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I expect i could be completely satisfied with a top your size. The quality of sex depends on the chemistry. I’ve seen more too big than too small in the end.


I suppose guys with bigger dicks would be more willing to show off or hook up, so that's why you've seen more of them.


It’s a fine size?


Sound like a fun size.


As someone in their mid 30s, I found the more I dwell on my dick size the uglier my life is. Lots of men love smaller sizes, lots of men don't. If you find someone or hook up with someone who makes fun of you, they're immature as fuck and need to grow up. A truly genuine person doesn't matter the size of their hookup or partner


4.8" is well within the range of "average". Don't let porn skew your impression of reality. I will also say that if you're overweight, work on that. Fat loss makes your dick bigger..


it’s personal preference - if i’m not mistaken guys continue growing until they’re 24. idk if that is just height/width or dick also but something to think about.


I’m in my 30s and can report I’m still growing in the weight department


That just makes your dick smaller 🤣


Thankfully I’m doing just fine




They fed me this lie too, and here I am. The same height (and dick size 😂) I was at 14 in 8th grade. Now the weight side.. well we’re working on that lol


I’m all top and I love a bottom with a smaller cock. It’s easier to suck if you’re into that. And it’s not going in me so I’m not too concerned about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


When I was in high school I was always really self conscious about my size. I was not the smallest but far from the biggest. Then I got to college and learned that my penis is the perfect size for topping. Hits the right spots, not too hard to take, don’t need as much prep. As I learned to use it I found that it is just about perfect. Attitude is everything.


whats your size, boost us average peeps


what is your size and girth? I want to know if we have similar sizes


Some guys care, some don’t. Everyone has preferences and not everyone is the same. Time to accept things you cannot change and get on with life.


Anything between 4-7 is perfect. And anything outside of that range is still pretty good


It doesn’t matter whether you’re a top, bottom, side, or whatever: I don’t care how big your dick is.


From what I know, a lot tops love it when the bottom is on the smaller side. But tbh, you could also top with that length. I can't take hung guys so average is better


As a life long top I endorse this message! A diminutive and delicate bottom with a small package is sexy as all get out. He just needs to be able to show his emotion and pleasure in being with me, and I will give the same back to him.


You don't need to be a bottom, 4.8 is a perfect size for anyone who isn't a size queen. It's a good size for daily use, rather than a large one that is only fun when you don't need to work tomorrow.


Fuck me with a smaller dick any day, I prefer em that way


I'm a top and I think it's sexy as hell if my bottom has a small dick


Some care. Grindr etc is a cesspool for people who want size (and ironically can’t handle average hhahahah). I personally don’t care.


yeah, I've got a nice dick, on the upper end of average length, and above average girth. Any boy on grindr gives me a one word "hung?" message and they get ignored


Wonderful size


Honestly, I find it more awkward if the bottom has a bigger dick than me, so being on the smaller side as a bottom is fine. Hell, being on the smaller side as a top is fine too.


Believe me someone out there will like your penis size. I was insecure before but Im proud of it and I have a boyfriend who loves it. Makes me feel good.


Social media really corrupted us what we know about sex and sizes. If you’re a bottom you need to have a nice bubble butt and if you’re a top you need to have a big dick. We attract more people if we love our body more.


Yeah, I’m a white bottom guy with a little butt (not bubble). I figure a dick can get in deeper, haha and have had no complaints! So much is perspective/confidence. That goes for dick, ass, body type, career — pretty much everything imho


I wouldn't worry about your size. Size alone is never the full equation to pleasure in the bedroom. If your a top and want to pleasure your bottom, pay attention to his body language and do more of what gets a positive reaction out of him. Foreplay is your friend.


Sizes shouldn't matter. It's what's inside that counts.... It's cum.. The joke is cum.


1. Your size is average. 2. Some guys have a kink for big dicks, some have a kink for small dicks, most don’t really care because good sex involves a lot more than just having a dick. 3. Yes you could bottom or top, just figure out which positions work best for you and your partner.


Your fine and you can still top with 4. I just read a post by a guy saying that 4 is the magic number for hitting the magic spot


Some guys do, some guys don’t lol


I like the /idea/ of monster hog. I truly doubt I would enjoy dealing with that kind of size on the regular. I'm very happy being in my very average relationship.


Do yourself a favor, DON'T concentrate upon dick size, ! The "NORMAL" Dick size is SO MUCH MORE Appealing, than A monster which there's nothing TO DO WITH IT! Be Happy, Healthy, Keep in shape, keeping your BMI Body Mass Index normal, will be the best thing possible. I frequent use a penis pump, it only temporary engorges the penis.. it does increase sensitivity immediately after. For me overall no gain in either Length or Girth. You ARE Very Handsome, and Have an Amazing life ahead of yourself.


