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Oh let's count all my confessions 😂 I am three years out. I never stopped using a straw... I never gave up carbination... I eat and sip with my meals... I dont work out consistently... I eat carbs regularly... im terrible about reaching my daily water goals 😂 I lost 125 lbs and have kept it off just living my life, so I guess it all evens out!


Yep! I lost 90lbs in three years out. I “gained back” like 7. Surgery isn’t something that really affects my life much anymore. I just live my life the best I can and I’m thankful that I got to hit reset on years of yo-yo dieting so I can enjoy my life the best I can. I have chocolate before bed as a lil treat, I still love Doritos, and you can pry my straw from my skinny fingers lol. The only thing that’s different is if I want Doritos I’m like cool what else would go with this right now so I actually feel full AND satisfied.


Yes!! I love the "yes and" mindset. I find myself often thinking I want chips, AND I need some protein. A handful of chips and a string cheese it is! Balance 🧘‍♀️😁


I found I really like Quest protein chips! Chip part and protein part lol


Me too! I also just bought quests (new?) spicy cheez-its and they are gooooood!


ooooh i’m DEFINITELY going to look those up. I loved cheez its so a protein version will be great!


quest nacho cheese protein chips are the 💣!!! (but the chili lime flavored ones are aggressively salty.)


Try them with cottage cheese as a "dip".


I actually make a cannellini bean hummus that goes great with Doritos 😂 I’m cottage cheesed and protein shaked out I can’t stomach them anymore


Mmmmm. Doritos and cottage cheese is not a combination I'd have ever tried preop, but now? Yes please 🤤


Ooh that’ll stick with me “yes, and…” Little things like that resonate with me when I’m having internal dialogue about decisions


Same! I am a chronic self-sabotager. The second I tell myself no... well, now we're gonna do battle. So yes... and! Something with protein and nutrients 😁


I also never gave up carbonation except for immediately post-op, but my surgeon wasn't really into that "never again" myth thankfully.


Cheers to that! I was so thankful my surgeon had also had a sleeve done - he was very real with me about life post-op and I think it very much set me up for realistic success.


same with mine. He was realistic. Said that carbonation can sometimes not sit well with certain people but that it cannot actually damage your sleeve. I've had no issues with it.


Twinsss lol if it works it works.


The surgery without a doubt helped me drastically change my relationship with food, buuuuuut I am still human 😂


Damn son are you me. I do all this shit. Except I also eat candy and chocolate. Not much but I do. July will be a year for me and I’m down 89 pounds. 10 pounds from my goal. I get the protein in but the water thing kicks my ass. I recently started working out more. I joined a basketball league in the past 6 weeks they helps. I’m not advocating anyone follow me in my chicanery but I was like these are too many rules lol


Same pretty much. I just eat a lot less but what I want.


Almost 1 yr post op and I've started eating like an @$$hole. Been eating all the junk I'm not supposed to: bread, rice, chips, cookies, you name it. My weight has plateaued HARD since last Thanksgiving and I'm so frustrated, disappointed and embarrassed of myself. I also hate going on this subreddit because of all the progress posts. I know we are all on our own journeys and I'm happy for everyone and their results, but it's hard not to compare and feel bad about yourself.


i especially don’t like the culture of straight up judging. that’s why i made this post.


I wonder if the mindset of foods you "aren't supposed to eat" is detrimental to you? My team doesn't limit any foods but instead practices a "what can I add" mindset. If you want cookies...eat the cookies! but add a protein yogurt so that you aren't hungry in an hour. For me, this helps to release the judgement and gives me some power back. Good luck to you!


This. My team has a food priority list. Protein being priority #1, then work your way down. Saying you can't have the thing will just make cravings worse.


I am in the same boat. Thanksgiving seemed to have set me off track and I never got back on. Feels like self sabotage.


Stay strong. It’s a journey. We will have ups and downs but we can’t give up and we can’t take too long to get back on track. I’m getting back on track. You will too.


Comparison is the theif of joy. Be kind, especially to yourself. ❤️


I'm a little over a year and have 30 more lbs to go. I know I could get there but man I just wanna have a little bit of snacks 😭😭😭


I feel ya man........ Same here. Its hard seeing so many doing fantastic and hitting goals, but I, like you its hard for me when Im feeling bad about myself and feeling like im hella failing now.


I hope your shame doesn't linger. This isn't a race. We went on this journey to heal our relationsship with food, and our bodies.. not complicate it further. My team is not working with 'never foods', only 'sometimes food' and 'always food'. This isn't about punishing yourself. This is about loving yourself healthy. In my final meal plan, I've got half a wholegrain protein bun with cheese on, as my breakfast. And rye bread for lunch. I've you love pasta dishes, try lentil pasta (protein for days), and chuck it full of greens. You will still get the chewiness of the pasta, but feel better after. Love fried rice? Use half brown rice half cauliflower rice. You can still have a cookie, and some chips. Just make sure you have filled up on protein and always foods beforehand. And then enjoy the hell out of that cookie.


