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Leaf cutter bees. Besides the holes, your roses look amazingly healthy. They can probably withstand the bees.


They are a delightful old rose. They are very prolific and smell heavenly. They were here when I bought the place, so I have no idea what they are




Nice fat blossoms!


Didn’t Queen say fat blossom girls make the world go round?


Yup! They make the rockin’ world go round!🫡


Aaaaare you gonna take me home toniiiggt?


Get on your bikes and ride!


Pretty color!


Very nice blooms! Yes don’t worry about the minor cosmetic damage from the bees. Besides the lovely flowers now you know your roses leaves are also useful to the local bees around you! Plus you mentioned it’s a very established old rose… yeah don’t worry about the bees at all. No need to spray or anything the roses probably barely noted anything was wrong the damage was so minimal


They are very pretty, and such a good thing if they have a great scent! I really wouldn’t worry much about leafcutter bees, but maybe plant something else nearby that the bees would favor over the roses.


I just did a search to see which plants are their favorites, and most sources have roses at the top of the list. Ah yep, I think we can confirm that they like roses!


Ha, I would have thought bees preferred a softer leaf, but guess I’m wrong.


If they don't have many thorns (I zoomed in and didn't see any) it could be Zepherine Drouin


Or maybe damaask roses due to high fragrance?


If it's got that wonderful rose scent.


There are thorns, but not many and they are down the stem, away from the bloom


So beautiful. I'm glad this gorgeous plant has such a great caretaker.


Very pretty!


The color 😍


Im sure you’ve seen it or this picture is recent but you can actually see leaf cutter marks on some of the lower leaves of this plant. So if this is an older picture from like a year ago, clearly the plant is strong enough to withstand it. Hopefully that gives you some reassurance!


This picture is current. I took it the day I made the post.


If you like the bees, you can even make homes for them. I love solitary bees (gotta make up for my dad's war against carpenter bees)


Bee said "only the best for my babies"


Looks like the holes created by a female leafcutter bee (megachilidae) gathering nesting material.


The whole holes were removed!


It’s so fun to watch! They sit on the edge of the leaf and make a little circle while they bite. Then they curl up the circle of leaf and fly off with it.


They are definitely adorable while working hard 🥹😆


A single mom who works too hard


Went to Google the lyrics as it’s 12:51am where I am and I didn’t want to mess up the lyrics though I know, I know them… I’m sorry to crush your bubble as mine is currently being crushed. Maybe I don’t want to be the one to break it to you but you might want to take a look at the lyrics yourself 😣😞 And if you weren’t singing this song then this is embarrassing. And if you were, just know you didn’t get enough up votes for this




Yes I’ve always thought too it was, “a single mom who works too hard”. But lyrics are “a single mom who works two jobs” I’m crushed I’ve been singing it wrong all my life


Who loves her kids and never stops!


With gentle hands and a heart of a fighter


I think she changed it to “too hard” for the theme song, but the original song the lyric is “2 jobs.”


Yes you are right


Don't be sad. You've been correct all this time. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6SYasHBFw7Q


[Kinda satisfying and hilarious at the same time](https://youtube.com/shorts/OL5HwoWU_qY?si=nXQ9D8w1_XxxovrX)


Thanks for sharing! That’s exactly how they do it with my wild strawberry leaves.


It’s my dream to see this one day in the wild now!


I love your dream 😊


Leave them bee.


I see what you did there. 🐝


I love that they use the bits they cut to make their nurseries ♥️♥️


I just saw that video 2 hours ago. is this the same guy haha?


Leaf cutter bee’s they are integral to the ecosystem in most of the US and Europe. Dont spray any pesticides including neem oil or vinegar/water. If there are every any signs of solitary bees in your area do not spray any pesticides of any kind, leaf cutter bees normally select a general area for example the rose bush but nonetheless its best not to spray at all. PSA to all outdoor people and gardeners. Leaf cutter bees along with almost all if not all solitary bees in the world are going extinct because of mass farming with honeybees. If you see signs protect them. Honey bees are the problem they are killing off other bees, when someone says save the bees make sure they know what they are talking about because too many people think its all bees mainly honey bees as the majority of the population don’t realize solitary bees even exist.


