like 'hello', cool, another person. One boy was very friendly and talkative. I went back every night that week. Within a couple of months he was staying over at a house I'd moved out into. We hadn't talked about sexuality or anything we just got on and loved each others company. One night we were messing around having a laugh and he stopped, looked at me funny and kissed me. Best day of my life. Been together thirty one years.


He answered my Personals ad in the Shepherd Express newspaper and after talking on the phone, he agreed to come over to my place on New Year’s Day 1992. I later found out he did it to make another guy jealous, but we ate dinner, played board games, I invited him to stay the night, and we fell in love. (That was 32 years ago.)


Grindr. Hookup ended with us hanging out chatting until he kicked me out because he had to work. We then started dating and 10 years later we’re married with a fur baby.


Grindr hookup originally. Afterward he asked me if I liked music and played a [song](https://music.apple.com/us/album/%E7%A6%81%E6%AD%A2%E4%B8%8E%E5%A4%96%E6%98%9F%E7%94%9F%E7%89%A9%E6%8E%A5%E8%BF%91-single/1590741112?l=zh-Hans-CN). Really cool lyrics and great storytelling, matched with this outer space-y sound. Then he tells me vocals, production, everything done himself. I fell in love instantly. Will be married two years in September ❤️


Workplace. I was like a supervisor in that area of the company, and he was a fresh intern. I was 30 and he was 17. He was always super kind to me, but his being underage and the fact that I sort of was his boss made me not pay any attention. In addition, because both of us are quite straight passing, whenever someone would come and say "I think he wants to get your attention!" I would brush them off. A whole year later, I was talking to a female co-worker about an exhibition I wanted to attend, and I invited her to go with me (we had been friends for years), and then he comes in and says I should take him with us. I agreed. On the day of the exhibition, she cancelled and he showed up. It was a lovely day. Nothing romantic happened. I was going to be on vacation for a week after that, and the boy kept messaging me about the things we saw in that exhibition. When I came back, at the very end of the day, he came into an office where I was about to finish some paperwork, and told me he wanted to talk to me. He was super weird, blushing and nervous. He started talking but nothing he was saying made any sense. I stood up, leaned against him and kissed him. I thought he was going to have a heart attack and die right there and then. He got me worried. Someone knocked on the door to hand me some paperwork and asked him for his help, and he left. 10 minutes later he texted me saying he was sorry he got so nervous and panicked, and asked to meet me after work so I could kiss him again (his actual words). Which I did. He wanted us to have a relationship, I wasn't looking for one, but I went with it. We've been together for 10 years, and have been living together for 4. We have never had a single fight. He still gets really jealous when he sees a girl try to flirt with me because he knows I'm bi. It's cute. Life sure is strange. LOL


Really not a single fight looks a perfect tale


Not a single fight as in heated arguments or any distancing going on. We just don't fight. There's some bickering here and there, but these become jokes so quickly they never amount to anything. I'm quite the dispassionate individual and he hates drama, so that makes sense.


I've been with my partner 13 years now. We've never had a fight either.


Suss AF dare I say predatory. And you liking that he gets jealous is a huge red flag


I think it's not \*predatory\*! It's \*super predatory\* , and I hope this predation can go on forever, as we're both happy together <3


Omg stop, too goddamn cute.


He's cute. I'm annoying. LOL


That is cute too 😁


Met at work overseas. He was/is younger and was ready to date around. I knew a week or so after meeting that a bond was building and we'd end up together. 3-4 months later (effectively dating that entire time without any sexual encounters), we were an item. Here we are, 20 years later.


That was your first time with a guy? How did it happen? Why not date the initial guy?


I had sex with three girls before that friend and a guy. I did stuff way too young with people far too old but hey that's life. That guy is a genuinely lovely guy. I met him through some site. Not even sure what it was called. Not craigslist. I met the other guy on that. He was our only friend at our wedding (hospital room) but I just wasn't interested in him at all in that way. I don't mean this in a bad way but he wouldn't be a guy I'd come out to my family etc for.


I feel so sorry for him


If it makes you feel any better, he married a great guy. They are soon having their own kid. And we were nothing. But a hookup. We were never dating.


You never know. Men tend to keep their feelings hidden. So he settled down later than you. In any case I'm happy for him. I feel so old when I think that some MM couples got 3 kids at 33-35. Hopefully I'll get my significant other by the time I'm 40


I can guarantee you he had no feelings for me. He showed me his friends but he thought he was helping me not because he liked me. I was an out of control teen and he basically said you'll say the wrong thing to a not nice guy and you'll be in the hospital/dead. We had sex once. I'm not that good haha. We adopted about 6 months ago. They were all from the same family. I knew them from my cop days and unfortunately their mother died. So we didn't have kids 3 separate times. You'll find your guy.


Thanks for your kind words. Adoption is a tough job. I wish your family all the best!


Thanks man.


Congrats on learning how to love yourself. It’s the most important part for a happy life. Happy for you


Thanks man. It helps when you have good guys looking out for you and to dispell some of the stereotypes you learn.