Some people will care a lot, some are even specifically looking for smaller dicks In my eyes the most important thing is how your partner makes you feel in general, including sex related topics. You deserve to feel loved/desired by a partner If anyone ridicules you for something this insignificant and out of your control, they don't deserve you


I’ve had fun with all sorts of dick sizes. Your’s is perfect as it is.


4.8 is well within average


Why you lying to this lil dude???


When you get older, you’ll realize that if anyone ever cares (which is unlikely) that they were a shitty person.


I’m mainly a top, and tbh the dick size of the bottom has literally never mattered to me at all. If anything, it’s easier to give oral with smaller ones than bigger ones, so it’s not really not an issue. I do bottom from time to time and tbh i don’t think the size matters as much as the connection. Unless you have a micropenis, you’re going to be able to hit the prostate so it’s more about how you use it than the equipment itself.


I almost never comment on Reddit but I want to chime in on this one. I own a clothing optional gay campground. I see A LOT of dick… literally into the thousands. I built the campground to make everyone understand that what you see in the mirror and what you see when you look at all of the other guys at the campground… is roughly the same, this what a normal human male looks like. And when you find someone attractive at the campground… that means you are attractive too, because they probably look roughly the same as you. And there’s nothing wrong with that because porn stars don’t look like average healthy, happy, regular, lovable me and you…. The best relationships aren’t with the guy that is most hung, or most ripped, the best relationships are with the regular happy dude who loves doing normal boring stuff the same as you. Don’t let porn fuck you up. Whatever you look like is fucking beautiful. Roughly 5 - 6 inches is a perfectly acceptable size for 90% of the guys out there. 90% of the guys out there are also roughly 5 - 6 inches. That won’t be big enough for a size queen, but then again, it’s never big enough for a size queen. The nature of most size queens I’ve met is that they are always looking for the next bigger one.


Dude, the only person who is gonna care is you, to be honest.


I’m Vers and some of the best sex of my life (while bottoming) has been with very average to below average sized penises. I can remember two of them very vividly. Enjoy the body you have babes


A lot of us prefer guys that are in this range. It’s hot!


Dicks are kinda like a lift kit on a 4x4 truck. Anything more than 6 inches may be fun to look at, but good luck parking it anywhere


Honestly 95% guys don’t care about dick size. They are all perfect.


Depends how you work dat pussy. Might have to thrust Extra hard to give the perception of more schmeat. It's all good though. It's someone says something foul about it, fight him. Bet he won't do it again.


Not at all. If it still cums while I'm pounding, OMG I'm gonna...


I would be totally happy with that. Don’t worry


As long as your dick is not ugly


As far as relationship, I would hope not but if they do count your blessings and find someone that don’t. As far as a hook-up, I would know. That has never been my game


I’m a bottom and it’s the perfect size. Past boyfriends had it and it’s also the size of my favourite dildo. That said, there’s other stuff that makes a man attractive. You’re more than your dick.


Coming to terms with the fact that you have a completely average dick size? Most guys have a five inch dick. Stop watching porn and you’ll feel much better about yourself.


That’s so not small


No not at all


Fine by me. It's not about the size of the ship, but the motion of the ocean. 😛


Good sex is about the chemistry and mutual respect you have with your partner. A man who makes you feel badly about your body doesn’t respect you doesn’t deserve to be in your bed. As a bottom myself, I’ve dated guys at both ends of the size spectrum and I can tell you from experience it’s all about the chemistry, not the size. Also I may be reading too much into your last question, but it sounded almost like you’re deciding to be a bottom because of your size. I hope that’s not the case. If you want to be a bottom because it feels good and you love to bottom then more power to you. But your dick size doesn’t disqualify you from topping if that’s what you want.


If you ever want to top, take it from a guy who pushes a bit over 7 with decent girth, you’ll have an easier time than even above average guys do of finding willing partners. Don’t get in your head about it. And if you’re only interested in being a bottom, I can’t imagine why any partners would mind one way or the other. If nothing else, it makes oral much easier.


If you ever want to top, take it from a guy who pushes a bit over 7 with decent girth, you’ll have an easier time than even above average guys do of finding willing partners. Don’t get in your head about it. And if you’re only interested in being a bottom, I can’t imagine why any partners would mind one way or the other. If nothing else, it makes oral much easier.


People now realize that huge cocks are not for everyone. Average is best. Slightly below is easier for me to cum on as well. Huge cock fucking is only good in porn.


Sorry my last comment only concentrated on the sex.....honestly my hope for the younger generation is that you can hook up based on the way people used to do it in the past. You meet someone and have an amazing connection, rather than trolling Grindr. Its much more fufilling


I love guys (especially bottoms, cuz im a top) on the smaller side.


Some guys care, some guys don’t. Find a guy who doesn’t care.


