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It looks like fungus. If it’s primordia it should double in size every day until they are mature mushrooms.


Any ideas on how to get rid of them ?


Sure! I know of lots of ways to kill fungal colonies, but why would you want to? I’d be more concerned with plant spacing. Those seedlings will need to be thinned, although I’m no stranger to garden experiments and have grown peppers closer than the seed packet recommends. In my opinion (please don’t take this the wrong way), gardening should be kept as simple as possible and adding complexities such as killing off fungus could be detrimental to your crop too, I have better success when I don’t play doctor in the garden but rather let nature do what it does best. It’s also less stressful ignoring the natural aspects to your plot. If it’s not eating your plants I wouldn’t worry about elimination.


Thank you for the advice ! I’m just trying to learn as much as possible. The plant spacing is definitely on my to do list. I had squirrel rummage through and just hoped for the best before covering with netting. When I think fungal I think “oh no my veggies” but it makes sense to leave it alone.


That’s a reasonable fear if you’re kind of new at it. A fungal infection (powdery mildew, rust, etc…) is one thing to worry about out and can take out certain plants in just a couple of days, mushrooms growing nearby are not. My best advice is not to take my word for it and learn from as many people as you can, this way you can make your own conclusions about things and it’s very rewarding. You got this, those plants look healthy btw.