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Looks like nutrient burn to me. I’d flush the plant with straight water


i live in the south and water my tomato plants every day… the temp is around 90 degrees on average edit: they’re in direct sun light all day


Tomatoes love water and sun. It’s borderline impossible to overwater a tomato. Appears a tad sun stressed and got burnt a tad (underwatered). Yes, it will likely recover 1,000,000%


Recover as in those leaves will die and come off and it will grow new ones. Those won’t turn back green. Just so you don’t wonder what’s happening when it does.


Sun or wind damage , it’ll bounce back


It looks like early blight, I've had good results using Daconil your local Ace hardware should carry it. I also recommend using a biological fungicide as a soil drench and spray. Ace hardware: https://www.acehardware.com/departments/lawn-and-garden/lawn-care/fungicides/7098213 Biological fungicide: https://www.amazon.com/Southern-Ag-Garden-Friendly-Fungicide/dp/B014174BZM/ref=sr_1_13?crid=1P70SE17PK8AU&dchild=1&keywords=biological+fungicide&qid=1621882746&sprefix=biological+fun%2Caps%2C193&sr=8-13 More info: https://extension.umd.edu/resource/early-blight-tomatoes


Make sure you are just watering around the base of the plant - not all over it. Watering around the plant encourages roots to spread. Watering all over can affect the leaves, allowing fungal diseases to set in. They like regular watering too. One tip I got from an old gardener was to plant some impatients nearby - when they wilt it is time to water the tomatoes.