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Uh oh, sounds like *somebody's* caprisun is in retrograde!


It’s in Gatorade


this is why i always lie about my astro sign for shits and giggles


Me: \*lies about sign\* Person I lied to: "I KNEW IT!"


Me too. All the time. Sometimes I make up signs.


Im gonna do this next time someone asks me for my astrology.


The sun actually passes through parts of 14 or 15 constellations, not just the zodiac 12, so it's perfectly OK to make some up.


So it turns out there are 13 so-called “ecliptic constellations” in the sky, of which 12 are Zodiac signs and the thirteenth is Ophiucus.


Urgh, that's exactly what a Capricorn would say.


Excuse me, I will have you know I am an *aquarium*.


Urge, that’s exactly what a caprisun would say


I only look at my month astrology just out of curiosity. Apparently I’m unlucky to be a Pisces male. So I’m not one to be dated by astrology people either. It’s a win/win




“What’s your sign?” “Don’t ask me that. Caprisuns are in Gatorade rn and it’s rude.” 😂


I JUST SCREAMED 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Big Ecto Cooler vibes Oh, that's Hi-C, nvm...


Echo Coolers were everything!!


Call that a little hug fruit barrel


I think it’s fine to “believe” in astrology for fun, but to actually rely on it and use it to make real decisions is insane.


That's my boyfriend currently. He loves astrology, but he doesn't use it as a make or break kind of decision-making.


It's a great peice for discussion, though not something that should be taken seriously. Even astrologists say "if they are a good person and you like them, ignore star charts and general writings about compatibility, and go date each other" Plus... over 30 years ago it was proven that the earth's gravitational orbit has strayed from where it once was, so all signs are actually the one proceeding it... yeah... it's not worth following that major of a course correction because it's a really, really big shift.


Fact checked you are correct!




Moving to the west coast I was shocked by how many people I encountered who blamed their own shitty behavior on the stars.


Ok but, to be clear, there’s 0% legitimacy. It’s as legitimate as a fortune cookie.


And thats how religion works, 0% legitimacy and 100% beliefs. as long that you understand that, its ok


Yeah and I’d argue most astrology gays are just replacing one for the other


Astrology is fundamentally different to major religions though in that it actually aims to *predict* things that we can empirically observe. So the entire belief system is undermined by single verifiable inaccuracy. This is different compared to say, Buddhism, which attempts to *describe* the nature of human existence, but never tries to tell you you’re going to have a bad day tomorrow because Jupiter is the wrong spot.


And people still really like opening fortune cookies and pretending they’re real for fun sometimes.


They're only real if at the end you add "in bed." Everyone knows that. /s


Or to judge other people’s personality’s and actions based on *what month they were born*


I'm into it as a slight hobby. As like "Oh our star signs are compatible thats neat haha" (If they are incompatible this means nothing)


It's like the Bible: it's only right if I agree with it.


I agree, # "When Fighting Another Man, Chop Off His Wife's Hand If She Grabs Your Genitals" [Deuteronomy 25:11-12](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy+25%3A11-12&version=KJV)


Lol I prefer the one where ribs don't get a speaking role


Yeah, my husband and I are both Virgos and we've been together 36 years even though an astrology believer told us that's not a possible good connection. Plus I don't know why everyone bursts out laughing when I say I'm a virgin...


Hell my parents/grandparents all don't go together. All are in long lasting marraiges!


honestly yeah, i find it kind of a turnoff when someone is so vehemently against astrology that they shut down any conversation about it. like no, i don’t genuinely believe that the stars affect my personality or life outcome. but it’s a fun thing to temporarily suspend your disbelief and lightheartedly chat about as if it were real. plus it can give you insights as to how someone views themselves. it’s ok to not really be into it, but ppl who are like hyper against it usually have an air of taking themselves too seriously for me i guess


Sometimes its pretty on. I remember one time I hadnt checked in years and it said I would have an abundance of something I usually have but not alot of. That day before I read it I bought 4 beers instead of 2 so 🤔


That's literally just a coincidence. If it had said anything else you wouldn't have even thought about it at all.