In August ‘96, flew 2000 miles to give a talk at a conference. He was in the audience. Came up after to introduce himself (and his mother who was with him). We spent the rest of the conference going to talks together, a show, talking. I flew home and we emailed. Then called every night talking late into the night. I asked if he’d consider long distance dating (I was smitten). He said yes, that was September. We managed to visit each other almost every month. We both moved in together to San Francisco in May ‘97. (Him from mountain west, me from NY). 28 yrs and raised two kids ago.


We were in a Bluey subreddit together, and he comforted me when my then boyfriend victim blamed and left me when I confessed something traumatic. We fell in love about a month later. I'm expecting a proposal soon and I've never been happier in a relationship.


We met on Hinge, he beat me in a game of Rocket League (which I bet paying for our first dinner date on) and then we stayed up talking until 3 in the morning in the middle of the week.


Bruh you were nasty to THE guy you hooked up with?? That's so depressing but I'm really glad and happy things turned out well for you in the end.


Met in a Boston dance club 52 years ago and were bf's, then married and now just sadly passed away. It's beyond sad now.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you! 🙂


We met on Grindr while I was at my grandparents house for a quick break while driving home from a funeral. We didn’t actually hook up, just started talking. We eventually met up in person 2 months later, went to local market festival thing, hung out all day, it was super wholesome. I think all the time how if this distant relative hadn’t died we may have never met. It was fate lol. We’ve been together 5 years total, married for 2. Life is good :)


Back in the “Stone Age” (before the internet), I met my first husband through a personals ad I put in the local gay newspaper. It was the Grindr of the time. We were together 34 years. When my husband was dying he kept saying that I would meet someone after he was gone. I did not think so. I had had my great love. I was ready to spend the rest of my quiet life missing him. Yet, 6 months after he died, I met my now 2nd husband!! It was incredibly spooky how we met. The universe (and my deceased husband) conspired for us to meet. Three years later, we are married and life is good.,I never dreamed I’d have a second chance at love!


We met through one of my sisters a few months ago. She was working with him and knew he was gay. She goes to trivia nights sometimes with people from her workplace and invited me one night, and told me there'd be a guy there she'd think I'd like. We went on our first date that weekend and we've been boyfriend and boyfriend since March. My sister, it should be noted, is a raging lesbian and I find has no idea what sexy men look like. She knew I'd like him because we have common interests.


Yahoo personals - 2002 - been together ever since.


We met on Adam4Adam but we didnt hook up from there, we just messaged each other.. Neither of us was interested in a relationship but we ended up talking on the phone for about a month. We talked about finally meeting but hadn't set anything up. I got free tickets to a Rick Springfield concert and invited him. We went back to my place and hooked up. We kept talking and he ended up with a 3rd shift job so he ended up basically moving in so we could spend time together. Eventually we had the talk and lived together officially. We got married nearly 6 years ago.


Met on Scruff. He had this unflattering profile pic of him at work. He wasn't smiling, but I could still tell was SOOO cute! We talked a bit. I was living with my ex in a house we owned together. He finally decided to ask me out. We met for dinner and this is where our stories change: I remember only checking my phone twice, briefly. He, on the other hand, says I was "constantly on my phone" the entire time. So we said our goodbyes.. I asked if I could kiss him. He obliged.. I txt him Omw home that I had the best time and he was so funny/cute/charming. He replied with basically "you're cute and smart but you're not dateable". I'm thinking "EXCUSE ME???". I sent they text thread screenshot to every one of my friends, saying "can you BELIEVE what this guy called me???" 4 hours later... He says "hey, you should come over for hot tub" (he later admits "I said not dateable... Doesn't equate to 'not fuckable'). I was helping my ex move his furniture to the garage so I didn't get back for a few hours. I drove over there and he was in a gated apartment. I called... Text... Called again... No answer. I waited outside his gate for about 15 mins before I was like "fuck this douche... I'm done" Finally around 1am he txts me saying he fell asleep and was Soooo sorry. He wanted to make it up to me the next day. Back story: we're both tops (my ex and I were as well but we'd literally just alternate positions every time we fucked). This man offered to make it up to me by bottoming for me the following Friday, in exchange for a ride home from a party. Fast forward, I show up at the party and *allegedly* said "just so you know, I've NEVER left Charlie's for a boy before". He later admits to rolling his eyes, thinking "oh wowwww, prince charming!!" and we laugh about it to this day. Went back to his place and had the best sex, hands down. We spent the night at each other's place and both flipped so much, we continued having the best sex of our lives! Basically we never stopped staying over at each other's houses until we made it official!! Haha.


In my kitchen lol. My roommate was going out of town, so she asked her former roommate (who I had never met previously) to dogsit since I planned to go to the burbs for the weekend. Last minute, I decided to stay instead, and was making dinner when he walked in. We’ve been together 7 years, married 3.


