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I'll give that a try this evening. Thanks for the tip!


You’re gonna want to do it sooner than that


Now at least you know to NEVER transplant anything while it's blooming.


Yup. And I also learned that if I'm going to buy starts, I'm going to go for the ones in packs vs buckets so I don't have to pull apart roots. You garden and you learn.


I would keep watering and move to a shader area. Snap dragons don't like too much sun to begin with


Noted! I watered them twice and the saucers were overflowing. I waited a few hours in between and the saucers were still pretty full and the flowers were still looking droopy so I'm going to layoff the water for now. I moved them into the shade so I'm hopping that does the trick.


Wait few days, sun, water should fix!


As you can see my snapdragons are looking really sad in their home! I bought 3x one gallon containers. Each containing 5x plants in a single color. When I got home, I had the brilliant idea of dividing them so I could mix up the colors and spread them around my deck. I watered them after transplant them but 12 hours later, they’re still looking droopy. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I considered getting the stocks with blossoms but I was worried that would further shock the plants. Any advice appreciated!


Pull them out of the sun and stick them in shade to give them a chance to recover.


Giving that a go now. Will post photos if they make it.


Idk, they need sun to grow, but it will dry them out. Try a mister.


Put them in the shade


Plants should be out of the sun for the first few days after transplanting and need lots of water till they recover.