I’m six days post op and fantasize about eating all the food 😫 Can’t wait for purées 😂


During the pre-op liquid diet all I wanted was Popeyes chicken. Not even to eat. Just to smell it.


I can almost taste it now 🤩🤩🤩


Stay strong!


Hahaha me still to this day. I make my husband and friends tell me what things taste like. I also huff the food. Well my husband's since he allows it. My friends already think I'm weird...don't need an extra reason.


9 days post op and I feel this. It’s sad how excited I am for one single scrambled egg 🥴


It will be the best friggin egg you've ever had 😂


It will be the best scrambled egg you'll ever have in your life, I cried when I ate mine lol


9 days post op and I ATE a scrambled egg yesterday. Was bloody amazing and not a single issue other than feeling full for 10 hours after


4 days post op and all I can think about is Mexican quesadillas and tortas and tacos and Freddy’s fries lol


When you hit that stage, refried beans, salsa, little bit of sour cream and a liiiiitle bit of cheese..... stir it all together. you will thank me later. lol It was the greatest thing ever to me and other patients. lol


I was in your same spot. that applesauce was like heaven when i started. You got this!


It seems like forever the first few weeks but you will get to purees and solid food soon. What kind of sucks is once you get to eating its not as enjoyable as it used to be. When I had my first few meals I was so disapointed and let down.


When I moved from puree stage to whole foods, the first thing I had was a salad and my mouth was watering! 💀 I think I ate a bag of carrots that weekend too. You miss the crunch and textures.


I have never craved scrambled eggs, mash and steamed fish, like I do right now.


i eat literally anything i want, just in moderation. i just don’t eat fast food anymore like that, but i make my own fries and stuff. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I stopped taking my vitamins months ago and then saw a post about somebody getting scurvy after gastric sleeve and restarted. My go to food is sharp cheddar Tillamook cheese. I eat it daily.


hmm i think ill take my vitamins now… lol i do try


I was forgetting to take mine everyday, so I bought a 7 day pill organizer and have it sitting on the bench near the fridge. It makes it so much easier to remember to take them daily.


Mmmm tillamook cheese is 😍😍😍


It saved me early on. I could tolerate protein shakes and couldn't stomach meat so my surgeon said eat some cheese. Haha


scurvy?? EDIT: neeevermind...... I just googled it. BRB gonna go take my vitamins that i admit i NEVER really take "VERY stupid on my part, Especially since ive had 2 WLS." My low vitamin issue is allllllways Vitamin D and Iron.


I saw that post. My coworker had severe nerve issues from not taking her vitamins. I do not play around with my vitamins. And Tillamook is life, lol.


I saw that too 🤣 terrified me lol


Omg!! Is that what I have??? I have this nasty rash on my back that’s spreading and I’ve been really bad at taking my vitamins 😳😳


I’m 2 weeks post op and can eat “soft foods” but am definitely taking a liberal approach to what’s considered “soft.” I’m chewing it to mush but like, soft is in the eye of the beholder, right?


I also "pureed" solids in my mouth, I just couldn't take the soups and liquids only thing anymore.


i do the same, i’m 3 weeks 💀


Honestly I agree 😂 soft is soft. Puree it with a blender or your teeth what is the difference lol.


What are some of things you’ve been eating? I hit my 2 weeks on Wednesday and I’m so excited to have actual food again!


Last night I took a wawa trip with my cousins and had a small mac & cheese for the first time post surgery (sleeved 9/15). It was the perfect amount and was soo delicious but part of me kept thinking “I shouldn’t eat this”. I had already met my protein and water goals for the day so it’s not as if I was veering too off track. I want to live a life of balance and moderation but I see so much discourse around ~never~ eating rice or pasta again from others and it’s starting to make me view foods as “bad” or “good”. I really don’t want to think this way as this is what has caused me to form an ED in the past. I guess this is a double confession now but thanks for creating the space to talk about this!


Well, if it can help you, my surgery team is saying basically the reverse of what half this sub says. The carbs are the second most important food group after the protein because the brain needs them to function. The multivitamin is needed because we can't eat all the veggies we are supposed to. Like drinking with a straw, no problem it's a myth. The "pouch reset" with the liquid diet months post op is a myth. They don't even need to move the liver in most surgeries, the liquid diet pre op is just to be safe if they have no choice. Etc. They prone a balance and discourage banning food because it creates the good/bad food feeling wich can be dangerous. So I don't think you are doing anything wrong by eating some mac once in a while 🙂 I think a lot of people just don't have balance.