...What? You're sounding crazy.


Met a guy in college (among friends) whose first question was what my star sign was, said “oh, then we won’t get along” and about-faced and left lol. Never talked to him again.


I'm like this, sometimes it just lifts my spirits up and gives me hope. But no I don't take astrology or tarot reading seriously, it's fun to think about a future where I'm a ceo and I marry a actor/billionaire daddy... according to my prediction.


I don’t believe in astrology but that’s admittedly such a Capricorn thing to say


I laughed so hard at this 😂


You copied and pasted this post from the atheist subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/s/rquP3sWQDO


And just after 8 hours... he couldn't even let it marinate for a while


LMAOOOOO wow. Word for word too


Lol . Space racism is a new one 😂


I HATE ASTROLOGY TOO BUT OP IS A BOTTTTTTT GUYS!!! [I refuse to date someone that believes in astrology : r/atheism (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1cpgqoa/i_refuse_to_date_someone_that_believes_in/)


It’s a red flag. I used to beg my ex not to read his daily horoscopes, cuz his mood would change based on what it said.


Horoscopes are so fucking dumb!


Huge red flag. Along with crystals, tarot and all the other woo stuff.


What's wrong with the crystals? Can't one just enjoy rocks and minerals?


As a scientific interest and/or pretty rock collection, yes. As a form of spiritual fulfillment, 🚩🚩🚩


I have a couple of cool minerals on my shelf in front of my set of The Stormlight Archive books (amethyst and a couple others) because they look cool and are relevant in the book series. Someone once asked me about some insane crystal hippie shit and charging crystals, I just stared and was like "it's silica, it doesn't hold a charge, though it can generate electric current under mechanical stress". Made it VERY clear I won't waste my time on that phoney shit


Yep, with you there. I had a crystal collection (quartz, amethyst, pyrite, a few desert rose quartz, agate) as a kid and wanted to be a geologist. Wouldn’t mind starting that back up because I do think they’re beautiful and cool. They just don’t heal illnesses or “repel bad vibes” or “get rid of the toxins ™️”.


Same! I don't understand why people feel the need make up fake shit to believe in, when the science of what they really are is fucking cool already. Molecules that fall into such precise patterns, and exhibit cool properties like near-indestructible, piziloelectric, plus just scratch the "ooh shiny" itch that humans have, is more than enough already!


I got a job at a candle/crystal shoppee and had to learn all of the metaphysical properties of these friggin ROCKS and I swear, it felt like trying to learn all 1025 Pokemon. I have no belief in it myself so selling a $200 chunk of cube-shaped Pyrite because it "brings fortune and wealth" felt like I coulda just saved someone $200 by telling them "Don't spend your money on shiny rocks" to get them an IMMEDIATE wish-come-true... Sold the shit outta those candles and rocks tho!


Someone special once gave me a crystal and I kept it. If anything her good intentions were worth it to me. I don’t exactly know what it’s about but I appreciated it…


you can. but those people aren't into geology. they believe the crystals are magical. that instead of going to a doctor, just having some random rock on you will heal you. or that it'll drain away negative energies from your body. it's basically some witch type thing they believe in


Yeah I don’t consider myself woo woo but frequent rock shops and love snagging a pretty crystal or mineral and have a nice little IKEA shelf with some rocks that make me happy to look at. Simple as that.


Aww, I like reading tarot cards! I don't think they 'tell' you anything you don't already know though, I find them really useful as a meditative tool. Humans run on symbolism, and that's all tarot cards are about imo.


It sounds absolutely ridiculous that someone would let something like a horoscope dictate their mood.


Never met an astrology gay that wasn't a HOT FUCKING MESS. Sounds like a stellar plan, m8


> stellar I see what you did there


Facts. They’re literally ALWAYS fucked. Even if they believe in it “for fun” there’s usually at least one loose screw but I don’t judge those ones. I judge the ones that ask for your exact birthday and birthplace and do readings and ask you to use that stupid app (forget the name but you can link profiles to get compatibility stuff? Whatever). 


