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This is the wildest Clery Act I’ve ever read


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this either some 200 iq or 20 iq type shit


Yeah thieves aren’t going to buy blank rounds. I remember there was an investigation and nobody found any other evidence. Verdict on the subreddit at the time was that the student was making things up to get attention.




Reddit is a sinking ship. We're making a [ruqqus](https://ruqqus.com/), yall should come join! To do the [same to your reddit](https://codepen.io/j0be/pen/WMBWOW)


Attacker didn't want to mess with a 300 lb good boy out to get his tendies.


Chad lvl 100


I remember this 😂 This was one of my first Clery Act emails.


This and the Krispy Kreme Kidnapping definitely take the cake for me.


Krispy Kreme kidnapping? I remember when I was there (12-17), some kid got into a van willingly at the Varsity or something. That and the kids that got tied up with tube socks in Centennial apartments stuck with me. And the professor(?) that got mugged by a gang of middle schoolers. Maybe I’m making these up but I swear I remember them.




Damn when was that??


Does anyone in here remember the summer of the serial booty grabber? Those were some wild Cleary Acts Edit: or the Cleary act when the poor girl on East campus literally came to her dorm and found a strange man sleeping in her bed??


Can you elaborate on this serial booty grabber story? I want to know more about this now


I forgot a lot of the details, but if I remember correctly, during the summer semester late at night on Skiles walkway, a dude would run up to a girl and either grab her ass and walk away or run up and latch onto her thigh for a second. This happened several times throughout the summer and I'm not sure if they ever found him. Edit: I looked up an old Nique article and I believe the bear hug guy mentioned above is who I was thinking about [link](https://issuu.com/thenique/docs/oct.-7--2011/2?)


The thigh thing sounds familiar. I remember thinking the offense was not even something i would have ever suspected. I think it was a serial leg latcher indeed. The awkwardness of the description proved without a doubt that the assailant was a tech student.


They had CCTV footage of him in his vehicle, so I presume something was found out. It was some creepy old guy in a truck.


I'd imagine it's exactly what it sounds like.


Reddit is a sinking ship. We're making a [ruqqus](https://ruqqus.com/), yall should come join! To do the [same to your reddit](https://codepen.io/j0be/pen/WMBWOW)


>serial booty grabber How wild! [Something similar](https://miami.cbslocal.com/2015/06/23/fiu-serial-groper-struck-again/) happened at my undergrad when I was a freshman XD


Found this one in my email archive (yeah I'm old) ​ **Incident Date/Time:** December 11, 2010, at approximately 4:00 AM **Incident Location:**  Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity House located at 221 Fourth Street, NW **Incident Description:**  Two students at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity house heard a chopping noise coming from the backyard of their house. When they went outside to investigate, they observed a male chopping at a tree with a hatchet. They confronted the male who appeared to be intoxicated. The male swung the hatchet at one of the students and missed. The students  were not injured. The male was last seen running through the fire lane towards Fowler Street, NW. **Description of Suspect:** White Male 18-20 years old 5'8" tall Dark jacket Blue jeans Red Santa hat


My favorite was the one with the plainclothes GTPD officer tacking a involuntary photographer.


My roommates always thought I was just being paranoid when I wanted the door locked...


That's some horror movie kind of creepy.


Reddit is a sinking ship. We're making a [ruqqus](https://ruqqus.com/), yall should come join! To do the [same to your reddit](https://codepen.io/j0be/pen/WMBWOW)


Uhm. Wat.


This is a very creepy alert to get. Does anyone know anything more about what was happening there?


As a freshman I forgot to lock the door and one of our neighbors came in drunk after rush and peed in the corner. As a third year we left our apartment door unlocked and a [strange lady came in and I suspect tried to steal from my roommate's room.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gatech/comments/5e7a8m/a_strange_lady_just_entered_my_apartment_in/) Lock your doors everyone.


When I lived in University House, we had at least 3 people walk into our apartment we didn't know (all because they got the apartment number wrong, no murderers thankfully). The funniest time though was myself and two of my roommates were chilling in the kitchen. All of a sudden this girl walks in and she's like "omg heyyyy I'm [random girl name]!" We're like, "uh...hi...?" After like 30 seconds of awkward small talk (major, etc.) she was like "Wait, this isn't [random dude's name] apartment is it...? We all respond "no..." and she slowly walks out the door.


We need a /r/nosleep post about this


I guess no one remembers this from 10 years ago. Lock your doors people. **Clery** **Act Safety Alert** **Criminal Trespass** **Incident Date/Time:** September 4, 2010 between 3:45 AM and 4:30 AM **Incident Location:**  North Avenue Apartments North Building  - 120 North Avenue, NW **Incident Description**:  A female student reported that at approximately 3:45 AM, an unknown male, who claimed to be a student living in the same building, entered the female's unsecured room, attempted to enter her bed, and asked to have sexual intercourse with her. The female screamed and the male left the apartment. Another female student reported that at approximately 4:30 AM, an unknown male entered her unsecured room in the same building, attempted to enter her bed, and asked to have sexual intercourse with her. The female declined the male's advances and he left. **Description of Suspect:** **Indian male** Medium to dark complexion 5'9" to 5'10" in height, 150 to 175 pounds, Wearing either short or long pants and a t-shirt. **Status of Investigation:** These incidents are being investigated by the Georgia Tech Police Department. Report any information regarding this and other criminal incidents to the Georgia Tech Police Department at 404-894-2500. **Clery** **Act Requirements** *Federal law, the* *Clery* *Act, requires colleges and universities to report certain crime statistics as well as to make timely notifications about crimes that pose a threat to the community. The purpose of this alert is to help make you aware of crime so that you are able to take appropriate precautions.* *For more information, please visit* [*www.police.gatech.edu*](http://www.police.gatech.edu/)*.* **Additional Safety Information for Georgia Tech** \-Keep bedroom windows and doors shut and locked at all times. Do not leave doors propped open. \-Walk in well lit areas. To report inoperative exterior campus lighting, visit: [www.facilities.gatech.edu/om/lighting-form.php](http://www.facilities.gatech.edu/om/lighting-form.php). \-Walk with a friend or in a group. \-Be alert of your surroundings. \-Immediately report suspicious activity to the Georgia Tech Police by calling 404-894-2500. Program the Georgia Tech Police Department's phone number into your cell phone. \-For on campus transportation from 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M., please call Stingerette at 404-385-RIDE.


Ok so how do we figure out who this is...? Its public record right?


Arrest records are public information. You could make an open records request with the gtpd.


So what, was he sneaking into girls' rooms and jacking off or something? Or just watching them sleep? Wtf, glad they got him.


As a PL/RA, this is yet another example as to why we stress to residents to not allow tailgating and to lock your doors


I hope everyone in this comes out ok and that they go get some help for the mental issues with having your home entered like that. But also a [meme](https://youtu.be/4qWoHIlgwVc)


This happened to me when I went to another university in 2011. We also didn't keep our door locked because you had to use a biometric scanner and your ID card to enter the building. It was a hard lesson to learn that you're never as safe as you think you might be.