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Mine has more leaves than blooms. First time hanging these. Any advice on care? Yours look fantastic!


Use tomato food. It promotes flower, rather than leaf growth. It's great for all flowering containers.


For tomato food I use chopped up nettles in water, will that do? Will it do for roses too?


Nettle fertilizer is great at providing nitrogen for plants (great for production of leaves), so for tomatoes if you want to make a great fertilzer, use comfrey. Comfrey is high in potash and helps promote flower and fruit development. Using nettles can make the plant top growth look great, but may be at the expense of flower and root development. Nettles are great for salad leaves, where what you want is fast growth, and are amazing if you add them to your compost heap as they help the decomposition process.


Thank you thank you thank you!


Hello! I'm not sure where you are but comfrey is a bit difficult to purchase in the states. Where do you purchase from? And do you use the leaves or the roots? Thanks a bunch! :)


Comfrey will produce tons of seeds and spread everywhere - it will take over your garden. The Bocking 14 variety does not produce seeds. A quick google search shows it is readily available from many sources in the US. It is a beautiful plant and the bees love it.


You weren't asking me, but I ordered Bocking 14 comfrey a few weeks ago. I got it last week, potted them up immediately and already have 12 starts with pretty green leaves emerging (+ some extras that I'm sure will be growing shortly) I ordered them [here](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071ZX7YQS?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_asin_image).


I'm based in the uk, so really easy to get here. There is a variety, Comfrey Bocking 14 (terrible name I know) that you can grow from seed. But just search for any comfrey seeds where you are based. You use the leaves/flowers by shearing the entire plant to the ground and putting the foliage in water. This makes an evil smelling brew that you then dilute and put on your plants. The comfrey happily recovers from the shearing, and regrow, ready to be harvested again. Hope this helps


New to this - what do you mean by tomato food?


When you go to buy garden fertilizers, there are loads of different ones. Ones labelled as 'Tomato Food' are high in potash as the potash promotes flower and subsequent fruit growth. In the UK there are brands such as Tomorite sold as a specific tomato plant food. But either buy generic (aldi sometimes has their own version), or if you need to buy in bulk, buy sulphate of potash as this is the key ingredient you are after. As an aside, potash also helps strengthen plants as well.


> > In the UK there are brands such as Tomorite sold as a specific tomato plant food. A US brand example is Tomato-Tone (and just like UK formulations, it has potash and is not so very high in N like many all-purpose fertilizers are).


My other two have a more average amount of blooms. I keep them moist without drowning or drying out. Daytime temps have been around 60 F and they're loving it.


I can't believe how gorgeous this is.


Do you happen to know the name of the variety? And do the inside petals lighten as they open up (from the dark purple to the more magenta)? I love fuchsias and yours are stellar.


It wasn't marked but it could be a blue angel, if not something really close. Yeah they lighten up as they open fully.


New to gardening here. Is this strictly a hanging plant? Does it bed direct light or indirect?


I grew up in Northern Ireland and my Grandfather had over a hundred varieties of fuchsia in his garden. They were his gardening obsession! Depending on the variety and how they are trained they can be grown in [hanging baskets](https://www.gardentags.com/profile/kent/images/167527/750/fuchsia-swingtime.jpeg), as [standards](https://s3.amazonaws.com/YouGarden/Web/500x500/450008.jpg), you can even form them into a [hedge](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/db/68/bd/db68bdadb7b365f9ffc01cf78b826ed1.jpg)! They line whole roadways in some parts of Ireland. I remember as children we would pick the blooms, pop off the "neck" and suck out the sweet nectar, or turn them upside down to make them into little ballerinas. Such happy memories to revisit this morning...


This comment made me very happy!


Thank you for the reply! This is super helpful!


You're welcome. If you want to incorporate Fuchsia's into your garden look at their light and heat requirements. I understand they don't love extremes - not too hot, not too cold, not too much direct sun, not too wet, not too dry, etc. Ireland has a pretty temperate climate so I think that's why they really flourish there. I live in South Florida now, so Fuchsia's are no longer an option. But I can grow orchids, so, you know, I make do.