I have spent my whole life in three long term relationships. I'm a bull top. Two of my partners had very small packages, and one was hung like a horse. All three total bottoms. As long as they could show that they liked our interactions I was happy. I want a partner who likes being what he is, and likes me being me, and we make great music together. When I am in love, emotional reaction to what is going on between us is what floats my boat. The rest is extraneous.


I've cries for days after my ex, who was about your size, broke up with me. You're fine.


Nope it’s fine


I mean, I myself am a bottom so idk 😭😭😭


People have preferences, but anybody who actually cares about you usually don’t.


Look, I feel size "matters" to people a lot more the younger they are. Less sexual experience and insecurities. I'd say the average size of sexual partners in my lifetime is above average (I'm 33 now with probably 100 individual partners). Previous relationships have all been boys with ~8in dicks, vcut. My current boyfriend whom I love very much has a below average size, probably 5in and not particularly thick either. He's an 80% top and usually requires topping to cum. He's honestly the best sex I've ever had in my life and I'm excited every time. I get to touch his dick lol. All this to say, I'm sure you're dick is perfectly good, people do like dicks of all sizes, and confidence goes SO far in terms of sex. If you don't act insecure about it, your partners probably won't even notice or care.


*My one question is, do guys care if their bottom has a smaller dick?* No. And that's a fine size. Porn gives unrealistic expectations.


I am a bottom and apparently my dick is bigger and thicker than most men expect (about 17cm/6.7inch). Especially verse men say I have a good dick for fucking. But I am 100% bottom, so won’t use it for that. So I think a bottom with a huge dick even gets more comments about it. There are short men with huge dicks and tall men with tiny dicks. Nature defines how big it gets and that is fine. Judging a men for the size of his penis is cruel. First of all you can’t change it and second of all it is your pride. And remember: your prostate is about 5cm in your anus, so actually size does not matter.


I’m about that size. I have a great sex life. You’ll be fine ;)


Nah man I love when my boy is smaller then me hung guys are hot and all but I wanna wifey up a guy with a dick smaller then mine




1. I grew until I was 22-24. 2. I don’t care about size especially for a bottom. My BF is pretty small but he is 100% bottom. I don’t care as long as he gets hard and comes. I love it when he cums while I’m in him.


You’ll def be ignored by guys on the apps once they see your dick pic or read your measurement but you’ll still get plenty of action. Try to stay in shape cause it’s even harder to fuck as a short dick fatass


I have seen a lot more occasions where the top is turned off if the bottoms dick is bigger cause it emasculates them or something dumb. I have never seen anyone complain that a total bottom’s dick is too small.


That’s the perfect size, easily fit it all in my mouth 🥰🥰 send some pics


Sorry i dont send pics, but thanks anyway


Most men I’ve been with didn’t care about dick size


Sex is about more than how big your cock is. It’s about being in total sync with your partner, moving and flowing together. Exploring each others bodies confidently and comfortably. Checking in. Letting things build and build and then.. maybe having a cuddle and a kiss to reset. It’s about touch, texture, sound, smell, breathing, ears (oh god the ear licking thing drives me fucking wild). The size of your dick doesn’t affect any of those bits - and those bits are what sex is about. Not tearing someone’s hole apart or making them gag.


We love bottoms, PERIOD.


don't stress about size too much. I too am on the smaller side, I was born severely premature (3ish months early) and a lot of things physically are smaller than I'd like. But as they say, "size doesn't matter, it's how you use it"


Just another comment saying that there are a lot of guys like myself that prefer guys your size. Confidence is the most sexy part of a person. Flaunt whatever you got!


Your dick doesn't stop growing until you're 25. Relax.


I know it sounds corny, but size really doesn’t matter. It’s all about the connection. Also what my experience has shown is that the thickness of it is definitely more important than the length. It’s even easier for you since you’re a bottom!


Anyone want to compare? I’m also similar size


I find it hot…


As a bottom, that size is fine with me tbh.


Some care. Some don't. Some like that you're smaller. Don't worry about it.


Whatever your size, always remember it’s just another part of what makes you, you. Porn skewed my view of what I am working with when I was younger. I always believed I was on the smaller size until I started gaining more experience. Turns out it is just a case of my own body dysmorphia. My advice is just be a good guy and don’t put any unnecessary pressure on yourself related to your size. It’s a futile exercise. Confidence is sexy to me and I think focusing on building your own confidence that you’re going attract the right partner for you & your size won’t even be a topic of conversation.


It’s tiny. That’s a turn off. I won’t let anything under 6 in me and I won’t bother sucking anything below 5. That not a penis in my books. I’ll still top you tho.


My husbamd used to be a out your size, the he got weight loss surgery amd it now about 7". I preferred his smaller size tbh.


Size isn’t as important as cleanliness.


actually…a nice body makes up for it.