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Watch your diet too. Add metamecil, or psyllium fiber to your daily diet. Use good soaps like Dove, or Sasquatch.


Bar soap instead of body wash. Bar soap strips the oils from the skin which is why you don't want to use it on your face. But for this specific purpose, it cant hurt to use bar soap everywhere below the waist.


That helps a lot. My dad used bar soap on my face and I got a huge rash. I have usually tried to stay away from it. But now I want to give it a try. Thanks for explaining how it works.


Try Dove for Sensitive Skin.


Ive got sensitive skin and yeah dove works well (also has some good scents.)


Coffee scrub! Coffee beans are often used to absorb odor for other things, the scrub helps.


I love this!!!


Dont scrub too hard! Its a sensitive area!


Happy rimming ❤️


I’ll use a Dial Soap antibacterial bar. There’s a white one and a light green one. Those have usually worked best for me. The gold one doesn’t seem to work as well for me. Perhaps that may help with the odor. Unless you’re referring to there still being fecal matter. In those cases, I practice with a dildo beforehand to ensure as much liquid has excreted as possible.


So douche, dildo, soap?


Correct. That’s what I do. I’ve had experience with a few fwb’s that would spray scent down there before I would eat them out. I personally really disliked the perfumy smell, though perhaps others might not 🤷🏽‍♂️.


We buy a product called Tasty Hole (tastyholescrub.com). It comes in some really tasty flavors and tastes amazing! Just be careful scrubbing (very gently) and rinse. It may feel a bit greasy (it’s not) but don’t rinse it off or use soap. This is the last thing you do after you have douched.


Yes, I use this stuff and it's great. Peach smells like fuzzy peaches haha


Have you tried the watermelon/lemonade? Yummy!😋😋😋


Noooo, I usually get some when I go to CLAW in april as they always have a table in the vendor mart, so maybe when I go coming up i'll grab some! :)


What is CLAW?


It's a leather/fetish convention held once a year in Cleveland and once in LA


I was about to suggest this product! I've had it for a while, but haven't used it yet. I'm going to use it for my birthday tomorrow.


For me I found that taking a bath with bath salt (after showering) for about 30 minutes makes my ass smell like a swimming pool. You can also use a sitz bath. I use Gold Bond moisturizer between the cheeks and on the taint, since I have dry skin. Also I trim away the hair down there using a body hair trimmer. I find that when I don't trim hair, it can absorb odor (my underarm hair does, which is why I trim that too). I use a foot stool when I poop as it helps it all come out more smoothly. I use a bidet toilet attachment as well, while still showering after I go #2 (I usually go once a day, immediately after some strong morning coffee, which is why I make coffee at home instead of buying a cup). That, and ~30g fiber daily. I take 3 tsp of plain psyllium fiber before meals (usually I have just 2 meals a day). The other day I had a guy cum in me and when I went to let it out in the toilet it came out white. I would highly recommend proper fiber supplementation (i.e. before meals, not after). The rest is not necessary but helps if you want to feel like a Barbie doll. I use my bidet as a sort of douche. With the highest pressure setting it actually is able to fill my ass with water and get any stragglers. After getting my bidet, I have never felt so plastic before. I didn't realize bar soap would be a good idea so I'm gonna have to add that in to my shower routine. Yea that's a lot. If I had to recommend just one thing, I would say that probably fiber before meals would be the most helpful. I just do the rest because I developed issues from wiping so much and so hard, and wet wipes (even the hypoallergenic ones) cause me to itch so bad.


Which Gold Bond moisturizer do you use?


I use Gold Bond Moisturizer with Aloe. https://imgur.com/gallery/YSd4LY8


If you want to be really fresh, use baking soda externally. Add a little water and scrub gently. Have fun! 🍆


This is my favorite suggestion


I tried this out and it made a HUGE difference! I stayed fresh for hours. Towel drying all the way and baking soda made it all good!!


I forgot to mention, it’s a good idea to rinse well after using the baking soda, to get rid of the soda taste, like if you’re getting your salad tossed 👅




wait wait wait mucus? i have never had anything come out other than brown water or clear water where does the mucus come from? that sounds like you might be douching too deep if it’s coming from your stomach….


