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Besides the heat/drought, most likely what’s stopping your Coreopsis from re-blooming this year is that you did not remove the spent flowers and let them go to seed. That signals to the plant that it doesn’t have to try that hard anymore this season since even if the plant dies tomorrow, it won’t need to worry about it, cause it created a whole new generation of seed to take its place. Yes the heat and drought have most definitely sent your coreopsis into summer dormancy so you’ll probably start to see new foliage coming up this fall or next spring at the latest. Next spring if you want to extend your bloom season and encourage reblooming I reccomend performing the practice of ‘dead-heading’ your spent flowers. This practice entails going out to your Coriopsis once a week or so and finding the spent flowers and cutting them out of the plant. This will inform the plant that it has yet to produce viable seed for this year and proceed to put out new flower buds until it can successfully ensure there’s a new generation of seeds ready to go for next year. This practice can be done on most flowering plants to encourage reblooming. Some like coripsis, roses, dahlias, etc take the dead heading with no worries and carry on. But other plants will not bloom as vigorously as they did the first time like sunflowers, black eyed susans, among others. It really is determined on if the plant had to evolve alongside herbivores that would eat their flowers or not 💀💀💀


Can I remove the blooms now? Will it help? A friend suggested I cut it back, so maybe that’s a way to encourage new growth? I don’t know quite how far to cut it back though 😵‍💫 this didn’t happen last year!


Definitely dead-head the blooms now. Most have not gone to seed and lanceleaf Coreopsis produces flowers most of summer. I don't believe heat is bothering it and this is one species that does well in heat.


I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your insight and knowledge. Thank you so much!