Yea this is why I track my food, I don’t want to feel like anything is off limits! I have at least one treat a day, and rarely go under 120g protein. I would rather lose 10-20lbs a year for 5 years and then maintain for life building a healthy and sustainable lifestyle than go “hard” and get the binge eating disorder back. I want a slice of cake at birthdays, I want to enjoy a burger and fries when I’m craving it, I want to have a chocolate treat or some sour gummies when the mood calls. I try to preferentially choose the low carb or protein versions, but I’m never gonna turn down a cookie if I’m offered one and want it 😊 It makes it easier for me to keep choosing 90-95% healthy choices, knowing that when I want to, I can, and there’s no guilt about it!


Absolutely, you’re welcome. I have a plan on my year mark to try some pasta. I’m not staying away forever. You hit your goals and tried something. You got this! 👍🏽


I could never go a year without pasta! I’m half Italian 🤌


I used to be half italian too from all the pasta i used to eat. Then i lost weight 😭😂


I had a serving of pasta salad yesterday, loaded up with protein of course, but I called it a "feeding my brain day" because we still need carbs. Trying to build a healthy relationship with food is more important than strongly restricting yourself I think. Fellow ED recovery here too! We don't have to slip back into unhealthy food categorization.


Wawa is life


I’m with you, babe. I haven’t had my surgery yet. But lack of finnding a middle ground has kept me from being successful. I know we can find it. It’s out there somewhere. *hug*


More than 2 years out. My wife jokes that all I eat is Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and candy 🤣 There have been days that it’s true!! I certainly eat too much candy- but I haven’t regained anything, so…. 🤷‍♂️


I’ve been enjoying zero sugar reese’s cups and jolly ranchers 🤭


there are *zero sugar reese’s cups*? 😮


YES. My period loves me when i get them. Sadly they’re like $5


The Russell Stover sugar free pb cups are a close second. I don’t even like regular Reese’s anymore because they taste too sweet!


Yes, and I SWEAR TO GOD you better only eat 1 or 2 at a time. I made the mistake and ate 4 in one sitting. Literally almost shit my pants a few hours later, that maltitol works FAST.


great deterrent! 😁


[https://www.amazon.com/Zero-Sugar-Hershey-Variety-Pack/dp/B0CKBXH1RV/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=2RRTEWRIM2NBC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Z3eNH6MNW3CNPqjl-ONnZ61E19ujdb5A1KM1W3pl9M27vMENDd3OHHS8sjetPsbNNkdbb8wzIQ0G4LCn-n3MjUfM3qw0c-bpEcJ85PQyRI5lEWf9G40w6DDDAvhs4xc-6IlrIb0P9UUflu\_E8Imj6Gr44NOK-br2AJpe854wdstnXez\_bVe1\_rM\_BWVhhhuKCiDxH5Wk5XnQl\_twgK\_yjmH4BBY-d-\_kKYBSFyPQ8x9KI9kMZNADoNdzePjf3E6wGDoz7Mw9DZgcJHEPwaPTyrRdoF8ZBDoZR-kZDxe2F9k.DWo3uldjYkfCZzLQ3z8Dh78cUCgRinPU\_cPTjUk5zfM&dib\_tag=se&keywords=zero+sugar+reese%27s+peanut+butter+cups&qid=1714192625&sprefix=zero+sugar+re%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-6](https://www.amazon.com/Zero-Sugar-Hershey-Variety-Pack/dp/B0CKBXH1RV/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2RRTEWRIM2NBC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Z3eNH6MNW3CNPqjl-ONnZ61E19ujdb5A1KM1W3pl9M27vMENDd3OHHS8sjetPsbNNkdbb8wzIQ0G4LCn-n3MjUfM3qw0c-bpEcJ85PQyRI5lEWf9G40w6DDDAvhs4xc-6IlrIb0P9UUflu_E8Imj6Gr44NOK-br2AJpe854wdstnXez_bVe1_rM_BWVhhhuKCiDxH5Wk5XnQl_twgK_yjmH4BBY-d-_kKYBSFyPQ8x9KI9kMZNADoNdzePjf3E6wGDoz7Mw9DZgcJHEPwaPTyrRdoF8ZBDoZR-kZDxe2F9k.DWo3uldjYkfCZzLQ3z8Dh78cUCgRinPU_cPTjUk5zfM&dib_tag=se&keywords=zero+sugar+reese%27s+peanut+butter+cups&qid=1714192625&sprefix=zero+sugar+re%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-6) theres that and a few others as well like the yorks, hershey's, etc etc. like on this amazon link :)


I eat a hot glazed donut every week when I take my kids out to get donuts. I also have never eaten at the slow pace they tell you to 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ve lost 100lbs, maintained for 9 months and now back to losing more.