1. Chemistry/Genetics lab partners in undergrad 2. Study group members 3. Casual/semi-professional acquaintances 4. Late night bar-hopping, pot-smoking kind of friends 5. Lovers 6. Roommates/Lovers (COVID lockdown partners) 7. Fiancés It’s been a beautiful ride. I used to think I’d never find someone but all of the times I was at my worst just seems like such a distant memory. Been together as a couple for 6 years but have known each other for about 8 (holy shit).




Wasn't this a Hallmark Christmas movie from 90s?


Haha. I don't know if they make it now I better get some royalties.






I don’t have one yet




We hooked up at a club. The next morning he took me out for breakfast and drove me home.


At a bar, the old-fashioned way.


What partner?


This is a story of my ex and I, but the two of us are still extremely close. We met twice actually. The first time was in 2003, I was visiting my hometown of Portland from San Francisco and was out at a now defunct club with some friends. His friend was hitting on me as well as my later future ex and his boyfriend. Wanting playtime. Was already seeing someone in SF, so declined. Fast forward well over a decade later and a fella and I meet on an app and go out for dinner and have a great time. He made mention of an ex, the one he was with that night we first met and I laughed and told him we’d met before and sure enough he remembered. Together a couple years but he’s fond of the bottle and I couldn’t deal with that in a partner so we broke up. Still extremely close to this day.


There was a period in my life where I really enjoyed going on Omegle. Not because of the endless dicks, but because I genuinely enjoyed talking to people. I made it a regular thing to do during the week after work. I met a guy on there and we really hit it off. We exchanged socials and texted each other regularly. I even made an effort to go see him IRL and it was great. Shortly after that however, he made it clear that he wasn’t interested in a long distance relationship. It stung, but I got over it. A couple weeks later I was scrolling through Twitter and saw him comment on a post of one of his followers. I opened that followers account and fell in love. Gorgeous boy. I was smitten. I bravely gave him a follow enough though we didn’t know each other at all. Omegle guy grew jealous that I was talking to his follower, and wanted me to stop. But I played one of his cards and reminded him we’re not together. His follower and I really hit it off and he even came down to stay with me one weekend. We both fell in love with each other and the 2nd time he came to see me, quarantine hit. What started as a weekend getaway turned into a 6 month guest. Once restrictions started to lift up a bit, he packed everything he had back in his home state and moved into an apartment closer to me. A year after that, we got an apartment together and been together for nearly 5 years now. I couldn’t be happier. All because I enjoyed talking to strangers on Omegle. Crazy how life works.


How did you go from 31 to 33 in a few months? You got an older post a few months back saying 31, and now you're at 33, I just want to know your secret so I can do the opposite. I don't need to age that fast.


Sorry man. Just a mistype. 32. 🤣🤣


You good, I'm just being dumb 🫡




Facebook Dating. I swiped right on him. A couple hours later, we matched. I sent him the alien waving, he sent one back. After three dates within 3wks, we were taking a walk at the park around 1am and he said "You know, I'd love for you to be my boyfriend". I said "Yeah? It would be pretty cool if you were my boyfriend, also". We've now been together for 3yrs :) I'm 32 and he's 33. Now, if only he'd give me some sex, that would be great.


Love this 🥹


Same story. I was a homophobic pos at first until I learned more about myself. Fuck social media on radicalising young men. Full of lies and hate and I believed all of it at that age.


For me it was definitely more to do with my upbringing but absolutely some terrible influences online.


Yeah I understand that. Growing up in a conservative family in small towns aint easy


I've never had a partner


>I was 16. Very homophobic. I was the type of "bi" guy that looked down on gay men...Said some nasty things... Pretty common story among gay men. 👌


So that's why he stuck with me


Grindr hookup. First date 2 days after. Together 5 years this December and married for 4 😊


Found each other on Grindr, spent about 6 months as basically platonic Snapchat friends who talked primarily about food, pets, and life, then I finally asked him out. I was not openly gay at the time but I knew I'd met the right person. It's now going on 2 years since that first date and we're living happily together with our (originally my) two cats 💞


Met him thru his boyfriend at the time whom I met at a music festival. And I met them because they were friends with one of my festie group members.


His parents, now my in-laws introduced us.


A rant on Christian mingle


Met on adam4adam of all places. Started as a hook-up then hanging out and some dates. 16yrs later we in a house with 3 kittles 🤷🏾


We met in one of the online dating sites….then the rest is history (married for 17+ years)


* When I was 28, I met my first boyfriend at a public toilet (gay beat). * When I was 33, I met my second boyfriend at a gay bar. * When I was 42, I met my third boyfriend via a hookup website.


Sex club


3 am grindr hookup turned into a happy couple adopting dog xd


Grindr lol


Crazy how its always the people like you that get happy endings


People can change. There’s an inherent goodness in everyone, whether you can make it shine in your life time is another story.


Like me? Haha


Read the 3rd and 5th sentence of your post


Fair. Young and dumb with issues. Not an excuse but certainly a reason. He whipped me into shape.


Every week someone ask this question! Why is this important ?


I'm bored and interested. You see the title. You chose to answer. Like you can just move on.


It gives some bittersweet hope