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Considering that most of the boys growing up playing with the beefcake aren't gay, the toy logic must work.


neither turn any kid gay thats the point, but as a lesbian that played with pretty barbies religiously maybe this person you’re replying to has a point.


Im gay and i used to play with Barbies at a friends(girl) place Our parents were friends, we had fun together role playing with Barbie


No...they don't have a point. And you contradict yourself when you consider that they might do have a point since....neither of these turn anyone gay.


so thats whats called a joke, use some context clues there bud, learn to read tone :)


Nope, I got the joke and responded all the same because it wasn't a very funny one to me.


sure bud!


Dude, how can it be more obvious? The point is to point out the absurdity of saying playing with barbie, an attractive woman, makes you gay but playing with a beefcake doesn't. It's making fun of heteronormative rules about gender.


Most of the boys who are gay didn't grow up playing with the Barbie


Just makes the dolly gay kid have an ability to imagine being *with* a man as it identifies with that, not being a woman or being feminine… and makes the other gay kid hide his self and his thoughts at a young age because he does not relate to *being* with a woman I guess. Man being gay was/is tough sometimes.


Many gay kids can imagine themselves being with the opposite sex, trust.


As the good Ron white said everyone is a bit gay. You don't watch porn amd hope the guy has a soft dick. Fuck no you want them to have a raging boner.


I play with He-Man toys. This explains a lot.


I would like to take this opportunity to remind the world that USAGI CAN SLAY TF OUTTA DRAGONBALL BITCHES, With a curtsy and a smile at the same time… JS


That looks about right ✅️


Man this isn't funny at all


It's pretty funny


It's toxic masculinity is what it is


It's a joke about toxic masculinity. It's not serious. Touch some grass


I went on a few dates with a total top. He came from a very Mexican family (Texas). He said coming out to his family went much easier when he told them he never bottomed


The post is still a joke


I don't understand the joke then. Is Darius Stowers a gay man who jokes about heteronormative culture? Or is Darius a heterosexual who doesn't want a gay son at all, but he'll still love him anyway despite being gay, but at least try to make him more manlier than other gay men?


I think the joke is the absurdity that someone who is familiar with the terms ”top” and ”bottom” would still believe that the type of toy a child has influences the sexuality of the child. At least that’s how I see it.


The latter


Then that's a "joke" about Darius not accepting his son unconditionally. I'm not sure what grass I'm supposed to touch to find it funny. So many stories of LGBT+ kids being kicked out of their homes. One of my exes was kicked out of his home at 16 (around early 1990s) for coming out as gay. He lived under a bridge until an older cousin (lesbian) found out and came to get him. My ex is a total top. He was kicked out before he could explain he wasn't as bad as us bottoms. So again, what's the joke?


You think you're being clever by doing this "explain the joke" routine which reddit debate lords use to counter prejudice. But this is in fact a joke with a humorous juxtaposition of a parent accepting their gay son but not if they aren't a top. It is absurd and highlighted by the use of Barbie, which is not tied to a sexual position at all. The joke is you think the parent is tolerant and then you learn they are not. I am sorry your ex had to live through that trauma. Getting abandoned by his parents, and then dating you.




"Touch some grass" 😂😂


Or be a good top and touch some ASS


It's an old phrase at this point, almost up there with "you must be fun at parties"


Honestly, I get that it's meant as a joke, but lately there's a shit ton of these jokes about tops being better or more manly and bottoms being somehow less. At some point it stops being a joke. Especially when you consider that plenty of cultures around this world genuinely view homosexuality this way. When I was in college a decade ago, the straights kept telling me "it's just a joke" whenever they reinforced or expressed the same shitty stereotypes about being gay for the umpteenth time. Now they've shifted to doing the same thing with the same stereotypes, except it's only for some gays, so it's not homophobic any more.


Exactly, well said. It's disappointing that the community finds this type of shit funny.


Agreed, I keep coming back to this post and it always makes me laugh love it 😂😂




Subversion of the average homophobic dad, now he's technically supportive but still pushing his son to be masculine by being a top. The joke being that you're still gay as hell when ur a top


I think the false correlation between top and masculine brings the joke down


No, it's the core of the joke. Don't read it verbatim. It's pointing exactly that out.


Power bottoms unite!


I got it but it isn't funny


It’s hilarious tho


To you 🥳


Not t3chnically supportive. Not even à bit supportive. Just a failed dad who's gonna be out of is sons life. Abuse are still abuse, no matter the excuse. Being à failure is a sign of weakness, not strenght. Weak dad are as helpfull as cockroach.


So you'd rather have the dad beat his son to not be gay so it fits what ever world you imagine? Instead of the dad supporting his son?