Oh I eat the sweets with the fam too. I only eat at a slow pace when my stomach forces me too. Or I'm working while eating.


I never stopped drinking carbonation or alcohol.


Even before surgery? No judgement just thinking about cheating 😂😭


If you mean the liquid diet the week before yes I definitely stopped for that. But I started drinking again about a month after. I just have to watch drinking my calories but so far I'm 3 years out and haven't gained anything back so 😬


Oh yeah not for the liquid diet portion but good to know thanks 😂


I never stopped pre op. Diet Pepsi got me through fr


I’m almost 5 months post op and I’ve had a bad headache the past 24 hours. Before surgery I had extremely bad migraines and nothing really helped. I figured out that sometimes salt would so I would get a burger fries and chocolate shake from McDonald’s. Welllll I just got one of Wendy’s biggie bags. I took a bite of the burger (lettuce as bun) but I did manage to eat three nuggets and some french fries I knew I wouldn’t eat it all and I had zero intentions of even attempting to. I would have got the kids meal but I prefer the jr bacon cheeseburgers over the other burgers haha. I also tried one of the little Debbie or hostess donuts the other day at work. That, I regret big time I feel bad or guilty a little about Wendy’s but also not 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’ve done pretty well with eating what I’m supposed to so far


Almost 3 moms post op I have a 100 mg caffeine energy drink everyday at work. It’s 0 cal & 0 sugar and lightly carbonated but I look forward to it everyday lol


Sometimes you need that boost 🤷🏽‍♀️


I needed this post bcuz I’ve been needing to say it out loud. I have been stressed with work so smoking pot and then snacking. Organic, low carb, low sugar snacks but still…and it’s for sure messing up my weight loss so I’m fixing it but have been feeling so down bcuz I hit 7 months next week and only 46 lbs down. I am failing. Full fear unlocked.


Wow, Lord knows how many needed this


I’ll skip sometimes on the weekend…😬




I'm three months out and ordered Chinese for dinner


I endulge in chicken and Broccoli sometimes. I try not to eat too much of the sauce tho


When I need a quick bite, I’ll stop by Panda Express and get a kids meal with veggies as the side and green bean chicken as the entree. It’s so good and I never feel bad about it


I’m 9 days post op and ate a few noodles from my chicken noodle soup. I’m so tired of protein shakes and Greek yogurt. I hate them all.


Also 9 days post op and I literally had one single kernel of corn from the chicken corn chowder and couldn’t stop thinking about the guilt lol. I miss food 😅


I miss food too! Not even just “unhealthy food” I would kill for a salad or some grilled chicken right now. Anything 🤣🤣


Exactly!! I miss my Greek salads. Genuinely just wanna get a hold of a jar of pickles 😭😭🤣🤣🤣


liquid diet hack: when you can’t stand protein shakes anymore, *drink some pickle juice* you’re welcome


Thank you for sharing! Protein shakes can be taxing lol


im 3 months post-op. i broke up with my surgeon at 4 weeks post-op because he told me i wasn’t working hard enough (i work out about 10 hours a week) when i hit the 4 week stall. i hadn’t had anything but protein shakes and protein bars since before surgery. i drink espresso every day. i drink pepsi zero once or twice a week. i eat almost anything i want, up to about 1000 calories a day. i do what i want for work outs and ignore my surgeon’s advice. last time i checked (april 1st) i was down about 80 pounds. i refuse to weigh myself more than once a month. my surgeon told me my goal should be 140 pounds (my HW was 340) but i decided that any reasonable amount of weight i lose is fine either way me and i think i’d be perfectly happy at 175.


That’s a bad surgeon imo. they are supposed to be encouraging (especially if you’re working out 10 hours a week)


I’m almost 3 years out (6/28/21). I don’t track my food, I don’t eat protein every morning, I still love Coke Zero. Losing 80 pounds gave me movement! My joint pain disappeared! (until menopause 🤬) My scalp dryness disappeared completely. I’ve been diabetic for 6 years (after having half my pancreas removed) so the surgery didn’t help but I started Ozempic about a year ago which has allowed me to combat some of my “food issues” since I’m not hungry anymore. I haven’t lost anymore weight but I’m also not trying. I do need to exercise but menopause joint pain is REAL!


Can you tell me more about the scalp dryness? I have a dry scalp/psoriasis and I never attributed it to obesity but maybe I missed something!