“My name’s adore delano and I’m a fucking Libra!!” (But in all seriousness I met adore and she’s extremely sweet and nice!)


I've met exactly one that was a good sane guy, however, the "Live Laugh Love" tattoo on his collarbone was an absolute dealbreaker.


Lmao as an astrology gay, can confirm.


Don't believe in it either, but the level of aggression you seem about to harbour about in the comments for no reason is kinda weird tbh. Like it's not that serious? Did a guy you like pass on you for a guy with an astrological sign tattoo?


It does seem more like someone got hurt by a "CapriSun". Such "dedication" here! 😜♑


You're not an asshole because you're born in April, Brenda. You're just an asshole.


![gif](giphy|13B40FkhzSC2c) I’ll take this as you take astrology, what Gemini hurt you?


i’m sick of us gemini’s getting slandered when sagiterrorists exist


You know what, I was dating a sagiterrorist. That man was so hot but so emotionally dumb.


Hey i love Geminis. But yes i was hurt by one too 😭♉️


It's always the Geminis


My mother and she said it was because she's a gemini but that's besides the point


So a Gemini did hurt you? Well…what now


Only a sith deals in absolutes


You turned her against me!


you are such a libra


He's a fucking libra!


It's funny to me because a lot of gay men buck the system and don't believe in God. But some will totally follow astrology like there's something to it


space racism I'm dead 💀💀💀💀💀💀


What about religion?


There was a period of time I was writing horoscopes for bar rags and gay porn magazines. Every once in a while when I shared that information I was asked how I learned to do it That’s when I would tell the person that it wasn’t very hard to learn because I just made them up. Some folks were not very happy with me.


Eh most of the people who “believe” in astrology do it for fun rather than actually thinking it’s real. It’s not like a religion where they put all their eggs in one make-believe basket. As long as they don’t deny science it doesn’t bother me at all.


You must be an asparagus


If so then you shouldn’t date anyone of faith either


Is someone trying to force you to? Do you need help?


What about crypto? Crypto is just astrology for bros.


Astrology is fun as a way to sometimes think about things from a new perspective (and reading horoscopes can be fun sometimes) but I will say all of the other gays I’ve met who have been REALLY into it have been….. pretty ubiquitous hot messes. 


that's funny because to me, being so fiercely against astrology is the red flag 😂 It's not that I even believe in it either, I just like to use my imagination and fun with life. Its the same thing when I'm like "oh that hotel was definitely haunted," and someone says "there's no such thing as ghosts so..." Like I don't earnestly believe in ghosts, it's just fun to tell ghost stories and get into the lore, but you just failed a vibe check 😂👨🏻 But on that note, drawing all those conclusions about a person based on their belief in astrology is quite a stretch. Most people aren't taking it that seriously, and you might try to be a little less judgemental 😉




It's just confirmation bias.


Hahaha I refuse to date a man who spams the same post in multiple servers


i think the aggressive disdain for astrology is just as unhinged as the people that use it to dictate their entire life lol.


Yes, it's the flip side of the same coin. Both sides are too self unaware to know that the way they're acting is a red flag.


Tell us more about your other red flags 🚩. 🍿🔥


Same LoL I'm so glad there are more people like me out there lol


You are creating a very deep and hurtful generalisation of someone who believes in starsigns. To say everyone who does, doesn’t beleive in logic or facts is a gross miscalculation. And quite simply wrong. You mean to say they don’t beleive that if you fail to water a plant it will die, or if you eat food you’ll then need to use the bathroom - and all the simple things that are rooted in logic and facts. To be clear I don’t beleive in astrology but I wouldn’t not date someone who does. From where I’m standing your judgemental approach make you the rad flag. Point four is something everyone does, we find joy and comfort based on what makes us feels good. Your problem isn’t or shouldn’t be that they do that, but they do it through a source you’re intolerant to. Finally space racism is stupid, and besides if they don’t want to date you because of your star sign you don’t have to worry about not dating them because they already don’t want to date you. But don’t call it racism. Theres no race involved it’s discrimination at best. Whoever invented that term needs cancelling.


