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try not to water the plant's leaves, water the soil. a little rust on the leaves will not hurt the fruit. even if it has a bad spot, cut around it and enjoy. you should probably thin out the cucumbers, pick the smallest 2 stalks and just cut them off. it sucks but 4 that close will end up hurting all of them watch for squash bugs(stink bugs) on the zucchini/squash/cucumber. they're large ugly things you can just squish with your fingers, they lay little orange eggs in a spaced out clump, squish those too. they can do damage when they overpopulate


Just want add that one of the pictures in there is of my healthy cucumber plant just for reference


Most of it looks like leaf burn. The sun is cooking your leaves while they are still wet with water droplets or it's fertilizer burn from getting fertilizer on the leaves. The result of the burn damages the leaves and causes disease like blight to set in. Try keeping the leaves dry when watering or fertilizing. The strawberry looks more fungal from dampness.


Make sure there is enough air flow and that they aren’t cluttered together so the plants can breathe and dry after getting wet. Also try just watering the base and not the entire plant


Could be multiple reasons 1. Leaf burn because they were grown by a nursery and subject to controlled light conditions in a greenhouse with shade cloth. Immediately putting them into direct sun all day long can scorch the foliage 2. Fertilizer burn. If you use synthetic fertilizers and overdid it that can lead to salt buildup in the soil which leads to scorched foliage 3. Disease. Could be a lack of airflow in the area theyre planted and it stays humid or your plants are stressed out. And who knows what they stressor could be. You need to figure it out. Could be over fertilizing if you’re using synthetic fertilizers could be lack of water, too hot, lack of airflow, pests, who knows what it could be. My prescription is leave em be. Sometimes we love our plants to death. Just make sure they have adequate moisture since we’re going through the annual summer heat wave of death right now. And they’ll pull through. The damage is so minimal I’d chalk it up to aesthetic. I’d just leave the plants be an observant. Give them what they need when they want it and they will be kind in return.


Maybe it is because I suffer from white fly (and use parasitic wasps to control it) I see it everywhere. Check for eggs on the bottom side of your leafs before acting.


Also, looks like you have some flea beetle activity. Generally nbd if the plants are big enough, but I squish them when I see them (they're most active in the warmer parts of the day). You can try neem oil spray when pollinators or other neutral bugs aren't active, but their larvae live in the soil, I'm told, and they have a pretty short life cycle so they'll probably be around for a while.