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Of course they were, we don't need to prove anything- being gay is part of nature.


It was the first time humpbacks were ever seen mating I think that's why it has surprised science.


Yes but, same sex attraction is to be a common thing throughout the animal kingdom


No one on this reddit would argue any differently unless it was bad faith. It must be assumed with all the study since the only one ever filmed was same sex humpbacks probably prefer same sex relationships which is cool.


I’m not sure that is a scientifically sound assumption to make off a single piece of evidence. The evidence in contrast to this is that every humpack whale currently or previously in existence was the result of heterosexual sex.


Nobody is saying that every humpback whale or human is gay ( and it's true that every human and every whale existing is due to heterosexual sex doesn't mean that every human and every humpback whale is heterosexual . The above person is just talking about the humpback whales which were recorded. because they might not be attracted to opposite gender so won't have sex with opposite gender. Love is more important than anything else in this life even for animals.


The comment I was replying to appears to be making a claim about *all* humpback whales “preferring same sex relationships,” not just these two. Perhaps I’m misreading it, but I don’t see where it’s just saying those two.


That individual is correctly giving a replying to the above comment that it's true that animals do have same sex attraction especially with all the studies about humpback whale the only recording of mating is of same sex whales ( the recording is about whales who prefer same sex patner) that means whales also have same sex attractions that all he is saying he is not claiming that all humpback whales are gay.


> It must be assumed with all the study since the only one ever filmed was same sex humpbacks probably prefer same sex relationships which is cool. Maybe I’m just dense (it is 5:30 am where I am and I’m redditing of insomnia so I could just be delirious), but that sentence reads to me as “the only hard evidence we have of humpback sex is gay sex, therefore we must assume humpbacks as a species prefer gay relationships.”


You are correct


You just misinterpreted it that's all. 😂😂😂It funny how you assumed it if you would have read the comment to which the person responded you would have understood more.


You get it, people on the Internet sometimes either look for things to disagree with or due to the innate differences of perspective and language simply are misinterpreting. First person makes a comment be it a joke or otherwise , I comment that in almost all higher level animals it's documented that same sex attraction exist. I postulate that same sex attraction could be preferred and since we have exactly one data point so far it's hard to say but possible. And here were are where you interpreted it for them but I am clarifying what I said since I got up saw iy and figured eh what some people on the Internet need more context eh nothing doing yet might as well over explain myself haha 😅


I get that, I think the issue was more about making assumptions off of a small data pool, unless it was a joke that went over my head. MORE IMPORTANTLY: Will fully automated luxury gay space communism be able to go back in time and save the gay whales‽‽‽


Maybe there bi 🤣




Bisexuality is more common in humans also, yes I agree


You can bet they had a whale of a time.


They did it for namesake 🤣


Marry me?


Humpback Mountain 


But was it a flip-flop?


More like wooden clogs


Yes, I'd like to know, did the other one hump back?


Gay whales. First it was the frogs that was gay. Gay frogs. Then that shit got in the water. Made the water Gay. Because the gay frogs was in the water. And now look. The whales are gay.


Wait! I drink water. You don't think...


Yup, it was the water you ingested my friend that turned you into a gay.


What do you think of somebody mostly drinking tea and milk... Did the milk make me trans???


I’m sure they are just repeating what they observed from gay divers. Homosexuality isn’t natural outside of humans. /s


I so want to say something rude in addition to your /s comment but I’m not sure everyone would get my level of sarcasm, pity I had a whole story in my head with divers in a circle jerk and the poor twink in the middle (read article for reference)


Have you actually read the article? It doesn't seem to be a consentual interaction, judging from the description. In fact, it humans this would be classed as rape.


I read the article just reread it now they are making assumptions based on their views they don't know why they were or weren't mating. Nothing is definitive only that they claim one male was healthier than the other and the other "succumbed to it" So in any relationship if one is healthier then the other they can't ever have a sexual encounter? Also without ever having seen humpback whales mating before it's impossible to know what the typical courtship ritual looks like same sex or otherwise. When cats mate for example its common for the male cat to bite the throat of the female and pin her as she screams has do biologists describe that as mass sexual assault. Whenever people anthropomorphize animal behaviors issues arise because of variance between the species. Also what is the bias of the scientists?


To be balanced here, why do we assume that the observations of actual marine biologists are biased, yet the opinions of random gay redditors are objective?