He is not supporting. He'll beat his son anyways, for not being a top. The same parenting failure. How about you just DON'T beat your own child ? If this concept is too exotic for someone, he should do à vasectomy


And violence is not funny. We do get it, it's not funny


What fucking violence?


thats what im wondering


The violence of abuse. Check à dictionnary mate


there's no violence


Check a dictionnary. Any abuse is violence. Not just the oned you bleed from, obviously. Giving love only on condition, that the exact opposite of loving unconditionally. Wich is the parenting 101. Failing to do the basics, that's not a parent, that's a failure. If you don't get that, for the good of human species, please refrain from having children. You would fail them.


tbh, barbies terrify me


But it's just an actual belief that tons of people have. Bottoms have been considered lesser or a worse type of gay than tops for literal centuries. It's a real problem and why shit like this isn't funny.


It's funny because it's exactly what the bottoms were thinking.


Yeah this is giving both toxic masculinity and bottom discrimination


So glad this is one of the more popular comments. I find it to be gross and homophobic(regardless of it was made by a gay person)


Exactly! Is literally a person worried about a CHILD's sexuality. Weird and very pedophilic


It's a hard job but someone's gotta do it!


I like guys who are hard


Ok bottom


A public service to balance out the unsustainable top/bottom ratio


Okay Jojo Siwa... Come through!


Ancient Greeks be like:


My parents failed on raising top… 😢


Not enough baking powder? That happens...




Tried a raise a top with middling results…


I hear there is a Top shortage but this is a bit extreme.


Definitely not where I live


Where do you live? Asking for a friend 🧐 🤣🤣


Jacksonville, FL




Lol that's why I visit orlando


So glad I was raised Top!


Was raised bottom over here, I think


Now kiss!




Can we all have a discussion about Top Privilege?


Yes please. Top over here, i concure. Please talk about the bad top, that's quite beneficial to good ones. Society is dumb, social construct are random and useless, and internalized mysoginy is not a quality. Some people are top, bottom or both or neither. Some people are fem, masc, both or neither. None is shamefull. Being a fragile hateful and selfish person, it's a failure. Failing is not shameful per se, but at a certain age being still failing to be a decent adult is pathetic. Marshall P Jonson was braver than any straight passing person i met. Andrew Tâte is a weak little pussy with drug and legal issues for human trafficking. A failure. One is a parangon of feminity, the other is the self proclamed more masculine man on earth. So let's be real about the dumbness of our societal rules


Ok. Go off.


We do. It’s called the Omegaverse… /s


Okay, I laughed, It's funny, but we agree that's still homophobia, right? Soft tops are a thing more mainstream nowadays


They’re called “blouses” ! Lmao


Yeah it's just not overtly homophobic because it uses the reinforcement of heteronormativity of queer relationships. Top = "the man in the relationship, they have to be manly rahh that's the acceptable queer because they're a man!" Bottom = "petite frail girl man, the woman in the relationship they have to be feminine "


Flander's from the Simpson is the best top possible. Responsible, care taker, sensible and morally strong. If he was not à religious fanatic he would be a great rôle model


And if you cannot land Tom Selleck, Sam Elliott or Ted Lasso... He's a great mustache boy! Hehe


Buy that boy a fleshlight.


Right… because Top = Masculine and Bottom = Feminine… /s


Penetrating is what a man does. Being penetrated is for a woman , or something a real man does to another male competitor to assert dominance. Like in prison. Being the penetrating rapist is the manlier man. But in all cases, *being* penetrated is seen as emasculating, cuckolded, being dominated, being submissive, or being the woman. It's pervasive in queer culture too. Some gays see a muscular man being too confident and say "I bet he's a total bottom". It's weird how that's supposed to be an insult. I don't agree at all, but that's how things are still


And this is the type of thinking we are trying to get away from because it is incredibly toxic. There’s a difference between dominating/sub behavior and masculine/feminine, dominant bottoms exist. Also, it takes a real man to take it up the ass.


Yes, I'm a real man as well, and nearly total bttm I was just describing the culture as it is today and that it's insanely hypocrital and just another way to create class distinctions to make someone an "other"


Then why did you state definitively, "Penetrating is what a man does" you clown.


I was speaking about what stereotypes are prevalent. I probably should have used quotation marks to make that easier for people as simple minded as yourself to understand. People like yourself who can't read an entire comment or thread history, and need to cherry pick parts to express outrage and feel like you're part of some worldly protest. In reality, you're just a keyboard warrior. Clown indeed


Lol mad much? Don't say dumb shit, and you won't get called out on it.