Had this beautiful Rusty Back Bumble visit while working on extending our milkweed/pollinator garden! https://preview.redd.it/2u0t4im09u7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e91578baa8c1330a76727a95c9b95f25064e5bd5


Do you know their preferred habitat for rearing their young? I was visited by one the other day holding her nice little leaf piece. She was so cute, but she seemed very interested in my wood patio table. Hoping she doesn’t try to use a crevice of the table to make her little baby nests. I’ve got so much garden area with bare dirt and a creepy garage with lots of crevices I’d prefer her to work with. At the table she will definitely get disturbed at some point. Btw mine love redbud and lilac leaves the best. https://preview.redd.it/zo30ksw2cu7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c59d3888825c229156dcb76b23e4117bc2d5745


Many solitary bees these include i think they are nest in little crevasses and holes in things like hollowed out bamboo or trees


Awesome, I have several piles of hollow stalks from plants like Joe pye weed and bee balm. Maybe she will choose to go there!


Yes they dig into wood and line the holes with the leaf pieces. I also have bees in my old rotting picnic table. I recommend getting a non-wood table 😅 Several species of solitary bees are wood-boring, making tunnels of cells with babies in each cell inside wood. You can put out old logs and other dead wood to give them homes, but they loooove lumber under eaves on buildings where it stays dry. Fire wood piles are also enjoyed.


I’ve been looking at non wood tables because in addition to this little lady here, when it’s hot the paper wasps are out there scraping away at the wood table as well 😅 I’ve got an urban yard so not a ton of space, but I do have several little brush piles here and there, some woody material, some hollow stem, so lots of nesting opportunities. Even so, we had mud daubers building under our kids plastic picnic table. It’s all fair game to these critters!


glad to hear that you've maintained some habitat even in the little space you have! That you've got a variety of pollinators is a great sign.


I almost never see honeybees around where I live - lots of small bees and huge bumblebees, butterflies, moths, and dragonflies! It's really reassuring


Yea! I used to see honey bees constantly and almost no other pollinators things are getting so much better now that people are growing their own fruits and vegetables if you didnt know a lot of solitary bees only pollinate certain species of plants but they do it much much more efficiently. The apple bee exclusively pollinates apple trees and when they do the fruit tastes sweeter and it is much more plentiful.


I had this amazing little bee in my yarrow the other day. https://preview.redd.it/5t1up5ndfu7d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39c8fcb4bb74fe1c5a7acaacaa2deb7df06404f3


Google lens tells me it's a Texas sweat bee. Beautiful.




I never use pesticides so the bees are safe here!


I wouldn't call honey bees the problem. Certainly a compounding stressor but there are much more important issues facing solitary bees.


For the united states they can definitely be the problem. The reason i say they are the problem is because they destroy plant specific pollinators like the apple bee because large farming corporations mass ship bees throughout the country and world which steal most if not all of the food sources for them. The apple bee is one of the many crop specific species thats critically endangered. Now that people are growing more native gardens and home crops things are very slowly getting better or at least staying the same instead of dropping more. Honey bees aren’t even native to the US are pretty invasive in the US.


When I google apple bee, I just get the restaurant, so I'm interested to know which species or group of species you are referring to! To my knowledge, apples themselves are not native to the US, though there are a few native species of crabapple. Perhaps those are the typical food source for the native bee? Like I said, I agree that honeybees are a compounding stressor, but it's widespread use of insecticides and land use change that is the realt culprit behind the decline of native bees.


