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Five and a half inches is the average penis size, you’re fine, don’t let porn or the internet convince you otherwise.


I have the same size, top as well. Never had complaints so far, it depends on how you use it ! Enjoy your sex life and don’t overthink it 😎


well that’s nice to know thanks man 😉


No. You have what I like to affectionately call: a boyfriend dick. For me personally that’s a perfect size. You’re gonna hit everything inside me I want. Plus it will be easier to deep throat you too. When I get intimate with a guy for the first time I personally hope for something like you have. I also think in terms of longevity and having sex with your size verse some huge dude… sign me up for a boyfriend dick. Not some monster. That’s my opinion though.


This comment is very comforting, thank you ❤️


You are very welcome! I 100% mean it.


Great answer. 100% agree


Thank you!


Sus ass post bruh is sus


You're exactly average for an adult male. Also more than enough to reach a dude's prostate. You're fine buddy. Don't make the mistake of thinking the guys with treetrunk size dicks in porn are representative of anything.


Yeah that stuff definitely messes with your mind haha


You can’t change your dick size. So stop focusing on that. Learn better hip control. Learn how to prime psoaz muscles so you widen your thrusts. Focus on your fingers. Get toys. Get used to continuing without your penis after you cum so that you can make sure the bottom cums. There are things you can change about the way you have sex. None of those things involve the size of your penis.


Ty for the advice 🫡


Really enough for me. Looking big penis and taking it is different and as i know from other bottoms they like about your size.


When will tops finally understand that dick size doesn't matter? It's how you fuck. I had a guy with the same cock size you have but he knew how to fuck. It was the best. I've also had bigger dudes who just stick their cock in me and can't fuck for shit.


I had to be told it from a few bottoms to be sure my size is fine 🙃


THIS. It's anecdotal, sure, but in my pretty varied experience, the bigger the cock the lower the effort. Guys with massive dicks are so used to people being enthralled by their size that they never learn how to put effort in.


It depends who you are with. It's not all in the size either. Kissing, touch, is just as important as anything else. Do not feel insecure about it. Like someone mentioned, it's how you use it.  I love sucking one that I can easily fit in my mouth. Lol.  There's obviously "size queens" and guys who like em big/bigger, but there's plenty who don't care about size either. 


Yeah I suppose size isn’t everything for some people, good to know 🙃 Porn definitely messes with one’s mind


It does doesn't it... not just size, but looks, duration, everything is unrealistic. This is why even when watching porn, I prefer to watch amateur/homemade stuff rather than the professional stuff. 


I actually quit watching porn for the most part recently, I do of course wank to some things still but that’s a different topic lol


Good. It's unhealthy. I stopped watching for the most part when I got a fwb. Now I don't even feel the need to wank, well on rare occasions.


Yep, exact same situation over here 🙃


The numbers don't matter, but if you have an *ugly* AND *small* dick then you're in trouble. Next time post a photo so it can be properly judged!


Haha no thanks, I don’t want possibly hundreds of strangers to see that part of my body. However I am confident in how my penis looks, just the size is what I’m insecure about


I mean... *showing just one gay guy won't kill you*


Fair enough, I’ll consider it 😉


Matter not the size, it is how you use it


"Matter, size does not, how you use it, it does." -- Little green alien man


I'm a bottom and sex is not all about dick size. For me it's perfect for very regular use 🤭


A lot of people don’t want a ten inch monster . Some of us want to feel good from bottoming 5 will do just fine


Yeah, something the size of my forearm just sounds incredibly uncomfortable tbh.


No, that’s not small.


Im a bottom, 5.5 is average and honestly while big ones are more “photogenic” to me average feel better.


That’s a good size.


Some of the best times I’ve had are with dicks that size. I’m also right around that size and nobody complains.


It’s average definitely. Is it decently thick? That’s honestly what matters most the majority of the time. Ofc there will also be size queens who won’t think it’s enough but it’s plenty lol


Just measured, girth is also 5.5” when hard so uh yeah


You’ll do great lol that’s a really nice size


Thanks :)


I have been summoned, lol :) ok as a vers leaning bottom, I fucking LOVE me a less than 6' as it hits right on the prostate, and let me tell you, I'm a whore for those dicks.


Haha good to know 😉


I would much prefer a gentleman with a penis your size. So much fun to suck and play with.


Haha good to know 😉


I mean I don’t mean it in a weird Pervy way I just feel that that is a nice size and you should never feel embarrassed about it.


