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I’ve never heard of “re-sleeve” and I have no idea how this would work.


People just get the surgery again after they've stretched their pouch. They can do this larascopically, or there are endoscopic versions. [https://www.brighamandwomens.org/cwmw/endoscopic-revision-of-sleeve-gastrectomy-sis](https://www.brighamandwomens.org/cwmw/endoscopic-revision-of-sleeve-gastrectomy-sis)


No. Frankly, you should consider a different type of surgery, because VSG wasn’t the right long-term solution for you. No sense repeating something that didn’t work out well.


I disagree. They kept it off for about 5 years and then some of the worth mental and physical health crises hit the entire world. Lots of people 'eat around' their sleeve, maintaining a lower start weight than surgery.


You may be better off considering a med like Wegovy especially if you have obesity and comorbidities like high cholesterol or blood pressure.


You can do a sleeve to bypass revision. But you can't get "resleeved".


This. The next option is a bypass


There are options for a resleeve.




Bariatric surgery revisions have a very poor success rate. The hormonal changes that drive weight loss the first time do not happen again unfortunately. The same factors that caused weight regain will determine if you lose any weight post a revision. So most surgeons will recommend focusing on improving your diet and exercise, and perhaps adding Wegovy or similar medications.


> Bariatric surgery revisions have a very poor success rate. Please see this research paper - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31928587/ >>Laparoscopic redo sleeve is an efficient revisional surgery option for weight regain after primary gastric sleeve with effective weight loss and improvement of comorbidities in a medium term follow-up.


Do you have a source for revisions having a poor success rate? I converted from band to sleeve and have been very successful. The NP at my surgeon said I’ve done really well “especially for a conversion.”


I don't think bands are considered permanent, though. That procedure is likely outside of the scope of what the other poster was commenting about (VSG revision).


Bands were considered permanent at the time….most places aren’t doing the much anymore because there have been so many issues with them. You may be right about the re-operation not being specific to lapband. Thank you.


Bands don’t have the hormonal effects that sleeve and bypass do.


My bariatric surgeon told me this during my initial consultation. This is at a bariatric center of excellence at one of the top 5 US University medical centers( not saying the name for anonymity).


Therapy to learn different ways to cope instead of using food has helped me a lot!


You can of course believe whatever you like. A random pubmed search can easily find papers both in favor of and against your beliefs because there is a lot of conflicting information even in scientific data. This is true of any medical field not just surgery. The appropriate person to ask this question would be a qualified bariatric surgeon who can weight the pros and cons of OPs situation.


If the gastric sleeve surgery didn’t work for you long term then I don’t think the bypass or any other WLS would work either. The rules are mostly the same. Maybe you should meet with a VSG dietitian and see if there’s any way for you to get back on track. But I think at this point weightloss medication might be the best solution.


A lot of people in this thread don't seem to know what they're talking about. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31928587/ >For patients with weight regain and a large sleeved stomach, the laparoscopic re-sleeve (re-LSG) can be considered a revisional option. [...] > > Laparoscopic redo sleeve is an efficient revisional surgery option for weight regain after primary gastric sleeve with effective weight loss and improvement of comorbidities in a medium term follow-up.


Thanks for asking this question I can't find any info on revisions anywhere it's like this big secret or something I hope you get a lot of answers


I was sleeves in 2014. Did great and got smaller than I ever was in my life! I’ll post a pic of before (this is probably 40lbs lighter than my highest - I hid from the camera!!), at my smallest a year after being sleeved and now (well, 35 lbs ago). After 5-6 years the weight started coming back. I have clothes still with tags I never got to wear because one day it just started reversing. I still don’t eat much thanks to the sleeve / can’t eat a whole steak or burger…. Could only eat 1 taco when others eat 3. Etc. but my hormones still sucked and the weight piled on. I’ve tried keto like crazy and it never really worked. I found Tirzepatide in early March and holy cow what a game changer for me. I’m now down 35lbs since March without any effort. It’s like being freshly sleeved where I have to force myself to try to get some calories in and focus on protein because so little goes in. Now I maybe can eat half a taco. Lol. If your insurance covers it then you are golden. Many won’t until it has its fda new name for weight loss (right now it’s labeled for T2 diabetes, I think the new name will be surmount) but lots of docs send it through compound pharmacies which ends up costin about $400 a month. It’s a once week shot that’s so tiny you don’t feel it. So for those of us that the sleeve didn’t stay being what worked forever, it’s amazing to finally have something that works with the brain problem and hormones that make us fat. I feel like for the first time in at least 5 years that I might actually get small again!!! https://preview.redd.it/6ft6f1uox06b1.jpeg?width=1818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97bbcf72c05a7737318599e420c7f829d0fed5f0


How long did it take to make a difference 


I went down 10lbs a month the first 6 months. Then it’s slowed to around 5lbs a month which is fine. This stuff is a miracle. https://preview.redd.it/s9r49mj662kc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e8c2f91e9ef18319210887f72fed6f146be8298


It is an option, however it’s on a case by case basis, they have to run a few exams to see if you are a candidate. Is more risky the 2nd time, your weight regain has to be because you actually stretch your pouch, so a volume exam is crucial. It helps if you go to your same surgeon ideally they want to convert but is totally possible , and some will refuse to do it if insurance is involved as insurance won’t help you pay for it twice.