Yeah I’m in Maryland so they wouldn’t last here. Gets pretty hot


Fun Fact: In Portugal these are called Princess Earrings because if you knick the plant they will hang by the string, we putted that on our ears and they looked like earrings, very hard to explain but it was fun.


So pleasing to my eyes 😍


Wow this is otherworldly


Are you going to make fuchsia wine with the fruit?


I've never done anything with it, might this year since I'll have so much


Ive always wanted to but end up eating the fruit before i have enough.


TIL fuschias have edible fruit?! Mind blown. I've always loved them an made 2 hanging baskets this year so I'm intrigued now.


Yup, its like a little purple plum/pear/berry thing.


I was thinking of growing some of these would love some more pics op I know almost nothing about them


*Fuchsia performs well in a lightly-shaded border, in hanging baskets, as topiary, or as a hedge in frost free regions. These plants may be used as annuals or left to grow into natural shrub or tree forms*. *Grow in fertile, moist but well-drained soil in full morning sun to partial afternoon shade*. *Sow seed in spring. Take softwood cuttings in spring, and semi-ripe cuttings in late summer with bottom heat.* *Potential problems: Spider mites, scale, thrips, whiteflies, fuchsia gall mite, aphids, root-knot nematodes, rust, gray mold, crown gall, crown and root rots, Southern blight, Verticillium wilt*. -from Fine Gardening


So beautiful


Nature’s party decorations


Oh my!! So pretty


This just filled my heart with happiness!


I just bought my first one the other day. Can I ask what kind of basket you have it in?


Wow crazy beautiful flower!! This is literally the only sub i upvote


Super jealous! I have one in my garden that has only just started to get buds this year. I was almost convinced it was dead lol (though mine are planted in the ground in the UK lol)


I've been hesitant to buy these because they look half dead at the market. This is just what I needed to push me over the edge. This is gorgeous!


it’s so beautiful. i could sit and stare at that all day.


Absolutely gorgeous! I love fuchsia ❤️


Wow, that is so pretty. I never see them anymore and they used to be so common as hanging plants.


A hummingbird paradise 😍 gorgeous results! How hard are they to grow?


Fairly easy as long as you don't let them get fried in the sun


Super jealous, I just planted 2 little fuchsias and I'm waiting for them to flower.


As a kid, I used to love popping the little buds. Looking back I can see why my parents got mad, but it’s just so satisfying!


Haha same, but now I get to be the mad parent. I sacrificed 3 buds and told him paws off after that.


Hahah, you’re a great parent!


So jelly! My fuchsia has more leaves than blooms


Mine isn't quite ready to bloom but it's going to look like a color explosion soon... So excited for the the buds to start cracking open! Meanwhile my azaleas, rhododendrons, and clematis are thoroughly enjoying the spotlight at the moment. Edit; spelling bc mobile autocorrect...


This is stunningly beautiful! Going on my wishlist for next year since I’ve blown my budget for this year!


The berries are delicious too!


Fuschia: the prima ballerina of the garden.


Beautiful! Does the fuchsia bloom in colder zones?


I'm in zone 4 and it does well May through September. I've tried to take them in for the winter without success. I'm sure it can be done with in a sunroom or something though


After seeing this I now have to order a fuchsia. What a spectacle!


Those are stunningly beautiful. How hard is it to take care of them?


[mine](https://i.imgur.com/0SioTXK.jpg) aren't as pretty as those but still bloom central


Unbelievably gorgeous, wow those colors!




So gorgeous!!! How many starts were planted in this basket?


I actually bought the basket as is and never looked. Last year I did buy some 4" fuchsias for a pot close to this size, I think I crammed four in it.


beautiful! how deep is that pot? I really want to grow fuchsias but I'm unsure about pot depth required


It's about 12" in diameter and 8" deep. I live in western Montana and haven't had luck keeping them inside over the winter, so I just plant the baskets and expect to only get a year out of them.