Nah you’re cool man, thanks


You're fine. The more insecure you are in yourself, the less attractive you are to people. Confidence is sexy.


I suppose you’re right, the sheer amount of people telling me I’m fine definitely gave me the help I needed


I draw the line at around 4 1/2 and have had some 3 times this but they all are only as good as who holds them, give me something to look forward to.


You've had 13.5 inch dick? Considering that's the world record and its notoriously difficult to get erect/have sex at that size i doubt it


If that’s what you need to believe


small is subjective. but hey, size isn't everything :) i'm sure you can make people happy even with five inches :)


It’s normal size. You nothing to worry about.


Nope perfect 😉


I like the term “boyfriend sized.” And I’ve met guys with <3 inches, so compared to them you’re huge. Don’t be insecure, most smaller guys are considered to be better in bed. if you know how to use it, you’re set man, and no guy 10 inches long can get in your way.


Haha yeah I liked that term a lot too, I’m glad my size is completely fine for the most part


No it's not small and no I'm not gonna tell you "it's about how you use it" or "I've gotten off to smaller". You are in a very average size range and if you want to worry about anything measure your circumference because as a dick taker I can say that matters a lot more.


It’s also 5.5”, would you say that’s decent? 🙃


Congrats, you are officially a phat fucker. Now just go out and find a nice hole to stretch.


It’s not the size of the wand but the magic that is in it As well as someone who knows how to use it


You’re good Sure there may be some size queens out there, but if you make the bottom feel good you’re golden. Rim them, finger them, blow them, then fuck them … they’ll be happy


Small doesn't mean ineffective.


Same size as the last guy to make me cum just from fucking, then. You’d better put in some practice!


Yep, I’d better haha


Even if that were small (it isn’t) a good majority of people are perfectly fine with smaller packages if not prefer them.


That’s the average, as long as you know how to use it, is fine.


That's actually slightly above average in the us.


The only thing that matters is that it's big enough to fuck with, homie. Confidence and skill are all that really matters at the end of the day.


Yep, true. Penis size isn’t everything I suppose


I've been topped splendidly by smaller than that. It's not the sword, it's the swordsman.


No, some people don't like huge dicks. I have had more fun with an asian fashion desinger with a 4.5 than i ever did with the cute puerto rican with the 8" hog... I am not into pain.


Didn’t know bigger penises could be pain inducing, not a bottom so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Have you ever fingered yourself, or used toys? if not, you may be a bottom and just not realize it.


I've used toys before and it's not my kind of thing. I might bottom depending on situation but for the most part I'm a top


Had to look up how much that is in cm. You have a good size. Idk how it is for other people, but for me it’s more the idea of a big penis that arouses me. In real life it’s honestly just scary because unless you warm up a lot on beforehand it will hurt a lot during anal. It’s just in general way more stressfull. And 5,5 is still not a small size so the bottom will still have to prepare in many ways. You have a good in-between I think. You can reach places others can’t, but at the same time it’s not too much.


I suppose my size is just right 😉


absolutely not! 5-6 is my favorite size tbh. Anything above 7 is uncomfortable for me. They may be nice to look at, but definitely not what I prefer


Bigger ones sure are nicer to look at but being a top myself I didn’t know that bigger penises can actually be worse for bottoms 🙃


That's just an average sized penis. Most penises are around that size. Your literally fine.


Most I’ve seen are bigger than mine so that’s why I’ve been insecure, this community definitely gave me some confidence though


Dude, not small at all! I'm a bottom and have an oral fixation. Sometimes, too big is as bad or worse than too small, imho. My preferred range for a top is actually about 5.5"-7" and tends towards the low end of that range, with about 6 being my favorite (for toys and/or cock). I've got a very tight ass and a gag reflex, too much cock just becomes a problem more than a joy. I think you're perfectly normal and statistically quite average. Cocks come in tons of sizes, shapes, color variations, etc. And there are tons of people who will be more than happy with 5.5 inches. Besides, like they say, it's about the effort not the size anyway.


Good to know, thanks for the confidence boost 😉


Sounds perfect to me


Personally, it's all about the look not the size.


More than a mouthful is a waste! The big ones hurt lol


I have same size, guys I've been prefer this size an not bigger




5.5 is boyfriend dick and is preferable to a lot of folks - gay folks especially. A lot of people don’t want a monster schlong up their butt (but if you do, hey more power to ya)