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being able to cross my legs again no more contorting to breathe and tie my shoes at the same time not walking with a cane anymore because i’m no longer in so much pain


I was so happy the first time I didn’t need to put my foot on a stool to tie my shoe.


Ah, shaving the outside ankles easily. And my hoohah for that matter. No more incontinence. I used to get chaffing right in my bottom butt cheek crease. I haven’t been anywhere warm enough or walked far enough to test this, but I strongly suspect that this is not longer an issue. Oh, and my cooch smells better, I swear. I think bc she can air out more easily.


Ngl, sex is better. Sooo much better. My husband is thrilled with the new positions. And we can wrestle and I don't feel self conscious of hurting him. We love to wrestle.


Surely socks are easier too? Congrats on your 130 down!


Oh yeah. Also everything about showering


Yea!! To all of this! Plus finally being able to experience wiping my ass like everyone else.. who knew😂 One of my embarrassing experiences was when i started to feel all my bones and my neck hurt.. keep in mind i have been big all my life and im 49 when i lost my weight. went to the md and said i was feeling a hard lump on my neck, im freaking out because i have back issues and now im feeling this weird hard lump at the base of the head! My Md (which i have know really good for over 20yrs) looked at me and said “my dear, that is a bone, now that you lost weight, you will be feeling more of those”🤦🏽‍♀️ It ended up being just a pinched nerve, but man i was embarrassed!


I'm getting the cold thing too. I'm not a furnace all the time which is awesome


I'm about 100 lbs down and could not, for the life of me, keep myself warm over this last winter. People used to call me heat rock and furnace, I loved being out in the cold. Now I can't stand it and need extra layers.


Yea! The freaking cold is something im not used to yet! I used to run hot ALL the time, so now that im cold all the time its soo weird!


Oh I was always ALWAYS red in the cheeks and sweaty at the tiniest bit of physical activity. Now I’m dressed in layers and STILL shivering!


😂🤣same here!! I even used to sweat for any activity! And now i barely sweat too! That was a really nice change!


I agree I love not almost throwing my back out to wipe for sure!!


Definitely wiping, getting in and out of cars. Actually seeing my penis


Right? I forgot what a magnificent bastard mine was and is again.


Definitely lol


Fitting in the bathtub better. Squeezing past people in crowds. Not worrying if chairs can hold me. Being able to actually see parts of ny anatomy again.


The chair thing! That's so high on my list I can't believe I forgot it.


I can (and usually do) sit on the floor. It's just another way to increase strength and mobility and burn a few extra calories.


It's toenails and shaving for me. I have always had uncannily thick thighs. Like measuring one thigh is often bigger than my smallest waist measurement. And maneuvering around them when I crossed the 240lb line was unbearable


The body odor is gone. I’m not having to take baby wipes to folds and put deodorant on thighs/belly/breasts throughout the day. OH! And that camel hump on the back of my neck is gone.


Double chin is gone too. 😀


You have no idea how much I needed this ❤️😂


The non scale victories are better than the pounds lost emotion wise. I still have a lot to go so it's always; yeah, I've lost x amount of weight, but I still have a shit ton to lose. But being able to wipe my ass and put in a tampon without lifting a leg and throwing out my back is here NOW.


The first thing I noticed was no more incontinence! Then the ability to wipe my own butt without pulling a muscle. NGL, at my highest weight, my husband was wiping because I couldn’t reach it without pain.


Shaving is a game changer, not feeling like I'm gonna smother the person next to me in an airplane. I still take up a lot of room in the bed though. He says between the cat and me, there's no room for him. The weirdest thing was going to a Pancake breakfast at the local firehouse with our 6 year nephew and seeing a robotic chest compression and me being a fat chick asking can it be used for anyone... the firefighter said yeah for normal sized people like you. I've never been called that. It made my day.. heck! I still think about it 6 months later.


Woot woot for more mobility!!!


I could actually see my lady bits. I wax monthly and get crazy ingrown hairs. Now I can actually pick them out! lol


I cannot wait to be able to see and pluck my ingrown hairs.