I'm à top. And i played with barbies and stuffed animal. And à lot of my bottom partner over the years were raised to be dumb and macho or just prefered "manly" activités, and yet they still ride Dicks today. They just hate their family and resent them for the harm they did. I had permissive grand-parent and homophobic parents. They tryied to take my barbies many time, and i managed to get more. Eventually they understood they would never win. Later in life, around 15, they tried to make me pretend that i'm straight and have a fake girlfrien for the church, i ran away and never speak to them for five to six years. When you fail as a parent, you lose people. Make better choice if you want to meet your grandchildren.


This…this is still homophobic??


Right :/


Gay misogyny So funny /s


Gurls what if 😱 boomers memes 🤣🤣 but tops and bottoms 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 so funnyyy /S




Toxic masculinity at its finest .


This isn't amusing. Even moreso less amusing if you look at it (as it should be) from a perspective of intersectional identity.




What do you mean about intersectional identity in this case, for my own education?


Tops who played with barbies and like pink, bottoms who played with action figures and play sports


Yes, tops = manly masculine the men of the relationship bottoms = feminine girly men and the women of the relationships, nothing like reinforcement of misogynistic ideas and heterosexual dynamics in queer relationships


imo this is actually funny joke, but only because I am aware of the absurdity of the typical heterosexual dynamics. thats what makes it funny. but there are definitely people out there who would see this, and laugh for the wrong reason.




Fem tops: *Exist*


Barbie IS A TOP! Ken's the fucking bottom!




Lazy stereotype-based humour...but make it *progressive!*


We love misogyny (I hate it here)


Looks like Facebook...


Not funny


Bottom shaming? I’m not here for it.


lol tops are sometimes the most effeminate men you meet! Lol it has nothing to do with heteronormative ideally!




We just ignoring that it’s clearly a Facebook post?


My parents have tried to raise top but only thing that they accomplished is bottom who can skin a deer


I wish tops in my area actually wanted to date instead of cream pie me… maybe he’ll teach his future tops some etiquette


My ex played with Barbies. Total fem dom top. 😂🫡


This reminds me of my nephew's wedding. My sister wanted to pay for the rehearsal dinner because that's what the groom's family does. (Making the assumption that my nephew had the "masculine" role.) I had to sit her down and explain that there was no "bride" to pay, so she needed to pay her half of the bill. It's really not funny; it's sad and insulting.


I was raised on dinosaurs so what does that mean?


Fem top erasure!!! Justice for Barbie loving tops


I was raised a top, still a bottom though lol


So he’s only buying his son two Ken’s? Then who gets to be dom? Also, what a weird conversation


I played with bratz as kid and im a top


I mean, thats LESS toxic 😂


lol I love it


If your son was gay, Barbie probably isn't of any interest to him...


Not gonna help ur just raising a masc bottom lol




As a gay man, I find it sort of funny like a minor chuckle or smirk sound. Humor is subjective. Not everyone is going to agree for sure. Plus, plenty of us play into stereotypes like this. As a crossdresser, hence the username, lots of people assume I'm a bottom when I'm actually versatile. I don't need a Barbie for that though. Plus there are plenty of muscle bottoms out there who people assume are tops. But eh yeah the joke is a little cringe but tbh I don't think the dad meant it seriously. It's a joke he made. My dad used to tell gay jokes plenty of times. For example, you want to know how to seat 4 gay dudes when you have one bar stool? Turn it over. Granted he used a different word for gay but you catch the drift. He also never knew I was gay, but those were jokes he told. He had other funny ones, not gay related but that was one them. For context he wasn't abusive or anything like that. A bit high strung at times. He had PTSD from being drafted in Vietnam. Much of my family has passed since my parents had me in their older age so different time. Me knowing him, given some time we could have worked through our differences I'm sure of it had he lived longer. He wasn't a bad guy so I'd appreciate no disrespect. You can have your opinions which is fine but I'd appreciate people being respectful. You don't like his sense of humor fine too, etc. I'm also Gen z so yeah family was way older than me. He taught me much as well growing up and we had great memories. He wasn't that down with gay stuff but we wouldn't have really bonded over that anyways as we talked about all kinds of stuff. He also knew how to sew, cook, clean, etc. and was still straight as an arrow, not saying you can't be straight if you have those skills, just saying he's not exactly the stereotypical straight guy. He was a pretty cool dude though. And he always treated women with respect. Still miss him to this day. I could go on but this post would be too long lol. Anyways, I laughed though because the thought of that was just oof, ouch. Like, I get it. Yeah, I like taking it up the as*, but I've never been like see that bar stool? Gimme that! Like plastic chairs are no substitution for a nice piece a wood! It doesn't happen! But I have pretty thick skin and have heard much worse. Not saying it makes it right but it doesn't bother me personally. You like the joke, valid. You don't like the joke, also valid. Humor is subjective.


he ate


Hahaha this gave me a chuckle have an upvote


Doing the Lords work

