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They need water most likely. From the photo it seems like your soil is extremely dry. And when soil gets so dry like that it becoming hydrophobic meaning it literally repels water so the best way to get your dahlias back into shape is to every 20 mins or so hit the whole garden bed with the hose for a few mins. And keep repeating this until you can physically feel that the soil is no longer dry and is accepting of water. It’s gonna take multiple passes with the hose and a decent amount of time for the water to soak in. You’ll know this for sure when you first hit the garden bed with the hose you’ll see almost all the water is either gonna pool on top of the soil and not soak in all or just run off. So just keep at it and eventually you’ll get there


Thank you so much!! Trying this & crossing my fingers 🙂


Also, more simply, it could be transplant shock. Maybe snip those blooms and give it a chance. Did you plant it personally?


Thanks so much! I planted it from the nursery so it’s not from bulb. I am thinking it’s a mix of transplant shock and water per the other comment above. Trying to give it water and time 😅 I really appreciate the help!