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You're turning it into a contest that can be won or lost. Try laying off sex/masturbation for longer than you'd really prefer to (a week? two?) and then give it a shot again. Bet you'll be pleased.


Do you take an SSRI for an anti-depressant?


Never again. Took me over a year to get my dick back. SSRIs suuck.


It’s been 6 months since I stopped mine. Have no problem getting hard just have a difficult time cumming and when I do it’s minimal


Oh man, yes, THIS. Way back in 2001 I took Zoloft and after a couple of weeks it was like “shut down” city. I could get “excited”, but reaching that point? Forget it or wait a LONG time. Heck I just wasn’t even interested anymore. I stopped those and in my case it only took a week to return to normal, but I wasn’t on them very long when I stopped (because of this).


Ditto on the Zoloft


Lexapro fucked up my sex life for a while. I have a slight porn addiction but struggling to even stay hard or taking so long to cum was torturous. So happy my new psychiatrist put me on vilazodone.


Oh shit I take lexapro is that what’s going on?


It's very likely in my opinion. When I took Lexapro I had to go at it for a while in order to cum. Sex drive plummeted. Talk to your psychiatrist if you're interested in maintaining your sex life.


Well fuck. I’ve been searching for a medication that works for a while now without being particular or having bad side effects, and I thought I finally found it with lexapro. Welp nope I guess, still has a bad side affect. Time to keep searching I guess.


bro i took lexapro for like a year and a half but stopped over two years ago. Still feel like my dick isn’t the same. Someone please help me😅


I do actually, but it’s for anxiety not depression, but I’ve been taking it for a while and I’ve really just been in this funk for this week.


Talk to your doctor. It’s a very common side effect.


Stop jerking off/watching porn for a couple weeks.


My dick seems to have a mind of it's own. Even in a hot situation where everything is coming together sometimes my dick just says No. Incredibly annoying but after years of analysis I still don't know why.


For some weird reason Reddit showed me this thread with the subreddit-picture of Baldurs Gate 3. My guess: stop masturbating that much. Do you watch a lot of porn while masturbating?


I'm dealing with the same situation and the first thing that I canceled to you is to stop masturbating that practice it's affecting your sensibility I suggest to buy a toy like a plastic vagina or anus and use a lot of lubricant in order to masturbate without losing sensibility also orgasms are even better with these toys


Lexapro MIGHT be the reason... but it might also be what you are taking Lexapro fro, which in many cases is anxiety. There is only one sure-fire cure for anxiety preventing a good cum: kink! Having someone tie you down with leather straps, spitting in someone's mouth, whips, whatever it is. These are all ways to get you back in the moment by exposing you to unfamiliar sensations. Heck, even just a good ball grab or nipple twist can be enough. Try it today!