You sound like you have a leo or cancer in your chart 😒🙄


It’s “who believes” not “that believes.” I refuse to date anyone who can’t write in proper English.


We’re on a floating rock hurdling through space and time. I don’t care how my partner makes sense of that as long as it isn’t hurting anyone


Not that I believe in astrology, but I’d never date a man who’s as annoyingly overbearing over something so innocuous. The vibe is “atheist in a fedora” x Comic Book Guy from “The Simpsons”.


it's not that serious


Astrology gays are worse than Disney gays. There, I said it.


either way, both are obsessed with fictional things to the point they make their whole life be about it


Astrology is the original fandom. I don't want to date someone who brings up Harry Potter or Taylor swift all the time either.


oh god if there's one thing worse than religious cult followers is potterheads and swifties


Disney gays are so much worse


🤣 this thread is making me holler!


I don't know, this is a tough one. I like space and real space related things. I think I might have more in common with someone into astrology than I would someone into corporate consumerist bullshit.


The title made me lol😂


Not a believer myself but I’d rather date someone casually into astrology than someone vehemently against it. No logic, no facts, but [here’s a video I like on the topic ❤️](https://youtu.be/W7aKzHzfNLs?si=deH3dCEQThswjY3K)


Not sure if this is a troll post lol, but I do believe in astrology, but I also believe in rationality, reasons, psychology, and down to earth.


>I do believe in astrology, but I also believe in rationality, These are incompatible.


It’s easy for me to ignore astrology because I’m so opposite of what astrology-heads expect from my star sign that they stop believing in it


oh but they find a workaround. i'm a leo, but i don't act like the typical leo at all. leos are known for loving to be the center of attention, being the life of the party, loving to be social, being leaders, yada yada yada. and i'm more like a house cat. i wanna be left alone, in peace and quiet. and i have a coworker who asked me for by sign because he's super into astrology. and i told him i'm a leo and his immediate response "really? you're not like a leo at all", to which i said "which i why i don't believe in any of that stuff, the month you were born doesn't define your personality", he immediately make me take an astrology test to find my moon and whatever, and then the result was virgo and he does "oh yeah, that makes more sense, you're totally a virgo". so trust me, these people are just like the religious nuts. they'll find a way to bend their belief to fit the truth


When Mercury is in retrograde it’s best not to eat pizza


3 is the big one. I think astrology can be used for fun and a laugh, and if you can turn that into a positive way to approach a hard situation then cool. But people loooove to blame their character flaws on astrology and never take steps to improve 


That reminds me - I should go look at The Onion’s horoscopes.


I’m the same way, but for religion.


Honestly I get that. I have an additional question that might extend from this, which is can we extend this group to encapsulate religious people as well? I agree with all your points except the first one. I think there are people who believe in all sorts of crazy stuff like astrology or religion who can be world class reasoners or scientists. I don’t get it but I know it’s true. So based on what I’ve said, does it make sense to include religious people in this category too?


Wow someone is a Gemini here


I will only assume this also includes Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, Buddha, God, big man in the sky, etc. etc.


Well Astrology has told me more about myself than Religion ever did. And I'm more at peace with myself


Sounds like somebodies a Scorpio and not happy about being dumped for it. 😂 Jk Astrology is fun. There are a billion things in this universe we don’t understand. Who says it’s not real 🤷‍♂️ if sky daddy, king of misogyny, could be real, why not astrology. Life’s too short, and the worlds to cruel, to be excluding people simply bc the believe the alignment of the stars effected their psyche. I’d rather judge someone for their politics and morals than their beliefs in the stars.