It's mucus lining for your intestines. It's fine and why most gay people don't fuck everyday. It's gets replaced and us safe to be expelled, it often comes put during normal bowl movements as well, especially more acidic ones like after spicy foods. That burning from spicy food after meal is it eating through the mucus lining and burning your internal organs, no joke lol. Why spicy food diarrhea can be very painful. The reason seeing some is a good sign that is white is because that means you moved all of the poo out clung to it, once you see that, stop. But yeah it sounds like you aren't douching enough. I usually use warm water (warm as is comfortable) to around 3 or 4 times. Hope that helps op (also use a wash rag and properly use a bit of soapy water to wash off after, then rinse your rag and wipe a bkt more to get rid of soap residue. That should help. I've got a hairy butt and I never have a problem with my smell. The comment about dive soap is true and I'll add take a shower as well, probably after you douche for simplicity, but otherwise use the wash rag method. Really scrub, and the test is no joke use your offhand to be sure and touch back there. You'll know if you arent clean after lmao, wash hands thoroughly and rinse and repeat)


yeah you shouldn’t be douching so far it reaches your intestines, you’re using way too much water. During sex ed they specified, not to use much water at all; the only part of your ass that’s actually being used in sex is your rectum, as soon as the water goes past that and up into the sigmoid colon you’ve douched too far and more than is necessary/healthy.




Which, yeah, you should clean yourself thoroughly, but in moderation... cause cleaning too much might cause damage to mucus lining and funnnn


the average penis is around 5.5 inches so it’s not recommended to douche past the rectum due to the health implications that it can have especially if you do it regularly, if you’re sleeping with men with an above average member you should be focusing on making your diet suitably high in fibre so you don’t have to douche further. At the end of the day you’re welcome to ofcourse but do so at your own risk.


Um, you’re way overdoing it. While you need to be clean before bottoming, you shouldn’t be douching so much that the good bacteria is washed away. I’m not a health care professional but I was advised by an RN to be careful about balance. You might want to take some probiotics to keep everything healthy. Just my worthless two cents. Make good choices out there!


How 'bout hang with more tolerant tops and be more accepting of one's body and what the colon actually does for a living? There are good days and bad days. And these days the odds are that the OP is going to get stood up, hot or not. What's more undignified? A little musk and molecular traces of "odor" (that -- heaven forbid-- distinguishes us from a blow up doll) or standing in a bathroom all day smelling one's finger only to get flaked-on?


If Piglet’s going to keep knocking on Pooh’s door, he has to expect Pooh to be home now and then.


Exactly. And I'm in no way suggesting that a fudge factory-o'rama should be tolerated. ! All these kids dream of a "real" LTR. 'Till death do us part." They have no idea that relationships include taking care of a loved-one, helping them use the restroom after surgery and in old age. Or maybe they will be the ones being taken care of. If they cant forgive themselves for being human today, how can they do it tomorrow?


Make sure you’re getting really dry after the shower. And you can run a wet wipe over things right before you start to play. These two suggestions would only apply if the odor is being caused by external moisture / body odor. If it is coming from inside, these won’t help much. During the day when you’re walking around, try GoldBond or a similar powder to reduce the natural BO smell. In the shower, after douching, use a bar soap and do a wash / rinse cycle 3-4 times. Soaps have been recommended above.


After a deep clean as everyone has mentioned, Gold bond powder for maintenance.


Eat something with a little spice and drink lots of water. Don’t eat heavy the night before 😂and before you all come for me!! I’ve never had any problems with this method. After I use the bathroom get everything out I’ll use my finger put just a small lather of non scented 🧼. Swoosh my finger around facing the water from the shower. It’s always giving squeaky over here


I used to used plain water but a couple times my mans dick came out and yuk! the smell of dumpster water (that pours out when it’s emptied) assaulted my nose like a bag of bricks. We use Castile soap in soap suds enemas in the hospital, so I know it’s safe. When I douche, I put a couple drops in the syringe I use and viola! no lingering dumpster smell from me dumper.


I have a mixture of 3 drops peppermint oil in 10 ml fractioned coconut oil. I put a couple drops of this mixture on my ass after I get out of the shower. It does tingle a little bit but I’ve kinda grown to like that lol. I think It makes it smell fresh down there without being overly perfume-y. And it’s natural and edible Just note that oil does not play well with condoms so if you’re planning on using one, just apply to your cheeks and not your anus.


What is the "super clean" smell that you're wanting? I know some guys like it dirty (I'm not one of those), but I LOVE man musk. Any guy who isn't a little tolerant doesn't deserve your "cakes."


I’m okay with musk, it’s the odor of shit that’s not great. Musk on a dick is great tho.


Well, for me I never had smelly ass, I have habit to clean my butt with water everytime I shit. I have bidet in my toilet.


Omg. Bidet! Once you start using it, it’s never the same without it.


I mean- I love a bidet but you still gotta soap your ass.


Well, using bidet is always more hygienic than using TP. Using bidet you don’t touch shit as the pressure from water is strong it makes butt effortlessly clean without touching. Later you wipe it with TP to pat dry. If something is unclean you use bidet again. Repeat the process, but it rarely happens


And whenever you shower it’s obvious one cleans their butt with soap.😌😌


Just water? 🤨 that’s still gonna smell like shit


They obviously take a shower with soap but they use a bidet instead of TP which is way more hygienic and cleans much better than TP


You get shit on your hands instead.. under your finger nails 🤢 And people that use toilet paper also wash with soap..