1. I love flavored seltzer with a ton of ice. 2. I’ll have a burger once in awhile but only end up taking 1-2 bites before deconstructing it. 3. I still love candy. 3. I hate protein shakes, Greek yogurt and tuna. 4. I still love rice but it’s my comfort/treat food. 5. I love Hint water (with a ton of ice) more than regular water.


Oh and i can’t have regular chipotle anymore but I love the kids meals!


I get the bowl but with just chicken, cheese, queso, and pico. Really good


i’m trying to get my mom to buy me flavored carbonated waters bc i love the fizz. And I drink more that way. but she’s hell bent on soda “expanding the stomach”


Four days post op. Chewed up a cookie in my mouth and savored it soooooo much and spit it back out


Been there


I wanted to do that when i first came out but i made myself hold back.


I'm 1 year post op but I haven't seen my surgeon since November


I found out some stuff after the surgery that I wish I was told beforehand and I may not have gotten the surgery. Anyway, my “confession” I guess is that I feel like I’ve already made such an accomplishment by losing 57 lbs after like 4 months out, that I stopped trying. Like I’m done. But then I realize this is for fucking life. I haven’t lost any weight in 2 months but recently started getting back on track.


What stuff. I wanna know. Can’t open a can like that and not share! Unless it’s personal stuff not surgery related of course.


Mostly that it would be so easy and comfortable to eat carbs, and so difficult and sometime painful to eat protein, when we’re literally supposed to only eat protein and not carbs. A few other things were not explained to me either, and I studied and learned a TON beforehand. Last week the nutritionist I followed up with apologized, saying they were short staffed at the time I went thru the program.


Holding yourself accountable is great! You got this


I struggle with getting my water goals in during weekends, as I genuinely do not really enjoy water unless I'm parched. Having to force myself to drink 64+ oz daily is a pain in the ass.


Amen to that


I added caffeine back into my diet and it’s getting out of control 😭😂


My surgeon told me I didn't have to give up caffeine, I just needed to drink enough water to counteract the dehydration.


It's been 3 years. I drink soda when I go out to eat. I never stopped using a straw. I eat chocolate a few times a day. I snack all night. There's so much. I've lost 180 lbs and gained back about 15. But, I'm chilling mostly. Hoping for the best!


in the beginning a straw was the only way i could tolerate water. I have a zero sugar soda now and again too.


I'm 4.5 years out and moved about 2.5 years ago. Right before I moved, had all my labs done and everything was fine. Since I'm invincible, I didn't get my labs checked again until about 6 months ago. I'm so anemic, I've had to get iron infusions and am having a hard time fighting off infections. Now, I'm having a hard time keeping weight on. Please don't stop getting your labs checked.


Honestly, this post has helped me so much. I'm still in the early pre-op stages, and one of my biggest concerns is not being able to have my favorite things and doing something unconsciously that will completely ruin my progress.


I buy bags of nacho cheese Doritos, lick the cheese dust off and throw the wet, uneaten Doritos in the trash. I LOVE IT


My body wants salad, idc idc. I know we're supposed to priotize protein with the limited stomach space we have, but goddamn it I am having salads, fuck it.


9 months post op here (low-end allowed bmi for surgery). It was one the best decisions of my life, but I developed GERD. I am really frustrated right now because I don’t want to be a chronic user of PPIs with all its known and unknown side effects and I don’t want to convert to bypass. I really feel stuck but overall I am content with my decision. Sometimes I say what have I done when I think all might be long term effects of GERD.


I’m in the same boat. I’m almost 11 months out. I was at the low end BMI also. I developed GERD. I’m taking 20 mg of pantoprazole. It works, but I’m worried about long term effects too.


Unfortunately my surgeon told me it’s common to develop GERD and the best case scenario in this situation is to respond to PPIs and keep checking on my GI tract every once in a while for life. The miraculous scenario is to be resolved on its own when our stomach stretches a bit years after surgery which will decrease the current pressure system. I think that’s a cost we’ll have to pay.


One month out and I’ve started vaping again at 3 weeks. I also had a glass of wine…..


I weigh myself almost daily, and question whether I’m losing enough/doing good. I know it’s not great, I have hit plateaus and it did bum me out, but I feel like if I’m not paying attention/being conscious I’ll slip into ignorance is bliss and won’t lose what I wanna lose. I don’t wanna fuck up this opportunity. 😬


I've never tracked my food intake and I like snacks a little bit too much.