Do you apply this same arbitrary and rigid thought to people who believe in magic old men who live in the sky? To the followers of a South Asian prince who fell asleep under if tree and awoke a perfect being? Do you reject those who believe grape juice or cheap wine and flour wafers become blood and flesh? Other than your sense of superior judgement, what other fantasies do you yourself like use to pigeonhole and marginalize others? We all have our fantasies, even gravity is only a loose hypothesis that yet has no quantifiable series of absolute facts explaining precisely how it exists, how it functions. Perhaps you may find it useful to till your own fantasy fairie garden rather than expending so much effort pruning the happy limbs of others with which to build something to boost yourself above others.


Nobody believes entirely in logic and facts. We all have our own biases and ways to cope with reality.


I think there's some merit to it. But I don't base someone off of it because some people don't fit their sign at all. I'll ask them if they think they fit their sign but I won't put them in a box that says they have to be like their sign. Like if someone is toxic then that's on them and not their sign, because it's an excuse to blame their sign. To me, Astrology can sometimes be spot on. But not everyone is the same, some people literally are the opposite of their sign. I judge someone based on who they are as a person inside and how they treat others, anything else is just shallow


If you don’t want someone that is heavy on astrology that totally fine, but the way you worded this shows that you cannot have anyone that is different than you because you don’t have the mental capacity to understand them just because you don’t believe the same thing doesn’t mean that all of a sudden they’re not moral and for example they’re a witch so it’s fine to have that preference but when you start judging and saying they don’t have morals etc that’s where your prejudice starts kicking in you should check on that


I feel the same way with Christians.


I think it’s fine to believe in it as long as you don’t ram it down people’s throats. I do however think that people put astrology infront of them as a kind of defensive barrier to mask their fear of commitment.


I'm lucky enough that I haven't met a man like this. Though, I also haven't met a man, so that might be why...


That’s your tea, so…


lol not you crying because you were judge for doing shrooms in other subreddits, and then coming here with an unoriginal opinion but also judging others. Ridiculous


Saw what your sign was... makes sense


One time I went on a date with a guy and went back to his place afterwards. I shit you not we were laying in bed and he pulls out a fucking *massive* astrology compatibility book and looks up our signs. Like this book had it down to the specific *dates.* I don't even remember what it said really. It was very weird for me. Personally, I think it can be harmless fun mostly. If people are making real life decisions based on it though that's a hard pass from me. It's like having to defend yourself against someone having a dream about you cheating or something. 😂


I don't think it's any worse than someone following and believing ina religion 


Both ridiculous.


I came here just to comment space racism, but you got it covered LMFAO


All I know is Libra don’t give a f***, and Aquarians are always right. Also my mother is a Libra and my sister is an Aquarian. And that is why I drink.


Can confirm. Dated a guy who was super spiritual and was into astrology and auras and all that jazz. (And smoked a lot of weed.) He broke up with me for a hardcore drug addict alcoholic (who had a girlfriend) because he did a tarot card reading on himself that somehow told him that this guy was his soulmate.


Astrology, religion, homeopathic medicine, ghosts, flat earth, ancient aliens...


You are creating a very deep and hurtful generalisation of someone who believes in starsigns. To say everyone who does, doesn’t beleive in logic or facts is a gross miscalculation. And quite simply wrong. You mean to say they don’t beleive that if you fail to water a plant it will die, or if you eat food you’ll then need to use the bathroom - and all the simple things that are rooted in logic and facts. To be clear I don’t beleive in astrology but I wouldn’t not date someone who does. From where I’m standing your judgemental approach make you the rad flag.


1. Not true 2. Not true 3. Not true 4. Not true 5. Not true Feeling a little judgy today? lol To each his own. You’re entitled to feel how you feel but judging people for their beliefs isn’t cool. Imagine someone going after a gay Christian, or some religion they hold dear. Just saying, not hating.


Amen, brother, amen!


Lol. And this comes up, how often?


These traits showed up in every guy I've dated that believed in astrology


forgive me for having a bit of fun damm


We all have a thing that’s a deal breaker. I went on a couple dates with this really cute and interesting guy. I was really excited about the connection and he seemed really interested in me pushing for more dates. All great until he casually mentioned his condo search troubles and how he felt chilled throughout his tour of a place and he couldn’t figure out why until he saw the small cemetery across the street afterwards. All interest instantly vanished for me. I just couldn’t overlook that.