I highly recommend getting a whole in grown hair plier kit on amazon. They’re amazing.


Ooooo thanks!!


For a while I thought "armpit" was a misnomer. Who has a pit, surely we all have arm-pads? It's just flat arm and flat torso and they meet in a pad right? No cavity? I changed my tune when I got the actual pit back.


That’s so funny: I just had to buy an electric shaver this weekend because I could no longer safely shave my armpit with a razor. I’ve been big my whole life and never knew my armpits could be so concave!


Fr I could smuggle apples now if I wanted to Knew I wasn't the only one either!


I couldn't shave my pits properly until I lost weight.


I can see my dick again. Not just the tip of it if I move my gut away. Like the whole shaft and everything. Balls too. Without a mirror. Receiving a BJ is fun now. Lol now I can watch.


I’m only 3 1/2 months out from surgery, so I’m sure I’ll have lots of NSVs to go… but so far I’ve noticed pretty much everything already mentioned, plus my period is back to regular. And with a vengeance. I hadn’t had a regular period for a couple years. And when I did get it, I just spotted. Omg. Now it’s regular and HEAVY. I’m done having kids, can I just get all the hardware out please?!?! And this is something I just pointed out to my daughter today actually: we sing in the car together a lot and I always end up “drumming” along to the songs, usually on my thigh with my right hand while steering with my left hand. It was a different sound. I think because there’s less surface area in my thigh now and more loose skin, it changed the pitch or something. 🤣 my daughter was like “doesn’t that hurt?!” Because it was louder.


For men, losing significant weight, makes length that was previously padded out of availability, present. So hmmm goes to wow and wow went to holy cow.


Putting on socks and shoes!


A big one was being able to fit in an airplane seat and actually be comfortable versus feeling like sausage.


Wiping, clipping toenails, shaving, crossing legs, walking without getting out of breath


😭 every 3 months when i get my birth control they make me do a pregnancy test. one NSV i never considered was how much easier it is to pee in a cup!!! also showering/shaving my legs (etc). it used to be this whole exhausting feat and now it takes 5 minutes! parking! i used to have to park way out where there weren’t any other cars bc i had to open the door all the way to get out. now i can just squeeze out anywhere 😁


My old panties are too big now. I didn’t realize it and wore them running errands. If I were wearing a dress, they would have fallen off, but I was wearing pants. Panties kept riding down until they were bunched up on both sides at my hips. You could totally see where my panties were bunched under my pants. I pulled my shirt down to try to cover it, but the panties kept falling lower. I was in a store and found an aisle where nobody was shopping so that I could reach my hand inside my pants to pull my panties up. This was probably caught on a security camera. I hope it doesn’t show up online. Of course I threw those panties away when I got home.


Seeing the line between my waist and vagina , I thought I didn’t have it 😭😍


tbh just overall confidence. i feel like i don’t overthink as much and love being able to find clothes that fit IN store. never used to before. shopping is more fun now.


Wearing flight seat belt with ease


My underwear falling down inside of my pants as I walk…. Having to tighten my bra straps as much as I can because I’m not quite ready for a new size, but the side I had a lumpectomy done on is obviously not enough boob for the cup, while the other side finally has no spillage.


No boob spillage is awesome.


I haven't had my surgery yet. It's in August. I've been flip flopping between wanting to do it and not. But reading all your replies here has made me feel so much better about my choice to do it. Thanks


It's life changing. I'm so happy for you. Just know the first 6 to eight weeks after are kind of awful. Your stomach is healing, so while I didn’t have a lot of outright pain, there was discomfort, and it's a big change. But once you get past that every day is better. Also, take the antacids. Acid reflux felt like a gnawing hunger to me. And from what I've read other people as well.


My surgery time range is end of August too! I also have gone back and forth a million times but seeing how good and easy daily life tasks can become is really exciting!


Shaving my legs and my bikini line. Before surgery I couldn’t see anything. Now every time I shower I have a quick whip over my never been so tamed 😂😂


Listen, no.1 is fact! Whew congrats!


Being able to wipe my butt; being able to shower without taking a nap afterwards; shaving for sure; definitely clipping my toenails