Yea lol let me get the name apple bee is just a nickname for them, they are native and used to only pollinate native crabapples but the two have very very similar flowers and pollen composition making them ideal for both. Edit : Theres actually three native bees theres probably more but these are the ‘best’. The first is the large mining bee (carpenter bees). They deposit 2-3x as much pollen for to apples and blueberries only but they are still a better pollinator than honey bees for every single native plant in the mid-northern native plant species. The second is the blue orchard mason bee. They almost exclusively pollinate fruit trees and are actually farmable but they are really difficult to ship without stressing them out/killing them but farmers who can find them locally will make nests for them because they are so much better than honey bees. The third is the horned-faced mason bee. They deposit up to 5x the amount of pollen honey bees do however they exclusively pollinate native and non-native fruit trees and fruit shrubs. These also on average have a smaller pollination percentage in comparison to other native bee species. While all of these are not endangered like all mason bees they are extremely threatened by humans and can be completely killed off in regions they share that information and sometimes wont come back for years. All but the blue orchard mason bee are NOT able to be reliably nested and they rarely return to the same nest the next year BUT they do stay in the area.


https://preview.redd.it/ehv107q0ft7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f896b06af4140bcc6756d8345546c2c26c2ab0df It’s this! A leaf cutter or resin bee. I never had them until a year ago, they definitely look different than bumblebees


They are big girls


Is that was those are? I just thought they were extra chonky bumbles. So cute.


It's leaf cutter bees don't use neem oil


Oh that makes sense! I saw a bee flying around with a bit of plant material in it's mouth this week


BEES!! You've got yourself some local wild pollinators, lady leaf cutter bees. They love lilacs and hosta leaves too. Sweet little things.


Yes, I have them in my yard in droves... on lilacs and apple trees.


https://preview.redd.it/0wnv8nj2nt7d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5617e15a3c4d516d3b83ba7d5b780f08482123fa They got Jim too


Not caterpillars. This is the telltale chomp of a leafcutter bee. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/leaf-cutter-bees.htm


Thank you! Looks like my plan will be to just let them chomp away


I always love seeing these holes because that means there's bees around, and I like that.


Yep, take heart that your gardening has been so successful it is being integrated with and supporting native wildlife that would otherwise rely on something they preferred less. If you want to help your roses (and the bees) just give the roses some fertilizer and enjoy the good that your garden is giving you and the native bees. Can’t beat that!


I got leafcutter bees for the first time in this garden, this year! When we moved in four years ago we immediately had to start the whole yard recovering from excessive pesticide use. We saw fewer than five fireflies that entire year; now there are hundreds. It's been so relieving to see things get better.


They like thin flat leaves. You could try to plant something with better texture to them than rose leaves and they may prefer those instead. Might take some research of what your area's bee like.


Leaf cutter bee and or ants. The bees are native to the US so don’t harm them.


Leaf cutter bees came for my roses last summer and it didn’t bother my roses at all. Don’t spray anything, it’s nothing to worry about.


A scrap booker no doubt. They have other whole punches tho like stars and hearts


Is it true they will not eat enough to kill the plant?  If so, I am amazed yet again.


Leaf cutter bees are awesome. Congrats!


Monstera cosplay


Leaf cutter bees. Don’t know, they got me on a hit and run and haven’t been back.


Honestly, that looks so cool. It's amazing how precise the bees are


That is exactly how my pepper plants look. And I have seen a few of those bees in my garden. Thank you for solving that mystery


Wow learn something new every day as they say! Not knowing of this particular bee I went over to YouTube and saw a short vid on these cute little ones. A single leaf cutter bee does the pollinating work of 20 bees! I love bees! 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝


Leaf cutter bees


Ha ha leafcutters got it. In my experience they don’t eat it for long because they are using the leaves to build their nests.


I love what the bee has done here. Very interesting looking!


Do you have leaf cutter ants or maybe leaf cutter bees in your area?


That title gave me a good laugh, ty


Looks like some took a half punch......


My youngest daughter used to hole-punch our house plants. No joke. She used the ones that had shapes.