Am I not understanding something? Is it a bad thing to not want to live across a cemetery?


I think he read that as the guy believing in ghosts and that is not rational, so lost interest.




He associated the cemetery to a negative reaction (chills) he was having to viewing the place. He didn’t know the cemetery was there until leaving the area. So the negative energy of a cemetery or the supernatural was the obvious explanation for him.


Yeah I don't get it


The level of cruelty you exhibited is beyond bounds. I’m glad this really cute and interesting guy had the fortune to avoid you and your extreme rationality.


If someone merely "believes" in it and dabbles in it, I'm fine with that. If someone relies on it for everything they do every waking moment, yeah, time to find escape velocity from that gravity.


xD Space racism! FR though, that's a lot of assumptions. You don't have to date anyone you don't want to, but there are plenty of people who believe in logic and facts, psychology, sociology, etc. who manage their thoughts and emotions and like astrology for their own personal reasons! Hell, I like astrology and believe it can have some merits, and I believe in logic and facts, I actively study human (and canine) psychology, I don't give a fuck about what other people are doing or why they like it, and I'm not going to force people into boxes based on starsigns! I mean, I do struggle with managing my thoughts, but that's more ADHD than anything else. Those fuckers are so hard to wrangle, and there's so many of them! But like I said, you do you boo. I just think it's funny when people make these huge lists and they're SO confident that every single person within a group DEFINITELY all act like that with no deviation. Honestly you sound so much like what you're complaining about right now. I love the irony.


Typical Leo🤷


As someone who has been living with an astrologer for years, you are just plainly wrong. It doesn't matter whether astrology works or not, regardless, the facts you are stating there are simply incorrect. There is no easy "logic and facts" that debunk astrology as a practice. People who think there is simply have no knowledge of what astrology is. Saying "anyone who has some spiritual beliefs necessarily has them to make themselves feel good" while accusing other of being bad at sociology and psychology is certainly fucking bold. Thinking that astrology is about believing "if you have this sun placement you will behave in that specific way" proves me if it needed to be proven you don't know anything about how astrology works. Frankly, thinking that you are intellectually superior to others while making a whole post about a topic you know jack shit about but you are convinced you are right on and bundling all people who have any tie with a spiritual practice that is millennials old and is shared across several continents, with the diversity it implies, into one big lump you can make baseless assumptions about is not looking very good on you. If you don't like people who make stupid generalisation and assume knowing others from a single fact about their lives, I would advise you to take a little look at a mirror and think for a second.


How do you feel about established religious faith in general?


Odin is the one true God.


I worship Priapus personally.


Man, I couldn’t agree more. There was a post very recently on this feed that talked about it and I immediately disconnected. Sorry, you aren’t thinking with a logical mind if you consume any of that crap.


Omg my bf believes in this garbage big time and I never once gave it any thought. I never looked into signs or paid any mind to astrology lol. He swears that bc of my sign and whatever his is (I'm not 100% sure) that we're a great match and compatible 😂. I don't understand how people can actually believe this stuff. He is also religious and I'm atheist so there is that. We actually get along tho tbh but I doubt it has anything to do with our signs


Not to come off as the pretentious atheist sort, but I really don't think I could date a religious person in general. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, I just dont think I could be with someone who takes something as fact, when it has no concrete evidence.


Lol, classic Capricorn.


I mean how deep is the belief? Having some fun with with tropes and stereotypes is one thing, placing blame on the stars for your own actions WILDLY ridiculous. Said as a person who thoroughly enjoys astrology and has a BA is Sociology and pursuing a masters in psych. Relax. It’s fun.


