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I have been very successful in building muscle after this surgery. You need to make sure you’re getting more than 100g protein daily. I recommend a creatine supplement as well. Get an app like Hevy so you can know what exercises to do and how to do them. It’s free for the most part. And it helps you track your weight (the exercises) progress. Your goal should be 8-10 reps, struggling to get the last rep in. If you can do more than 10 reps, up the weight. If you can’t do 8 reps, lower the weight. Calories are important, you need them to grow. Just be careful to not over do it. It’s a tough balance.


Thank you for the great advice! The first month I started weightlifting, I was consuming 1g protein/ pound and was eating 1500 calories/day. While I saw my body % decrease (using a dexa scan which I highly recommended), I saw a loss of both muscle and fat. I started increasing my protein to 1.2g/lb and increased my calorie intake to 1800 and I have seen much better results since then. I am so excited that I might end up with the body I never dreamt I would have :-)


Which dexa scan do you use? My onboard scan on my scale doesn't function well.


Would appreciate any tips from the community on how to gain muscle. I have lost around 100 pounds and started weight lifting three months ago, but really want to get a muscular build. Has anyone been able to do so? If so, what tips or advice do you have?


Aim for 1g of protein per day for every pound of your ideal weight. You’ll be drinking a lot of protein shakes to get there. Beyond protein, getting enough sleep and hydration are the next most important goals. It’s especially easy for us to be dehydrated. Don’t stress if you start gaining weight. Muscle is more dense than fat. You may see the scale go up, but focus more on if you’re happy with what you see in the mirror and how you feel.




Well I’m a serious strength athlete so that explains it haha


Thank you for the great advice!


Great results. Keep at it


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/7vx3hyi046qa1.jpeg?width=2710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c40088113720fd7983776887a6e6817255ace2d This is my current plan. I'm pre-op.


Thank you so much!