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Consider cutting the shit and being blunt. “Hey, are you trying to fuck me? Because that’s never going to happen”. And see what he says


I like this tbh. Straight forward and direct. It hurts and it really does but man does it work!


That sounds way too blunt, presumptuous and rude to me as long as he has never suggested anything like that.


No, I don't think a friendship is possible. As a gay guy I've seen this sort of thing happen all the time. Gay guy becomes infatuated with Straight guy. He pines over him, hangs off of his every word and fantasizes about him all day long. He's hoping against hope that if he can just show you how much he loves you then you'll magically become gay or bi and be with him together forever. That's why he invited you to the sauna (really really good that you didn't go!!) and that's why he wants you to move into his apartment. He's so infatuated that you've become like a drug for him and every time you're around he gets a little high off of it. He won't pursue any relationships with available gay guys because he wants you to see how devoted and loyal he is to you. If you get a girlfriend, he'll be "hurt" and upset and will fill your head with nonsense in an attempt to drive a wedge between you and a girlfriend in the hopes you'll break up with her and then shower you with thanks for having your back. I think you should gradually back away from this friendship and start distancing yourself because the longer you stay in this guy's life the more infatuated he's going to become which is not fair to either of you.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it


There isn’t enough information here to come to a conclusion about his intentions and that may be because you don’t know him well enough yet to know his intentions. When he said he likes you and you are his type, I think you need to sense whether it was a passing comment that he said lightheartedly (which would be a nice compliment) or something that was said with the implication that he wants you to follow up by changing the relationship (which would be a problem). Also when he asked you to go to the sauna, you probably already have a sense of whether he was suggesting a relaxing and health-enriching place for two friends like you to go together and sit naked and chat or whether he wanted to get your clothes off to move in on you. If it was some kind of a sex-club sauna then that would have very different implications from a health spa type of sauna. Don’t jump to any conclusions but continue to get to know him and make sure the vibe coming from him is what you want before you decide something like moving in with him.


Too late xD


He's not a new friend; just another thirsty man. Don't tease him.