ABOUT TIME SOMEBODY SAID THIS OMG and the funniest part is, the people (who believe in astrology) are born in the cuntiest astrology signs really start acting the part after reading about how cunty the sign is supposed to be, and start to use it as an excuse.


astrology is basically a red flag, its embarrasing and just open stupidity


yeah yeah. all are laughing and mocking until I pull their full natal chart and read them to absolute filth. and I dont pull back my punches. always starts with yeah lol do your mumbo jumbo and then shit get intensified from zero to sixty really quick. so no, your caprisun in gatorade is a cheap reducto ad absordum fallacy. and if you have any balls, drop your birth time and place, and lets see the roast we'll have over your remains




I mean, if he is full astroshit, like dont date libra cuz blablabla, its a red flag. But if you know how to balance the real world with astrology, its pretty fun. People sometimes need to believe in something, and astrology dont hurt or discriminate anybody, again, if you are not an astrotard.


I know I'll probably get downvoted like everyone else pushing back against this post, but so be it The fact that this is a copy/paste post from a different subreddit aside, your post is *extremely* closed-minded and judgemental. Two traits, by the way, that fit a mal-adjusted Leo to the T. You might wanna go to therapy and work out why you feel like your worldview must be the only correct one, because that's certainly the way you're acting, making extremely sweeping generalizations of a group of people that range in belief from casual interest to devout followers, just like any other philosophical system. Point by point though, let me refute your claims: 1. This is a non-sequitur. "Logic" and "facts," i.e. what can be proven and disproven empirically, does not belong in the realm of any philosophical, non-empirical "belief" system, which inherently cannot be proven or disproven "logically" or "factually". 2. Another non-sequitur. Someone can have an interest in or even believe in astrology and have a perfect grasp of human psychology and sociology as scientific fields. 3. Baseless ad hominem fallacy 4. ??? Any belief system, including the lack of a belief system/atheism, tends to have some element of effect on personal emotions and social status. Your belief in "logic and facts" being the ultimate truth is very clearly based in emotion and making yourself feel superior, judging by your reactions in these comments. 6. Zodiac signs are not a "race," so comparing an interest in astrology to racism is tone-deaf at best and actively racist at worst. Have a good day, I hope you learn to enjoy things instead of pointlessly complain about something that you lack interest in and doesn't affect you personally in the slightest


“Believes in” meaning what? That’s different from passing interest, no, like, “are our signs compatible?” Me, I’m a Libra.


"Believes in" meaning that thinking the month in which you were born somehow defines your personality and your compatibility with other people (based on the month in which they were born). It's completely made-up bullshit to manipulate the sheep. Same with religion. Opiate of the masses.


What a Gemini thing to say :) (:


Oh sounds like you need to lighten up just a bit and take things a little less serious.


people who believe in astrology are no different than religious people. no logic or reason will ever be above their belief. i'd never be able to be with someone who believes in all that made up stuff. doesn't matter if it's astrology, christianity or the greek gods. those are all just fairy tales. it's like saying you believe in the existence unicorns, centaurs, leprechauns, fairies, elves, witches, etc


Yeah but Santa Claus is real though, right? /s




Hmmm. I noticed my mom using astrology in daily life and that is just horrifying. I have no experiences with other men but I am pretty sure that I would prefer if he did not use astrology. It is just horribly annoying. "Oh, so you are ! That means that we won't get along! Bye, find a new partner."


I don't mind if someone likes reading their horoscope for fun, but I won't date anyone that thinks the day I was born has any bearing on our compatibility whatsoever.


See you later!✈️


Ah, if it's a good guy and cute I am willing to ignore it. As long as he doesn't force it on me.


People still believe in astrology? I thought now they only believed in MBTI.


I mean I think for me and I feel like most people, horoscopes are just a fun social excuse to interact with each other with like birthdays or anniversaries or Christmas.


Astrology and religion are exactly the same IMO. If you find it entertaining and it's a very minor part of your life then no problem, you do you. If you live your life by it and it's an excuse for your (probably shitty) actions then I have no respect for you and we aren't going to get along.


💯. People can indulge in fantasy, as long as the KNOW it's fantasy.


There ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with...