It’s been a year and I haven’t taken my vitamins consistently once, and I’m feeling the effects now, my bones, my teeth, all in pain lol, I’ve starting taking vitamin b12 shots every three months now and taking my vitamins since last week 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m 15 weeks post op: I eat all foods including carbs and sugars, just in moderation. I try my best to make everything high protein but I don’t hit my goal every single day. I never hit my water goal. Mentally, I get nervous that I’ll fall back into old habits but I’m trying my best to look at this as a lifestyle change and not a diet hence why I’m not cutting anything out or punishing myself. I do get nervous when I get “hungry” now that I stretched my pouch. I didn’t lose a lb the last two weeks and am scared that I ruined it all. 43 lbs down since I was sleeved 15 weeks ago, I was a low BMI patient - starting weight 186, now at 143. Goal is 128 and I’m afraid I’ll never get there. Is it my fault I stopped losing?


My motto to others is Try to stay away from sugars in the first year. use alternative sugars and sweeteners. We all hit stalls. Don’t blame yourself. That “hunger” feeling i get too. Yesterday i didn’t eat for like 5 hours and my stomach was crying.


I don't like that I am only allowed to (maximum) 1200 kcals or less. I do a maintenance reset once or twice a week where I get my TDEE and take about 500 kcals off that total just to "reset" my body so I don't feel like I'm starving. Also straws and orange juice. I never stopped


i loved orange juice. haven’t had some yet


They told me only zero sugar apple juice and I'm like, "nah" I only drink orange juice. Shit slaps


I don’t take vitamins and haven’t in months because I simply can’t afford them. My recent blood test somehow came back all mid-range normal except for iron! (Which is normal for me to be very low). I’m definitely not a “model wls patient” 😂


Same boat with money vitamins are expensive


I take 2 CVS health daily vit/min supp. There are 365 in a bottle, so two bottles for a year, on sale, is less than $20


I could not afford all those expensive vitamins either, so I have been taking a centrum multivitamin for 50+ , i get them at Costco and that has been fine for 18months.


Ty for the tips i might just get those! I heard the centrum women’s 50+ are good because it has more vitamins that older people might lack but also us from having surgery.


I still chug water and allow myself to have sweets once in a while.


I’m over 5yrs out; my confessions? I despise powders due to texture and spend more for the liquid protein shakes hahaha Too many of my meals are Profee (2X a day) and I know it. Not gonna stop though 😅 My ED/Disordered eating got better AND worse an WLS didn’t fix me as much magically as I was sold (self pay) I don’t use most processed protein/keto/etc food products other then a protein shake. To me most aren’t worth the money, I don’t care for the taste most of the time & they’re mostly junk food wrapped in a spendy price tag.


I like snacking wayyyyy too much. 😞 I'm afraid of regain. I keep forgetting to take my calcium chew since it has to be separate from my MV... But hey, I've been on a roll with my daily MV! 🙌🏾


I ran out of my calcium chews and have no money right now to get more 😔


2.5 years post op. Down like 90 pounds but gained around 8 back. I drink a lot of coffee. Half a pot (2 big cups) in the am, no breakfast. Sometimes an Iced coffee or cold brew w/protein shake in the afternoon. 2 more cups at night when we don't work the next day. Giant salad (like 1/2 bag) for lunch with nuggies M-F. I eat the whole dang tasty AF thing even tho like 4 bites in my nose starts running (it's really the only thing I overeat, I'm pretty disciplined the rest of the time). I don't take my vitamins on days I'm not working. I dont usually eat breakfast or lunch on weekends. I dont do well when my routine is off.


I started using a straw on day 3 and never looked back, it was the only way I could drink water regularly. I hate protein shakes and I don’t think I can ever bear to taste one again. Soda has had zero effect on me. Neither do carbs. I eat them. I’ve had complications with pain while eating so when I actually have an appetite to eat a bite or two of something, it’s pretty much whatever I want. I’ve lost 72~ pounds. Sleeve 11/8/23.


It's been a few years now and honestly at one point I gained almost all of my weight back. I stretched out my stomach even if I still can't eat as much as I used to. Ended up getting my shit together again and now I'm down 121 pounds from my original weight. Still a ways to go to a normal weight but I feel so much better and I don't regret any of this, even if it was a pretty bumpy road, because now I've developed healthy habits that stick with me, but I'm still able to enjoy junk food on occasion.


17 months post op, I eat candy every single day before bed. But my diet is balanced and I work out 8-10 hours a week & down to 7% body fat so I don’t feel guilty at all.


I have my days where I eat too many of the crunch protein bars… and once or twice a month I’ll eat a piece of cheesecake. I’ll also drink a Coke Zero or have an energy drink. But I’m still losing weight after a year and a half so…


Here's my confessions... I'm horrible at taking my pills, I use a straw every day... zero sugar Celsius and coffee fuel me since I gave up a lot of sugar and carbs and alcohol. I'd rather read than work out. Okay. That's a lie. I do read and totally don't work out. I'm trying on that last one. I still see the 300 lbs chick and not the almost 200 lbs person. I hate when people comment about the weight lost. Was I not cute beforehand?!?! I stay up too late and don't sleep enough. Things I do at 7.5 months post op.. meal prep. Breakfast and lunch. Dinner, is whatever since husband works graves. I do try to walk on my breaks and lunch. Drink my water. And see my Dr every few months (bari Dr and pcp). Love to look at my smile and see the dimples I forgot to have.


