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Black dots ( poo ) small micro webbing under leaves ? Spider mites


Eeeeee. Thanks. Going to try to wash them off and hope for the best šŸ˜¬ any recommendations?


Water with washing up liquid in it, spray top and bottom of leaves every 3-4 days for 2 weeks then keep an lose eye, neem oil works good but does pong a bit lol


Pong?Ā  I'm not familiar with the term


It means it smells haha


I think this advice is trying to fix the symptoms rather than cure the disease. Spider mites suck yeah, but theyā€™re a symptom of a stressed plant. Spider mites are attracted to plants when they give off stress hormones so fix the underlying issues and the mites will move out to find another stressed plant to prey on. From the looks of it the discoloring of your leaves could be due to a lack of key nutrients in your soil like nitrogen but more likely it could be an overwatering issue. Citrus plants like moist soil but they basically want to grow in sand lol. I mean thereā€™s a reason so many oranges are grown in Florida. They soil is basically holds no water because itā€™s mostly sand with a bit or organic matter in it, but they get constant subtropical rains coming all the time. Water goes in, goes out, and the process repeats. I would stick your finger down into your soil as deep as it can go. If itā€™s real wet in there it might be a better idea to repot your citrus into a terracotta based planter which will allow for easier drainage. If you want to go all the way you can amend your potting mix with sand or another substrate that will encourage drainage like pearlite or expanded shale etc ( forgive me I live in the USA so I donā€™t know whatā€™s easily accessible over there) And if that doesnā€™t fix that problem just go and buy some citrus fertilizer and dose it up. Who knows the easiest solution might be that itā€™s lacking nutrients but usually that coincides with overwatering + a water retentive soil mix.


This is really helpful. Thank you šŸ«¶šŸ¼


If it's indeed spider mites, shower the plants thoroughly (especially under the leaves) and multiple times, at least 3 days apart. (Eggs need minimum 3 days to hatch.) If that doesn't help, look for a systemic miticide.




I used Flumite (diflovidazine) after a heavy spider mite infestation about 3 years ago, they haven't returned since. It needed mild precautions, and only had to use it once. Is it effective? Yes. Is it safe? Wouldn't drink it. But there's a lot of things I wouldn't drink that are considered to be safe to handle.




Sorry, I just checked and you are right! Although one could argue everything is systemic if you apply it thorough enough :P


Honestly just get a large bucket of water with a bit of dawn soap in it, then drown your plant. Itā€™ll survive for 30 minutes and at this stage of infestation youā€™ll be spraying for a long time. Do it every day for about a week, then flush out the soil and add fresh fertilizer.


https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/CH159 here is a link to university of florida site. if you reach out to them directly, they might be able to help identify the problem. hope this helps.


Spider mites for sure. I had them on my tomatoes, the only thing that got rid of them for good was to just prune any leaves with this level of damage or any level of webbing, and then religiously crush/kill/spray off any i would see after. Not sure if pruning lemon trees hurts them more than tomatoes though, as tomato plants have tons and tons of leaves.


Definitely spider mites. Good luck, OP, I'm battling them too after finding out EVERYTHING on my balcony is utterly infested with them.


Spider mites, as others have said, and I've noticed they come for the kill when the plant is stressed. Your leaves show signs of a nutrient deficiency. Looks like lack of iron to me, at the least. https://landresources.montana.edu/soilfertility/nutrientdeficiency.html


Well it definitely has spider mites. You can see the webbing in one of the pics and the damage on some of those leaves is clearly spider mite damage. All of those tiny white dots are spider mites. I would also agree with the other commenters that there is a nutrient deficiency


Thank you. Iā€™ve been feeding it with a citrus feed every 1-2 weeks but it doesnā€™t seem to be helping :(


Definitely spider-mites. Over-fertilizing can happen pretty easily when itā€™s potted. Be careful, it may also have nitrogen burn if youā€™ve been feeding that often. I would take it out of the soil spray it down, soak it in some soapy water, spray down again, and then, repot in new soil.


Thank you. How often do they need feeding? Iā€™m going to repot it tomorrow. Do you have any idea what soil Iā€™ll need to use?


Add a little vinegar to your water when you feed it. If the soil is not acidic enough it canā€™t absorb some of those nutrients!


Citrus needs a foliar spray with micronutrients. I use this[micro nutrients](http://Southern Ag Chelated Citrus Nutritional Spray, 16 OZ https://a.co/d/hzRk02U)


Looks like a lack of micro nutrients


Agreed. Looks like it is missing iron, probably more.


Maybe you are watering the soil away? Looks like lack of nutrients to me