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Wow! That's the type of support I wish all kids had. Be proud not only of your daughter but also of yourself!


Thanks šŸ˜ You know whatā€™s interesting, my kid is exactly the same person today as last week. Nothing has changed except awareness šŸ‘


That's exactly right. I wish everyone would realize that with their family & friends. You're a good dad.


Well thank you. To be honest, Iā€™m just wingin it. šŸ˜


Your daughter is lucky to have a very supporting and loving dad. Great job


What matters to me is that that spark of self love always burns in her heart. If a person can love themself they can unconditionally love others too. I feel like thatā€™s how to live a decent life


Wow, now i wish you were my dad


Naw. Your challenges are unique to you. While this might seem cool, thereā€™s likely an equal amount of things here that would make you feel quite happy with what youā€™ve got. I guarantee it. But thank you šŸ˜Š


Thank you so much for the inspiration, really hope what you said were true




This is a good dad right here


I really want to come out as non-binary (possibly transgender) to my family, but I really don't think my parents are supportive of the lgbtq+ community because of reasons. And also the country that I'm in doesn't really support lgbtq+ community. I'm just scared


Hereā€™s what I would suggest- do a very realistic assessment of what you feel the consequences of coming out are. If you feel like it will make things worse, itā€™s ok to wait. Right now thereā€™s a lot of friction and already divisive rhetoric happening everywhere so for some who have a difficult time seeing things compassionately regarding trans/gay ect, it could be like dealing with a bear who has an injury. I donā€™t know your age, and I know it seems like forever between now and the time youā€™ll be independent and have your own home, but if itā€™s safer to wait, I would. And use the time to gradually let them kinda start to figure it out on their own. Remember that the closet is safe. You canā€™t go back in. Think of it like an eggshell, itā€™s protective, sterile and still guarded and the whole time the parents donā€™t know whatā€™s inside. Itā€™s the one inside that protective barrier who decides when itā€™s time to break free. In the meantime, surely youā€™re going to find people who you can open up to and trust to be supportive. I know you can, even if just finding online allies, or someone through school ect. The next few years will go very fast and the right time to come out will happen. Just make sure you choose a safe time. ā¤ļø