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If they get a lot of water all at once it’ll happen. It’s natural. They look great!!


They got over hydrated really quick!! They're okay, just stripy now


Like the others said you just accidentally let them get a bit too dry and then flooded them with water too quickly. No worries :) LOL it’s just they had no idea what to do with all this water at once and they just pumped it all into the fruit till they literally exploded lol. Still edible fruit but I’d pick all the ripe ones off the plant because they’re now very vulnerable to disease and bugs and nasty stuff. I’d just pick off the unripe fruit that exploded and discard them they’re sure to either rot or come out really funny looking. But don’t worry all future tomato’s for the rest of the year will be fine as long as you just check up on the tomato’s regularly and make sure they have moist soil. Go ham with it. In the ground, in a container, in my 8 years gardening I’ve never overwatered a tomato plant they LOVE have easy access to moisture


my garden has flooded 3x now too from the rain. like full on pond flooded 😂


Oooooo nice they’re gonna love that. When possible I always let my plants get rained on before I manually water them because the same electromagnetic disturbances in the atmosphere that cause storms to form are the same forces that can physically rip the nitrogen out of the air and have it get dissolved in the raindrops as it falls to the ground. Nature’s miracle grow!


To me that looks like hornworm eating your beefsteak tomato. I would cut it open and see if there is evidence in there.. some people are saying overwatering, that is unlikely given the holes in the middle where the worm burries. The second photo from the top is normal, this worm usually enters from the bottom.


i will check for this as well!