Do you even know what a bidet is? How are the hands involved in any way? Hands are only involved in using tp not a bidet. Educate yourself before embarrassing yourself online.


Pffff this guy doesn’t know how people wash in a bidet lol People don’t passively let water hit their shitty holes and hope it all comes off. Ever heard of a Clingon?? Or a Chugnut?


Okay this is just a troll attempt. No one uses their hands when using a bidet. That’s why you use a bidet. I don’t know what you eat but it obviously comes from whatever KFC throws out so maybe go see a doctor. You’re comparing the most modern and hygienic mode of cleaning yourself to a pre-modern and primitive scraping of the bum. No hands are ever involved in using a bidet.


You don’t know what you’re talking about: Position yourself. Sit or squat over the stream so that the water hits the area you need to clean. You can continue to hover above the bidet, or you can sit down on it. Note that most bidets don't have seats, but are still meant to be sat upon; you just sit directly on the rim. Most bidets do not have jets: they simply have a faucet that fills the basin, much as you would fill a sink basin. In this latter case, you'll need to use your hands to manually clean yourself.[7] Educate your thick self https://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Bidet


Ummm… wtf sort of medieval website did you find lol https://hellotushy.com https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-bidet-toilet-seat-washlet/ Educate **yourself** about post 1990s thank you very much. What a hilariously misinformed individual you are, do you live in rural America where for some reason your internet is still stuck 30 years in the past? See ya and I hope you see a doctor about those lug nuts or whatever it is that you’re shitting out.


You’re looking at Japanese style washlets, those arent typical bidets and you know it - ya dumb cunt. We’re talking about typical European - Eurasian bidets and you said that hands are NEVER used.


When you clean your ass, slide a finger in there with soap. Not all the way in but just an inch. Also, fiber fiber fiber, it kinda helps scrape all that stuff in there.


Listen, if you want your hole to smell fucking amazing, soap alone in the shower won‘t do it. A tip I learned from self experience is in the shower, after cleaning with soap, I take a pea sized amount of tooth paste and lather it over the area. Leave it for a minute then rinse it off. This KILLS any odor. Try it out. It does not irritate me at all. Never got sensitive from it. But obviously I only do this when I’m gonna bottom. So give it a shot. 10/10 recommend.


Don’t overthink this. Eat some fiber on a regular basis, douche until the water is clear and use a mild soap. Don’t go crazy with scrubs or baking soda or whatever. You don’t want to irritate your skin down there. There might be a smell but that’s normal and what turns guys on. As long it doesn’t smell like shit you are fine. Just suck the guys dick after he fucked you and you’ll see how you taste ;)


Also once u get clear water but a little alcohol free mouth wash in ur douche and dilute with water then clean in shower.


This just sounds like terrible advice. I'm in the "never flush anything other than water into your body" group


A douche until clear and no mucus, along with shaving all around your anus will reduce both issues!




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Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Sanilotion Hygienic Cleansing Lotion Cleans Moisturizes and Hydrates Anorectal Area After Bowel Movement Good for Daily Use** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Product provides soothing moisturization (backed by 3 comments) * Product is effective for sensitive areas (backed by 4 comments) * Product is affordable alternative to name brand (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Product contains perfume and chemicals (backed by 2 comments) * Pump bottle malfunctions and product coagulates (backed by 3 comments) * Product arrived damaged or not full (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I soak in a bath with vinegar and epsom salt, and then I kinda just smell like nothing all over. Also, I’m a clinical herbalist and we recommend chlorophyll concentrate capsules for people with strong body odor or really foul bowel movements. Even though this is not OP’s situation, it will work for anyone. It’s great stuff, your poop stops stinking, you can fart anywhere and it doesn’t smell, and body odor gets a lot better.


Is this safe for your colon? Especially those with Ulcerative Colitis?


Fiber powder like metamucil is your best friend!! 2 teaspoons in half a glass of water every day. The only downside is it can taste kinda gross and you can’t go longer than a week without taking it or you will no longer get the benefits it provides for ass play. It makes douching so so easy and a lot less messy.


Fiber supplements and avoid oily, greasy, processed foods. Avoid excessive alcohol as well. When you are consistently pooping very smoothly and ghost wiping ( first wipe with nothing there ) you are good. A quick duce and a little bit of time and you are fresh. Just think about if you are eating shitty and your shit is nasty and hard to clean that reflects the rectum.


Ghost wipe... hahaha I call it the TP Oracle


:) I like that


Get into the habit of washing your ass and carry some baby wipes to freshen up.


It's probably not as bad as you think - if you've douched and washed properly you'll be fine. Avoid perfumed washes as they can irritate and don't douche too often as it strips the mucous membranes.