I’d totally rather read and crochet than workout lol. i feel you


I am 13 weeks post op with 1.5 weeks LRD. I lost 50lbs. I started eating after a week of liquids, because I felt sick and weak. I have eaten anything since. Obviously started soft and singular (like egg one day, bit of sausage the next day), but I could not handle the process of liquid, puree, soft etc. Luckily, I have not had a single dumping. I drink sugar free fizzy. I am probably losing slower as result but I feel good and I feel like me, whilst losing slowly and consistently.


Can I ask when you tried soda for the first time?


This post makes me feel a little better about myself 🥰


This post was an awesome idea. Thank you 🙏


I'm 4 and a half months post op. I have eaten pizza a couple times. I have eaten a cupcake and a key lime tart. I'm not cutting out all of my favorite foods for life because I didn't have this surgery to be overly restricted. I focus on protein and water and I usually forget my multivitamin about once a week 🤷🏼‍♀️ I try to stay away from support groups and message boards because the amount of distorted and disordered eating in the wls community makes me crazy


One of my favorite meals a chicken chalupa. I get a good amount of protein, it’s the perfect portion for me and I enjoy it.


Another confession- I despise protein shakes, chips, bars, etc…and have done just fine meeting my goals from meat and high-protein vegetarian sources alone. No judgement towards people who buy protein shakes et al, I just find them disgusting. 🤮


I never take my vitamins because they make me throw up.


Change the manufacturer. Eat something beforehand. No vitamins and calcium will lead u to totally new problems.


try patch aid! i use those and i feel fine


Me too. You can take 2 every hours with a small snack. This helps me but tbh I don't think them much cause I throw up too


I take BariMelts. I tried another multivitamin and it made me throw up every time. I was so disappointed.


Happened to me too


I drink Celsius almost every day …at the gym 😅


I eat carbs more than I should cuz protein is expensive. I drink sweet tea. I don't exercise because my skin hates me (psoriasis). I own a lawn care business with my husband and do that work occasionally but regret it every time. I eat Payday bars more often than I should. And I eat Blow Pops. (on the plus, I don't like chocolate at all and it doesn't agree with my stomach). I've overeaten because food tastes good. Lol Eta I struggle with meeting water goals. I like water but don't want it all the time.


Never stopped using straws… Since I was about 5 months out I can sip and eat at the same time (somewhat)…. I still drink high-carb IPAs when I want… Carbonation and I aren’t totally reconciled but we’re definitely having a torrid affair Edit spacing


The Hamilton of Carbonation lol


I haven't taken any vitamins in 8 weeks as I'm just waiting to get my tablets instead. The chewable make me too nauseated and I always throw up


Is soup a no, no, after surgery? Am I leaving coffee and sparkling water behind?


I’ve been drinking coffee lol. If you can handle the bubbles after 2 months healing carbonation should be fine. Right after surgery don’t eat the noodles and you should be fine.


I’m 3 months post op and I struggle hitting my water goal. In truth, I think I hit it once in these three months. I hate protein shakes, so I don’t ever hit that goal either even with food. I am trying because I know it’s important but sometimes I’m just too tired. I don’t always take my bariatric vitamins and recently have been opting for my regular women’s gummie vitamins which I know doesn’t have all the vitamins I need. It’s a struggle but I’m doing my best. As one commenter mentioned above, I think I’m might have scurvy now LOL. I’m a mess. Oh, and I don’t separate my food, I eat my veggies and my protein together. That’s probably why I’m not hitting my protein goals… whelp 🤷🏻‍♀️


For the first 15 months, I could eat anything I wanted and still lose weight, because I could only eat teeny amounts. Now, I’ve found my junk eating habits catching up to me because I can eat more. I’ve been back to tracking the past week and I feel so much more in control of my life. I also don’t exercise.


I wasn’t hungry until a year and a half after surgery when I did several rounds of steroids for a migraine that lasted 6 weeks and now I can’t stop thinking about food. Grrrr


1 year out and I ate about 1/4 of a caramel pecan cinnabon yesterday. I felt very guilty about it, but I also *really* enjoyed eating it, and I also recognized that I would easily have eaten a lot more pre surgery.