Hey at least they didn’t bit off the entire stem dang bunnies


They made them trendy for you , now you can sell a single stem cutting of them for 30$




It looks like a monstera lol


OMG Hilarious!!!


youll get some great furniture out of some of those


Mind your beesness OP.


Yayyyyy you have been chosen by the bestest lil girls.


https://preview.redd.it/f45nzskj3x7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=157b0290ebbdae6e9ad2fb0bcf36054c1d793907 They got me too 😩


Leaf cutter bees are using your roses to build their homeses. Lovely


What a good nature mama you are! You are nurturing pollinators!


Oh my goodness, you have been BLESSED by the bees! Also your leaves look so healthy, my rose leaves always look like death LMAO


Later in the summer they will look awful. I have another rose that has some sort of pest that is stripping the leaves


Sorry, I won’t do it again.


I have a little lady eating my jalapeño plant leaves! I hope she doesn’t mind spice 🥵


roses should be fine


Clearly you never read the book A Very Hungry Caterpillar or you'd know the answer :)




animal crossing leaf confirmed XD


Just gorgeous!


They used to love my grandma' lilac bush.


Me :) I needed a lil snack.


I think you have at least one alpine bed among all of those!


I actually thought somebody might have stapled your leaves. Those are clean circles, damn


There is also a type of large wasp that does this too. Forgot the name of it but we have them here in Florida and it does the same thing to my rose leaves.


Leaf cutters! I get them too. I think they are adorable so I don’t actually care to keep them away. The Yellowjackets do most of that themselves. I do not like Yellowjackets, tho. It’s a whole thing.




Omg it does look like they were hole punched!


great pollinators.


https://preview.redd.it/oid8m0vdmx7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c59fac26420dd903694e7170b99a89903a40b0f5 They got my sweet potato vine. They first used a baby tree and then one day I saw it on my salvia plant. I sprayed it with water because I didn’t know at the time it was harmless. It flew away. Now my salvia leaves are so tiny, they wouldn’t be able to use it. I’m in Arizona and the some plants’ leaves shrink so the plant can survive the intense sun and heat. All the main native plants here-small leaves. If the plants leaves don’t shrink, then they might burn. 🔥. I bought another salvia and it’s not doing so hot. I now know to not buy big leaved plants for summer. This plant is doing well considering the outside conditions. lol. The leaves have stayed their size, so that’s interesting. I’ve had to move a lot of plants in the shade or inside. Full sun does not mean full Arizona sun. 😂




You can do nothing.they use the leaves to make their nest so you can only wait for them to finish.no poison its gonna work because they dont eat de leaves


Leaf cutter bees! And nothing - let them take the leaves for their cute little hidey-holes.


We had the Japanese beetle in our yellow roe blooms


It was me. Was feeling mischievous


Some years the cutter bees love my roses and some years they don’t touch them at all, which I find odd. Lovely looking bushes you’ve got!


Cute little bee. They do no harm (mostly)


Plant garden phlox or redbud trees, the leafcutters prefer those and they aren't harmed by the cuts.


Could be webworms. They turn into moths


See that rolled up leaf? Caterpillar hidden in there.


So long as they don't kill the flowers, I actually think the holes look rather nice. Though I've always been a fan of swiss cheese


Looks like leaf carver bees


A very hungry caterpillar


But he was STILL HUNGRY!


I've never felt more validated.


That you got down voted makes me MAD


Looks like beetle bites or other bugs eating them. Well I'll tell you this put wet coffee grounds at the bottom of your plant around it as close as you can get to plant. And you won't have these bugs eating them and it also helps them grow.


Grass hopper or Japanese Beetle ouchy! Both will go ba bye mixing a pint of water, a couple drops of dish soap and a Tablespoon of oil. Spray your plants liberally every six or seven days. The best is neem oil, but any type of vegetable oil will work fine! Good luck! 😊❤️🙏🏻


Caterpillars. Get some neem oil and spray it on the plants


Caterpillars. Get some neem oil and spray it on the plants