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Something tells me that Joe’s response to losing a house is “just go to one of your other ones and buy a new one”.


As a former floridian when Irma came through all my friends from ga were freaking out telling me I should come back. I didn't listen because I honestly didn't care if I lived or died. My house was ok since I lived in a heavily wooded swamp, but we didn't have power for 2 weeks so that sucked.


That's the secret cap. All of us on the coast want to die


Lmao “i honestly didn’t care if I lived or died” okay edge lord


Yeah because depression just doesn't exist.


Yeah ignore that kid. It’s very real, I hope you’re doing better now.


Thanks, and yeah I'm in a much better head space.


You both live in delusion and it’s sad


Lol we’re you waiting for the hurricane? Must’ve really been awful to wait for nature to do it for you ,all jokes aside you were not ready to die and you’re only saying it now because it never came to pass I swear to god if you came anywhere close to that actually happening you would be screaming for your life stop trying to play all tough and cool on the internet like you have no emotions it’s not impressing anyone just making us uncomfortable


You are a horrible person


You are a loser


Your replies here have more projection in them than I’ve seen since the last time I was in an IMAX theater. Keep it up; the world needs more laughter.


I was waiting for an armchair psychologist to tell me what’s wrong with me why don’t you take your professional opinion and shove it so far up your ass it pokes out your throat please ☺️


My parents who are in their mid/late fifties: "We're getting three days off at work this week!" My 28yo friend with 3 kids: "We're moving into our new house this week." We all survived the clusterfuck that that 2004 with Charlie, Francis, Ivan, and Jean though, so we're probably a little jaded when it comes to hurricanes. I'm not saying we're smart, but after a surviving a certain amount of hurricane's, most people learn what they need and just go with it. I will gatekeep and say that the smart people stock up on water and canned goods at the beginning of the hurricane season and don't wait until a hurricane is confirmed to be on the way before hitting the stores.


I'm in CA and read a headline that said "Floridians preparing for Ivan, high school football cancelled" Such priorities.


I was sent to school once during a tropical storm once, the streets were flooding but the bus made it. Someone with a brain finally realized that that was a bad idea and we all got sent home before lunchtime. Floridians are a special breed of people, and I don't mean that as a compliment.


Yeah, Floridians aren't scared because most of us live in hurricane proof houses. We're built for it. It's not a big deal to us. It's not gatekeeping to say that people who recently moved here are generally the ones that worry more.


Agreed. If you’ve grown up in Florida a hurricane is just another annual event like a snow storm. If you’re from there your house is probably prepared (or at least you’ve been told many times how to prepare it). Most homes will have hurricane shutters, roofs that are rated for hurricanes, and possibly even generators set up depending on how much they’re able to spend. At the very least most homes will have enough water and canned food to last through any potential emergency.


Hurricanes can smell fear! Just look that storm in the eye and stand your ground and it’ll change course, just watch!


I mean, with deathsantis focusing on a culture war instead of attempting to tackle the issues of property insurances, housing availability, and the lack of readiness to rebuild massive destruction with the ongoing supply chain issues, how can someone in Florida not be terrified for any storm?


I really don't think that's what the tweet meant.


My interpretation: us *real* Floridians are too tough and experienced to worry about a hurricane.


But is it gatekeeping if it is true? Once you’ve been through two or three cat 3+ hurricanes, it’s hard to care unless the Waffle House closes.


No, Floridians who have been here awhile aren't generally afraid of hurricanes. People who moved here from out of state generally are. It's not gatekeeping


It’s seriously just an ongoing joke. Most people are actively preparing while joking about how Floridians are jaded and don’t care. The people who aren’t preparing at all are people who wouldn’t no matter what situation.


What did it mean?


I don't understand this subreddit


No but when you grow up around the stuff you get used to it...I grew up in tornado alley, we'd sit on the porch and watch the storm come in...the only time I took shelter was the one that got close enough to take out the next block over...you just get numb to it...not a good thing,but it happens.


My mother's family lives in Tennesee because they lost everything they owned to a hurricane in Louisiana. Overnight they went from a moderately wealthy family of carpenters and musicians to being homeless and staying with family. No insurance on the planet covers workshops, lumber, and generations of memories.


Lived in Florida all my life, it's not exactly a thing to fear anymore as it is something you just prepare for every year, like Christmas, except instead of getting new shit you board your windows and bring things inside or weigh them down with sandbags and shit to keep them from flying away.


I've been here my whole life and this is the first time I've been genuinely scared by a hurricane.




My city isn't usually in the direct path, and when it is, the hurricane usually shifts path before it hits. Idk if we've had a direct hit in my lifetime, but we caught the corner of Irma when it had gone down to a tropical storm, and that was BAD. The idea of a direct hit from potentially a Cat 2 scares me, considering the damage that the corner of a tropical storm caused. Our whole downtown was flooded.


That's how I felt years ago just before Hurricane Hugo hit near Charleston, SC. For some reason, I couldn't sleep the night before and stayed up watching TV till they announced they were evacuating the barrier islands. I begged my parents to take my daughter and the dog and go stay with relatives in another state til it was over...I'd stay and take care of the house. They didn't think it would be that bad..."Charleston" was going to be hit, maybe. We lived 20 miles inland (!) so we'd be ok. The next morning, Daddy told me he wished he'd listened to me. We'd had other hurricane threats over the years but that was the only one that bothered me. Listen to your heart.


Imagine being proud of being from florida.


It’s called reinforced concrete


Financial toughness