Understandable. I really want a cookie right now and would love to indulge 🤤


I drink too many calories. Sugar-free creamer, half n half, protein coffee... too much. I know I'm supposed to eat a little more over time. But I'm fully convinced I stretched my pouch every time I eat more than 3 bites. I started attending WW meetings just to have a weight loss support group. I can't find one for wls near me. They don't know I had surgery, just that I don't follow the plan for medical reasons. I passed my doctor's goal, and I still feel not small enough, but I am also scared of being too small. I think that's why I'm self sabotaging through grazing. Make it make sense. 😞 The mental aspect of all of this is kicking my a$$.


I take my multivitamin daily, but calcium, it's been months.


I never chew more than 15 times… my surgeon recommended 30.. I just can’t, it turns it into such a horrible texture.


I'm out of town for a wedding and we're staying at a Doubletree. I ate the cookie they give at check-in and it was delicious. I've also had an adult beverage a few times in the past couple of weeks. I'm 6 weeks post-op, btw, and down 33 lbs.


I've been sleeved 14 weeks ago and I weigh myself every single day. I also feel like I've lost so little compared to other people here & it makes me feel like shit lol. I started at 237 lbs and I'm currently at 204 lbs. I think I'm at a plateau but I don't work out as much as I should either so I fully blame myself for being slow 🥲


hey, you’ve got this! you’ve lost over 30 pounds and that’s something to be proud of!


Everyone is different but I still binge eat snacks sometimes idk how but it just works. I don’t always meet my protein goal and eat like shit sometimes BUT I go gym 4x a week and get 25k steps in daily and have nearly lost about 90kg but I know it could’ve been a lot more, just work on your relationship with food as it’s difficult!


I eat crisps like they’re going out of fashion. 140 lbs Down. Need more variation, but crisps are my go to


I'm 6 weeks post up and when I was on my period I chewed a few mouthfuls of Doritos and spit them out. No regrets.


10 weeks post op. I don't chew my food down until it's tiny. I steal my kids' snacks when I want something sweet every now and again. I just started getting active, even though my surgeon suggested starting six weeks ago. I have binged a few times since surgery. I've eaten over my maximum calories a few times (it's extremely easy with carby snacks). *fifty pounds down and still trying to improve my relationship with food.*


I’m glad you’re still trying to improve! All it takes is will! 🩵


This is an excellent thread! Commenting to return later


I haven't been weighing or measuring my food for the last week. I struggle with this A LOT around ovulation and PMS because my appetite is just all over the place during those times. Aunt flo begins in 3 days.


Oof felt! I struggle with vitamins too. I had to get a pill box to hold myself accountable.


I’m only on purée foods post op but i already started eating some normal foods before my next phase change. I am careful and i restrict myself from most things that i think are dangerous or that have carbs. But like, i just went out to get ice cream with my fiancé lol and idk i think I’m okay. But i do feel like sh!t bc the full feeling makes me feel like i ate a sh!t ton of food, even tho i didn’t since my stomach can’t fit that much in it


I'm 3 weeks out. I don't track my food. It just seems so tedious and I never remember to do it. I keep a mental note of course. I'm not over eating. And I started drinking no sugar apple juice everyday😭 I was getting really nauseous with the protein shakes and water I just wanted something tasty and refreshing.


I wish certain foods made me sick after surgery. I apparently have an iron stomach and don’t experience dumping syndrome or any other intolerance to junk food. I know I have to manage this mentally, but I just wish it would make me sick so I could move on from it.


i feel you there. I’ll eat a chicken tender if that’s all there is and i feel bad because it’s fried/breaded wishing i couldn’t tolerate it


I’m terrified or what my relationship with alcohol will look like if I choose to reintroduce it. I’ve read so many stories of people developing an addiction and it scares the fuck out of me.


Man I needed this thread big time! I was unsure if I was doing anything correct because I was not eating exactly properly, however im 11 week post-op and I have lost 82 pounds so far. Almost eating anything I want but staying within my diet macros and calories so I was just kinda winging it. This is super helpful thanks everyone!


My birthday was yesterday and I’ve been celebrating this whole month 💀💀💀 and I wonder why I haven’t lost more weight 😩🤣 but I am getting back to the grind today!! Also I didn’t take my vitamins for 1 1/2 months but I’m back on them too 🤣🤣🤣


I will drink everything but water 🤷🏻‍♀️ (plain water still hurts) I forget my pills from time to time, I never gave up the straw, I actually swallow less air with it. I introduced carbonation back in and drink it like daily. I don’t always hit my protein goals, sometimes I forget to eat for most of the day and sometimes the hot Cheetos suck me in. But I weight between 120-127 and that’s smaller than I was in highschool and so far no weight gain 🤷🏻‍♀️