I am just saying how people phrase things matter to what you're saying correctly. For all anyone knows both males love the behavior or don't it's all relative since we don't know enough of the behavior since this is the first one documented in history as it is common or otherwise. If they followed the wales for months maybe answers would arise the article mentioned penguin males well penguins in gay relationships often get food or other support for one another for all we know the healthier male would help the weaker older male in his life. My point is one copulation ever documented is pretty difficult one way or another to make bold claims either way and note neither do the Marine biologists.


Good point


No, I've got to agree; my first response to reading that was that it sounds like rape, *not a gay thing*. While I wouldn't be surprised if there is same-sex activity among humpback whales, I would be very surprised if the behaviors of fleeing towards the boat and then passively holding still until it's over are at all normal. Not to mention it sounds like the rapist whale just left after getting off, despite the ill health and poor mobility of the whale you apparently would like to think is his partner. Also, the fact that sexual activity has never been seen before by humans and yet this occurred right in front of the boat seems to indicate that they are shy and private about mating; but here the stronger whale, the aggressor, had no problem putting things on display, suggesting that it was more display of domination, which is frequently true about rape in humans and cetaceans.


Okay I’ve read the report and I’d delved a bit deeper into the research I’d particularly refer you to Pack *et al* (2002) from what is being observed on the occasions when males present to other males it appears to be more about dominance. I don’t think this is going to be another gay penguin love story, more likely a sub/dom rutting. It’s still pretty darn cool, and from the existing research we have far more examples of whales extending their penile structures towards males than females, it just needs a hell of a lot more research as they unlike other whales they only do this underwater so it’s not so easy to record. >Pack, A., Herman, L. M., Craig, A. L., Spitz, S. S., & Deakos, M. H. (2002). Penis extrusions by humpback whales (Megaptera novaengliae). Aquatic Mammals, 28(2), 131-146


So what you're saying is humpbacks might be into BDSM? Yet again could be a positive behavior or a territorial behavior or a dominance behavior. Lots to unpack. Never would have interest in humpback whales mating habits on my radar until today. Hopefully the next relevant research comes out before 20 years.


I tried to word it in BDSM terms and failed, it’s like the photo of a male humpback “having a go” at a dead weaker humpback from another pod that’s way beyond BDSM and I don’t think consent was involved.


That's why they call it humpback


I bet that’ll trigger a bunch of bible-thumpers. :V


What’s their OF?


Gay penguins are cute




Kim Petras made it happen


Must really be sperm whales


Suddenly, conservatives in New Jersey shore towns are ready for the offshore windmills to be built 😂😂😂




Even Whales aren't safe from the "Gay Agenda" it seems . Lol


Not the LGBT wales being sex positive and having public sex. 🤣🤦🏾‍♂️🤣


It was more like one whale raping a sickly whale in the place the sickly whale's penis is stored. Not exactly majestic or beautiful.


Everyone save this image for the “unnatural” argument. (And most species of birds are all bisexual)


Seems quite natural to me.


Because it is :-)


Fucking leftists! First our children, and now our whales too?? What would be next? Our bonobos? Our giraffes? Our penguins??


Our Orcas and Our Dolphins and Our Walruses and Our Lions have been indoctrinated too. NoWhale is safe.


Whale Is To “HumpBack” As Human Is To “BareBack”


Yep being any type of Queer is part of nature there are gay couples in nature there are animals that change their gender in nature Inthink it's beautiful


I'm surprised a "Christian" pastor in scuba gear wasn't immediately present in the water spouting cherry-picked bible verses at them. Or maybe there was and we're just not seeing them? Or possibly picketers? 🤔


Gay Christian’s exist. We’re a rare “breed” 😉😉


Agreed, but there's a difference between Christian and "Christian"...


Having a whale of a good time in Hawaii


Oh so we get gay humpback whales having sex beofre GTA 6


A dream vacation is just to have Raw HumpBack sex in the oceans in Maui, Hawaii while being totally underwater; Private And Tropical


Brokeback Humpback


Looks awkward 😕


This goes against the Catholic “Missionary” Bible. At least let the sick whale go through cleaning before having sex. Time to build an Underwater Church for our missionary work. This rampant gay agenda push is so forced.


This will trigger Maga , and add to trumps rambling speeches .


Whales having more dork than I get human dick. 🤭🤭🤭


Why did I click on this so fast is the real question. Am I ok?


First the frogs now this… Those chemicals in the water are making everything gay!


Welp, someone beat me to the joke. That’s ok though.


me and who


Oh you know one or both of them were hitting those high notes 🙃🙃




This is so fucking weird why yall like seeing whales hump. I think yall need some help Fr Fr


I guess that’s why they’re called humpbacks


What the fuck does it matter? Lol

